Kissinger tells global elite Ukraine should give Russia territory

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Henry Kissinger tells global elite gathered at Davos that Ukraine should give Russia territory

Former US secretary of state told conference that Ukraine should accept terms. The 98-year-old added if they don't begin negotiations there will be 'upheavals'. He said it would be 'fatal' for the West to get swept up in 'mood of the moment'.


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I side with Anthony Bourdain when it comes to Henry Kissinger

Are you fucking kidding me!!!

Kissinger is one of many former government officials whose policies have not demonstrated sound judgement. Mistakes in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan demonstrate lack of comprehension:how best to use our power. Ukraine may be America’s “canary in the coal mine”. Our future follows.

How come these old dying hacks get any air time at all. He was horrid when he had power. Nothing changes.

The US don’t care about Ukraine. For them it is just a tool for only their interests. Don’t forget that they don’t give money to Ukraine, it’s a loan that need to be refund. The US are not Ukraine’s friend.

No need to give Russia territory, they have already taken it

Didn’t he also secretly warn the North Vietnamese not to stop fighting as they’d get better peace terms if Nixon were elected President? Definitely trustworthy. No question.

How much of Isreal does he think should be turned over to stop the conflict with Palestinians?

Shouldn't he have dementia by now

That dollop of port wine stained Crisco can speak?

War criminal says what?

Kissinger is still out peddling his dreadful advice to the foreign relations leaders. Why can’t he stay out of it? Davos

Henry Kissinger is the last person to provide advice about any of this....


Clearly out-of-touch at 98.

He’s no longer relevant KissingerCenter KissingerInst and after being associated w/ the Elizabeth Holmes / Theranos grift I’d think people would be VERY wary of his “advice’…

Russia does not want any territory, it only want to liberate DONBAS..

What a Prize Prat! Kidsinger is Yesterdays man.

Henry Kissinger is still alive? How can that be?

Definitely no.

A timid mind.

Has peace ever succeeded after giving land to a corrupt authoritarian invader? SlavaUkraine

Isn't Kissinger the guy who made China the world threat it has become? Just sayin'.

This man should have been tried for war crimes decades ago.

He’s still alive? He was ancient in the 1970s!

Kissinger always was untrustworthy and now he’s an irrelevancy.

That fucker is still alive?

Henry Kissinger should…go to hell

Is he still alive! 🤦‍♀️

I thought he was dead.

Ukraine will be split, it's just a matter of time. The two have sides of Ukraine have been at war for over 8yrs and it's now finally coming to ahead.

'Lenins teaching are that anyone who doesn't take whats lying in front of him is a fool. If you can take it, do so. If you can attack strike. But if theres a wall retreat. The communist leaders respect only firmness and have contempt for people who continually give in to them'


It would be like giving Hitler a piece of Poland, to appease him, or one concentration camp. Unacceptable, Im sure, to the people fighting for their freedom.

Why is Kissinger still talking and who is listening to him?

After Kissinger made a fool of himself and I calmed down a bit, I choose to concentrate on what President Zelensky had to say. 'History at a Turning Point' and he's the leader of the FREE WORLD these days. Kissinger can 'kiss my grits'!

He's wrong. Putin had Crimea and Donbas.. he wasn't satisfied

Hmmmm... Did he also tell America to give back Native Land to the rightful owners the Indians? Potus

Dang who dug up, or did he crawl out of his crypt to say that.

Time to stay home. No one needs to hear 60year old strategies.

It is for the best. Negotiating on territory is path to peace. Let s hope Ukraine will be reasonable.

I’m sure Ukraine cares what Kissinger thinks.

BREAKING (2014): Ukraine broke up, dipshits.

He should move to Russia. We'll rescind his passport & he can help them with his crappy 'diplomacy' concepts.

Awesome..!!, finally someone wise that says it the way it is. The US took in Ukraine in 2014, changed the regime, placed BioLabs and rockets towards Russia, facilitated the Azov to kill civilians in the east..



..and Taiwan to China.

'England would have been better off if they had surrendered to Hitler.'

A Democracy does not give in to a terrorist who invades them unprovoked with massive force destroying everything that is beautiful and slaughtering thousands.

Kissinger fails to realize this isn't a European problem. It's a Putin problem. Moreso, it's an existential problem for democracy. Sacrificing Ukraine for the 'bigger picture ' in essence changes the big picture. Allow despots to invade so they remain our allies? No thanks.

Kissinger Associates is an active member of the U.S.-Russia Business Council.

And instantly he follows russian warship 🤷‍♂️

This is how the war is going to end. Russia will say their security concerns have been achieved by creating a buffer zone. Ukraine will never recognize it. The world will accept it. Geopolitical politics is gross. But the consequences of continued war could be catastrophic.

Stfu Kissinger leaving his tomb to spew nonsense

I thought he was un alive.

Der nächste alte Mann der sich nicht über Putins Feldzug informiert hat und Scheiße von sich gibt. Ein sehr dummer alter Mann.

Why in the hell are we listening to a 98 YEAR OLD RUSSIAN SYMPATHIZER? If we let Russia take Ukraine they will be absolutely emboldened to continue their rape and plunder of other countries. Russia is the ENEMY and United States Conservatives are CONSORTING WITH THEM !!

Dang, the appeaser of dictators is still alive?

This cant be true, pretty sure Kissinger is Dead.

I guess in his opinion it would be ok for Russia to seize Alaska too?

Henry for sure can give Russia pieces of his personal garden😂

This is such a shame!! Kissinger is such a traitor!! The whole world has to support Ukraine and fight russian aggression. StandWithUkraine️ SaveAzovstalDefenders SaveAzov UkrainianHeroes PrayForUkraine SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦🙏🏻💙💛

extradite him to Cambodia

Henry Kissinger is totally wrong

The worst ones really do live for-fucking-ever don’t they?

Not an inch.

Why would they give land?

Der Mann ist eine Millionen Jahre alt 🤷‍♂️

I thaught Kissinger was dead long time ago.. But me too not updated. 😱

Sure, but only if US give Russians Alaska as well. Why only Ukrainians should lose territory?

He can give his azz to Putin, if he actually want to give something that belong to him...

I'm OK if France and Germany lose some territory to Russia if this is the direction they want to go, but Ukraine is a victim of Russian imperialism, and shouldn't be used as a bargaining chip between other powers.

he hung out with Putin

medical91 F H

Oh hell no!! 👎

Then US should give back California Texas and Nevada



I am almost sure that Putin would agree with leaving Ukraine its borders untouched but give Russia Alaska. Maybe a better plan Mr. Kissinger?

Hopefully they'll dismiss this advice as evidence of senility.

May he give part of his body to Russia instead?


Age doesn’t always mean that people who have previously, on many many occasions, screwed up reflect on the history of their screw ups and think before speaking up, once again! They’d rather the world just continue to view their lack of self awareness as “it’s just Kissinger!”

Kissinger still uncomfortable with war criminals being confronted and prosecuted because, well, there's no statute of limitations...

Kissinger, trying to stay relevant after his disaster as SoS. Why anyone keeps listening to this fossil is beyond me.

Henry K. should eat less naphtalene balls. I don't get it. Maybe US should give Russia Alaska first. Or some other piece.

Is Kissinger volunteering to give Russia his own house?

Didn’t know he was still alive.

Hasn’t this man created enough problems because ppl listened to him? Enough of the whole generation.

Still wrong after all these years.

Isn’t he dead yet?

Spare us

Kissinger? The war criminal

If you're advocating for pro-fascism/pro-authoritarianism you are not pro-democracy and should be flat out ignored and shunned as a fascist.

Kissinger was born in 1923 - he will be 100 years old in a few days. he likely thinks he’s talking about the Soviet Union. Why are folks giving this man a voice? Who cares what he says. A great Russia and Kissinger are things of the past.

It’s pretty easy to give away other peoples stuff isn’t it?


Henry should make a trip to Switzerland.

Sure, as soon as israel gives its territory back to Palestine.

Ugh 😣

Kissinger who?

Absolutely NO! Ukraine should cede nothing!

War criminal Kissinger is still alive?

Come on DidKissingerD1e.

No offense but Ukraine should not take advice from a 119 year old man

ReflectingMan Screw that

Nope. Russia will just lose and agree they retreat the Russian empire will break up, just like when the they broke up after the Soviets retreated from Afghanistan in 1989

Why exactly has Kissinger ever been held in respect. Seems he has been wrong a lot and been around some of the worst presidents. He is wrong on this measure.

Kissinger is still alive

Who in the world still takes Henry Kissinger advise serious? Everything he touched turn to a disaster.

Maybe Kissinger should tell Israel to give Russia some territory.

Heaven won’t take him and Hell doesn’t want him either.

As we are still suffering from the Kissenger mistakes from a generation ago, he offers this generation a path to new self destruction. Davos should be ashamed to give him voice.

Honest question. Who invited Kissinger to speak? I think this is very important.

Well there's no taking it back lol Ukrain patsies lose another battle.

Kissinger: A war crim that is somehow still alive and free. Cambodia. Theranos. Putin. Cockroaches survive.

99 yo Henry Kissinger touting Trump & GQP party line -Sad

Remember he let North Vietnam keep all of their military in place in South Vietnam when the peace deal was signed fatally setting up the end of S.V. Our deal excluded S.V. from the negotiations. HK is consistent in his stupidity.

Did he ever get ANYTHING right?

Russia should give Ukraine territory. 🖕Kissinger 50 yrs ago & today

Anyone see a pattern with him? Where is the deep dive into Henry Kissinger’s words & actions over the past 50 years?

My first reaction - he's still alive?! 😳

I thought he was dead. Remember when he was in that old movie?

Don’t toy with us like that. Kissinger is trending and he’s still befouling the planet. What a disappointment. He’s one of those who will make the world a better place by leaving it.

FTLOG. He's 100 years old and he made so many mistakes that everyone is still paying for in this country.

Henry Kissinger is proof that the good die young

i've read every book by and about kissinger. smart guy. no moral compass. the only thing he should be doing in davos is skiing. and since he's 218 years old, maybe just Apres Skiing.

Kissinger is Kookoo Krazy🤦🤦🤦


Kissinger doesn't live there.

He's still alive I remember as a little kid one of my uncles translated the numbers of his name into 666. That always stuck with me.

Why does Kissinger want the mutant Nazi of Ukraine's problem to be handed over to Russia? The U.S. no longer keeps UkraNazi against NATO Expansion plot?

Give Texas to Mexico .

After the horrific genocide inflicted by Russia on the Ukrainian men, women and children? America can lead the way by giving Russia Alaska.

Kissinger has been the facilitator for elites for many years. He's not to be trusted.

Attempts by”The West”to inflict a crippling defeat on Russia is clearly failing,as the Ukrainian coalition continue to fall short,so too the media propaganda.After the initial setbacks the momentum now is positive,the Russians are making gains RussiaUkraineConflict Putin Biden

Global elite lol.

Kissinger is confounding 'Russia' with Putin's regime.

This should only be acceptable once USA has given Alaska to Canada

Let’s give the Russians Kissinger. jaketapper maddow

Kissenger is poison.

Henry is out of touch.

Let’s start giving: Alaska first

Sounds right. If Ukraine can’t win - and it seems is losing ground day after day - then explore a peace talk with return to 2021 status quo

So we'll just give a country who decides to invade any other country, what they want.. don't think so!

The more this agenda is pushed the more hatred grows for USA and NATO by Ukrainians and those against this war. USA will be worse of in the international system if they push this crazy stuff for Russia 🇷🇺.

Why would they do that

Comment: 05242022 Impossible as the current Russian government isn't credible at all not starting a new war in the future about parts or the rest of the Ukraine as 2014 and 2022 has shown us all.

Such politicians as Kissinger have made America an unreliable ally,the reason the world order has been distorted and lost its function!

HenrryKissinger 👈🙅‍♂️😡 🇺🇦

Give Russia territory in Austria. Call it an anchluss. What could possibly go wrong. Kissinger

There isn't going to be any other outcome other than the East of Ukraine being controlled by Russia and a rump Ukraine unable to join NATO.

In 1938 and 1939, he would have said to Czechoslovakia and Poland, give territory to Hitler. 'Peace in our time.'


No, they shouldn't.

Putin’s slut

Kissinger has been a fifth columnist for 50 years - Putin has had him at his disposal for 23 years

Why is this Dinosaur even at Davis? Letting Putin get anything is 'give an inch, take a mile.'


I'd be interested to know which bit of the US Henry Kissinger would be willing to give up if it was the US which was being attacked by Russia. So, old man, which bit is it! 😡

At last, some common sense.

NO !!

How about Kissenger gives his territory, his home, his money, his life..? Why is the world still listening to this hapless fool... Wrong about so much to others cost throughout post war history... Ukraine 🇺🇦🙏

Kissinger is too old to know.

I thought Kissinger was dead a while ago

“Old white dude with no qualitative/STEM related skills tells nation what to do”

Brilliant.... First make Ukraine believe that US and Nato will help you when Putin comes after you... Cities and lives get destroyed and now sieving giving up territory.. I feel sorry for Ukraine. Why do countries fall prey to false promises of the US and Nato over and over again

The West is the sponsor of 'the mood of the moment'.

Pakistan did n doing war on INDIA with support of USA, they are killing Indian army n civilians on daily basis in India. Bangladesh did with support of rest of the World. China did n still doing war on India with support of rest of the World. SO,Y THE WORLD IS DEAF n DUMB NOW?SAD

Yeah but I don’t listen much to carpet bombing illegal war criminals.


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