Johnson urges peaceful struggle against racism

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

'It's the covert racism that is so damaging' in the UK, says singer Jamelia 'The ignorance and indifference of white people allows a level of complicity... to be anti-racist you have to be actively part of dismantling the systems that you benefit from'

Thanking those who abided by social distancing while taking to the streets, the PM warned that further mass demonstrations endangered the UK's efforts to bring the coronavirus epidemic under control.Priti Patel:"This hooliganism is utterly indefensible, no justification for it"

"And so I must say clearly that those who attack public property or the police - who injure the police officers who are trying to keep us all safe - those people will face the full force of the law. He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme:"I am quite clear the law has got to be followed. What I am also clear about is I don't lead with words like 'thuggery, recklessness and lawlessness'.


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Also, supporters of the BLM movement keep spouting on about 'dismantling' the structures of our society... What, the very same society that you choose to live in because it gives us freedom, democracy and a standard of living most of the rest of the world could only dream of?

It's not enough just to tell us white people that we need to 'educate' ourselves; if you make a strong claim like the UK is inherently racist then the onus is on YOU to explain what you mean and to back up your argument with facts and evidence. We're still waiting.

People in this movement keep talking about 'structural' racism in the UK and USA but so far I've not heard one person give a single example to explain what they mean by this or give any facts to support their claim. Where are the FACTS?

Dismantle the system that she benefits from? Huh. Kind of a weird angle, but whatevs. 🤷‍♂️

Top 1% hoard wealth poor ppl of all colours are deprived opportunities. This struggle should not be based on colour but fairness for all regardless of race or culture. Redistribution of wealth is the only way to do this.

You know I’ve never heard such rubbish. If you’re so unhappy here go and live somewhere else. I’m sure many countries would welcome your positive attitude.

Foxtrot Oscar

She’s been so rude about all sorts of people on tv, she’s one to talk

So riddle me this, if it's so f***ing bad, why do you live here? Why is everyone passing through safe countries to get here if it's as you say? I never had a problem with black people, but now I see you.

Really, you want to see racism? One knee you must be f***ing joking.

One of the best things that have come out of these events is that the covert is having light shined on it. How is it that across so many countries, New Zealand, Australia, North and South America, Canada WhiteSupremacy is causing the common problem of racist oppression.

It’s just a string of words..... What specifically can’t you have because of the colour of your skin?

scummedia mediascum Bbc

Is this the same Jamelia? 🙄

She’s a racist herself

Who cares what she thinks? BoredWithJamelia

I really don't understand why after years of working together to end racial issues, suddenly the left has made it a big problem again? If everyone proud to be British, sees blacks as hating Britain, how is that ever going to help

Who even is this?

Your cliches ensure that I will do everything I can not to dismantle anything I think is good


BBC are finished

You got sacked for discrimination 😂😂😂

She can go bollocks. She wants to thank her lucky stars. Good job she had tits and ass because she cant sing live but a minor celeb, yet she Lectures about race. Give over pet. Anywhere else you may have been a working girl.

Why was she sacked from Loose Women? And you have to be very bad to be sacked from that tripe!

She's a has been wannu be singer .. needing to earn a fiver

Why do the media seek her out for expert opinions outside of music?

The BLM Movement has just made me realise how much they hate us!

Says the person who sold millions of records to white people 🙄

So glad i don`t fund or pay the scumMedia BBC a single penny, i wised up years ago.

Multi millionaire spoilt brat giving lectures.

Low IQ individual. Utterly shocking reflection of the modern day phenomenon of giving certain people far too much prominence just because they tick certain boxes, rather than being knowledgeable.

More race baiting from the BBC 😞 🙄

Disgrace , I’m a law abiding citizen now you are saying all white people are the same

Thick as brick

If you have to actively participate in dismantling in order to claim to be anti, that means if you are inactive you are pro. Yes? Who among us is actively dismantling drug gangs, child abuse rings, human trafficking & terror networks?

I really wish people would start using the term 'Racists' rather than 'White People' There are people of all colours and backgrounds standing together now. Saying 'White people' just puts it back again.

JBoycie What does that actually mean?

Anyone else sick of being demonised because you’re white?

No mention of the systematic gang culture that kills a disproportionate amount of black people. BBC use Jamelia who’s own brother serving 19 years for shooting another black man in head three times is yet again so hypocritical. Snitches get stitches and the cycle goes on.

Completely agree..... ....however lets not also forget the indifference and ignorance toward people working in sweat shops in Asia that we all benefit from, those from all backgrounds who live in the West

Who established in principle ( through a court case) that one man can own another for life A black man!

blondeafro White people should benefit from the systems built by their ancestors. It is natural and normal to pass something down to your kith & kin. We are not morally obliged to colonise & replace ourselves with foreigners Jamelia.

I don’t want to known as a white person. I’m just a person.

Thank you Jamelia - I salute your courage and bravery to speak out

Lead 'singer' in the group called 'chips on our shoulders'.

This woman is vile..

And are BLM ignorant and indifferent? FFS wake up!

I can't understand how anyone could see this and disagree with any of it. Wow.

When are we gonna hear from people with something to say other than ridiculous ramblings of this kind.

Jamelia you’ve convinced me I’m a racist and the is nothing I can say or do the change it thanks I’m going to have to live with it

So if a person of colour says nothing about the rape gangs or knife crime epidemic are those people complicit in that crime? Or is it only white silence that equates to guilt? Genuine question.

She's done all right though.

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I agree. Rascism is subtle and sneaky. It’s in my street where I live and in the little churches, in schools. If you’re white you don’t see it but when many do see it they turn a blind eye to it.

Guess what, first american's slave owner was black and he was the first to make owing a slave legal.

Completely agree. “I think one of the critical questions for white people in this society is, 'What are you willing to risk? What are you willing to sacrifice to create a more just society?'”

I think she’s spot on about education, everybody should be encouraged to read “Black red necks white liberals” by Thomas Sowell. It will tell you everything you need to know about black failure Jamelia.

These idiotic Labour politicians and the Left are making this country racist!

Father is Zimbabwean -they threw out whites there-now she denigrates whites here -Mum is from Jamaica - she came here seemed to like it - Jamelia has made a fortune here - how about saying something positive about Great Britain and those terrible white people

What the hell do you want that you haven't already got.? Colour domination.? It isn't going to happen, your culture wouldn't stand for it, neither will non black cultures.

Vile racist woman

How long before white people have to apologise for being white in order to be anti-racist...?

bbcwm Jamelia is the most racist person I know she was kicked off loose woman for being racist

We live in a white majority country if black people feel that white people dont pander to their little feelings then they can always move to a black majority country and stop bellyaching all the time

“You white people are evil! Your country is evil! Be Ashamed, repent and ask my forgiveness” . . . “I don’t understand why you don’t like me”

Is it white peoples fault that black people keep stabbing black people? Sort out your own problems first. Put your guns and knives away.

AllLivesMatter The Cabal Scum Race Baiting Media doesn't matter and needs scrapping NOW!!!

Might of know this old has been would pop up. Total racist with victim mentality. UK is not racist. If it was explain why Asians and Chinese here are amongst the most successful. It's mindset and families that breed success.

Headline should read: 'Jamelia admits she is racist towards White people'.

You won't regret. Watching this song!

Silly cow


'The ignorance and indifference of white people...' Goodbye, bigot.


Please give us examples not generalisations.

No way. False. People need to stop the victimhood mindset and take responsibility for their lives. No doubt there is adversity for many people in the UK (from various backgrounds) but don't infer its some kind of national conspiracy.

What does that mean?

Blacks are never racist of course. Were the Asians asking to have their homes and businesses confiscated before being expelled from Uganda? Who came to their rescue, racist Britain, that's who. Grow up Jamelia or stick to trying to shriek musically.

The UK media and government part of the problem. Asians are written and broadcast as the model minority. The UK government and media coverage of black British people tends to be so negative. It isn't a surprise three token South Asians given top jobs in Tory government.

You're right - I am indifferent.

So is she 'actively part of dismantling the systems' that benefit her? Or is she racist?

Maybe she should look at her own family.....

Your are being racist by talking about white people.

The girl has issues about old people and fat people and now Britain is too racist? Utopia is hard to find! She has a few Bob now so why isn't she living in her perfect world? Because there is no such place!

Why do black people think racism can only come from white people? I'm so sick of this racism is a two way street we need to stop all this and all love one another peace out ✌

Ignorance yes ,

Um, no.

Defund the BBC DefundTheBBC

Jamelia I'm mixed race. I've faced racism from black and white people. I know not all in either race are racist. So you Jamelia, should start with the man in the mirror. Making a sweeping judgement against all white people like that? Your attitude is no help against racism

How can Jamelia say this when she has earned millions from our country, with people buying her music. I would think she has a very good life in our country.

When not being racist isn’t enough, you now have to march. Telling people to basically pick a side

BBCPolitics Don't you just love privileged black people telling us how it is and what we must do about it?

Is Jamelia actively dismantling the system she's benefitted from I wonder? The system that has brought her fame, money, wealth, TV appearances, 100k product launch contract, home ownership etc. The oppression she’s suffered under this ‘insidious’ system is heartbreaking.

She has the IQ of a brick, why is she listened to about anything. oh forgot we have to treat every black as a spokesman for the 'community'

So people getting on with their lives is 'covert racism'?

Yes it’s only white people who are racist give us a break .

Because all white people think the same...that sounds racist to me

Some of the responses to this are an absolute mess and highlight the great need for change. The lack of empathy or even desire to engage with difficult conversations here is absolutely staggering and heart breaking.

So why has she only ever voted and campaigned once in any election in her life so she can help change things, thats not actively taking part to 'dismantle the system', hell she actually wants to deny votes to people.

To put it another way, white people’s “privilege” is like a super power... So do blacks want to share superman’s powers, or do they just want him to hang up the cape for good? If being ignorant allows whites to fly, I can see why previous efforts have failed wheresthekryptonite

BBC continues to push their anti white rhetoric? Guess all White people were born with silver spoon in their mouth? mass epidemic of rape of white underage kids covered up because if you speak out you’re racist Jamelia another privileged celeb who benefitted from white fans

So I take it as we’re all so racist only ‘black people’ buy your records?

Assuming certain behaviours are typical of an entire group of society and making that assumption based on their race? Wow. Quite literally the definition of racism.

Well said Jamelia. Just like using the Covid to put FEAR in black and Asian children returning to get an education. When will it stop.

Television invented by a white person. It's a racist, oppressive tool.

So I am white a racist - well never been racist and never will

DefundTheBBC DefundTheBBC

Jamelia has been so oppressed reporting from her £1 million house

Brexit failed, Chinese Virus failed so let's try RACE RIOTS. Soros, Bliar and Gates to the extremists, MSM and press.

Is the only racial group to benefit from this society Anglo-Saxon white? It's not a racist society if anything it can be judged as an unfair society, and this applies to all people here.

You didn't show all of her racist uneducated ill informed rant did you. And let her rant on and on unchallenged. Will she give back the money she got from her white 'fans'?

That’s a racist comment jamelia Making assumptions and generalisations 🤔

Why is the BBC giving her air time? 😟

BBC is suppose to be unbiased.

White Privilege is bullshit & a very racist term

Do we need to believe every word that being said in relation to BLM? White Privilege is a Myth!!

Yet despite all this she had a successful career as a singer and now works in the media. Nobody denies that racism exists but this open hatred of everything white surely is the very definition of racism in it's self?

adamboultonSKY So other peoples racism is my fault according to Jamelia? Wow

She’s proved right by most of the tweets here, unfortunately.

Wow, are the going out to find these insignificant nobodies to give their tuppence worth to aid their obvious bias?

'...dismantling the systems that you benefit from...'

Absolute tripe!!!!!!

Well said Jamelia !

guys you don't understand I think shes explaining in general society is racist, like teachers in school treat you different for being black. you get searched and racial profiled more. and there ancestors were slaves to whites, its quite deep.

Sounds familiar.

so why if we are such a racist intolerant country, why she here, she could always emigrate to Africa and all it offers in diversity

Black people need to stop calling racism to everything that goes against them Car gets pulled for no insurance you’ve only pulled because I’m black, black kids stabbing black kids,police search,your only searching me because I’m black.Didn’t get job because in black

BlackLivesMattter doing their level best to convince people they don’t!

I’m sorry but she’s an idiot..

Did she just stereotype an entire race?

vicderbyshire Remember this woman saying that stores should not stock clothes for people above or below a certain weight? She said ‘they should be made to feel uncomfortable’ by not being able to find clothes in their size. Rude and judgmental, but still pontificating.

Change the tune. Try looking at life from the other side and try sticking up for abused whites quietly getting on with their jobs, without the leisure or media coverage given to their abusers.

vicderbyshire I heard Jameila's comments as she was saying them and she was basically telling white people that they are resist if they don't joint there protests. I find it very insulting to be called a racist and I have never joined any kind of protest in my life so wont be starting now

So take a flight or jump in a dinghy and leave, one less racist like yourself can only be a good thing for Britain's future!!! AND HURRY UP!!

Generalising about white people is just as racist and Britain is one of the worlds least racist countries.

Shameful. Thankfully the chinese virus and the riots have shown us a lot of our msm celebrity culture.

That old bandwagon is getting mighty full now. How long before the wheels fall off?

These BLM / Marxists are RACIST, they hate white people, it's so painfully obvious.

Then dismantle Black lives matter the system that yo benefit from and your just running your mouth to avoid the real injustice and racist violence that your black lives will matter when you think they matter and look into the real issue blacks are killing blacks more them cops.

how can 'White People' not be aware when it is them you're accusing of being rascist daily

Covert stabbings are damaging in the UK.

This is so offensive, she says as a white person I am privileged, I’m sorry but I am not, for you speak to any government department the first question they ask are you black or asain, as soon as you answer you are white you get sorry we cannot help you, so how is that privileged

Take a long look in the mirror. Obsessed with race? You’re a racist.

90% or more of the comments prove her point. I can't decide if they are trolling, intellectually dishonest or just dumb. But the tone deafness is off the charts.

Prophet Mohamed said

Can someone please tell us white people exactly what we are supposed to do please ?

Some good thoughtful points. Wish I could have concentrated more but blinded by the beauty of Michelle. Having worked in many commonwealth countries I haven’t experienced exclusion, overt or covert, as a minority! What is it about the UK system that excludes?

KateWilliamsme BAME Broadcasting Corporation.

KateWilliamsme Why would dismantle the system that we all benefit from? More utter shite from these Antifa anarchists

Right now I really hate you BBC

cry me a river

Wait so “white people” is a group and we’re all the same basically. How isn’t THAT racist? jamelia DoubleStandards fool I never comment on things like this but this has thrown me over the edge. 😡

Who’s Jamelia?

Poor white boys are the least likely group to go to university so not sure how that fact ties in with what's being said here.


That’s absolute garbage! My ex wife and partner are both white but have nothing to do with any of this, they just carry on being covertly racist whilst looking after my mixed race kids...

Outraged people don't want to put things into a bigger context do they. They're scared if they do they'll find that the points they shout aren't valid. Usually those that shout the loudest are the biggest hypocrites. And the BBC don't help.

Sick & tired of having you the BBC endlessly dog whistle me that I'm racist because I'm white & stupid because I voted leave, I've had enough of your insults & lies, I want you gone, defunded, bankrupted & dismantled.

She raised some good points regarding systemic racism, which could extend to several other isms eg sexism, LGBT. The discussion was rational and we are all complicit in 'isms' if we dont attempt to challenge where we can. We cant view it from others' perspective so we can listen

It's complicated. People are talking about the history behind it. I think that white people who are not racist need to start speaking out about their own ancestors. No-one is talking about what we suffered to create what we have in our society today.

Oh no those poor black people ( no idea why they refer to themselves as black) I don’t acknowledge skin colours I see people but then I’m not racist. I am getting tired now of all this wow is me bollocks though. Jamelia was pulled over once a week by racist police 🤔 doubt it

Might be easier to let white people know what isn't considered racist.

Racism. Always on the white as though the black no racism hmm 🤔 we should know in every people’s group racism is real. White is racist. Black is racist. Brown is racist. Show me someone who is not, and I will show you the hypocrite. Be humble. That’s how we begin to heal. Peace

That's such a sweeping,racist statement,implying that no white people care about this,and all white people hate black people. These kinds of racist conspiracy theories are gaining a lot of traction now. People like this are further whipping up racial tension, bigotry and hate

Another racist comment by a black person

Black playing the race card. Perhaps whites just get on with life and don’t think they are owed something and go out and earn it.

Jamelia is a racist. She’s as racist as the KKK. Two sides of the same grubby coin.

Cue white men crying.......

Surely ‘dismantling systems’ only causes chaos? Does she mean fix systems ? Or rearrange systems ? Or reorganize systems? Where’s the ‘ignorance’ ......

She’s talking out of her arse.

Frankly I'm sick of being called racist by people who don't know me because of the skin I was born with. If I spent all my time attempting to correct all the injustices occurring in the world I wouldn't be able to do anything else! AllLivesMatter

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