Covid-19: Bradford salon fined £17,000 for lockdown opening

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Bradford hair salon fined £17,000 for repeatedly opening in breach of lockdown rules

A hair salon owner is facing £17,000 in fines for repeatedly opening in breach of Covid-19 lockdown rules.

The council found the salon open again on Monday and issued a further £10,000 fine. The salon had been fined £1,000 and £2,000 for previous breaches.More stories from around Yorkshire On the video, she is heard saying: "I don't consent to any fines, so it will just be returned to sender."She had also displayed a poster on the salon door which refers to the Magna Carta and says the shop is "under the jurisdiction of common law".which say non-essential shops, including hairdressers, must close.'Devastating period'

The council said in a statement: "We completely understand how tough it has been, and continues to be, for local businesses throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


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Sinead, sat in prison; 'I don't recognise this as a prison, this does not apply to me'

Amazing how a dizzy tart who wanted to keep making money in a greedy manner is being treated like a freedom fighter. Some of my fellow brits have absolutely lost their minds.

An absolute disgrace but nothing surprising at all about it. The people need to get together on this - it's just the start.

Earlier it was 27,000 so you can't even tell truth there

Close it down

Fine her customers as well for going out to non essential shops

Their clients shouldn’t go either no clients no point in being open , selfishness all round

Well done them. Now we need a Petition that all these businesses have their fines refunded, once the Fuellmich Legal challenge is complete. Some interesting data here too:

Hospitality, gyms, hairdressers ... spent 000s of £s to be covid compliant and have been punished for it - my gym reopened on 31 August after 5 months and was closed again on 20 Nov despite not having one single track and trace notification. Mass disobedience is the answer.

Sinead broke the law on Monday then she did again on Tuesday we were all breaking the law by Wednesday Thursday Friday we chilled on Sunday. It almost feels melodic 🎶 CraigDavid

Brexit Britain

'I don't consent to fines' 🤪

Clearly this person doesn't know the difference between law and morality (ethics), is it ethical to reopen and thereby risk contributing to an increase in covid-19 or flu cases that may leading to hospitals being overwhelmed especially during winter?

Bit harsh!

Good luck!

Love how the brainwashed masses are really taking pleasure out of all this fascism very strange behaviour to not want to fight for your livelihoods most comments are bots trying to influence people's thoughts & minds normalizing conditional freedom & oppression

Will never stand up in court

Another misleading article to wind people up. It ends with the council not actually issuing any fines 😂

Contested & cancelled just like all the other meaningless fines 👍🏻

Does the magna carta thing have any clout. I feckin hope so.

About time.

I bet thy got fuck all help from the government first and second time like us. All you saying they should shut shop can be happy knowing you are or will be paying these people to stay at home on benefits 😂👍. Enjoy ya tax rises to support everyone

Never mind fines for her, slap all her customers with a huge fine too. They are the ones taking the chance in the name of vanity, both sides are as bad as each other.


Well done to that salon. If the BBC don't ask why that fine is larger than the ones given to paedophiles, you know what type of people are running this country.

Arseholes likes this are the reason we are back in a lockdown. If folk followed basic rules from the outset we’d be in a much better position than we are now.

The you sure her name's not Karen?

Well done to the Salon! Treasonous lockdowns were based on fraudulent figures and inaccurate testing. These fines are not enforceable. Media pushing fear again.*yawn* commonlaw MagnaCarta SmallBusiness

Lovely dystopia we find ourselves in. Poor salon, have they started a crowdfund...I’d donate!

First rule of breaking the law - don't get caught. Doing crime in full view of plod is rank stupidity. Even plod themselves conduct their criminal acts largely under cover. Watch and learn.

If she bothered to look - the Magna Carta is not what she thinks it is. It reigned in the power of the King to protect the interests of Barons, not the masses. Take the business support from Rishi, close your shop & stay at home BradfordBaroness MagnaCarta

And displayed a poster of the magma Carter to try and get away with it.... what’s wrong with people.

Posting excerpts from Magna Carta as a defence? She should have surrounded the shop with a line of salt, no way council officers could have crossed that!

'I don't consent to being fined' 🤣 good luck with that defense when you're dragged in front of a judge for non-payment.


But.... Sovereign citizens and... stuff..

She was last seen doing 149mph on the wrong carriageway of the M606, swigging from a bottle of vodka and using her phone to post on Instagram that she does not consent. Her car had no MOT, insurance or road tax.

Good for her, the fines will likely be thrown out of court.

This is embarrassing

These fines are wildly disproportionate. Obscene in fact. You get fined less for selling drugs, assaulting someone or driving your car whilst under the influence... Far more serious in my view. Heaven help us.

Serves then right rules are rules no sympathy

Note the last part of this article. She'll be let off, at least in part and then other businesses will use this as justification, the spread will accelerate and more people will die. She should pay or face prison, NO EXCUSES

Hmmm there’s a cafe here doing the same. Looks like they’re getting off easily compared to this.

moderdaymeldrew wtf 🤦🏽‍♀️

Moron Tax.

yeah police is solving an important crime out there

Will KirkleesCouncil sort out the issues with it's housing? They have got time for this but leave people in terrible situations!

DavidHazie Sadly there seems to be no cure for stupid.


Let them take it to court and let a judge decide the penalty. The fines are disproportionate to the alleged crime committed. Also her earnings will determine her fine and not plod with no more than a ridiculous invoice.

If she carries on, she’ll lose her business, all because she believed idiots on the internet spouting nonsense!

Judicial review!!!! The Supreme Court are begging for it.

These people have seen videos on facebook, think its legal and are now being handed massive fines. This is the real danger of misinformation

IreneToner China is responsible for pandemic!! Make China pay for all the losses common man is facing because of lockdowns!

Good news is there's another group on Facebook saying you don't have to pay the fine if you quote the Magna Carta to the police.

Thick as shit.

Clearly doesn't understand the historical document Magna Carta, when it was or how long it was valid for.

Finally 1 fine

Good, keep on increasing

If only there was a way to avoid getting repeatedly fined?

At least she tried to stay open good on her I say l.

Looking at Comments from Leftists to This News Article, it is clear why The Left now can NOT win an Election with a Healthy Majority. Most of The People on The Left are Detached Elitists. I can not understand why they LOVE Government overreach into every aspect of their Life!

'RULES'! Do not enter into a contract with the police. Give no details. FAMILIARISE YOURSELF WITH COMMON LAW. THEN USE IT.

How can i donate to the crowd fund for the appeal?

Don’t understand why they couldn’t accept the 80% of avg takings like other small businesses...unless their takings were very low...🤔

Quoting an 805 year-old rule which I'd bet my mortgage on no longer being applicable, as a basis to break the law. Sod her. Let her go bankrupt. If you STILL don't get legal advice after getting a second fine, and trust a random YouTube video, you deserve to go out of business.

She's no martyr. Purely selfish reasons. Of course, you have to sympathise with small business owners as many have had a terrible time of it but she is not doing herself or anyone any favours.


The great reset in action. Small business destroyed. The economy trashed. People suffer. Amazon, Facebook, EBay , Netflix and all the likes run away with the money.

more like the magna farta

Good on her, need to take stand against the the stasi police and the fascist state laws killing people through lockdownuk and mask frenzy

Make it 25K


Who does she think she is? Dominic Cuttings?

You mean the Internet isn't offering sound legal advice?


She can pay the fine in groats apparently


Imagine taking law advice from a meme. Some people really are new levels of thick.

that’s what you get for taking legal advice from twitter

It's sad though that she probably needed to work because there's little government help for small businesses. So she's further insulted by the issue of fines that equal the average yearly wage. Ludicrous

I’m sure it was all run as it should be at the moment with the face shields , limited numbers etc? But on the over side of the coin it’s ok to get on a packed tube in London ?

thankfully it's payable in a currency that will soon be worthless

That’s local government for you. Generally unrepresentative and unresponsive to local needs with a penchant for fines, penalties and generally fouling up everyone’s life.

As the Government wants to destroy the economy, this is a result. Boris in hiding while the dirty work is done.

Don’t take law advice from Twitter or Facebook.

Fucking good

Take her trading license away - we aren’t sacrificing everything for this. Alternatively, seize her business assets to pay off the fine - and then pursue her personally. Don’t like it? Tough - should follow the law like the rest of us

(1) Everybody on here is dissing Magna Carta. Most people don't know that M.C was passed multiple times over centuries by Parliament, often with stipulation ''this law can never be repealed'. Also...

Should make her repay any covid support she received. If she doesn't think keep covid restrictions apply neither should the handouts.

How long til she sets up a go fund me page to help pay the fine?

Yet again Covidiot muppets. Repeatedly... Beggars believe that people are SO dumb.

Do as I say, not as I do🤬

It’s Not. Bradford .

Why do some people think they are above the law? If they were burgled I bet they would soon have the Police round even if the burglar didn’t agree with the law!

That moment of bitter irony where opening the shop costs you more than closing it like you were told.

Well the times they are a changing .. And the rules they are a changing .. weekly, daily .. hourly .. Some, if not others .. will struggle to keep up! 🎯

The number of people on here saying “well if you followed the rules”. What are we becoming.

Thats what happens when you listen to the Freeman On The Land weirdos

Hope it was worth it. Jails are full of people with think they are above the law, or that they won't get caught, or that they are more clever than anyone else. They very rarely win, something a lot of self righteous people are finding out now

Expensive advertising stunt.

They are trying to bring in TheGreatReset under the guise of Covid. Open up or kiss goodbye to your business forever.

I feel for businesses but FFS you know the laws. Many in same boat. COVIDIDIOTS

Did she tell the courts ‘tO dO tHeIr ReSeArCh’ ?

Maybe that idiot actor guy (somebody Fox?) will pay her fines for her.

go on lass!!😂 down the road from me

Oh dear another one foolishly following online “legal advice”

Was she one of those “lawful rebellion” crazies? —- Google it, the internet theory / forum has no basis in law but is convincing to the naive and is tricking people into doing stupid stuff like this and get worse fines than they would otherwise.

If she has any PS5's in stock then she can stay open on my book 👍👍😉😉

People have to earn a living..

At last!

Here's another thing, if we are returning to the time of Magna Carta (1215 - the year, not quarter past twelve), you could be hung the same day for stealing a loaf of bread. Not exactly the libertarian paradise this idiot implied.

and well deserved too.........

Good Twat Next!

People have to try and make a living!

Good I hope they continue to get fined until they have to go bankrupt then they can look back at themselves and say 'maybe we should of followed the law' they deserve every hardship they have coming

I personally hope she fights the fines, they are disproportionate and the lock down measures are penalising some business and while boosting others. Can go buy hair dye at Tesco where thousands pass through a day but can't have it dyed in salon who deal with a couple of people

Probably voted for Brexit 🤷‍♂️

Cor that was an expensive haircut!

Piss poor article does not explain that this business owner believed an internet myth, or as i tell my kids , A LIE

emmakennytv have you seen this? It’s amazing that she stayed open though!

Tell them you were closed but you identify as open. Then sue them for harassment and assuming your availability.

Can’t beat a dickhead tax. I’m all for it.

She also said she didn't consent to being fined


Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers

So many responses, so few with half a brain cell, enough to understand the lies and state propaganda of the BBC. How would they ever survive without you lot 😂

But will they pay the fine?

This would work if article 61 was still valid. Four of the 63 clauses in Magna Carta are still valid today - 1 (part), 13, 39 and 40.

As a salon owner, I would not dare open in lockdown because my insurance would be void. This facebook believing crank better hope none of her clients who visited under lockdown don't decide to put a claim in. (Bet she voted for Brexit & wont wear a mask too)

Even China didn't took this pandemic seriously like UK do, overreacting donkey UK government

You know its a right wing Brexiter when they cite the Magna Carta.

Much a (hair) do about nothing. except for repeatedly getting caught breaking the rules

I knew this was coming as soon as that bollocks started floating around.

People really shouldn’t take legal advice from memes.

welcome to dystopian Britain

I don't understand why these businesses had to close, each one of them was Covid compliant with strict safety proceedures in place. Hence why Covid infections was low across the wider retail and cosmetic industries. 🤔

Me and my 79 year old father in law went for trim yesterday , looking fresh

Should have sold some candles,would have been considered essential!

It is unjust for a small business to be fined, that needs to trade to keep food on the table and a roof over heads, whilst high profile people haven't been penalised or held to account

You will have to abide by the laws even if you think they are stupid or made by the stupids. Only you to change the laws is by not voting for the stupids.

The government seems very anti small business, I guess we can all work for Amazon and Tesco 🤷‍♂️

Why is the North more affected by COVID? Hmm, puzzling.

Latest Peer Reviewed Mask Study: Source Wearing a mask did not significantly reduce a person's risk of COVID-19 infection compared to the risks facing those who did not wear masks.

WHO “Very rare” You can test positive and be asymptotic & NOT contagious.

CDC latest update: Survival rates (IF infected) for Covid19: 0-19 - 99.997% 20-49 - 99.98% 50-69 - 99.5% 70+ - 94.6%

AUTHORITARIANISM! Businesses ruined Family members in nursing homes are losing the will to live Suicides on the rise People are arrested Family gatherings are now illegal Freedom of speech is being trampled All for a virus that has a 99% recovery rate.

Only thing that life's about nowadays - £💷.

Which won't get paid cause they can't afford it! 🙄

It's an all out attack on small businesses. I wonder why the Government refuses to do a cost benefit analysis on the lockdowns..?

Website fails to list act and section. I note they cannot enforce wearing of face masks! ‘(Except) For work purposes where you are unable to work from home’

It's a bit of a thin article. Why is there nothing in there explaining why she has been misled? (Article 61 of MC never became English law, and in any case the provisions only extended to a set of barons and not the population at large.)

Silly bitch! Throw her in the cells for a month!

Close it down.

How dare they earn a living to feed their families! seems only political figures are allowed to get their hair cuts during lockdown (sturgeon and pelosi are on the naughty list) is it more dangerous to be in a hair salon than WH Smith’s? I don’t think so Hohoho! 🎅🏻

Another muppet that believes the so-called Magna Carta clause. 🤦🏼‍♀️

That's a lot of haircuts, should they ever open again. COVIDIOTS COVID19

£17K just a snip that. A little off the top.

rules are for everyone some people learn the hard way

And the Government’s stride to destroy small private businesses continues.

'I cant afford to close' Risks getting a massive unpayable fine

Nice to see the council supporting local businesses in a time of need. What happens when they have destroyed it.... ANOTHER empty unit on the High Street the council have a policy to try to preserve. I don't think empty units/destroyed businesses pay much business rates to them.

Well done UK government, ruin families and business owners with huge fines so they drown in debt and never recover, great idea. Punish, blame and guilt your own citizens for 'killing granny' while lining China's pockets importing masks for a virus THEY created. Absolute disgrace.

So the Facebook post from her aunt wasn’t true? Who’d have thought it!

A global pandemic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

ATAS has rejected a record number of Iranian_students recently. We ask for a review process without DISCRIMINATION.AtasUnfair BorisJohnson HMATehran iranianemanchester amnesty scottishpatterr FoxNews AmnestyUK cranfield_international cranfielduni 😢

People taking risks like this just to be able to survive. So sad.

Politicians sat together amongst this bullshit farce. Good on them. As long as they keep themselves safe and others people need to earn their living. Blame Sunak for his eat out to help out scheme for the spike in covid cases from Aug/Sept.

Hair today gone tomorrow

More chance of catching COVID in bloody Tesco than a hair salon!! They need to think long term and let business be checked if it can operate safely

Watch the go fund me account open and the fines are all paid

They will be forced to make some drastic cuts 🥁

haha no one in Bradford has that kinda money except the drug dealers

Government opting to fine everyone for something in order to fund their bad policies and decisions whilst they are in Government. Nice little earner I’m sure.

Can anyone who catches it from the store be liable?

Some people just think they are above the law 🙁 reason why it’s still spreading !!

And here come the lockdown nutters right on cue. 🤪

Quite right too

The fines are unenforceable, I'm sure the salon knows this.

Just sit in your homes with your hands out, hoping for crumbs from the government. Watch your kids devolve, your isolated senior citizens become unstable, your livelihoods bye bye, your nest eggs dissolve, your liberties disappear. But hey, thx 2 govt. you’re “safe.”

And the Labour Party will say the Government got it wrong this is why the virus is spreading out of control in these areas


If the viruis won't put them out of business, the government will 👍

Certainly making an example of them...

📢During the CCP virus epidemic: 'wearing a mask'and'frequent hand washing'are very effective protective measures. When going out, keep a certain distance, choose to wear a smooth coat and disinfect, outdoor shoes and door handle disinfection. 🌞May people be safe and healthy! 🙏

Good, we cabt have businesses flouting the rules

Morons everywhere...

greed driven......?

Appeal the fine. Don’t pay a penny. Crowd fund the legal action.

The poison dart will turn you into an AI/human hybrid if it doesnt kill you altogether. This is literally a life or death decision for people. RESIST!

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