Corbyn: Labour would offer 'credible Leave option'

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Corbyn: Voters must have 'credible option to Leave and the option to Remain' in new Brexit referendum

The BBCs political correspondent, Iain Watson, said senior Labour figures had been arguing that backing Remain would recover ground lost to the pro-EU Liberal Democrats in recent elections.

But, while Labour-affiliated unions - including Unite, who are one of the party's biggest backers - would rather stay in the EU than have no deal, they believe a Corbyn government should offer voters a choice in a referendum between a negotiated deal and Remain.Speaking to the TUC conference in Brighton on Tuesday, he said:"Our priority is first to stop no-deal and then to trigger a general election.

"And in that election we will commit to a public vote with a credible option to leave and the option to remain." If elected, Labour would set up a specific government department for employment rights, he said, and give the brief to a dedicated cabinet minister.


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Of course.

Thats just comedy. Labour has 2 main Brexit polices: 1: Get a 'better' deal they don't want and put it to the people VS remain. 2: Put May's dead deal they don't want either VS Remain. He and Labour are a farce. No credibilty at all.

Credible option being a referendum? We had one and its time to honour the result. Defend democracy, leave the Eu now.

Why? We already have!!!

Is he nuts...we voted out. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🐓🐓

We had one 3 years ago - do you want to leave the european union or remain ! How hard is that to understand ? Oh i forgot your home Secretary can't add up !

Sit on the fence Corbyn and wait and see how the wind blows hey..

The only thing that isn't credible is you jeremycorbyn

Arrogant arse. There is a credible option and it was clear in the referendum.

This hobo wont be pm Need another tony blair

We already voted on remain. And the answer was not to

This man just doesn't have a clue. He's just not very smart.

Let's have another referendum! It went so well the first time!

Labour had the largest number vote Leave, and got many seats due to it. I don't think those Labour voters who ticked Leave are going to fall for his shinanigans.

Well that's one party I wont be voting for. Mr Corbyn changes his mind more often than the wind changes direction. How can anybody think he is a credible politician who is capable of anything.

Remain isn't on the table. So get on with it

Credible voters will and have deserted the unelectables.👋👋👋

Corbyn and credible in the same sentence? Corbyn and terrorist sympathiser in the same sentence , now that is credible.

Is he bonkers or what ?

All Corbyn wants is power at any cost, he will promise the world

And to think people will still vote for this crock of shit

If jeremycorbyn had agreed to a general election he might have been able to have a referendum. tosser

May be I've missed something, but I simply cannot understand why the Labour Party refuses to tell anyone what its plan is for Brexit. How can they continue to get away with simply criticising everyone else's position when they don't seem to have one themselves?

This is today's idea but it will be different tomorrow. I would not trust this man to run a bath never mind a country.

What he fails to explain is his leave policy. His fence sitting and empty opposition is a disgrace. jeremycorbyn labour

You're out of the credibility list, who's left

Still can’t make up your mind Jeremy? You’ve had 3 years to get to grips with this. Instead Jeremy wants to offer hope to both sides with the intention of securing their votes, knowing that he will have to let one side down later on. Duplicitous? I think so! UNTRUSTWORTHY!

Mr flippy flopy , flips again and flops. Wants an election but is frightened of the consequences. Given the furore today about Boycott's past, what ever did the TUC think inviting him to speak, given this description of his past..

Corbyn you have no credible options about anything, and never will .

Voters also must have a credible option to the current government but that does not seem to be making much difference to him.

Leave ... err no remain... hang on a minute let’s leave no let’s remain, I can be PM yes yes I can. No let’s negotiate to leave and then we’ll remain. What an absolute loser! No courage of your own convictions.

Were the options of leave and remain not credible last time?

But they don’t So now it’s going to be refrendrum Stay or leave but which one do they actually back ? Do they get a deal or promote staying in the EU total shambles from LabourBrexitDeal LabourManifesto Labourparty

Need a GE first 😏

When will it end....🤔

The leave vote won. Remain is in the past. It’s now deal or no deal that’s all that is left. If Remain is on the ballot then democracy in the UK is over. I will vote in a second referendum if I have too but, that will be the last time as my vote no longer matters.BrexitBetrayal

And this man expects labour voters to vote for his,' I have not got a clue' party, in or out he has no idea stop playing party politics, resign and let's get true labour back not a Marxist party that will run us back to the 70's.

Colour me shocked 😱 This week Labour revert back to backing it both ways

Another referendum. Piss of Corbyn

Can he tell us what the credible option to LEAVE is before he starts campaigning, And make sure the EU have agreed with it , What I have seen so far is a referendum of a remain deal v remain. Interesting to see how he negotiates a good LEAVE Deal ,when they said they will remain

Why...we have had a referendum


Hahaha 3 years in and Labour still doesn’t know what it wants or will campaign for!! Utterly unelectable! What have they been doing all this time, absolutely hilarious! What a shambles of a leader in jeremycorbyn and party!

As usual he cannot make up his mind.A man of inaction who even when the voters tell him what they want he argued within himself as to whether he agrees or not.

We had one. Remain lost.

What about a credible Labour leader to vote for? An chance in the near future?

If we have another referendum based on the 2016 referendum we will not solve anything! Move forward, accept the referendum result and work towards bettering the UK. We are still yet to see any solutions Labour has on Brexit.

Show me his ‘deal’.... i’ll wait another 3 years

Every time he opens his mouth the Brexit party seems a good option

Be nice if we had a credible opposition, but hey ho

Corbyn sitting on the fence again!

There can't be a credible option to stay Surely?

We have already had a referendum. You and your cronies dont give a damn about democracy and indeed the electrate.

except he voted against the leave deal negotiated by May and the EU, so how does he define 'credible'?

This feed shows more repeats than bbc1.

No the only options there would be is deal or remain, that’s not what was voted for by a lot of people, you will never get in no 10 because we can see you for what you are

Over 3 years of this Brexit Give it a rest. scrapthelicencefee

Corbyn and credibility in the same sentence doesn't computer.... error!!!

We’ve already decided that one🤬

We did this before. Why do it again ? Is it because the result was not to THEIR taste ? Let's try the best of three !

He does he hope to neutralise 3 years of project fear brainwashing? ' Crashing out' 'over a cliff' 'into the abyss' all from experts who couldnt forecast yesterday's weather let alone a post-Brexit Britain. If Leave lied before the Ref, Remain hasn't stopped since.

Been there & done that. Now we’re simply waiting for our elected representatives to implement our vote. Get on with it & stop stalling. sourgrapes respectdemocracy

He will change his mind tomorrow like he has about having a general election in 2016 politicians said the referendum result would be respected but since the very few have kept their word just showing how dishonest they truly are

A vote is a vote! What if Corbyn became PM? Could I have another vote as I would not like the outcome!

No jeremycorbyn there is no ‘new’ referendum...the vote has happened, you can’t change it to suit yourself indulged initiatives!!

Photo third from left, the remains of the Tory cabinet below.

I love all the leavers in this thread rooting for the end of the UK.

this issue has already been dealt with, wouldnt be the same the other way around would it

Get stuffed Steptoe, you’re a blight on democracy!! GeneralElectionNow

Jeremy Corbyn's proposal that voters must have a 'credible option to Leave and the option to Remain' in a 2nd Brexit referendum will cost UKLabour millions of votes in its former Northern heartlands.

Oh for God’s sake -way to abandon the UKtothe right wing, you utter disappointment of a creature.

Sounds almost like the 2016 ballot Leave or remain, if the majority vote the wrong way we will have to take the referendum again & again until they vote the right way.

We already did that THREE YEARS AGO

So you’re going to get an amazing deal to remain & an amazing deal to leave. Go for it Corbyn that’s a genius idea, fully support that, in fact shout it out loudly, even Conservatives will get behind this. What an utter moronic stance, this election is in the bag, Labour 👋 👋

What a load of tosh.

If Labour had a credible leader the election would be theirs to lose. Alas.

Flip flop

Steptoe, how's your terror mates

Here’s a viable plan. Let’s delay every 3 months until the public 100% agree they’re fuck wits. Just agree to the GE and the people will decide!

If you won't have a GE until the new 'no deal' has passed (which it has, so what are you afraid of now), how about no second referendum until the result of the first one has been implemented?

Talking gibberish!

No you will not. 🙄👀

Changed strategy again - probably a few more turns along the way - and who knows probably change once elected - if elected 🤔

Not Jeremy...not Mr Corbyn...not leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn, just Corbyn. The BBC again showing its true colours

On that fence again, trying to convince both leavers and remainers to vote for him. The only interest he has in your vote is his desire to get into power at all costs to attempt his own Marxist agenda.

We’ve had a referendum!We can’t just keep going until the minority win!A majority voted for leave and the government must honour that!You can’t just keep voting until those who whine and shout the loudest get what they want. He just thinks he’ll win an election by promising this.

Do one corbyn


You had your chance and gave the government confidence, so no point harping on now because I’m not interested in anything you have to say anymore.

Stand at a GE with the mandate of having a second referendum then.

Vile opportunist theif of democracy

I voted conservative.. now ill be voting Labour... to remain.

Corbyn & Cronies are a classic example of what happens when illiterates and illegitimates are givin the vote - A parliament of low calibre people of very low intelligence, they comprehend bills they're voting for and against

Did, 3 yrs ago

Remind me what you pledged in your 2017 GE Deliver brexit you said

Back to bloody square one. You can not stand for both things.

We did in 2016 , where were you scruffy ?

We’ve done that referendum already. How about implementing the first one!! That’s called Democracy. What a melt🤣🤣🤣

We already had a referendum, grow a spine & stop trying to gain support by not actually giving any answers You dare not say if you are remain or leave We need a leader, you are not a leader, your desperate to ride any popular wave that comes along Your a charlatan

The voters just want to get shot of you mate

They: We live in a democracy. Also they: We need a new Brexit referendum You can't repeat referendums until you get your desired result. That is not how it works.

Got a feeling we did that in 2016!!

Any chance of a 'none of the above' option at the next general election?

Oh go back to sitting around the campfire with your mates. I’m sure you know all the words to Ging Gang Goolie and Kumbaya. 😂😂

But now we are as a ship cut adrift rudderless tossed by a cruel and unpredictable sea. We have no engine room, no Captain, no plan, no lifeboats, no map or guide. We could become shipwrecked at any time and we would not know where we were. God have mercy on us!

There could never be an option for remain people wouldn't have that. We voted to leave but I do agree we should beable to decide how to leave. Boris Deal or No Deal. Parliament should not be voting on that it should be the people.

Ever decreasing circles.

We do not trust Corbyn. The only beliefs he has stayed true to are the support of terrorism and his racism. If he had any credibility whatsoever he would face the electorate and take the beating he richly deserves.

The liar KFJC strikes again. From categorically ruling out a 2nd referendum & the euref must be accepted & delivered, to 'we would negotiate a deal & campaign against' to 'leave in full, wont be on any ballot' 5m labourleave voters betrayed & 12.4m other voters oh jeremycorbyn

Already had a referendum. Leave won. Now go away silly old my

Well the Brexiteers will not be voting for u and the remainers will not because why would they when they can vote the Liberals without any delay and Brexiteers will vote for the Brexit Party or Tories, Labour are still sitting on the fence you are dead in the water

F**k me, we've been there, done that. Christ does Corby live in a vacuum

Well. That's a plan. But he won't get in, so it's a dead plan already

Didn’t remain lose the referendum? If Labour win then next election..will the people have another vote before Corbyn is allowed into number 10?

Good. Only two choices necessary,leave and remain. Today the voters have the information lacking in first referendum.

The only credible option is to keep Parliament in permanent recess until Brexit is done

And UKLabour need a credible leader jeremycorbyn 😂

Negotiate a deal then campaign against it. Love it 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Sadly, your option of being tied into the EU after 3.5yrs waiting to be out is 100% unacceptable to UK voters. Remember, before the last referendum polls showed Remain - 56% Leave 44%... Right now it shows a reversal of the last one 52% remain 48% leave. MarginOfError

I support boris 100%

How he & his ilk think the EU will ever give them a credible leave option with the knowledge that whatever deal Libour is handed they have already said they will campaign against it in a Referendum. Same MP's who have implied that leave voters were thick & this is their plan!?!?!

maybe if we make referendums & manifestos legally binding for britain first then were start delivering positive change & start rebuilding trust of UKParliament ?

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