Black Lives Matter protester statue to be removed

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Sculpture of Black Lives Matter protester - placed on plinth once occupied by statue of slave trader Edward Colston - will be removed, Bristol's mayor says

Councillor Cleo Lake said while she welcomed the arrival of the statue, she agreed the long term future of the plinth should be decided by the people of Bristol.

Ms Reid said the sculpture was important because it helped"keep the journey towards racial justice and equality moving".She said she had felt an"overwhelming impulse" to climb on to the plinth during last month's protest. "She's made an extraordinary artwork just by doing that and it needs to be crystallised into an object and put back on to the plinth.


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BBC news Edward done other things apart from slave trade

It’s a good statue but put up illegally. Take it down and put it in the Museum next to the Colston . Now that would make history and hopefully for good

john_watchman1 brislordmayor MarvinJRees 👏👏👏Common Sense.

They should both be there the first statue and her one to show how much we have come on and all trying to make it a better England for all

Can someone explain what she actually did to earn the right to be honoured in ...... plastic please?

BBC if you intend in using your bios lefty wording, quote! Statue of “Slave trader Edward colston”, then we all see fit you refer to the low life law breaker as, sculpture of “Marxist Black lives matter law breaker”.

Just throw it in the sea! Just a cheap stunt

All the black people need to do is not vote ! No party!! Then all Demands will be approved simple !!!

keep the snowflakes happy

Dump it in the harbour

The cost of removal should be passed on to the artist responsible.

You mistakenly said protester BBC... I believe the words you were looking for is “communist rioter doing a black supremacy salute”

Melt it down to make a railling to Protect Winston Churchill's statue! Ahh yes, sublime!

Put it in the river

Pull it down and throw it in the river oh and jump up and down on it

Going going GONE

Delighted that theses filthy racist marxists aren't getting their way.

Another wannabe Angela Davis fades back into obscurity.

Thank God. It's just expensive litter.

Lol had your 5 minutes of Fame

Bravo! Tear that garbage down!!

A wise move by BristolCouncil to remove this provocative “statue”. It wouldn’t have lasted long 😉 BLM protester Bristolstatue that secretly replaced EdwardColston removed by Bristol Council 👏🏻 bbcbreakfast gmb skynews bbcnews foxnews talkradio



All these BLM protesting statues and talking about slavery in America 150 years ago meanwhile they are silent about millions slaves in Africa today.

It was a great idea to put up the new statue. It’s got everyone talking about BLM again. Fantastic publicity stunt. Mission accomplished. 👏🏼👏🏼

Why is it just down to the mayor

Can you not stuck a union jack and All Lives Matter sign on it until it's removal 😉😃

It should be removed and replaced by BLM poster boy George Floyd !!

Goons and Gammons. The woke lefties are in meltdown about this thread today, the racist sector are having a comment or two as well. You’re Goons and Gammons people....Goons and Gammons! 🐑

Why not just have a vote in Bristol this statue against any alternatives?

Does anyone else see the massive irony in the Adidas shirt?

So it should be removed


The prophet Muhammad had slaves should we replace him with a nameless Marxist because they’re the right sex, ethnicity and overly virtuous? I think not. This statue was installed to cause more friction. Good riddance.


But why was it put there in the first place? How quick the council have given the permission? And how come everything was kept a secret? I think the council have to answer some questions here?

'Puts arms around weeping BBC'.....Don't worry Beeb I'm sure you'll find some other twisted cause to fawn over.

emmasnosey As far as I see it this new statue is commemorating an historic moment. Weren't all the pearl-clutchers telling us only a few weeks ago that if we tear down statues then we lose our historical past? Keep it. It should make BLM supporters and their opponents very happy. 😉

oh, so you can make a quick decision when it comes to moving statues. Funny that, I wonder why you came to this decision much quicker

I don't care about the statue & I'm glad it's gone. I'd give you the raised fist salute but my middle finger has arthritis 🖕

If it was a white protester they would keep it 🤔 says alot really.. I think its a fantastic statement this is what our country needs more education and awareness ..leave it where it is ✊🙏❤

It's gone. Keep up

I thought this particular statue was aggressive and intimidating the raised fist gesture certainly is. Not a very passive stance for a cause that seeks tolerance and racial equality.

It's gone🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏🤣👏

Where is the parliament right now?

If they didnt want white supremacist statues but put up a black supremacist statue then that's just hypocrisy. Why only a one way view and Good take it down.

Just replace it with a massive bell end to signify these young moron protestors

And then charge her and the sculptor for the cost of removal not the tax payer.

Good it should have been removed straight away. 🤬

Throw it in the river. It’s an abomination.

Would have to be headlines on the BBC, wouldn't it? WOKEISM for you.

Of course it should be removed. Mob rule should not prevail.

There should be a removal ceremony. Lets topple the statue to the ground and drag it off to the harbour. Seems fitting

Resist mob rule. Tear it down and put it into landfill where it belongs.


Wonder how long until someone covers it in white paint overnight !🤔✊


And remove to the court the racist bastards that put it up there

Is that Rick James ?

This is the way to start the right wing off on their crusade to keep the UK white. One faction against the other. The gov. of the day that brought the people into this country have a lot to answer for, they should have made provisions for them to leave after a time out.

Good.....reflects rioters gaining power! AllLivesMatter

If any white person treats other shades with racism OR such sort, they (white) need to be shown how pathetic n hedious this colour was in the past or rather in present too! I think true humiliation will make whites understand it's really shame to belong to such pitiful skin.

This country has gone to 💩!

The thing was made out of toxic material, it's for the best that the illegally placed thing was removed. Still waiting for the mass arrests of the criminals that caused damage to all the statues and memorials to be made, I won't hold my breath.

Good. You want to remove it place a statue then go through due process like we do in a democracy!

That statue also reminds slavery, racism, protesters. Just don’t place anything

We should come to a compromise on this. Paint it white.

It’s a fucking statue. It symbolises a time in history when the people rose up and took charge, and actually stood up for black people and populations. But hey, let’s leave a statue up for many many years of a horrible man who sold black people as slaves to white racists. Neat 👌🏻

Is that black equality or black power?

This stand for racism and lies against the white man in 2020 tear it down.

Three cheers for Edward Colston. Remove any trace of BLMTerrorists from the city. BLMIsADomesticTerroristGroup BlackLivesMatter = Hate Group = ISIS

manojdhaka74 MSME-RIS-TINY के साथ हो रहा अन्नाय RBI & Govt करे कार्यवाही,HDFC बैंक को 21Feb. से 350मेल भेजेने पर यदि लोन ट्रेक रिकार्ड खराब था तो 25से40लाख लिमिट क्यो बढ़ाई,हिसार ने कार,भिवानी ने ट्रक लोन पास क्यो करा 9साल में करीब 50लाख अधिक चार्ज ब्याज रिफंड ना करना

Good.. it should be torn down now by the people and smashed to bits.

Wtf? Trash!!!

Let’s hope they show it the same legal respect they show statues they decide they don’t like. Throw it in the river. That’s where it belongs. It’s of a criminal thug.

funny that those who were defending statues in recent weeks now want this one torn down...

The idea of someone making and erecting a statue of themselves in public with no permission for protesting as BLM in Britain, where this is no anti-black racism is ridiculous.

And rightly so

I won't hold my breath waiting.

Dump it in the harbour


Um, hell to the fuck no it won't

How Arrogant....To remember the past ensures you make the future better

I wonder when the Queen will be 'removed'?

Where are the history frenetics coming to the rescue 😂😂it only applies to white slavery statues I guess

Makerel_Sky If it’s not I’ll drive there and do it myself.

'In the future everyone will be a statue for 15 minutes' - Andy Wormhole

Someone actually does have a brain in the government.

Did you call them out on copyright? No wonder they folded.

About time he got off his fence, his backside must be aching. The right decision - get rid of it.

Knock it over...

Its ILLEGAL & ITS OFFENSIVE = Remove b 4 its pulled down, in a similar way to Coulson ....

It should be dumped in the harbour

It was highly arrogant and also dismissive of local authority procedure of BLM to erect it. You aren't in the driving seat and you don't make the plays.

When tearing down a statue of someone because of their links to slavery, it’s not a great idea to replace it with someone brandishing a company that is linked to slavery. Little bit hypocritical.

Illegal statue of Extreme Left Wing Anarchist once occupied by one of the founding fathers and philanthropist of Bristol City will be removed - Fixed that headline for you

Good, saved me a train ticket 👌🏽

'Black lives matter ' - racism! STOP racism! All Lives Matter.

And rightly so.

Can we remove the BBC please?

The original statue was removed illegally. The new one was installed illegally. Simple as that needs to go. How can they argue based on slavery while replacing with a black power symbol. Surely it shows nothing has been learned

Good. It's hideous. Plus it was put up illegally and glorifies the vandalism and violence that tore down the original statue in the first place.

So it should. Time to stamp this garbage out.


Illegal, what do your expect,? Dry your tears

BLM Statue to be removed. BBC journalists cry real tears.

Good. A bit of sanity being shown.

I think you need to look up your history, slave trader he may have been, but he had schools built, hospitals, all manor of good things for Bristol.

Just trying to figure out the difference, hand gestures, persecution of anyone that disagrees, violent looks and sounds familiar



Disgusting, its a shame.. BristolLive

djdave1926 How the hell did it get there in the first place?🤔🙄

Massive shame! It should stay!!!

Did they really think it was going to stay?

Leave it, it’s good and marks a point in history. Removing is stupid, dangerous and counter productive.

Get one of J.K Rowling making the same gesture, just for the hell of it.

Statue will be sold and money go to Cargo project which will roll out in Bristol schools?

it won't last long

Pleased to hear that this statue is to be removed. Hopefully in a speedy manner or it is likely to be destroyed or vandalised by those who feel that the objectives of the BLM contravene British values-defunding the police etc. The people of Bristol should decide what goes there.

Too bloody right! Should never have seen the light of day in the first place!


Why r people saying this statue has historical significance and should be in a museum, who in the fucktuppary is she in the first place, she isn't from Bristol so y so deserving

This statue represents something of this era just as the previous represented something of its era in the PAST I might add, therefore should both not be removed and placed in the same museum side by side showcasing the differences in our country over time. WE ARE NOT OUR PAST

So it should!!! ASAP!

MarianneSansum I should hope so.


Where is the coward MarvinJRees Get this the F down! You're condoning criminal damage and criminals by allowing this to stand!

Can't be soon enough

Yes. Excellent news. About time the left morons of bristol had a taste. Ill travel down a cheer as it is removed🤣🤣🤣

Great job!

The sculpter pulled a fast one, just look at the news coverage he is getting

This is art being art and an artist being an artist. Art is not created by committee.

Good WhiteLivesMatters


Them move it ....Gary Linaker wants it ..

If Black lives matter. Why aren't they protesting in South Africa where the coronavirus is ripping through the nation and poorer sections of the population are able to access adequate health care. Or do black lives matter only in western countries.

And so it should be.

This has all been plotted from the start, the statue was probably made even before the protest waiting for the right moment for the photo op, and it's racist needs dumped.

Good tear it down

Who funded that? Channel4News ?

Talk about stir bbc . The people need to wake up and smell the coffee


It should be placed alongside the Colston Statue in Bristol Museum to help add context for the public and future historians to understand the human rights challenges we witnessed during 2020, specifically the BlackLivesMatter movement


Aw!! Just f**k right off!!!AllLivesMatter

Sure let us all place whatever flavour of day statue wherever we f like. That’s civilisation these days.

Hope they send the bill to Marc Quinn and Mtec

Bristol used to be it’s packed with lefty twinkletoed tosspots thanks to Blair and Cameron 💀🙊

Superficial individualism that goes around, comes around... _MarcQuinn

That's unless 10% of population become offended, then the mayor will reverse this decision

Rightly so !

Well I just hope that their will be statues of black uk historical figures going up across the country if people are that upset about 1 statue of a white slave trader

It needs to come down soon or it will be taken down just like the one before.

Throw it in the sea.

Good job as there is no reason it should be left just a publicity stunt.

Pull it down and throw it in the dock.

Awesome take it down

Why not look into the aims of BLM? Have you not considered doing that?!

Finally some good news.

It's a pretty cool looking statue though, and all the more iconic for being so short lived

They should replace it with one of these people spreading Coronavirus with no mask on, much more realistic

Gosh.....the 'I'm not a racist but..... ' brigade are out in force tonight......🙄


Hmmm replace the statue of a slave trader with the statue of a symbol of a Marxist organisation , not much of a trade up.

But it's our history.

And so it should fucking disgrace and they should nick her for pulling it up illegally and the company that help

You cant change it amend history it's in the past nothing historical or even nice about it take it down


2 fkn right


Nonsense. Replace an offensive statue with another offensive statue.

Rip it down and burn it

Sling it in the gutter where it belongs..

It didnt take a commitee to remove a symbol that represents the fight against racism, but it takes years of reviews and consultations to remove a symbol to racists ! By there deeds they shall be known.

Haha, get bent. Now place the original one back where it belongs and prosecute the jackals that desecrated the statue that was there before hand.


Good. Shouldn't be there in the first place 👏👏

Take it down.

There must be a lot crims in Bristol!


Knock that shit down now.

We cannot and should not wipe the pages of history clean. We should not judge people's actions in the past using today's values as a measure. What was once acceptable isn't necessarily now as we continually evolve. We certainly should not allow undemocratic and illegal actions.

I find that BLM statue racist and offensive. I demand it be removed.

Should think so as well, downright disgusting that CH4 and all authorities even allowed this revolting edifice to exist.

Good should never have been put up in the first place complete nonsense

Yes this is your umpteen time to spread hate and shit ScumMedia scumpress

Great idea for a statue but processes must be followed. Hopefully Cities will get to vote on statues moving forwards, then everyone will understand the reason for them

put colston back, put this one somewhere else, then everyone gets their cake

Even the bloke who made it said it was only a temporary thing, anyway.

Good. Melt it


Good, it has got to be the most ugly statue I have ever seen. Then again that is probably appropriate as BLM is an ugly movement.


Absolutely right to remove ,good cause but only when within the law

Good , and charge the artist for the removal costs


And so it should

What puzzles me is someone can put a statue up late at night with a lorry and a crane plus people and someone filming and nobody asked who gave them permission were all the police a sleep it’s a good job they weren’t thieves

Good. After this lady builds some universities , donates to the arts and overall leaves a legacy to be remembered despite her fragilities as a human being she deserves her own statue.

Standing proud in her designer sportswear made by slaves in sweatshops! 🤔

What happened to the Jimmy Savile one?

Should have left it up - not that Far Right groups need anymore help with recruitment at the moment...


Usually public monuments are of historical significance be it negative or positive. So what is the significance of this BLM Protester statue? Is she a freedom fighter or slave traders burster...?

Fantastic news. Should have been taken down first thing this morning.

If we all were to dig up family history from the time of the slave trade,some of the BLM supporters probably would be shocked what they found, many homes had slaves too not just the FEW that keep getting mentioned repeatedly😱 To END THE FUCKING ARGUMENT🙄 THE FIRST SLAVE TRADERS

Rightly so but why has it not been removed already.

Any arrests made yet? Or can we do what we like in Bristol now? bristol statue

Ironic she is stood there wearing a jumper made in an Asian sweatshops.

Course it will. So you can stop creaming your pants now BBC Commies. defundtheBBC

Thank fuck!

Dump it into the harbour And leave it

How is it taken months of planning permission and neighbourhood consulting before Leic City were allowed the statue of their late owner, Who throughout his time in Leicester brought the community together. yet this symbol of division is done in a matter of a couple of weeks.

She advertising KFC?

All lives matter!!

Excellent waste of money

Still there?

Well done sir.


Someone said it’s made from resin so it’s a fire risk. I do hope nobody goes near it with a can of petrol and matches or a lighter.

How about a statue that represents All Lifes Matter

Apparently it's being replaced by one of Jurgen Klopp.

There's a spare place in the water for it

Good ,let’s be honest if the mayor doesn’t others will .

The best decision.

Reid doesn't Represent me!it's awfully awful

It was an incredible divisive move. They shouldn't put anything there.

Wow, the Major of Bristol isn’t very good at reading the room... 🤔

Leader of BLM arrested on sex trafficking charge. 😷

Good take it down! Disgusting.

Action taken. Thanks.

And thrown in the water....

The statue of Hilie Silasie was pulled down in london by BLM activists

About bloody time!

They should let the public smash it to pieces. It would offer great therapeutic value.

LoveDaisyPetals That is too bad.



There is a lot of black on black crime in London. Can and SadiqKhan focus on this instead?

The arrogance


It makes things worse! Maybe put a statue of William Wilbeforce 🌈

A memorial to fighting oppression in modern day Bristol 😂 Did she have to queue up for 10 minutes at Tesco? There are millions persecuted, starving and living in terror throughout the world and this self important idiot wants a statue.

Doesn't really matter: the point has been made and I'm sure it'll end up in a museum or other public space.

I wonder if it floats 🤔

The mayor should think twice about doing that. Pros vs. Cons, obvious which one outweighs the other. At least to me.

And they should be fined ! Up yours media, you lost this one

Put a statue of Captain Tom Moore up there.

Absolute morons

Great news. I was about to loose my faith in this country. Is she going to get another visit from the old bill for doing this. It could have caused a massive breach of the peace with protesters.

So it should be, and destroyed in the process.

Craig88817471 It would have been anyway, one way or another 😎

Funny how they are quick enough to remove this but ignore the previous requests to remove the offending statue, it really does speak volumes of how one sided things can be - disappointing

And rightly so it wasn’t legally put up

everytime I see the picture in the news, it reminds me of this

Good, these BLM people are behaving like fascists.

When is the main media going to talk about the mute white people icon on Instagram that was allowed through their filters. Or is that an acceptable form of racism?

White lives matter

a great shame

Good, now send the bill for its removal to channel4

That’s democracy for you... fact

I honestly couldn’t care less what statue is up ‘anywhere’ as long as it’s put up democratically.

I hope the fucking monstrosity is smashed up......

She cannot simply put a statue here or there. It's not her job to decide on these matters.

What should replace it? A tree, stop wasting money on statues

That's a shame, I like the new one. They should leave it there, for the sake of history.

Put it in the canal... They want equality...only fair 😂😂🎂😂

That's a shame, I hope it finds a good home in a museum or something so we can appreciate it

When though? It only took couple of hours to put up but guess what it will be there for a fortnight. Hope it doesn’t fall off on a BLM protestor!

Why doesn't Bristol's mayor ask the people before removing the statue of Jen Reid. I live in North Tyneside and I think she should stay. I imagine the people of Bristol overwhelmingly think the same.

Pull it down .

Will believe it when I see it. Dump it in the sea with the other racist statue.

It's a brilliant statue but the artist already said he didn't care if it was only up for a day or so. If they left it up it'd be pulled down by the gammons anyway.

It doesn’t matter. The point has been made...

Real shame it’s a fantastic statue and represents something good and a marker in history... is that not the point of statues...

People jump on BLM bandwagon SO fast they not read destination of the bus. Read their policies - they not 4 equality but superiority by force, violence & abolishion of law & order. Martin Luther wld cry. It like voting 4 party not realising their policies include dropping nukes.

Is that Lewis Hamilton in drag 😂😂

weird how they didn’t take down a statue of a slave trader after years of requests and complaints, but when someone replaces it of a protestor, then they’re quick to take it down and say ‘it’s for the people to decide’

Good as they should

good. rip it down and throw it in the river

Left vs right...still

IStandWithAzerbaijan KarabakhisAzerbaijan GoAzerbaijan ArmenialsTheAgressor StopArmenianAgression StopArmenia StopArmenianOccupation

Needs to be done straight away....muppets put it up at Council can do it now!

Brilliant news, can not let far left Marxist groups erect statues anywhere they want


That once decent city is becoming an uninhabitable cesspool now!

I thought it was a fat and dumpy version Citizen Smith. My bad.

Get it down as it represents the noisy minority

Good get rid of it. You can’t erase history to suit you.

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