BBC acknowledges 'mistake' in Johnson editing

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BBC says editing out audience laughter from news bulletin footage of Boris Johnson was 'a mistake'

Boris Johnson appeared in a special edition of Question Time on Friday

But the laughter and subsequent applause was absent from a cut-down version of the exchange on a lunchtime news bulletin the following day.


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iainmacwhirter A mistake? So either inept or deliberate it does not matter! The laughter was the story and this from the BBC is just propoganda! DissolveTheUnion

Anyone who thinks this was not deliberate on the part of the BBC either has not been paying attention or is an apologist for the Corporation. Lost any credibility years ago.

🙂🙂🙂 🤔🤔 🙂

While bbc avoids mention of Boris racism, insulting single mothers and working class. 👎🏻 Googled Boris Johnson On single mothers, got zero articles from the bbc. So I add bbc to the search and only a positive article pops up Boycott bbc!! BBCBias BBCBiasAndLies ToryBBC

What sort of mistake? Maybe you lot need an independent review into this gross incompetence

democracycheers And in today's news, the BBC have been caught lying again.

Sandy41397863 .BBNews is living in LaLaLand if think anyone will believe them.

CathmhaoilNi The only mistake in lying Boris's life is the one his father made.

A continual series of mistakes in a specific direction is a plot.

BBC as honest broker in election. Don't make me laugh.


B oris B roadcasting C orporation notfitforpurpose

I think of it less of a mistake, more of a slip of the mask. You guys are Tories, you can stop pretending now. Quick question. What kind of world do you want to live in? Wouldn't you prefer a proper contract, rather than the piece of shit you've currently got? bbcbias

Same editor at state news responsible for poppy wreath error no doubt

Deliberate Mistake

What to ya bollocks this is!!!

cleggy261 No getting clocked was the mistake Mistake does not include intention.

reillymgt9 Again, once is perhaps an oversight? Twice!!! Naw.

The BBC has been corrupt for a long time. Should be thoroughly reformed.

How did this occur in the first place? Who was exercising which editorial controls? Or who failed to apply the usual standards? I worked in the Beeb as a snr mgr & know this isn’t accidental, nor was the incident with the wreath. BBCNews wreathgate

BBC says BBC says Wtf?

A deliberate mistake. Time for the license fee to be abolished. Why are we paying for this propaganda?

Same beneficiary for all your ‘mistakes’ though. Funny that

Really? It was a mistake? Who believes that?

A mistake akin to paying my TV license, to watch biased drivel from the neo-fascst BBC interviewers like Andrew Neil.

Why do these 'mistakes' always favour the Tories?

It’s not a mistake if it happens constantly, we call that an ‘on purpose’.

Like when you accidentally edited the wreath incident and now you accidentally cut out people laughing at him. You can see why no one believes you can’t you?

Nope, not a 'Mistake' it was definitely done deliberately. The prog' producer is responsible for how the finished video is seen on air. Someone told him to cut any dissention from the finished article. It doesn't happen by mistake, it's a considered action.

TariqJabbar80 Us paying our friggin tv license is a “mistake”.

bglendenning So that's the Remembrance Day footage 'mistake' and now this one. To err once is unfortunate, twice smacks of carelessness or worse.

They might feel it was a mistake to do it but it certainly wasn’t an error!

Too consistent to be a coincidence

Mistakes don't work unless it was a deliberate mistake.

These mistakes do keep happening though...

No mistake. Deliberate management decision to mislead the public.

SamanthaHarrie3 But the fish he caught was massive 😂.

Yes and it shouldn't have took a backlash for you to have known that, but of course you knew that.

Fûck off, PR .

What, the same sort of mistake as the edit at the Senotaph? Dreadful.

tricia_skitt Another mistake! ...and all in the same direction coincidenceofcourse

Your just full on propaganda machine for the Tory's now. The people are not stupid.

Funding the BBC is a mistake...

Why are tory stooges like bbclaurak and afneil still on the public payroll then? taxpayers should not be paying to have their biased CONservative views foisted on them as if it is independent news. I don’t pay the tvlicence tax for bbc bias... sacklaurakuenssberg

Bumping into someone in the supermarket is a mistake. This was a deliberate decision to mislead the public.

In my next TV licence renewal I might 'mistakingly' leave out £100.

A bit like weaponising certain regions groups complaints. Propaganda full stop. Never trust the BBC.

So can we get a refund on our TV license, now that the BBC, home of impartial views, has completely sided with one party during an election campaign?

Mistake trying to airbrush history.

AvonFBU Yeah right. Your pretty useless then aren’t you?

Deliberate. No mistake.

No the mistake they made was thing we wouldn’t realise it.

Fuck the BBC . Pass it on

Me not paying my license fee was a mistake. 😊

Another one !!!!!?

Impossible to make such a 'mistake'. Why don't you just admit that you're totally biased towards the Tories. It's not as if we don't already know this.

Deliberately trying to mislead and would never have made any acknowledgment or corrections if not called out. This was a CHOICE and shows the bias of the BBC

yeah, and paying a licesne fee was a mistake too. One I've now rectified. If I want to be lied to, I can watch alexander boris de pfeffle johnson on YouTube for free.

Aye right🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Beyond parody

Entertainment and Arts!

Oh yeah.... The 'mistake'... Riiiiiiight...

Once or twice is a mistake. What you are doing is nothing more than an orchestrated propaganda campaign to keep the most inept government in history in office. You are unfit for purpose and should be scrapped forthwith.

So how many more “mistakes” are we supposed to overlook before it starts to looks more deliberate?

No, it really wasn't. It was a deliberate edit.

Yeah an intentional mistake

“The BBC regrets this simple mistake and is taking robust action to throw the editor who said “yeah that’s fine they’ll never notice” under the bus.”

1879strollers Yeah, right. Obviously.....

Sounds like Bozo broadcasts are blighted by ‘mistakes’. Very unfortunate.

That’s horseshit. BBCBiasAndLies BBCLies ToryBritain ToryLiars

Every little 'mistake' is just another crack in a once trusted broadcasters reputation. I can't see the BBC having any relevance in 10 years.

Editing out wasn't a mistake; getting caught was.


This is your 3rd major mistake with footage embarrassing to Johnson/Tories. Starting to become a habit.

Why would you alter footage like that? That looks REALLY bad

Shouldn't that be acknowledges another mistake after the Remembrance Sunday footage.

As in deliberately pushing someone over a cliff is a mistake?

Another 'mistake' from a public service broadcaster.

Such a 'mistake' is virtually impossible to make given the effort it would have required. Who will be held to account for this 'mistake'. Ofcom bbcliars bbcnews bbctonyhall torypuppets

Same mistake as remembrance day funny how it's another mistake to see Boris Johnson in a better light instead of the incompetent liar he is

A mistake that you were found out. I long ago stopped watching any News or current affairs programme on due to its total bias and it being run by Conservatives party spokesperson... BBCBiasAndLies bbcpress PR

Is it also a mistake when you keep forgetting to mention that the chief Rabbi is a close personal friend of Johnsons ?

One mistake looks like carelessness. Continual ‘mistakes’ lead me to assume you are so biased as to not be worth the poll tax we are made to pay.

We dont believe you!! Tory Bias is disgusting!!

Mistakes only get made attempting to make Johnson look good , we can all see what you are doing

Problem is it keeps happening. You don't make mistakes when you are spreading bad news about UKLabour .maybe you should stop reporting on the GE2019 altogether!

BBC news is a sham. One of the worst.

When will you admit and correct the 'mistake', that Assange is not merely threatened with up to five years in prison but 175 years?

Yup, right ho

You’ve made that many mistakes there should be an inquiry into the lack of professionalism

A mistake as in the person didn't mean to? Or a mistake as in we shouldn't have done it? If the former then that's not true. If the latter, then people need sacking.

Was it fuck.

That's not a mistake! That is concious deception and a clear demonstration of bias! This is unbelievable from the BBC. Sheer propaganda and you charge us a license fee for the privilege! Disgusting.

Refer to your own guidelines!! Editorial Section 4. Impartiality Introduction. You are NOT impartial but biased and tell lies. Unfortunately you think we are all fools and blindly believe your propaganda BBCLiars BBCPropaganda

A mistake you got caught again?

No... really......

No shit! it's just ads to the constant lying and fake videos coming out of CONServatives. It's coming across as desperate.

How many mistakes are you going to make?

Why would anyone edit that clip of it wasn't to be used for public consumption. Busted. Simple.

Funny. There seem to be a lot of them. totalbullshit

They laughed when he was asked about honesty. Does that not tell you all you need to know about the man. JC4PM

Ha ha

It was not a mistake, it was deliberate

Keeps happening though ... these mistakes.

You are making a hell a lot of mistakes recently. Something rotten at the top?


No. It's corruption. We need a public enquiry into BBC manipulation of news. Today especially!

Isn’t it mistake mean you do something unknowingly? Is it?

Strange that all your mistakes help the Tory party, almost as if they weren't mistakes at all but part of a BBC/Tory conspiracy to mislead to the public. BBCBias BBCBiasAndLies

How many mistakes relating to truth and impartiality should we (the public) allow you to make before we call time on your funding? I think we’ve been pretty understanding but you’re testing our patience!

Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

How many more times will you knowingly repeat this method of propaganda?

Super self awareness

So, why do it, who guards the guards.

I think people here are angry because they’ve interpreted your use of the word ‘mistake’ as meaning an ‘accident’. It was indeed a mistake. The BBC was mistaken in deciding to doctor the recording to benefit Johnson. The question is, who told you to do it? TonyHallDGBBC

Oh really, finally using a borrowed brain cell are you ?

peterbrammer1 Only because they got caught 🤔

sandifordwrap A mistake is something that you didn't intend to do or fully appreciate the consequences. This was not a mistake!!!

Also show it unedited tonight

A mistake is not a mistake if you repeat it! Supposedly impartial BBC was backing lying Johnson!

Well let them start the BBC news tonight with that satement

It was propaganda

Untrustworthy liars. No longer a credible news organistaion.


fakenews winner

Another mistake!!

These mistakes seem to be piling up. I may just forget to pay my licence.

To be clear: it was an decision now deemed a ‘mistake’ made by the editors, not a production error. At the very least it reeks of being unprofessional, but I suspect it was an individual’s bias

Oh look, another BBC 'mistake' in favour of the Tories. Nothing to see here folks apart from a state broadcaster deliberately misleading the public.

How many errors has that been if late?

Doesn't matter now, the clip has gone out to millions of people. This is the equivalent of the Sun running a three line apology on page 16 following a massively damaging and misleading front page splash. abolishthebbc

How has the BBC come down to this level. Where is the impartiality that we trusted in the BBC

really, how many now? One is too many ,never mind 4, because you report to the masses it has to be a true and factual account!

TherealNihal Funny nobody mentioned interview last night on itvnews with a Tory MP standing in front and left of a huge billboard of jeremycorbyn with the headline “Prime Ditherer” in full view of the camera throughout!

AdOrmrod7 Another “mistake”... load of shite!

How much do they pay you ?

Oops, accidentally made the unelected PM look better during an election. Nothing to see here

Has anyone been fired for such a blatant piece of distortion. Does anyone at BBCPolitics CARE about the damage you are doing to our democracy?

Funny how they never make these mistakes’ in favour of JC

No - tuning in to the BBC is the mistake.

But it wasn't a 'mistake', was it?

It's not a mistake. You were caught out, again. biasedbritishbroadcastingcompany

A mistake? It’s quite remarkable how these ‘mistakes’ happen. In these two instances, the ‘mistakes’ clearly benefited Johnson /tories. It looks more like you’ve been spotted. These were deliberate acts intended to make Johnson look better. More BBC bias. Just like 2014.

Funny how the soundtrack laughter was removed AND a sound bite was spliced in from a later answer. Double mistake? Don’t make me laugh.

AyoCaesar Yeah seems to make alot of mistakes I wonder why 🤔

LibJackieDem This acknowledgement is surely just the tip of an iceberg. I've lost trust in the BBC and it appears I am right to do so.

So they lied then?

How many mistakes are you going to make before you get your wish of reinstating the cheating conservatives?

newswatchbbc how important is it for the BBC we pay for, to be fair and unbiased? When, at the time of an election, two editing errors favour one party, shouldn't report this as a matter of public interest? Can really be trusted?

Stop paying for Tory propaganda

...the latest in a series of pro-Boris Johnson editing 'mistakes'.

Not a mistake at all 🤬

But what actually comes of this? They do it and apologise and the narrative of deceit stays. Ofcom it’s time strong punishment was the order of the day to stop the people being deceived.

Sick and tired of your 'mistakes' - they're not mistakes, they're cynical attempts to manipulate the truth, but with technology nowadays, there are plenty who can just post what actually happened, and you show yourselves as the Tory-serving handrags you pathetically are.

Don't you mean being found out was a mistake?

Yeah because social media shamed you into it!

Another deliberate 'mistake'

GarryCalderwood 🙄bunch of roasters!

Not seeing anything on BBC News about Lord Heseltine recommending votes for LibDems? Why?

Don’t believe you

Mistake or policy - you automatically try to defend 'mistakes' seen to be politically biased news policy, especially before an election. So will the 'mistakes' end now? ofcom ElectoralCommUK

Do fix it. Report it on main evening News. It is news.

TherealNihal BBC seem to be making regular mistakes these days.

'But the laughter and subsequent applause was absent from a cut-down version of the exchange on a lunchtime news bulletin the following day' - Inaccurate. The subsequent applause was left in.

TherealNihal The inverted commas are your own.

Too little too late. You knew what you were doing. is the British branch of fox news. FakeNewsMedia literally

Not good enough. We need an independent inquiry into about a billion things and the BBC is one of them. Coming soon, once we've stopped Brexit.

Another mistake? The mark of quality is to learn from mistakes so you're either very poor, incompetent and lacking quality... or you're deliberately misleading viewers to influence the vote. Which one is it?

Why is this in Entertainment and Arts? Surely, this should be in Election 2019?

A mistake is spilling or breaking something unintentionally. BBC are just proving that they are the propaganda machine of the Conservatives. You actively removed sound from the leaders debate, you are protecting a PM who is incompetent, therefore misleading the public.


Funny how “mistakes” are only admitted to because so many people have to highlight them for you. And why has it taken this long!!

Wow, a lot of these 'mistakes' keep happening relating specifically to the conservatives... eh? Plan on being honest, or...?

'A mistake' , a mistake might be calling him Doris. An editing team sitting down to rewind and cut out laughter is not a mistake, surely the British people are starting to see through the bias of most of the British media

This is the point. The Tories tweet lies and misleading information, leave it a day to ‘cook’ and then remove with a cynical apology. The BBC News has now taken to do the same. Where do we turn if the news service WE PAY FOR cannot be trusted to be impartial anymore

No, you're just a pro-Tory, systemically biased institution.

The BBC are always happy to apologise after an event, after the damage has been done. Heads need to roll after the election, & with a Labour Govt hopefully they will

Just like the Cenotaph film 'mistake' , the Question Time audience 'mistake', the DebateHer 'mistake', the referendum corruption 'mistake'. A bit mistake-prone aren't we?

Nah don’t believe you

Have you investigated? An you share your finding and how you will prevent these mistakes from reoccurring?

Prepaid *****.excuse my language but they do deserve one loves displays of lickspittle subservience. Fire fighting dem

“So, Prime Minister, is there anything you would like to say to the nation at this particular time? Don’t worry, we can polish it.”

Funny that how many mistakes have they made so far about this election portraying the tories in a more positive light ,Johnson laying a reef on remembrance sunday anyone, no biased my arse !!!

TheGunnersPub Yes it was on complete accident

You don't say! No-one believes the BBC anymore. Impartial not

Getting caught certainly was.

I’m calling bullshit on this

It’s a bit of a coincidence that all the errors have shown Johnson in a better light? Come on this is blatant propaganda

One of many. Thanks for making us pay for propaganda you duplicitous toads x

What about the blundering that was edited to sound confident? Was that a mistake too?

bglendenning Bbc news should be broken away from the bbc. I’m happy to pay my licence for the bbc but not the Tory biased bbc news. Let it go ppv then it can be as Fox News as it likes. No one would be watching.

Lots of these ‘mistakes’ recently.

No, no, no, not a mistake, lies just like the Tories, manipulation of the electorate by our state media, and they say the Russians are to be watched. Who is kidding who.

Such a useless example of state media being biased and corrupt. It's present in all countries. Always the blatantly stupid things that reveal the truth to the ignorant.

Bin the license fee. Disgusting Tory propaganda.

LondonLibDems Your editorial integrity needs to be looked into. Ofcom

Why is it in the 'Entertainment and Arts' section and not in the 'Election 2019' section?

Then admit it and replay the unedited clip on all news programs today.

A very convenient 'mistake'.

They're not so innocent.

It's mistake now that you were caught.. How many other 'mistakes' do we not know about It's about trust

Is that because went too far this time and was caught in a lie? Please let this be the turning point to do better at findjng the truth instead of peddling lies and opinions. Opinions are not meant to cancel out facts

Are the BBC not meant to be impartial Clearly your not and never have been and you still want our licence fee bunch of chancers quicker it's taken away the better

I along with many others don’t believe you. I have little respect for the BBC. It’s honest reporting has gone downhill. I believe SKY news is more balanced in its reporting

Now you’re all just looking very silly indeed BBCBias And, whilst you’re failing to cover the antics of the Tory gov, the ppl of the UK continue to struggle beneath on of the nastiest executives in UK history. Solid work there!

Wasn’t a mistake until it was caught. BBC would never admitted was CAUGHT. BBC is biased, from Tory plants in the audience to Rupert Murdoch lackey being head of ‘News Department’. DontPayBBCLicense bbcnews itvnews skynews itvnews channel4news GeneralElection19

Damn straight. It shows dishonesty. Sticking to other news outlet . What they did gives power to fakenews BBCPolitics .

The Boris Broadcasting Company. Idiotic.

That’s a monstrous lie.

You’re treating the public like idiots. Do better while there’s still time.

It's getting beyond a piss take that we HAVE to pay for the BBC. This was some North Korea bullshit and its not the first time (even this month) Sort your selves out. It's bad enough I'm forced to pay for Strictly come fucking dancing.

'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.'

Pull the other one 🎺💨

As was the cenotaph laying footage

Ok so also you've used both types of quotation marks here. In the tweet implying the mistake is someone else is saying it, therefore it isn't one according to BBC and in article headline the implication mistake is used incorrectly. Either way your saying bbc doesn't think it is.

We all make mistakes from time to time. However this, the wreath, playing old corbyn speech in response to 2017 budget plus constant use of loaded language means they are at best incompetent

Deliberate choices are not mistakes.

Was your political editor and Boris lover bbclaurak involved in this as well? What's your name? British Broadcasting Conservatives?


markpink A deliberate or accidental… Mistake?

How many 'mistakes' are bbc getting away with, this shoyld be sackings of heads if news its incredible the lack of trust there is in bbc.

Lot of editing this election in favour of tories🤔

Just like the mistake of using 3year footage at the Cenataph.

The BBC makes a lot of 'mistakes'...

The damage is done

very neutral reporting of events

Why do they keep happening?

Again 🙄

Theres alot of mistakes recently

When they say mistake I think they mean deliberate propoganda. 'They didn't really mean to laugh,' explains Laura K.

Nobody trusts you anymore.

BBC make a lot of mistakes these days. I’ve said it before - if everytime you go into a shop you get the wrong change, if that change is sometimes more, sometimes less the shopkeeper is careless, however if it’s always less than it should be the shopkeeper is a thief BBCBias


Interesting, mistake after mistake that helps reflect the Tories in a better light. I stopped watching BBC news weeks ago. Simply had enough. Fed up of seeing a higher ratio of interaction with the right, correction, the far right.

Nice of you to put it in quotation marks, just to highlight that it's a lie!

There have been too many 'mistakes' recently.... It reflects badly on the BBC.

Saffiya_Khan1 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

That’s not the only mistake BBC! Stop being bias!

Really .. if the Prime Minister of this country can get away with lying in the face of the public why are we not surprised that the BBC will help in covering it up. VoteLabour2019

Perhaps in future should be titled BBFNews? Standing for British Broadcasting Fox News, as there seem to be similarities in standards and bias of reporting 🤬

emilyjodell It was a mistake to think you would get away with it.

TheGunnersPub This is why people don’t pay their license tax anymore

TheGunnersPub Why should people pay for these lies?

Why post this?

You should be ashamed of yourselves, you are nothing but a pro ToryBBC mouthpiece 😨 How could that possibly be a mistake, it was wholly intentional, pleeeeeeze?

Better late than never BBC!

I feel the same way about paying my licence fee at present..

Why are we paying you for these mistakes?

Sure and when I don’t renew my TV license that’ll be a “mistake” 🖕

Utter bullshit. Getting caught was the mistake.

Demonstrating the bias of yet again and by the time they’ve done it it’s too late. Anyway it doesn’t seem to stop them repeating their “mistakes”

If this was Scotland’s NHS you would have banner head lines asking for resignations. So BBC senior management must go!

How can it be a 'mistake'? I accidentally stood on a snail last night when I was in my garden and it was pitch black. That was a mistake. I didn't physically hunt the snail down like you physically edited the laughter out.

GaryTrowsdale So undo it

Oops I did it again

Hah I actually red Twitt saying they will claim it was *mistake*

You missed out the word “deliberate”

Weird how these mistakes keep happening! Someone should get rid of the BBC’s editing button that accidentally expertly and carefully presents a far-right bigot in the best possible light. Seems like a liability.

A 'mistake' because they got caught out.

In what sense was it a 'mistake' to edit out laughter after the question is asked and replace it with an answer from a different question?

Supposed “mistakes” keep happening. Senior BBC leaders are accountable for bias and need to step down.

We expressed concern at this level of control in the east during the cold war!

Get a grip ffs

The laughing was edited out on purpose. Every man and his dog knows this.

BBC is hypocritical cooperation BBCWorld bbclaurak

Another 😤

If caught, it's a 'mistake' (with no remose thu).

A mistake! As if they absentmindedly presses the wrong button. They still can’t say the phrase “we were wrong to” no wonder trust is eroded.

Lol “mistake” you lot are full of mistakes

you know after a large number of mistakes one is generally deemed incompetent

Taking this thug seriously and allowing him to lie continuously is the mistake! He is not qualified to stand for PM

Bit like the wreath laying at the Cenotaoh eh? More lies !

Another one!! Just like the cenotaph! Jeez, give it a rest. These ‘mistakes’ & the excuses for them are embarrassing.

I think you mean journalistic Malpractice.

bbc you have seriously damaged your reputation

like I said bad things will happened when we leave EU without a deal like I curse them since 2011

Another one. How soon after the election will these mistakes stop?

How can it be a mistake lets face it it wasn’t - was there a time when the BBC was impartial ❓maybe a long time ago but definitely not now. Brainwashing

BBC admits their mistake was getting caught.

I'm more than happy to come in at short notice to help with editing. Obviously you'll be sacking this one, and you must already be short-handed from getting rid of the other one from Armistice Day.

Oh another... that’s ok then 🙄

What does Brenda say ?

This is ridiculous.


The silence from OFCOM is deafening 😡

Not in the UK, but agree, editing, of any form creates a false, ‘fake’ message. Don’t do it. Sorry but not a Boris fan. Let the people laugh at this man, as they did.

Anyone who knows anything about tv editing or has got the slightest bit of awareness knows that this is a MASSIVE LIE. Truth is the first casualty of war but in this case it's more of an extermination.

Another mistake after Bojo the 🤡 “wreathgate editing mistake” time to own up BBC you are now the Tories propaganda dept 😡 time to end license fee!

Making a lot of 'mistakes' re. Johnson recently!

Too late BBC we see RIGHT through you,always have. 😡

I’ve downloaded the superb Libravox spoken books instead of listening to the BBC. A drop in the ocean I know, but tired of BBC propaganda.

BBCBias admits it made the 'mistake' of actually gettung caught doing fake news propaganda to help BorisJohnson. The BBC have sent a written apology to DominicCummings and have promised not to get caught again.

Does this have anything to do with it?

It was a mistake, but was it an accident? I think not.

Uh Huh! Similar to dropping a mug that you want rid of. Oh dear! It was an accident. There was a time when people used to turn to the BBC for the truth. When was that?

Oh! A mistake ‘uh’? What a coincidence! Always a good, simple excuse.

What do you make of this huwbbc ?

Outrageous admission by an organisation that is meant to impartial!! Now admit all your other actions that have been biased in favour of Johnson et al!!!! BBCIsBiased

I hope they shut you down... you are a cosy den of privileged bullies.

Mistakes that always benefit one side? Hmmmm. That's a real head scratcher.

The person who made the editorial decision to make those distorting edits, cutting laughter and changing the actual line, should be censured/disciplined for their blatant bias.

How many mistakes are you going to keep making in favour of the Tories

Too little too late

I doubt this apology will make its way on to the mainstream news tomorrow

Not good enough, too many mistakes being made.

BBCPolitics What a load of rubbish the BBC’s explanation is

Ya think?

When will the BBC learn that you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear

Oops! Sorry we lied to you all...and got caught. - BBC

It was indeed a serious but not singular mistake. Too late to properly apologise. How can it be uncommented on public tv for the PM to leave the chamber before the end of PMQs? Precedent made it becomes 'accepted'.

Same as the tv licence

Mistake my ass!

Finally. Good to read

BBC news editor and producers seem to be making a lot of 'mistakes' editing Boris into fake news this election campaign, a lot of 'mistakes'. You sure it's not on purpose, those mistakes.

Just a Further Example of BBC'S BIAS IN FAVOUR OF ITS OLD SCHOOL TIE TORIES. It has lost the plot completely in its Bias towards what it perceives as its Boris Comfort Zone. It's News Editors need to stop this crude anti social RIGHT WING BIQS.

Who's your editor, Frank Spencer? (More likely Alan B Stard!)

isabelhilton Aye right...

I suppose putting this in the 'Entertainment & Arts' section instead of anything resembling 'Politics' was a mistake, too? Because this *really* doesn't feel like it belongs in a section next to news about Taylor Swift and Frozen 2.

How is that a mistake? Someone had to purposefully do the edit... someone reviewed it and someone posted it. No one slipped.

Nick___Collins Was it just as much of a mistake that you posted this under 'Arts and Entertainment'? So, you know, people who want to be informed about the general election somehow miss this news?

Someone needs to get fired over this.

Intriguing how you never make a mistake in Labours favour. Your mistakes only ever favour the tories. Your BBCBias is making you the laughing stock of the media. We must be the only country in the world that has to pay to get it's government propaganda Just go away.

Disgusting behaviour. Propaganda. No wonder people arnt renewing license fees and walking away from the BBC’s lies.


BBCPolitics Wouldnt put it past the BBC to put canned laughter in during the debate hence removing it easy

You have been found out yet again faceless BBC with yet another so called 'mistake'

You’re making a awful lot of ‘mistakes’ these days.

Making quite a few mistakes these days!

No shit Sherlock. An inadvertent mistake?

Another mistake? Doesn’t sound like you lot...

CelebratingAus Fake news media...nwo cabal asset....eradicate the fake news media and their personel

A mistake to deliberately tamper with the video? Or a mistake to try and fool the public Where’s your credibility?

Another honest mistake? Garbage! You've been caught yet again broadcasting propaganda. Not a surprise considering..

The bias never ends

You're making a LOT of 'mistakes' lately aren't you? If it's not complicitness, it's incompetency. If I made this many mistakes at work, and with such serious consequences, I'd be fired!!

By a total fluke your mistakes always seem to benefit Boris Johnson. Like the old footage of Remembrance Day, when he was less of a shambles then than he was this year. You edited not just to remove the laugh, it looked like the audience applauded Johnson, not the questioner too.

Don't believe you. Another one like green boris at cenotaph

There's a difference

If the Tories win a majority, that’s me done with the BBC. Been a viewer since the trade test transmission too. byebyebbc

I’ll say!!

They Will be going for the hat trick next

Funny how these mistakes keep happening.🤔

So, that means the gaslighting is intentional?

Too late, the damage is done. Shame on you.

Mistake like cutting Borises drunken performance on Armestes day. Mistake like colouring Corbyn red and modifying photo in front of Kremlin. Seems like all them mistakes are a little bias.

It was not a mistake. It was edited. Someone had controll over this and edited this to show viewers that Johnson was taken seriously instead of derision. A disgraceful case of Fake News

Shut The Front Door

This is what I pay TV license for?

‘Mistake’ my arse!

You didn’t just shorten it, you swapped his response for a response at a different time, when he was looking more confident and less flustered. Same as when you edited ian blackford being interviewed and the people in the background were disappearing because you had cut bits out

How it comes that these 'mistakes' always make him look better?

Yeah! Big mistake pal! getRidOfTVlicence

One mistake might be accepted as such. Multiple such 'mistakes' are clearly deliberate.

No it was deliberate bbc bias just like Fiona Bruce constantly interrupting Boris but not the others.

Jesus. How many more apologies will the BBC have to make before the election is done? Guys you cannot polish a turd!

Yeah, yeah. It's been once too often to be a mistake, don't you think?

A mistake is what Loris Karius does.. what you've done countless times is intentional.

the media are meddling in this election, it will get worse because they can't seem to help themselves.

Again 🤔

So you can blatantly doctor footage to make Tories look better. As long as you ‘admit it was a mistake’ that’s ok because the damage is done.

AyoCaesar bbc-big boomer company

Was it f***

Aye right...What happens when someone says not renewing their tv license was a mistake?

just why do it!?

BBC has been making mistakes since the 1970s bbcrottentothecore

AyoCaesar Damage done


For an organisation that sees itself as one of the great news outlets, you seem to be making a lot of 'mistakes' recently.


Let's start a rota for watching BBC news and politics programmes just to keep check on BBC bias and misinformation.

Talking as if it was a tabloid newspaper Poor excuse as we don't have to read / buy them but expect news to be impartial especially during election campaigns

'Mistake' is the new term for 'deliberate, but we got caught - again'

Bbc are wank

Sacked the work experience boy then? Never a mistake in a million years.

We don't pay you to make 'mistakes'

Simpley ...

BBC are supposed to be neutral....... Whatever

'Mistake' my rear end. You knew exactly what you were doing.

prelovedbtn Yes it was BBC - we do not like it !

Complete and utter bollocks. It's amazing how the BBC continually make mistakes that help the Tories, and even more amazing they think people won't notice.

Criminal intent

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 propaganda outlet ! RT news is way better than you. I don't even watch your sh*t botched jobs, but it's elections & I wanted to watch the leaders debate & what do we get? Worse propaganda than a tin pot dictatorship in South America. Oh I forgot we have an unelected PM

These “debates” are a waste of time if the BBC were less biased we might find out what’s happening.

.....and by a huge coincidence this continuing catalogue of bizarre editing errors only ever benefits one party!🤔

Is it in the same category like the 'wreath' mistake?

BBC nine lives. How many apologies have you got left?

Ah that's different from the tweet the BBC sent out yesterday in response.

Is it okay if I use this excuse when I dont pay my licence fee?


“A mistake”, my arse.

Saffiya_Khan1 The same “mistake” as the cenotaph footage? The same “mistake” as the same man on Question Time 4 times in the same shirt? I’d always defended the BBC against cuts and Tories wanting to sell it off but politically I couldn’t trust a thing you say for a long time.

The audience is still you!

BBC says editing ........ laughter ........... of Boris Johnson was 'a ...take'


Just like in 2014 edited footage of unionists attacking Scottish independence supporters and said it happened the other way around! Or the same people who appear multiple times asking questions n Question Time, the Russian hat Newsnight put on a Jeremy Corbyn in a backdrop.

Just like the wreath laying footage. Not buying it.


a n y o n e DOUBTING the B B C ' s EXPLANATION w i l l be DIAGNOSED as a CONSPIRACY T h e o r i s t a n d WILL be RECEIVING a POLICE v i s i t to CHECK t h e i r THINKING

Under 'Entertainment and Arts' instead of 'Politics'? I guess it's appropriate. You've lost all credibility, so 'Entertainment' is all you are. Not very good entertainment, you must admit.

Who do we trust now?

Liar BBC. Admit that senior BBC news staff went to the same sex party Russian gangsters in Italy as Johnson did

Just watch andrew marr from sunday he continually interrupted michael Gove and did not do the same with labour or lib dems. He is so biased

Don't pay your TV licence

Fucking right it was a mistake!! A big one!! workingclassvoice BrexitisDead

As Brenda would say, 'not another one'. In any other area of life the public wouldn't be handing their cash over to an organisation that made so many mistakes.

Hahahahahahaha can you edit that out for me you shower of twats.

mrdanwalker I think you'll find this one hard to explain, especially you Dan! And they say that the BBC don't have a hidden agenda 🤔

Yeah yeah and Epstein killed himself

Can't really trust you any more. You just got caught out. Try not to watch/listen to BBC news any more.

Why do all your “Editorial Mistakes” of late seem to play right into Tory hands?

Presumably the mistake was being caught.

Typical ....

A mistake... And the tory propaganda machine rolls on. Time the BBC got its unique funding from somewhere else. It's a good job you don't post out a paper licence any more, because I'd wipe my arse on it and post the fucker back.

Yes, YES it was!

Bias coverage yet again


You're not supposed to change the news, you're supposed to report it!

Is putting it in the ‘Entertainment and Arts’ section rather than the General Election one a mistake too?

A mistake 😂😂😂😂

Intentional mistakes are by definition not mistakes.. They're done on purpose in order to mislead. Hardly unbiased dontpaythefee

Yeah right

I wonder who told you to do that ? 🤔

CoastKerry Liars.

Yeah right

Well damn well stop doing it then.The public are not stupid!

How about doing you job as an independent broadcaster i.e. REPORT not opine. There's so much you've not reported, for some reason.


Really? Oh well , I’ll just crack on then 🙄

What’s funny about this is by editing it out you’ve drawn huge attention to him being a literal laughing stock when if it had been left in it would’ve been quickly forgotten about 👏

Why do all the 'mistakes' show Johnson in a slightly better light? Isn't it time someone took responsibility and resigned?

BBC really dont like mistakes - unkempt boris laying wreath upside down - mistake - people laughing at boris being trustworthy - mistake - just as well bbc news has editors to edit out these mistakes or cut in old footage in without mistakes - got to admire the professionalism!

was the mistake misrepresenting the event by an edit or making such a transparent blunder that viewers noticed? Hopefully the current round of crass 'mistakes' will continue so news reports generally cease to be taken on trust

This seems like it isn't getting the attention it deserves. Hugely concerning.


Yes a mistake getting caught again

Incredible we are so sorry it’s not washing anymore the propaganda pumped out from the BBC is a direct threat to Britain’s democracy

No it wasn’t.

Yes of course it was. It fitting that you support Johnson as no-one believes either of you

Of course it was, we believe you...

I think what they really mean is that it was a mistake they got caught !!!!!! Again !!!!!!!! It's time to BinTheBBC I am afraid for the good of FreePress and democracy !

Funny how your “mistakes” all seem to end up flattering the Prime Minister. It’s almost as if the future of your government-licensed service depended on it.

You are incompetent, or fatally biased. This political climate has shown you to be operating way outside your envelope. For the BBC your conduct is shameful, and the only other body I’ve said that of is the Conservative government. Which hardly puts you in esteemed company.

It was yes. BBC are losing respect very fast.

What the BBC showing bias towards the tories. Next you’ll be telling me that bears defecate in the woods!

Put it back on unedited then!

Words. Meaningless words. From which person? Liars lie. StopBrexit ReleaseTheRussiaReport GetJohnsonGone

Thats funny, cos the talent got rattled and defended it as ok, and normal. Which goes to show either they too are at it, or is so common place this biased editing practice its normality.

Dear Auntie, we watch with interest. You can't be surprised, when the masses you assist in educating... spot the intent. Personally, I think you have still time to remember who you should be. Not to do so may be your undoing. jeremycorbyn labourpress ToryFibs

Your chief producer might as well be Kim Jong Un... You’re so corrupt !

Seem to be making a few ‘mistakes’ recently when it comes to good old Boris

You have deep fakes and then you have BBC Sunday market bootleg fake! At least waste the license payers money properly and employ a competent editor.

Mistake you got caught?


Amazing how the BBC only makes these silly mistakes where Johnson is concerned. Any trust people had in you has gone.

You seem to be making lots of mistakes that show Johnson in a more favourable light

😂😂😂😂😂 what a Boball he is & Swinson or did they just turn the claps of instead of the laughter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 none of the pair of them never even got a clap, they weren't long shutting the young guy up who said he's lying about Russia

A mistake? That took very careful, precise work by am editor! Yeah right accidentally happened by mistake.

Oh...another! Of course I believe you.

No it wasn’t a mistake it was exactly what you meant to do... except you got caught! Toris in a landslide...

BBCPolitics It was a terrible mistake. Having fixed the Labour Party audience at least The Labour supporting BBC could have done is let us listen to the Labour Party audience!

It was deliberate bias towards the Conservatives, again! the BBC is a corrupt old dinosaur that needs to just lay down and die.

Are you not the bbc


ropoem Another honest mistake.

Mistake? My a...

Yeah sure👎

Piss. Back. Raining.

how does such a huge broadcaster make mistakes in Johnson’s favour ?

So many mistakes by them lately.Anybody sacked yet?

And the editing the Cenotaph ceremony to make Johnson look better earlier in the months was a other a ‘mistake’. A pattern of behavior from the BBC we in Scotland are all to familiar with! 😕

I'm sorry a mistake is putting your socks on inside out this was calculated to make bozo look good, maybe it's time for you to go as well

Oh no it wasn’t!!!!!!!!!!

One of their planned mistakes..

I used to defend the BBC, but not any more.

They've been making a lot of 'mistakes' lately.

You are the Tory propaganda machine!!! Mistake my arse!!!

Neatly posted under 'Entertainment & Arts', I see, rather than Politics. I suppose there is a certain artistry to your work...though entertainment is lacking.

Acknowledging something is fine making sure you don’t do it again is what is important !

Aye right

You don’t say.

AyoCaesar How many ‘mistakes’ favouring the Conservatives are you going to make exactly?! 😠

Every single Tory appointee to BBC management and trustees should be removed immediately. Further, those political reporters who have shown clear bias in favour of any party or politician(s) can also move out.

This would be laughable if it were not so serious. Repeatedly making such 'mistakes' points to a more substantial and worrying problem which the Corporation need to address.

Oh well ... that's OK then.

Germans have a fitting description of such behaviour displayed by the BBC: VorauseilenderGehorsam - which can be translated to 'hastening to show obedience '. It was widespread in the Third Reich, as Timothy Snyder observed in 'Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century'

Adding this one to your long list of mistakes where the Tories are concerned 🤦

......... and we are disappointed we got caught”

The Sun, Express, Sunday Times and the BBC are totally right wing bias. Shame on you BBC. What a waste of TV licence money.

Sure was. Cannot believe Good Morning from BBC now

Uh huh. Twice in the same month you have edited to spare his blushes.... Biased

sazmeister88 I'm not sure you can mistakenly edit something out, the very act of doing it takes time, effort, resources and skill. Just admit that it was deliberate and you were wrong to do so, we'd all respect you more then.

What a load of bollocks

This is becoming a pattern, making Johnson look better. Apologies after the fact are pointless, the damage is, not done, by your complicity. Stop it, you are a public broadcaster and should be impartial.

My arse. Liars.

I’ve not paid a tv license in 22 years by mistake... 👍🏽

Like the Remembrance Sunday 'mistake'? 🤔

It certainly was. Alienating the very people who argue most strenuously for your preservation is likely to be a mistake of existential proportions.

sazmeister88 An extremely obvious and dangerous mistake - a 'slippery-slope' in the making

Bollocks. You know what you're doing.

Just how many more ‘mistakes’ are we expected to accept?

Remember this one?

Aye Right, Another honest mistake from the British Bullshit Corporation

Fuck the BBC it's a let us all down

It isn’t a mistake if it is calculated. BBC is Tory. Simple as that. Despite being paid for by all to represent all.

If you make a mistake and then admit you made a mistake (again), the next thing you’re supposed to say what you’re going to do about it, to correct the mistake you made and make sure you don’t make the same mistake again, you know, like how we teach children...


MirandaWhiting 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No...really..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂✌😂

Only 'cos you got caught!

Another 'mistake'. You seem to be racking up a lot of these lately. And they all seem to benefit Boris. You'd think occasionally your accident prone selves would make a mistake that WASN'T to his advantage.

That’s one unbelievable ‘mistake’. Seriously unbelievable = not believable.


It was a mistake to think you could get away with it

Is this from the same department that made the mistake of showing Johnson laying a wreath from two years ago at the Cenotaph, as opposed to this year’s which showed him looking dishevelled and rather the worse for wear?

Beyond a chuffin' joke now. Seriously thinking about my next TV licence fee.

Maybe could tweet the full clip

I hope this ‘acknowledgment’, which should be an apology, will be broadcast in the same slot as the original ‘mistake’, along with the unedited clip

When a public broadcaster behaves like this, there should be a law to stop it it. This should be illegal.

A “mistake”?! No! I was a BBC sound engineer in a previous life - technology will have progressed but editing, cutting, inserting, swapping, omitting is a conscious, deliberate, and skilled process

Like the mistake you made showing the Buffoon at RemembranceDay from 3yrs ago. Stop the lying.. SkyNews LBC Skypapers Newsnight itvnews C4News

In the words of Beryl from Bristol 'what? Another one!'

So tired of this shit.

Folks, you know whose side the media is on, right?

If these were genuine mistakes they’d randomly favour the various parties but, bizarrely, all your mistakes favour the tories. It’s farcical to pretend that it’s coincidence.

I'm calling bullshit on this

Yet another.....

“We say...” you mean.

Too fu*king late

Big Bonus Corporation

It was deliberate wasn't it. Shameful hut deliberate. 'mistake' , just frankly dishonest

The BBC are Tory don’t tell the news you make it up. The BBC have zero credibility. Zero

Broadcasting By Conservatives....


I hope labour get in and add ‘abolish the license fee’ to their manifesto.

You’re a disgrace.

Funny way to spell propaganda.

Only because you got caught

BULLSHIT, the BBC is a disgrace

Turning a blind eye to the most prolific paedophile in British history was also a 'mistake' we know how the bbc works!

Ah that's ok then It's not like we don't believe you🙄

Do they really believe we will fall for that one?

Jeez they’re making a lot of mistakes at the BBC lately!! Is Auntie becoming a bit senile

'Correction' is alive and kicking hey

But you keep making these mistakes...

BIG mistake.

Absolutely outrageous. So yet another “mistake” that shows LiarJohnson in a better light. No one believes you BBC, you are corrupt now and lying because you keep getting rumbled. BBCBiasAndLies

What happened to the editor?


You've always been the mouthpiece of whatever govt. was in power but it's gone too far this time.

Another day, another apology. Not good enough for a public funded organisation. BBCBias banlicencefee

A mistake hahahahahaha

Trouble is with these ‘mistakes’ once they are out there the gullible soak them up like a sponge 🤷‍♂️... object of the exercise!!

But officer, my omitting to write that I was doing 110mph at the time of the accident was just a mistake. No harm done - right?

chillychrisy More lies from the Tory bastards who run .

BBCPolitics This is a (deliberate) mistaek - that was tampering with the truth

Yet again the only mistake was getting caught.

I hope all the employees who denied this will be getting disciplinary action. I have always defended the BBC but these 'mistakes', are outright lies.

I guess Johnson has done a deal with the BBC because I thought they were supposed to support Labour lol? Remember everyone if you give Johnny a good majority he'll not give it up until the last moment in May 2024! Think about that.

There sure are a lot of ‘mistakes’ at the bbc. Seems like a lot of incompetent staff.......?

Just like using wrong footage of reef laying was?

That's a lot of mistakes. In a very short period of time. By a corporation managed by professionals. I want my licence fee back. Now.

Mmm ‘mistake’ strange you don’t make ‘mistakes ‘ with other parties ,only the Tories. Why not on your Primetime News make a full and frank apology for misleading the general public on a regular basis.We pay the licence fee too have an independent news,not one that kowtows Tories

Heres something people will find interesting and well help to understand the bias


Seems to be a recurring theme of “mistakes” from BBC during this election campaign

Does it trouble you that your “mistakes” all favour the Tories? Pure accident of course .... I’ve magic beans for sale!

Biggravybilton 👀 there at it mate.

Another mistake!

Just how stupid do you think we are?

No shit sherlock VoteLabour2019

But it wasn't a 'mistake' was it? I now avoid all BBC political TV shows and all BBC news broadcasts on account of its blatant bias and falsifications. ITV news only (and any other non-BBC political shows) for me from now on.

You are finished.

Oh behave. That you can take our money, do this, issue a piss-take of a reply and still sleep at night. Absolute shame on you for your contempt.

BoycottTheBBC ToryPropagandaChannel

A mistake lol ok then 🤨

It wasn't a mistake. It was deliberately done. It is pure bias towards you lords and masters, the Tories. State run TV! They won't always be there tho!

...and.... what's this then?

Edit out all lies in future

Making an awful lots of 'mistakes' when it comes to Johnson.... Its almost like there's some kind of bias there 😒

😂😂😂mistake my arse , a calculated move, they know the vast majority will have already forgotten the incident . Goebbels would be soo impressed that the right wing still control the media 🤬

This editing goes more than adjusting the timing. You’ve also adjusted the order and tagged a different end. Johnson’s intonation is quite obviously different on the 2 words used.

You need to get your act together. Why was you editing sounds anyway? Disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful. Your trust has gone, an organisation that should be closed down.


One day soon the licence will be under review again and the BBC will seek our support in keeping it. Well too late.

The only mistake is British people paying the license to be propagandised by you. Not fit for purpose anymore.

The BBC is a mistake!!! Bias beyond comprehension!!!

Is Andrew Marr a “mistake” then? 🤷🏻‍♂️

A mistake? Try ‘biased journalism’. Try ‘an attempt to deceive’. Try ‘Fake news’.

Embarrassing dishonesty

If you cannot report impartially and honestly scrap your news service. BBCBias

The BBC are becoming less believable than the Conservative Party.

Are you in a lying competition with BorisJohnson ? Can you remind us all again why we need to pay for this? 🤔

Can I refuse to pay my licence fee and call it “a mistake” when caught? Funny how all your “mistakes” benefit the lying racist, isn’t it?

It should never have happened. The BBC are paid for by us. I have lost faith with how our news is reported. Impartial, my arse!

The changes and omissions always seem to bolster Johnson's tawdry image.

Wow, they admit a missed chance to troll Boris. How awful of them.

Why do your 'mistakes' always favour the Tories?

Please can you also edit out the canned laughter from Are You Being Served?

There’s a pattern to your ongoing editing mistakes though isn’t there?

That was no mistake!

Corrupt Biased Broadcasting Corporation

You guys need new editors...

The public having to pay for this bullshit is an even bigger mistake scrapthelicence

That’s 8 mistakes. By the same team. All of which favoured just 1 electoral candidate. 😂😂😂😂😂


Why the fuck do we pay a TV license for? To be conned?

I love BBC news

Yet another 'mistake'! Who knew what an amateur cowboy outfit the was? Either that or they are showing their bias, even during Purdah. Either explanation is unacceptable. GetTheToriesOut

This is just weird.

What another ?🤔

Editing it out to save time is a mistake, replacing the laughter with applause is pure propeganda.

Damned right it was. A mistake to believe they would get away with it.


So many mistakes, over the years your 'mistakes' have had a detrimental effect on the lives of many families.

CoastKerry I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you. RT is way more impartial.

It was a deliberate act to promote their favoured candidate. Equally is reporting that Jo Swinson ruined her chances last night. All the agenda expected when trying to reduce the voters to two people. Only the idiots can be fooled by your propaganda theSNP will rule

BBC apologies like.....

BBC are right. It was a 'deliberate' mistake. Want to protest? Just VoteLabour12December

Up yours bbc

Bbc seem to be making a few Tory slanted mistakes of late? 🤔🤔

These 'mistakes' are becoming a habit 😠

Hmmmm pretty sure Remembrance Sunday was this month ? Another mistake. Quality of your people seem to be lowering.

Like all the other 'mistakes' you've made to make him look better than the obnoxious self-centred bigot he really is?

Is it just a coincidence that all of these ‘mistakes’ spare Boris Johnson’s embarrassment?

What a joke ! Talk about fake news

That’s dystopian!

why put mistake in a quotation mark even though you are admitting of it?


It wasn't, you are lying!

BBC blatantly distorting the truth for the Conservative party again. Last time it was with Boris at the cenotaph. Now they're manipulating televised election debates. We must have an inquiry - there's supposed to be a free & fair election going on.

Given the frequency of of these 'mistakes' perhaps you should consider a Christmas Special of all your 'mistakes' know in the style of It'll be alright on the night.

There seem to be a lot of 'mistakes' recently, don't there? 🤔

BBC.... making the Daily Fail look positively professional !!

You should also apologise for Question Time audiences not reflecting all political views.

It must have taken an offline editor ages to make that simple mistake.

That's bollocks First you deliberately replace Cenotaph footage of Johnson looking a Ness and placing wreath upside-down And now you remove laughter after a question about trust Those aren't mistakes They're deliberate Who's pulling your strings? Stain on reputation

Oh please

Good grief. How many MORE 'mistakes' are you gonna make that put Johnson and the Tories in a favourable light?

Another extremely tired editor, no doubt.....


Scandalous behaviour by the You're supposed to be impartial Conservatives in disguise

chunkymark Biggest mistake was getting caught out. Again.

BBCPolitics That apology going on national television? Thought not 😊😎

Stop your nonsense, you built a reputation on being impartial and you’ve thrown it out the window ... tsk tsk

Gosh, this is unfortunate, 2nd production mistake showing Johnson in a more favourable light at such an important time!

Damn right it was a mistake, you thought nobody would notice because we are all too dim.. 'Mistake' you have been rumbled now own it and sack the culprits.

A deliberate mistake

Our boycotting of is a mistake too. SorryNotSorry

Volkische beobachter (bb cunts) sagt, 'sorry'. erbaermich.

These “mistakes” are coming a bit too thick and fast for me....... you as a news department seem intent in sullying the reputation of the BBC

Oh, I thought you said it was a justifiable edit for time? Was that justification a 'mistake' too?

Weird how these 'accidents' only happen to the boris footage and it still doesn't explain his earpiece in the bbc debate. BBCBias ToryPropagandaBBC sacklaurakuenssberg

Amazing how many people backing Boris will say the BBC is biased against Boris though. That's two 'mistakes' ...... So far, to make Boris look better. Not bad for a biased organisation.

Making a lot of these mistakes lately. Oddly they all seem to benefit Johnson. Maybe it’s time the person responsible for so many mistakes - the political editor - was sacked, as she’s clearly shit at her job.

New BBC logo....

I did laugh at the error, but I edited it out.

Trust is easy to lose and very hard to get back!

Ok BBC, please tell BBC that we’re all really happy with that explanation 👍🏻 Also, VoteLabour

dibbo141 AGAIN

Yes, a big one... Even those who were telling us to remove our tin hats a few months ago have sussed your corruption.


No shit.

We are literally paying for your mistakes

Hahahahaha classic

Always helping the Tories too. I do wonder why...

Funny that these mistakes always favour the tories 😬😬 coincidence

BBC lies.

A lot of “mistakes” going on at the BBC lately isn’t there. 🤔


Making lots of 'mistakes' aren't you? 😏

Strange how you never make any errors that benefit Corbyn, only ever seems to be Johnson and his Tories 🤔

Don’t think you are keeping up with your mission statement. I want my money back!

So bbc admits a 'mistake' over editing. Same for remembrance day excuse. Also how come labour manifesto was picked at for days. Tories one day old and huge lies, eg nurses, and hardly a thing.

Strangely these “mistakes” always benefit the Tories and always put SNP in a bad light. I am sure a statistician would make sense of it! Chance is a fickle thing eh?

BBCPolitics As Beryl from Bristol would say: 'What, another one!!'

that's at least two 'editing mistakes' since the GE campaign commenced. 1): using old footage of boris at the cenotaph; 2): editing out boris' laughter. Hmmmm....

BBC at it again 🙈 never learn, more excuses

A mistake? But what kind...

Here’s one we made earlier

Immediately thought of A) John Sweeney B) This is from yesterday BBC news is rotten at its core and takes us all for idiots

A mistake that could have won some votes for Johnson, this is not acceptable.

Will you be posting an apology for this non-apology in the BBC Weather section? Where will the career obituaries of RobBurl and bbcnickrobinson be posted, in the Sports pages?


Getting a bit common, these mistakes aren’t they? 🤔

Erm, initially the excuse was to make the edit shorter? Unsure how dubbing laughter out made it shorter but.... 🤥 Is Gepetto working hard for the BBC at the moment?

Another different clip of Johnson from bbcqt was also edited misleadingly, and used on Newsnight ? bbcnews

oh look, another too little too late moment from the bbc.


bbc is so anti labour biased especially pienaar, Laura K & Campbell on the news progs

Can't they just edit out Boris Johnson instead?

So, not deliberate ? At all ? . . . Mhm hmm..

I trust you'll play the full clip at the start of each news bulletin and say, outright, what you did and that it was wrong.

Not having that bullshit explanation at all....

There's no mistakes. Having worked in the media, everything and l mean everything is analysed especially in the edit.

A mistake...what another one that paints Boris Johnson in a better light than it incompetence in the BBC or can we expect some more ‘mistakes’?

It was NOT a MISTAKE it was BBCBias

No it was deliberate & planned & yet more evidence of pro Tory bias from your Editors!

2 mistakes in two weeks BBC...

GordonDunsmuir Wasn’t so difficult was it?

But was the mistake in the editing suite making the cut Or was the mistake in the executive suite setting the BBC stance on all things political & Brexit? People tend to follow their organisational culture even if toxic biased or immoral. bbcnews itvnews skynews c4news

No. This can't be true. The BBC is trustworthy, impartial and respected around the world. The BBC tells us that and the BBC is... (Return to start of tweet)

And the Wreath substitute? remembranceday2019


😂 I told right after you did it, that you will say it was 'a mistake' . Twits. You don't know many words, do you. 🤣

Too many 'mistakes' recently

The BBC are seriously starting to fuck me right off.

We should write off the BBC TV License as one big mistake

Big mistake,you lost a lot of licence fees due to the way you portray the news

Wow so yet another “mistake ‘ made Johnson look better. How unfortunate

A mistake, Please! This keeps happening. Apologise on you headline news, sack the Tory bias editing staff and find a Labour voter who is going to vote Labour, that’s what we want! ipayforthis

Funny how all the 'mistakes', 'wrong clips' work in favour of Boris Johnson. The deception are, all, accidental, of course...

How is this Entertainment and Arts? Surely this is headline news or politics at least? Bit slow putting this on Facebook? BBCBias torymaths Tory GeneralElection2019 ToryManifesto bbcnews

No shit sherlock

Of course it was. We believe you..........well, in fact we don't believe you.

Another mistake ? How many more and why do you only make mistakes that assist Tories?

Of course it was.

Sorry you got caught, you mean. Again.

I smell bullshit 😅

Not good enough. By a country mile.


A mistake, entirely accidental of course. Ahem.

You are so broken. Totally unfit for purpose.

Editing is the new forging? Well, that promises to become very interesting...

Hate the propaganda BBC. So hope you’ll lose the licensing fee

What, again?

GordonDunsmuir No mistake . It was blatant misrepresentation from the propaganda ministry.

Another mistake in 5 weeks! Yous are fucking at it!

johnsweeneyroar What's that? Another 'make Johnson look less of an ass' oopsie? Seemingly there's a lot of it about

Mistakes happen when you don't sack RobBurl or bbcnickrobinson

Was putting a 95% Labour/SNP audience (including Labour staff and activists) onto the QT Leaders Debate 'a mistake' too?

Yeah right, just like sweeping voter fraud, islamophobia and right-wing bias under the carpet!

Lots of 'mistakes' in favour of Bojo

Why don’t you show the REALITY to counteract your FALSE News? The public are tired and sick of your propaganda! GE2019

BBCPolitics 1984 confirmed!

Former BBC journalist johnsweeneyroar letter to Ofcom concerning worries about the current BBC news dept.

Another mistake which favours Boris? 🤥

Amazing that these 'mistakes' only ever benefit the Tories, never Labour, SNP, Green etc. Either you habitually employ the most incompetent editors or there's more to that just that, and I know which one my money's on.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Just like your propaganda journalist bbclaurak is mistaking fucking Boris right? GutterJournalism PropagandaNews ToryCampaignBroadcaster CorruptBastards

Damn boys, ya’ll sure makin’ a lot of mistakes recently 🤔

Ofcom ElectoralCommUK The BBC seems to be making lots of 'mistakes' in favour of N.Johnson & the CONservatives.

Why is this listed on the 'arts & entertainment' section of your website? What part of this wilful f*ck-up is 'art' or in any way entertaining?

You're only sorry you got caught.

Another mistake? Funny how these always happen to the advantage of the Tories isn’t it. Just saying.

BBC it’s no use apologising on line you need to apologise on TV for that and doctoring the wreath laying and the doctoring of Corbyn’s hat having him in front of the Kremlin. All day after every news broadcast.

You've covered a bit on Andy and Epstein, can we have some from you now on Charlie boy and Saville?

A 'mistake' is spelling a name incorrectly.Deliberately editing a sound recording to remove laughter aimed toward that pathetic excuse for a pm is not a 'mistake'.

BBCLies JohnsonLies ToryLies. Nothing new there then! GTTO

Yesterday it was an intentional edit to save time

The swamp needs draining.

Your mistake was getting caught...

They are getting rather incompetent with these mistakes. Just like the wreath-laying one from another year that happened to slip in to the edit. BBC is a total failure. And full of LiarJohnson sycophants


You think.... You keep making them... But Huw Edwards the newsreader thinks we are all just imagining it.

From someone who knows how to edit video, that is absolute balderdash. Editing something out doesn't happen by mistake unless it was ordered. See N. Robinson 2014 RE: Currency question in indyref - a full 6m reply cut out by the BBC - a mistake also? caughtredhanded

BBC says editing out audience laughter from news bulletin footage of Boris Johnson was “a mistake” to be caught out. Fixed it for you.

Big one. Sort yourselves out.

The 'mistake' was thinking we wouldn't notice or care.


Another mistake who are you kidding? Pravda style news from a Pravda like news station, no democracy here!

The BBC current affairs department is a disgrace. It's as corrupt as Johnson's cabinet.

So why fucking do it then?

A deliberate mistake. You seem to he making a lot of 'mistakes' and they all seem to make Boris Johnson look better


Oh! Just like the “wreath” editing ! I wonder how many BBC employees have been offered peerages, etc... For all of my 70 years I always thought the BBC was impartial, honest and moral. I have, so sadly, now been proved wrong. BBC should be DDI - Disgraceful, Dishonest , Immoral!

wafll247 These mistakes always favouring johnson. Coincidence? I doubt it.

It’s strange how often the BBC is “making mistakes” that attempt to make LiarJohnson look a little less appalling than he actually is. It’s almost as if someone is doing it on purpose

Sorry, too little too late.... you’ll have to do a whole lot better to regain trust

You are making far too many ‘mistakes’.

Too fucking late. You lot are at it.

Not a mistake! This was done deliberately. BBCBiasAndLies

Why is the BBC the preferred choice for Conservative politicians when it comes to being interviewed? They wont go near Channel 4. Why should licence fee payers who are not supporters of the Conservative party pay for pro Conservative bias.?

To huwbbc anything to say after your tweet to OborneTweets now that the BBC has admitted it's mistake.

Another one! Seems very suspicious to me....🙄

This could not have been done by mistake

BBC, please remember editing matters for video and images. See below for example.

No apology for misleading viewers?

Hahahahaha 😂😂😂 hahahahahaha Just wait! Once the main stuff is over we’re coming for you, the BBC. We will finish off the illegal subscription fee we are forced to pay. It’s coming, you will pay! 😘

Just another coincidence then BBC?

It’s better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. fuckthebbc

One you keep making

Sometimes it’s better to stop digging pal 😞😞😞

🤣 MISTAKE 🤣🤣 again? You really take us all for absolute mugs don’t you?

Accidentally slipped and hit the “remove laughter” button

They just cannot help themselves, can they

BBCPolitics BBC = Tory Scum

Nope, it was intentional which therefore makes it meant, not a mistake

Mistake or dishonesty? And to think you lot can’t understand why young folk switch off your channel.

chunkymark Way too many mistakes in BBC time for winter cleaning

But your ‘mistake’ was clearly a deliberate act to protect your man BorisJohnson wasn’t it? That is not a ‘mistake’ that is cheating! robburl is a joke!

A bit more than a mistake methinks. It has shattered our belief in their impartiality

Entertainment & Arts? Really?

Dear BBC, There was a time almost the whole world turned to you for honest, impartial, TRUTHFUL, News- However have you allowed yourselves to become a propaganda outlet. A mistake, my arse! I assure you, the public are unconvinced.

AlastairMorgan Funny how you keep making these 'mistakes' in favour of the Tories. They just keep on coming, don't they. sacktoryeditorsatbbcnews


Yes it was.

Get the F$%k out of here, you been caught again at this rate if Carol says its raining I will still go out in my shorts and flip flops


Another mistake only this one shows Johnson in a better light, hardly the best thing for a supposedly neutral broadcaster to do

The televisual arm of the Guardian newspaper does its best to undermine Boris... Again!

Another 'mistake' back in 2017. How many 'mistakes' have you made that the public have not picked up? This level of propaganda is unprecedented in a dictatorship let alone a supposed democracy

So I guess 'a mistake' can now be a synonym for 'deliberate' because that's 1000% why they did it.

For once they did something positive for Boris as 99.99% its negative

How many 'mistakes' which favour the tories do they have to make before we twig what's going on?

RosieSandison Too late, the lie has already gone around the world, no point putting the boots on the truth now... But that’s how propaganda works...

So many 'mistakes'. Tut tut

That does not qualify as a mistake. That’s willfully misleading your audience.

That’s now only half the story though, isn’t it? Where’s the admission and apology for first claiming the edit was for ‘timing’ reasons - i.e. some innocent rationale - when the audience had already pointed out the substance (laughter) you now admit it was a ‘mistake’ to omit?

Yep, big mistake, next time big fine

These are clearly too common for it to be 'mistakes'. They know exactly what they are doing.

another BBC 'mistake'. Come on Beeb... get your act together!

Strange how your 'errors' favour the Tories

They know exactly what they are doing, subliminal messaging and perception...That effects how people vote....

EldingsPigeon95 I want this video editing software. Sounds way better and way more productive than the main ones on the market. Spill?

That's right, and we're all buttoned up the back. BritishFraudcastingCorporation

This is why you are untrustworthy. A once great journalistic organisation reduced to this. So very sad.

How is editing out a soundtrack and adding another a mistake? It was a deliberate act.


It’s just odd behaviour. In this age where everything is so readily called fake media why would you put the position to be fake media.

Not the first suspiciously pro- Johnson Government error. Nor, I suspect, the last. I’ve spent decades defending against lazy accusations of bias and easy pile-ons when errors occur. But this is too many and too often for comfort. Cenotaph

Is this the same person who mistakenly edited in a different wreath laying clip to help Boris out?

Seems you're making a lot of 'mistakes' these days and funnily enough they all seem to make Boris Johnson look better. Coincidence?

Are you putting in any controls to ensure these daily mistakes stop happening?

You're lying

Alanlsg The word 'acknowledge' suggests some sort of concensus on the verdict of 'mistake'. Who judged that? BBCBias propaganda

Are you now trying to find a way to blame BBCNaga for it?

AyoCaesar Lots of 'mistakes' this month bbc. Not a good look.

Not the first time though, is it?

Mistake has become one of these new meaningless words like 'misspoke'. When I was a teacher I had kids who, when I pointed out a spelling mistake would reply, 'Well I always spell it that way.' Let's reference Lewis Caroll

So how many people have you sacked over this and all the other mistakes that have mysteriously made the Tories look better during the election campaign period?

It doesn’t explain why you are working to slant the Tories favorably. It doesn’t explain your bias and how deep it goes. I think you fucked yourself BBC.

Another mistake added to the others. Too much of this type of thing happening for them all to be mistakes. I think you're doing it on purpose and it smacks of tory propaganda.

What Lefty BBC? Never!! 🤥

You seem to be making a habit of favourable editing towards Johnson. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking you wanted him to win the election.

AyoCaesar I’d give the BBC the benefit of the doubt here, I can understand for the purposes of getting to the snappy sound bite you’re want to shorten it. You can clearly tell from the change in sound that it’s edited, they could have done a better job of blending if it was on purpose.

Hey bbc-why do you hate the people’s voice on their election! You are only and I mean ONLY a media outlet-NOT a political hack...or are you? You should be ashamed of acting in a unprofessional manner! Boris Johnson lies and your encouragement of this proves it!

AyoCaesar BBCPolitics bbclaurak Here's a challenge for you. The top item of each broadcast for the next 24 hours is this story. You get SENIOR BBC people on who apologise fully and then you tell the people who have no choice but to pay for you how you're going to correct this.

We know it is a mistake alright, stop doing it on purpose...

Yeah right. Pravda

Why are you talking about yourself in 3rd person?

How on earth can this even be considered honest? So it was a mistake to filter out laughter to leave applause? That’s not a mistake, that’s blatant misleading actions with a degree of propaganda to boot. Come on, jobs must be on the line for this one!!!

BBC “mistakes” coming thick and fast. Another word for it is BBCBias

Why are you not demanding the release of the Russia Report? There has been no coverage of it. Your duty is to the people.

British Broadcasting Corruption BBC

‘Success’ not ‘mistake’. Job done once more.

Too little too late and too often to be a “ mistake”

Wow, how embarrassing are the Beeb? All these errors always in favour of the Tories, how much more blatantly biased can you be?

You seem to be making a lot of mistakes recently. Strange that all of these mistakes favour the Tories. Anybody would think you were operating to your own agenda and trying to influence voting. BBCBias PS Tory plants bbcqt ?

So you’ll be apologising and showing the correct clip then?

G2Bristol It certainly was, but was it deliberate? That.. is still a fair question.

And, again, we don't believe you...

No a mistake is something that is done accidentally. This was NO mistake. It was done with full knowledge that it would cover up a corrupt, lying PMs embarrassment! How many of these ‘mistakes’ can BBC get away with! GeneralElection2019 VoteSNP

But but huwbbc said they didn’t do it? Who to believe The bbc or the bbc.

Two obvious examples of misleading from the BBC during this campaign so far. Will there be any punishment?

This election seems to have been full of “mistakes” in support of the Tory party bbclaurak huwbbc

Another mistake? Who do you think you’re kidding? There’s a special place in hell reserved for anyone who’s involved in this evil bullshit! Promoting Johnson is promoting Trump, is promoting BANNON! - That’s what BBC shills have become, white supremacist supporting fascists!

A deliberate mistake I assume.

Yeah but it wasn't, though, was it? It was intentional disinformation intended either to directly help the conservative party in the election, or to redirect public outrage onto the BBC instead of the Tories for their appalling record in power.

KildareTom65 So are they going to give a formal apology and explanation on the news


Not their first unfortunately. Stand up to the Tories! And their Trumpie sponsors.

Once is a mistake, more than 2 is a pattern. Absolutely no-one believes you.

AyoCaesar You C***’s you knew exactly what you were doing...

huwbbc finally some admission of guilt.

A mistake to edit out voters laughing at the prime minister? A mistake to broadcast the wrong footage of him laying a wreath last week? I believe you. But you need to get your acts together. Surely, surely you must realise by now that you are looking like Johnson propagandists.

Another mistake with editing?! Too much of a coincidence in my eyes

AyoCaesar Your making too many bloody ‘mistakes’ !!! You are not British Broadcasting for the Conservatives but a publicly funded news agency.

AyoCaesar And yet your PR team yesterday said that no mistake was made. How odd.


You have zero credibility. Haven't had any for decades. None of this matters.

The national, public funded broadcaster having to apologise, almost daily scrapthelicence

These things do keep happening to you. And it often seems to put Johnson in a better light than the actuality.

🤔As Peston would say, hmmm.

AyoCaesar 😂😂😂😂 Righto

BBC = Britain 🇬🇧 Broadcasting Corruption

Its what wánķers do tho, dont stop now, doing what you do best.

Mistake my arse. '..shortened for timing reasons on Saturday's lunchtime bulletin, to edit out a repetitious phrase from Boris Johnson,' the BBC said in a statement.' If you want to edit out a repetitious phrase, get rid of every time he says 'get Brexit done!

One mistake is a mistake , repeated distortion of the truth is the reality..

AyoCaesar P R O P A G A N D A BBCBias

Can you please make a few mistakes that favour the Labour Party instead of all those you make that favour the Tories.

Yea right! 😏

'A mistake'?

How many more 'mistakes' are you going to do in the next few weeks?

Joke organisation.

For future honest trustworthy news reporting.... 👇👇👇

Don't believe you. The mistake was getting caught in the act. Not good enough.

Another one? Blimey.

Prone to mistakes eh, it happens, but mistakes are normally not consistently on one side of the fence only, you know law of averages & all that! pulltheotherone

DbAshby A pretty fucking big mistake; you’ve lost all trust. So, foolish so shortsighted

You seem to be making rather a lot of 'MISTAKES' lately Pretty pathetic

Another mistake then lol

chunkymark if you object to them doing this stuff please stop paying your tv license.

BBCPolitics How could it be a mistake when the laughter came before the applause?

AyoCaesar 🤔

Weird how these 'mistakes' keep happening to favour one particular side.

Well let's hope there aren't many more of these awful ''mistakes'' 😉😉😉 I actually hope there are more.

They did exactly the same with the Labour videos so it's pretty rich just mentioning the Tories 🤦‍♂️

Damage is done.

AyoCaesar They misspoke. Again.....

AyoCaesar Bit of a pattern of mistakes, maybe address it.

One minute it's an editorial decision the next it's a mistake. Which is it?

So it was edited out not the claptrap that your representative came out with. Your organisation is losing all credibility.

It was intentional.

It wasn’t a mistake was it!!?🤨

The Country would have far more respect for you if you told the truth and that you back the Tory Party instead of the lies you make up Mistake my f*****g a**e Liars like the Tory Party 😉

Hey you should open your eyes! are doing this all the time now. Keep an eye on them. can't be trusted now. Don't be like

johnstuart27 Deliberate mistakes seems to be the theme in propagandist auntie beeb circulation.



Mistake/propaganda, tomato/tom-ahto right guys? 😂


How many 'mistakes' is that now?

Apologise on EACH AND EVERY news bulletin from today until the election 'explaining' your 'mistake' so that people are aware of your 'mistake'

Get fucked

aakhtar Sack all the Tory prats at the BBC BBCSport BBCBreakfast BBCpolitics bbclaurak Emilymaitlis propaganda BBCNormanS afneil danroan bmslater MediaCityUK ReleasetheRussianreport Borisz Johnovsky


Not fit for purpose

BBCPolitics So the apology will appear on the 6 o’clock news? let’s see

Even this is a lie. Editing out the ‘repetitious phrase’ didn’t just remove the audience’s laughter, it made it appear as though the PM had responded to the question immediately and with confidence, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. BBCNews

Their dreadful audience selection has been called out by everyone - nothing. Aaron Bastani and the mArXisT$ moan about their comrades’ laughing being edited out and the BBC grovels.

Hold on, the BBC was defending it a few days ago.

MSM_Monitor Really? So some employee in the BBC just spent his time editing down the video accidentally?

SpanishDan1 Was this admission only after LibDems submitted a complaint to Ofcom ? Previously stuck to their guns.

richjamesuk It's weird how all these random mistakes end up making the Tories look better.

Always..... 'a mistake'.. I wonder if the plebs that pay the BBC are beginning to see the organization for what it always has been

Oh, a mistake now is it ? There seems to be a lot of these “mistakes”

Quite a few mistakes from the BBC lately when it concerns Boris Johnson.

Another mistake? But all your ‘mistakes’ unfailingly favour the Tories. Why is that?

BBCPolitics Great that it is now acknowledged, but just wondering how many mistakes are allowed before it becomes a series of concerning incidents that need independent review?

chunkymark BBC News, BBCWorld, BBCPolitics are no longer impartial, nor even professional, organisations. Their presenters, editorial & managerial staff are overwhelmingly Tories, most appointed under Cameron, who are implacably hostile to UKLabour & social justice. bbcnews BBCBias

chunkymark 'But the laughter and subsequent applause was absent from a cut-down version'. There was still applause though. It may have been when he repeated his opening line again but you kept that applause in.

Latest was giving “ a student” the final word on the one o’clock bulletin criticising the lecturers for their strike in exam week. No balance from one who supported them. BBC not fit for purpose.

The final nail in the coffin for the BBC, time for commercials me thinks, and ofcom and the Election Commission to investigate.

What about the corbynistas that somehow managed to be the majority of the crowd. The BBC is a hub for bias liberal left propaganda and its licence fee is more of a imposed tax then a choice for ppl tvs that never watch their channels

hahahaha huwbbc you got owned pal

Lying bastards

“Acknowledges” seems to be the new “apologises for”

That is more than a mistake, it's a catastroshambles. The role if the BBC has never been so vital as now. Except during ww2, perhaps.

BBCPolitics Really unbiased BBC?

chunkymark Utter bollocks

chunkymark It's always a mistake once they are caught! Don't watch the BBC Tory channel DissolvetheUK

Seem to be making a lot of mistakes, this the cenotaph footage, the utter failure to call out obvious lies...

like a boris in a china shop

The following is no mistake: F**K Brexit. Show solidarity:

chunkymark Lol

But done on purpose

BBCPolitics BBCPolitics seem to be having an awful lot of biased 'mistakes' in their editing of Johnson in the run up to the election - (ALMOST DAILY) shameful - SORT IT OUT!!

BBCPolitics Also not happy that others countries seeing killing eve , war of the worlds before there shown here , what are we paying for 1 state tv 2 shit state tv

Why is this hidden away under the “arts and entertainment” section of the website! You couldn’t make up this rubbish! :(


Russians running bbc 😂😂😂

Funny how these “mistakes” always seem to benefit one person and one party isn’t it?

Yeah right.

A DELIBERATE 'mistake' 🙄

BBCPolitics The same thing they said about the remembrance day incident. They're lying, we all know it. Why are we paying for propganda!?

chunkymark Funny that I'm sure Stanley has said the same of his unruly spawn

I wonder what the statistical likelihood of all these 'mistakes' representing Boris/Tory party in a positive light 100% of time?

BBCPolitics Will heads roll this time?

How do you mistakenly edit a video?


Too late and you know it, that's how deceit works

That was no mistake it was a deliberate act by the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

Making lots of 'mistakes' that all seem to favour the Tories. Amazing coincidence. And utter bollocks, of course.

Awful lot of mistakes, in the BBC News and Current Affairs Department, this month

Have you covered adequately? Cambridge analytica Vote leave illegality Russian connections of Johnson and Cummings. Farage connections to USA far right. Aaron banks. Lack of impact analysis of brexit and the forecast £70billion p.a. impact on GDP Arcuri Kim darroch leak

No it was NOT a mistake, it was clearly edited to make Johnson look better, you've been caught out a few times now, time for an investigation into the impartiality of the BBC.

' a mistake'


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