Dr Mahathir calls PM Anwar’s unity govt a ‘dictatorship’

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Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today hit out at the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim-led unity government, describing it as a dictatorship. He said all Malaysians...

KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today hit out at the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim-led unity government, describing it as a dictatorship.

He said all Malaysians have the right to be able to speak up about their unhappiness towards the current government. “However, this government is against any form of criticism, they even take action against Opposition parties. This is the state that we are in. “This is a dictatorship. People can’t speak up or criticise the government and that is a dictator for you,” said Dr Mahathir at a press conference on Malay Proclamation that was streamed live on Facebook.


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You gotta be joking

Ingat Ops Lallang Tak? Siapa dictator, Tun you are an old statesman who has lost all respect. Spend your final days without being cursed ok.

He’s no longer relevant! Period. Clutching at straws only magnifies his ignominy.

When u in power, did u realize ISA imposed against those opposition members & those who criticised u? Dont talk about Malays rights now. Why didnt raise it when u r PM those days? In fact u supported elite Malays but not poor Malays, yr cronies, yr own family.

Himpunan 'Proklamasi Melayu' dibatalkan oleh pihak penganjur sebanyak tiga kali. HRHJohorII , elok juga dibatalkan kerana program itu didakwa mempunyai agenda tersendiri di sebalik penganjurannya.

ha3 mahafiraun btol 🤣

Dictatorship is during your time , Tun...lolz...

Dh mula Parkinson.... Kahkahkah kahkahkah knn

Maha Firaun legacy - Ops Lalang & Cantas, Bank Bumi scandal, Projek IC Sabah, BNM funds used to play forex, Perwaja Steel & Proton fail, sodomy trial kangaroo court, surat layang to destroy Tunku, anak2 dia semua billionaire etc. This is the true dictator

We call chedetofficial and hold him accountable for opslalang , Fella should mirror himself in the it, see whether it breaks...

Muak Muak Muak.... Just don't respect what he says anymore. His opinions are just as 'old' and outdated as him.

Short of saying go to hell

Who is talking!

This old man has a lapse of memory , he forgot about ISA

Still alive?

A master of ISA and master in shutting media and master ops lalang now talking abt dictatorship …. I m waiting for the day u makan ur own words. Once u said quit when u r at top, now fallen to ground. U said dont hop when u lost, ur doing it. U claim ur not rich, so be it 🤲🏽

Tun duduk dengan tenang , Sambut Ramadhan yg bakal tiba dengan baik… tingkatkan amalan

Dulu UMNO kena podah, lepas tu Bersatu kena main, terus poodah, buat pulak Pejuang kena tendang lalu poodah dari Langkawi, sekarang dok melolong buat muka welfare meratib tiap hari. Kalau dok rumah diam diam boleh juga mati secara aman, ni tak tau lak pulak.

Senile man

Senile, I guess his true self coming out.

Dulu tun la diktator...tp cover dgn laungan demokrasi

He is getting worse by the day. From respect to being a jerk at this point.

Back to old story treaten.. the treaten it's to old already..Dah lapok dah..!!

Anwar the Dictator is still better than Madey the Dictator!!!


Please just keep quiet your 22 yrs dictatorship rule is over don't dig up your mess...you are 90 over please rest..Anuar too pity you that is why he is going to Syed

rehat laaa org tuaa..

You can call DSAI whatever you want. You're nobody now. Nobody gives a damn to you lah.

PM mana yg lebih diktator?


22 years being a PM not dictatorship?

dementia kut 🤦🏻‍♂️

Maybe its time for anwar to dig some old dirts

mouse never calls the other mouse a mouse, but a 'brother', yet they see the cat as a dictator because they need to run whenever they meet with a cat. they claim no freedom

Yes. Looks like

Dictatorship like this atok?

Obviously chedetofficial is trying to distract people from his own desperation.

Ops Lalang. He forgot what he did.

Hahahahahahahaha The pot calling the kettle black. If your memory is good, you’ve acquired some memorable names like Mahazalim, MahaFiraun, Mr ISA, etc. At least AI have yet to acquire those names. Wait until AI inherit those names from you, then you can call him a dictator.

Say whatever you want to say, looser

Bitter till the very last breath. Amazing how he chooses to live this part of life.

Mr ISA saying dictatorship?

Ya allah, dia ni tak boleh move on lagi ke...😭

😂😂😂😂 chedetofficial kalau baru 100 hari dah boleh dipanggil dictator, kalau yang 22 tahun nak panggil apa? Hantu raya?

This kaka joker also same when his in power . Joker

Encik, orang tua. Please don't play with Malaysia's economy la. Please la, I just want to eat and live a normal life, not even asking for rich and wealth. Why can't you stop acting like an old baby?

Kalau dah mmg saka tua nak pergi mati ni mmg perangai mcm ni.. nyanyuk.. mata pon dah blur, dia cermin pon xleh nampak 🤣 chedetofficial

A clear case of the pot calling the kettle black

makin parah nyanyuk dia ni

Tun mahathir, it’s time to stop all these craziness. Perhaps you should retire and just enjoy life now. Let Anwar does a good job for Malaysia. He’s totally capable!! He’s a very good PM.

chedetofficial STOP this racial tension Tun . You are a respected person and should help build a strong relationship between all race !!! So STOP this nonsense.

Sour .....

Kepala hotak bapak kamu. Shut up la.

Oh to see this old man have his past unraveled, would be a joyous occasion

Some people simply don’t take retirement too well… get some rest Dr M..

This is what happen bila anak anak abai kan bapak sendiri..kurang kasih sayang Tun ni.

Mahafiraun has spoken...

Nice joke

It takes one to know one

Only you understand Dictatorship better...

LOL, come from the guy who got labelled by the world as dictator🤣🤣

please die already

His rantings not worthy of media space

Dh lah xyah nk rosak kan legasi yg selama hari ni kau bina… dah dah lah tu

Very bold statement

Guiness record holder of Oldest Racist Hypocrite in the world.

Die Hard part Deux

Despicable old man!


Says the grand old master puppeteer who controlled our country for 22 years under his iron grip. He must be going senile, since he has forgotten all that he has done (wrong) during the too many years of his rule. Personally, I agree with the majority that he shld retire & stop.

genXborn Tun m pemimpin unggul melayu islam

We have had enough of your BULLSHIT!!!

Dah la tun, your time dah lama habis. Dr org kesian jadi menyampah pulak.

😂😂 wait for your time to come..

Hahaha dah jadi comedian pula

Padan muka TM....

He is tasting back his own medicine now. Terasa lar dia.

Tun retire jela… bukan aib sendiri je ni

There is ONLY ONE DICTATOR in Malaysia. Thank God he will NEVER be PM again. Thank God he was humiliated during the last GE. Thank God, the once powerful dictator was brought down to ashes. Thank God he only utter nonsense these days. Nobody cares.

Samanlah Tun M ni. Macai non, apa lagi. Suruh bang non sama saka tua nih!

PM is not.

Anwar will not be dragged into the race and religious vitriol spewed by the opposition. As long as the authorities maintain peace, racial harmony, and religious understanding, everything will be OK Day by day Anwar is winning over more and more of the Rakyat by his actions.


come on 97 years old edi stop playing politics and give yourself a break


Mamak Pot calling others Kotor. 🤣

This old man is either senile or extremely shameless! No one fits the ‘dictator’ description more than the man himself!

Judging from the response it is clear the old man has overstayed.

Penyamun tua kini disokong hadi al untaaaa... 😆😆😆😆

chedetofficial pretty sure you have a mirror at home? And maybe take a good look at yourself? Like...for goodness sake?

Why u looks so…. Expired 🤔

Wow so says the old dictator..

Jgn ludah ke langit!

Can we just ignore this old man? He’s turning 98 this year ffs. Nothing he says matters now

Lol.. Ask PN where they get that much money you bloody old man



I don’t mean to be mean but seriously it’s time to go old man.

Pot calling kettle black xD

And he's not

The audacity

memang layak untuk dikutuk, dihina dan dikeji..memang aku rasadia menipu masa buat perjanjian dgn h. dia xde niat nak serah pada anwar

Berehatla Tun

Most of PH leaders who went to jail are during Mahathirs time isnt it?

Yg pakai ISA tu kau lah dulu..puluh tahun jadi PM,alih2 anwar jadi diktator..orang tu baru 100++ hari je jadi PM..hahaha

As PM7 displaying autocratic dictatorship, you unashamedly didn't honour promises to pass the premiership to Anwar Ibrahim. You campaigned using PKR banner!! Due to your irresponsible leadership n betrayal, PH collapsed!! Now we rejoice AI is PMX desiring UG to serve Rakyat well.

Gosh he needs to look in the mirror.

Did he forget locking up Anwar in 1998?

DSAI tak akan buat Operasi Lalang, tak akan guna polis UTk utk ceroboh masuk rumah orang

chedetofficial sudah2 la. just retired happily. dunia dah kata pergi, kubur dah panggil mariiii..

how are u still up n kicking

he couldve gone down as the best pm of malaysia but instead he kept on tainting his own name 🤦🏻‍♂️

Dictator would have put your toxic behind rotten in the can. Oh boi, that would be the wish list.

Hahahahahhahahaahha 🤣🤣🤣

He is a joke!

Your are the dictator of Malaysia....u ruled with iron fist. So stop ur bullshit kleptomaniac...najib kleptomania can be consider as chicken feet if were to compare your. Dear oldman just shut it for ur own gud.

punya ler miskin sampai cermin pon xde melayu seorang ni😆😆😆😆

100% setuju dgn Dr M

Dulu Ko tangkap org guna Akta ISA .. Ko lar sebenarnya diktator .. org tua x sedar diri

'He has an inferiority complex and a deep hatred within him. He is just angry and his anger will burn the whole country”

It's a weird accusation but I guess if anyone were to have any idea what a dictatorship is, it would be him.

Dr M forgot he's on top of the list among iron fisted SEA tyrants just falling third place behind Soeharto and Lee Kuan Yew At least LKY's is bearable if you're not a journalist or opposition

At this age he's revealing his own doing & blame it to others...


If this is dictatorship m, means during his time it is slavery.



someone is projecting

No sense of self awareness

Are you talking abt yourself 🤣

Senile old man..

Pot calling the kettle black!

You are the one to talk

Man he's getting crazier. Muhkriz please tengok² Kan bapak kau ni. At this old age mulut tuh jaga² lah sikit. 😅

What a joke? Check the word “dictatorship “.

He is much much better than you.

learn from the best



Reminds me of ertugrul...justice served only for Allah, because of Allah.. whoever is thieving must be punish

Kesian Tun ni. Parti pembangkang gunakan Tun ja . Sudah la Tun berehat la sementara rakyat Masih hormat

Nyayok dah

Why is he acting like a sore loser?

PH dah terjerat dengan perangkap Tun ..satu dunia melihat ..

Dr M rehat lah jangan main politik, semasa kamu jadi PM lebih teruk lagi, jangan lupa ops lalang yg dulu masa tun dulu.

Hahahahaha....the king of dictators is saying abt dictatorship

Who is more a dictator Dr M or Anwar ? Since Dr M says Anwar's unity govt a dictator I am sure most Malaysian will find Dr M not only Dictator but racist too , moreover how can Anwar be when his is a unity govt consist of many different groups and races

Dah gila orang tua ni. 😭 kesian

He learned from the best

Enough Tun chedetofficial Rehat je kamu, kamu dah tua! DSAI tau tadbir negara, kamu tak yah risau!

A dictatorship!! You look in the mirror? No eh… can’t stand what you see cause that reflection shows how rotten you are to the core 😂

Dia lupa apa yg dia buat dulu

counting days...

... tak habis2 lagi atok ni merapu. dah2 la tu ...

Seriously? Dictatorships? 😂 what a joke! Maybe the best joke of the week! Good as a Sunday’s joke from an old man! 😊

Are you talking to the mirror sir?

What a joke. Stop your BS and Rakyat is not stupid. Who is the guy who throw people in jail using ISA and using force & tear gas on rakyat.

Dear Mahathir's childrens please please advise yr father not to give any statements.. 🙏

We are fine with this so called dictator. If we survived your era, this is refreshing.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 look who’s talking.

He was dictator the worst kind la 😉

What a hypocrite

Pot calling the kettle black

chedetofficial kuttey tak perlu sibuk2 hal melayu! Pi la dgn gracefully! Cukup lah selama ni hang billionaire kan anak2 hang dan geng hang!

Pfft... go look in the mirror

Aikk , isap apa atok tua ni ?

His new name is Mr Hilang Deposit

KerajaanAnwarZahid lebih kejam dari penjajah British Mahathir mendakwa pentadbiran kerajaan kini lebih zalim daripada penjajah British kerana ketika pemerintahan British orang Melayu masih boleh berkumpul dan bersuara .

Then when he was the PM, by his definition, the govts then were singular dictatorship

look at the mirror first

Senile & blabbing nonsense

Lol lol Tun M , seriously you better stop all your nonsense and save whatever grace leftover as the longest PM in Malaysia! To speak anything today is acknowledging you have failed! So better just retire. Loosing Langkawi I thought should be a wake up call.

From someone who jailed Anwar because he was worried about being ousted. Didn’t know Muslims could lie.

It takes one to know another 🤣🤣🤣

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! chedetofficial

Hahahaha ye ye la tu


Dah nyanyok kut. Tun himself was a dictator when in power. Must be talking about himself… or is it to himself? 🤣

I’m sorry, have you seen the number of progressives roasting DSAI over the measures he’s taken to appease conservatives? None of the of them are being silenced. People just don't wanna listen to your ethnocentric rants la, take a hint, Tun.

Why don't you don't you just get lost chedetofficial. Nobody needs or wants your outdated irrelevant opinions. You had 22 years to make malaysia great but you were more interested in your ego. Malaysia doesn't belong to you!

Dia tak nak pula cakap belah sana fascist, rasis dan xenophobia

What rubbish..Speak for yourself…

Atok, please know that dictatorship is during your ruling.

Dia keliru dengan diri dia ni.. 🤷‍♂️

A dictator would have shut him up permanently considering the things he had done to the dictator 😂😂

Juz his govt wasn't dictatorship?Why so much of hatre till today?Possibly someone who know him or very close to him can explain to our young malaysian?Let other have a chance to make better a Malaysia susah sangat kah?anwaribrahim

dictator? dictator wont want to help the poor people while anwar & this unity govt want to do tht,then i dont think your words were correct 😀.



Dictatorship! Kah.. Kah.. Kah. Look like he is talking about himself. During his 22 year’s administration before dictatorship is very vibrant. Name it how many times he had use ISA on his opponents. That’s why if you point a finger at others than rest fingers would point at you.

No better than the ISA you used against Sabahans who spoke openly about Malaysia Agreement.




oh, u still alive in politics

Said someone who abused the Internal Security Act (ISA) to jail the opposition leaders through Operasi Lalang to curtail the freedom of speech and dissent.

Nyanyok orang tua ni


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