Annuar under home quarantine after aide tests positive for Covid-19

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Malaysia Headlines News

Malaysia Latest News,Malaysia Headlines

His office will also be closed for a few days.

Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa will undergo home quarantine after his special officer tested positive for Covid-19. All his officers who have had close contact with the aide will also undergo voluntarily home quarantine, according to the minister's office in a statement yesterday.


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Alhamdulillah. Harap variant paling kuat. Aminn

Semoga sihat selalu tan sri AnnuarMusa dan team…. Jaga diri

Langar SOP tk kena apa²...SEKALI TUHAN BAGI KENA COVID19 ....Alhamdulillah🤲

Good. Pergi jahanamlah satu keluarga.

C'mon covid, do your thing

Semoga dipermudahkan urusan virus dlm badan Annuar Musa..

Nothing happens to the evil people. Bad things seems to happen yo the good people always, l wonder why.

Semoga menemui ajal denga cepat

kenapa yb AnnuarMusa kuarantine kat rumah eh pm MuhyiddinYassin ? bukan ke kata takde antara dua darjat ? suruh yb AnnuarMusa g Maeps laa duduk dgn rakyat yang kuarantine . ehh kata takde antara dua darjat dalam pandemik sekarang 🤔

kuarantine kat pusat kuarantine la yb AnnuarMusa ? tak boleh ke ? kenapa nak kuarantine kat rumah pulakk . rakyat kena g pusat kuarantine . antara dua darjat ke yb AnnuarMusa .

Tak mau p parlimen la tu 🤭

kuarantin kat maeps la ape barang AnnuarMusa

Dalam hatiku berdoa agar …………

Pi mampus jela

Mampos la kau babi

please masuk icu

AnnuarMusa elok mati la tuan.

Kluar la lg langgar sop berkali2

Always, 'kesini kesana' most of the time. 🙂

Hak eleh. Dah nampak dah permainan dia.

Come on Covid ! Stay strong 💪


Hah !! Nak ngelat parlimen ke ?

semoga stage 5 plus kain putih.

Diharap Covid tidak mengecewakan kali ini.

Covid dapat menghancurkan Pemimpin yang jahat.

Ohhh, let it be Delta, Kappa and Lambda

Hari tu merayau pergi lawat orang yang dah uzur. Apa musibahnya dia nie.

Baca ni AnnuarMusa ,rakyat dah marah kat kamu. Elok ler letakjawatan

nayaaa.. dahla suka-suka keluar jumpa PakLah. kawan tu dahla uzur.

Tak payahlah report dalam news. Nanti susah sibangka ni nak langgar sop.

tuhan balas cash

Why covid Why not AIDS!! Fuck!!

I hope abang annuar’ aide get well soon, n hope that abang annuar will be safe from covid.

sorry to say this but sometime u got to be evil in life..pray he will positive and pay for al what he have done🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Kalau nk ivermectin blh la msg ye

Harap2 mampos

Meninggal pun takpa 😉😉😉

Pak Lah...ada close contact?

Even if you are thinking killing yourself now, I DON’T CARE!

Good. Stay dead i mean stay there

Just don't mess this up!

Hopefully you will be quarantined indefinitely

Not doing anything anyways

I am tired to hear news about this guy…

Kalau mampos kita kena menangis?

Hope he didn't spread anything to pak lah

Harap2 dapat covid cat 5 terus. Sorry terpaksa doakan yg buruk

Wait a minute, 2 day ago depa buat so called 'cabinet meeting' kalu dianie tested postive,maka whole 'cabinet' will go for no Parliamentary seating then..wah planning for strategy now itself..could be


What about Tun Abdullah? That’s y yall should stop moving around

Tak boleh pergi parlimen la tu... ramai la ahli parlimen close contact ni nanti. 'TERPAKSA' la cancel buka Parlimen

Lagi pergi lunch kat rumah Pak Lah

cept2lh mmpus

AnnuarMusa Please God, let Annuar Musa that Fecker get the strongest Delta & just Mampus! 🙏🙏


Huhhh lancarrr news harini

Please positive delta

Dekat dekat masuk parlimen ni, harap ramai la yg tak “eh sy close contact covid la, tak dapat hadir”. Pakar elak parlimen mereka mereka ni.

This fellow should be quarantined permanently, flouting SOP very often....We don't need undisciplined Minister.

Semoga dia dijangkiti dan demam,sesak nafas dan terus meninggal.

Sapa jual chocojar?

mati je la. nanti aku buat kenduri tahlil utk ko.

Where is the polo mask Should wear then no quarantine require!!

kita memandang ke arah yang lebih positif

Ada orang nak jual Netflix ?

I wish he didn't spread to pak lah

dah la baru jumpa pak lah yang dah uzur. bala bala.

That's why pergi sini sana la. God is exist

Hello Malaysiakini. Can you stop promoting Pas-Umno-Bersatu-PH++ mafia politicians and their mafia gangsters? Can you promote the 50-70% jobless, moneyless, starving, begging, stealing, killing themselves Malaysians so that people can know the real impact of Corvid-19 pandemic?


That means POLO MASK tak boleh pakai lah!

Delta go do ur job

Aku nak cakap sesuatu, teringat dosa, tak jadi.


This means that he’ll be tweeting more. Everyone wins! 🇲🇾

Si bangang ni.

Imagine if u got it, but from earlier - n then Pak Lah get it too...

Please please please

Mask polo doesnt work?

kesian Pak Lah

3 or 10 days?!


Why even this a news?

Lepas tu boleh jalan jalan jumpa orang bagai.

God, is that you? 😏

Good for him to stay at home instead of breaching the SOP again!

After getting 2 doses of Pfizer still can fall sick?

Is he positive Aids

semoga terus mati

AnnuarMusa mati terus, lagi baik.

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