Canada doesn’t tell police what to do, Trudeau says of rail blockades

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Scheer said the prime minister should tell Public Safety Minister Bill Blair to use his authority under the RCMP Act to end what he called the ‘illegal blockades’

Amid pressure to end Indigenous protest blockades of vital Canadian rail links, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the disruptions must be resolved through dialogue, not by ordering in the police.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said the situation had become ridiculous and called on Trudeau to take swift action. “These blockades are illegal,” he said. “So far, the prime minister has refused to come out and call them that himself.” “These activists may have the luxury of spending days at a time at a blockade, but they need to check their privilege,” he said.“This is a complex situation and I think that that does not indicate an understanding of the situation,” he said.

Indigenous leaders in B.C.’s northwest have invited federal and provincial politicians to meetings to find solutions, and said they would ensure a blockade of a Canadian National Railway track near New Hazelton, B.C., would come down during talks.The railway said Thursday it was starting a progressive shutdown in the East, while Via Rail cancelled all service on CN tracks in Canada.

In eastern Quebec, the president of a railway company said a blockade in the region is costing his company about $15,000 a day in revenue.


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f u

Oh no! “Just watch me”

Except SNC Lavalin

Just Puglaas that’s how JustinTrudeau manipulated the law

Excuse me but the government of Canada makes the laws and the police services enforce them.... enforce the G!N laws.

Trudeau lied, the attached tweet is from the RCMP act. The media should call him on his lie but won't. Almost guaranteed RCMP have been ordered to stand down, can't believe they are this incompetent and cowardly

But his Dad told the military.


Trudeau only tells JWR and NORMAN what to do and sends the RCMP after NORMAN

Trudeau has destroyed Canada’s economy and international reputation by his head in the sand/do nothing approach to economic terrorism. Innocent people and businesses are suffering because of this Government total inaction!Trudeau should be removed from office Now!!!!

So who tells them what to do

Hope Toronto enjoys running out of supplies soon

But I’m sure he would step in if the RCMP Commissioner makes a decision that he doesn’t agree with!

How does Canada deal with terrorists if the PM says he won’t

Has Canada looked any weaker then now?

Actually, yes, yes we do tell the police what to do. Otherwise we don’t have what’s called the rule of law. Liberals really are stupid.

Because Trudeau totally understands what he's talking about.

The bloody Country has grind to a halt from a rail transportation perspective. Get this shit under control JustinTrudeau, negotiations should be ongoing. StepUporStepOut.

😂😂😂😂😂 Only 🇨🇦 Attorney Generals. Puglaas

I’ve lost all respect for the police. They won’t even do their jobs. Fuck the police.

twitter tells police and trudeau what to do

WTF, Trudeau and liberal party are, in fact, telling police what not to do. This is all about the next election

Funny how turdeau is unable to own/take responsibility for his blackface/misogyny/snc corruption But is able to dump responsibly for the blockades directly on Police

If he RCMP Commissioner is not doing his job perhaps we need a new one.

So use the army instead. Or a low fly pass with an F-18 over the blockade sites.

It’s getting pretty bad when nobody can even take responsibility for who in in control of the RCMP , any wonder the Indigenous are trying to figure out what is going on with the government

This PM needs to finally get that reassignment surgery for those balls he so desperately needs. Get this country on track!!!....have a feeling it's not gonna happen though. Trudouche

Only when the investigation may have potentially damaging results for his personal finance, does JT interfere and direct the RCMP. You know, like SNC Lavalin for example.

Ask Admiral Norman if he believes that.

The advocacy of abusing the RCMP as agents of the O&G industry by the CPC_HQ, UDI, and Wall Street backed National 🇺🇸Post should send chills down the spine of all 🇨🇦’s. They have shown their desire and hand. They have shown their cards. Time for 🇨🇦 to take a stand.

Trudeau is trying to deflect responsibility onto the police when it's his gov who is hog trying the police from taking action. Canada hating Trudeau is a coward and is thrilled with the protests.

Who will police the police?

If the authorities don't do somehing about this soon, and people start losing jobs and become unable to heat their homes or feed their families because of this blockade, you can bet that our heavily armed population eventually will. And i sincerely hope it comes to that.

RCMP 'perform all duties that are assigned to peace officers in relation to the preservation of the peace, the prevention of crime and of offences against the laws of Canada and the laws in force in any province in which they may be employed' esp in response to court injunctions

Trudeau will conveniently use any available means to shut down the fossil fuel industry in western Canada to satisfy his cultic beliefs.

Canada tells police not to do anything. Fixed your headline.

Funny, he didn’t have a problem telling a former Minister of Justice what to do! In reality he’s looking for justification for his not acting on a nationwide problem and police inaction provides a good cover for his government!

JustinTrudeau is weak. Send SWAT and move them off the national rail system.

So why did the RCMP not investigate u and SNC?

If the elected officials don't tell police what to do does that mean the police just do what they want? Or shit.. That is how it works. Cops just do as they please....

Yes it does. Actually the Liberal Party tells them what not to do.'Hey, RCMP, don't investigate any political corruption.' There you go. A fine example.

Trudeau is the problems! NEVER had ball to begin with. CANADA IS IN DEEP SHIT.. !


Well now we know that the Libs tell the Mounties what to do. Trudeau said they don't. So they do.

Through these people in jail period

How does law and order work then? Terrorists are illegally blockading Canadian energy and trade but the RCMP won’t enforce the law!? This isn’t protesting.. this is terrorism affecting ALL Canadians!

Right. The courts tell the police what to do. The rich gas people tell the courts what they want. No one asked the Hereditary people if was ok to build on THEIR land.

Let’s all live by our own rules of law. Long live selfism!

what .....have you watched the cbc tell them what to do and say daily

There is no such thing as the rule of law when Justin is in power.


And Trudeau is right. Police have a duty to keep rail safe and its ignored. If you park in the wrong place you get a ticket , same rule applies to anyone who commits an infraction and cause unsafe conditions such as blocking the rail line. It's called breaking the law in Canada.

Law and Disorder to continue?

Who will implement Supreme Court Ruling on Gas Project?

Point to be Noted Justin Trudeau 'Canada doesn't tell police what to do, Trudeau says of rail blockades' So Police Won't Do Anything and Govt Won't Interference?

Time to do something Trudeau

Except in the LNC affair?

Just the AG and Commish, but draws the line there

Oh really!?!?!? Is that why you will completely bash them when they do their job. This man is a coward and everyone should see it

But he tells the Attorney General what to do about SNC Lavalin. What a hypocrite! He uses arguments of convenience rather than principle. What else do we expect from an intellectual light weight?

Trudeau is so over his head 'Trudeau et al will have effectively handed power to a radicalized, unelected goon squad, and he’s shown no sign whatsoever that he can either stand up to them or has the intellectual firepower to figure this all out'

Canada only tells the courts what to do.

Trudeau is a coward and weakling. He cries jobs when it is SNC Lavalin, but could care less about how these blockades of just a few people can disrupt so many lives and Canada's economy.

How did TB, Spanish flu, small pox get introduced into indigenous populations in the past? Watch out folks the Canadian government does not have a very good track record.

You can get a fine for eating French fries while driving but hold up the countries rail system with impunity.

Except of course when they want to investigate him.

Maybe it’s time someone does something!

JustinTrudeau told the RCMP not to investigate SNCLavalin and Mark Norman

Well he appointed Morneau’s cousin’s wife to head the RCMP, it keeps these jobs in the close family

Ummm, when it threatens national economy & brings it to a fast halt because goods, services can’t be delivered/shuts down VIA rail, damn well right he should tell the RCMP what to do. Trudeau DoYourJob railblockades

Wait a second. Didn’t JustinTrudeau instruct the RCMP to take certain actions wrt the JWR/Lavascam affair. Just asking for a friend.

Fidel’s son is trying to avoid lawsuits.

Police refuse to get involved with Indigenous protests since the Dudley George shooting in Ontario. Here is an article explaining protestors rights followed by an arrest. 2tieredsystem samelawsforeveryone canpoli protests

It’s a lead up to shutting down Alberta’s gas and oil industry,Trudeau will say the protestors speak for all Canadians, which they don’t. But because he owns the media he uses it to lie to all Canadians who still naively believe the media actually reports the truth.

It the responsibility of the OPP not the RCMP.

This is our leader. Let us get ride of him

Pleaseeeee-politicians don't run the police? The Ontario Liberals allowed the fiasco called CALEDONIA, by micromanaging the OPP, and wasting lots of taxpayers money to appease a bunch of native criminals.

Trudeau is a moron and doesn’t know how government works. To bad his old man is dead he could maybe remind skippy of the FLQ and Daddy ordered the police and military to round them up along with anyone who supported them

The protestors want to “shut Canada down”. I agree and they should be the first. No one into the protest area, no one out, no supplies in. Shut down Canada starts with ExtinctionRebellion

As Prime Minister, Trudeau thinks he's smarter then any citizen, behaving as if Canadians are so damn stupid!?! IN REALITY, TRUDEAU IS THE POLICE, HE IS THE JUDGE IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM, no branch of gov is fully independent of his interference.

Uhh, yeah we do, actually. It’s called the Rule of Law. Laws get passed by Canada’s parliament and provincial legislatures, police are entrusted to enforce these laws. So Canada very much so, “tells the police what to do” cdnpoli Trudeau Canada

What a joke, a farce....LOL

This guy has to go. People are running out of propane and food stuffs, and since when does the Government not dictate what the police do or do not? JustinTrudeau

The law is only applied to those law abiding people, but not the illegal protesters? Trudeau, you are kidding all law abiding Canadians! If you cannot resolve the illegal blockade, you just step down so that the competent leaders could step up. Enough is enough!

So if it was yellow vest protesters. Doing this Trudeau would allow themto do the same? I think not. Double standard going on.

This is BS and everyone knows it. Who hires and fires Police Chiefs and Commissioners? Politicos.

JT did you skip your History Classes?

Well JT, your father had no hesitation in 1970 bringing in the army? PT and the 1970 Wars Measures ACT, didn’t he tell you?

What a lame duck. Trudeau will tell the AG what to do, and fire her when she doesn’t. Yet civil discourse is tolerated if not encouraged? Pretty hard to keep up with Zoolander and his hypocrisy.

It appears Mr. Sneer forgot he wasn't living south of the border in Trumpistan. He does have American citizenship so I can understand how it's confusing or him.

Then we’re stuck. Because inaction, of both politicians and police, has now allowed a tiny local dispute, between the hereditary chiefs and the elected chiefs, escalate into a nationwide debacle affecting thousands and costing millions. Somebody needs to take charge.

Trudeau may be right. Only the TERRORISTS tell the Police what to do. The Police listen to these TERRORISTS. What a bunch of submissive pansies we have “protecting” REAL TAXPAYING CANADIANS!! It’s a JOKE!!

Canada needs to take steps to protect our economy.

Weakest PM in Canadian history.

Is this idiot for real? Someone needs to stop these people.

Aboriginals tell police what to do.

So the fox is guarding the hen house.... Somebody has to be in charge

RCMP Act - The whole Canadian Police organization is headed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner is directed by the Public Safety Minister of Canada. The Commissioner controls and manages the whole Police force and all the matters connected with the force.

Ok sooo who tells them what do do? Blocking railways is illegal, sooo

Does the RCMP NEED to be told what to do? If the RCMP does not enforce the law, then they are illegally taking taxpayer money.

Hooonkkk!!! That is my Bull Shit buzzzer! Load!

But Trudeau said the day before that Canada was a nation of Laws, now he says the police can’t carry out the law and enforce the lawful injunction..

Funny how Trudeau has said he believes the police should be in charge they determine what law should be applied. If THAT IS NOT A POLICE STATE?

HuffPostCanada CBC CTVNews It's a prime minister of Canada made legally inaccurate remarks regarding Journalism in Canada, would you correct him?

Well then who does Justin?......ahhhhhh did you not tell someone to go after an Admiral...rather recently

He has the authority to remove the blockade and multiple tools available to him to do so, he's chosen not too. His argument is simply a ploy to allow him to sidestep the issue.

No double standards, good

Then get rid of the RCMP, which are Federal, if the will of the people want their ratepayer funded Police force to uphold the law and it isn't happening. Of coarse they can and should be required to uphold the rule of law Trudeau waxes on eloquent about as an honor badge.

It's the damn unions that are behind it FFS!

Who fires them if they don't do their job?

The police will do whatever he wants them to do.

Precisely! ~ Go for diplomacy!

The RCMP have no problem handing out speeding tickets but when the going gets tough you’ll find them all hiding out in donut shops. cdnpoli

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