Why the Teal independents may fail to win a single seat on Saturday

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

For all the millions of dollars ploughed into this campaign by billionaire heir Simon Holmes a Court and other wealthy donors, the Teals may not actually win a single seat, writes Joe Hildebrand.

As even public YouGov polling revealed last week, the Teals appear set to fall short in their three big Sydney targets of Wentworth, Mackellar and North Sydney.Don't assume Teal independent Zoe Daniel will win the Melbourne seat of Goldstein on Saturday, writes Joe Hildebrand. Picture: NCA NewsWire /Brendan Beckett

This is why you will have seen more Labor frontbenchers campaigning in the seat at this election than in the previous three combined — not to mention busloads of doorknockers. In fact campaign insiders this week told me Frydenberg was looking good in Kooyong. Even so, most have long expected Goldstein to be a total write-off.

But it now appears that, like Mark Twain, reports of Tim Wilson’s electoral death may have been exaggerated.


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Liars - sky news full of 💩- don’t believe a word

This tweet aged like a stinky cheese 🧀

what a freaken' dumbass story by Joe Builda-brand

Well I guess you were very very wrong!

Quite an exhilarating read. Hard not to gloat. And that bit at the end about the Salvos is really insulting. Telling independent candidates they should stick to worthy causes rather than their “vanity projects” of getting elected. Hildebrand really is a smug little twerp.


They say egg is great for the face Joe

Joe you demonstrated your journalistic capacity when you called Barbara Ramjan a Firebrand and a radical in 2013… nothings changed…you’re at the RIGHT place.

Simon didn’t fund all of climate200 people like me did 😃

Ha fucking ha.

It’s the quality of the reporting and accuracy of punditry that keeps us coming back for more. It’s like you had a crystal ball Joe! 🤔

charliepick 🤣

Not liking this new SkyNewsComedy show. Needs lots of work. Maybe Joe in clown make up? 🤡🤡🤡


Total ning nong is Sky News Joe.

charliepick You news channel is a joke.

charliepick Throwing shade on a philanthropist on the right side of history while lining your pockets with Uncle Rupert’s money. Stay classy, Joe. 🙄

Guess what!

Waiting for Joe to be right about ... well, anything actually

charliepick Hahahaha Hilarious 🍳😳

I won't ask Joe for sporting tips.

charliepick Bahaha

charliepick This post is the gift that keeps on giving

vanbadham 😆😆😆 this is so funny. Tell me, is Joe Hildebrand still going to write for you? Because clearly that’s a mistake. Knowledgeable political commentator he ain’t.

Finger on the pulse there... I also love the derision about 'billionaires' when you've had your lips permanently attached to the rectums of Gina and Twiggy for decades...

charliepick I think you misspelled both Clive Palmer and United Australia Party, but carry on

charliepick MurdochRoyalCommission

charliepick Appears we have a front runner for election takes that didn’t age well. Any decent news organisation would seriously question the value of a commentator who so misreads things.

charliepick Sky Opinions Australia - officially not a news service. Actually a fact.


vanbadham I guess some publications & broadcasters don’t care that their reputation is being shredded by a thousand cuts as long as they get their preferred message out on time. It is some business model.

Do you know anything about Australian politics?

Wow .. I knew your coverage was unabashed biased … but printing outright stupidity ? Come on you can do better

Loving these tantrums . Shows Australia is back on the right path , and has defied the cretins and the cretinism is hot blowing smoke from their A I S E S .

The best way to dismiss idiot Hilderbrand is ignore him...Murdoch want you to click engage so he trends...just ignore.

Spot-on, Joe! You nailed this one.

This aged well…,

This aged well...

This is what happens when they try to create news and fabricate lies, rather than report news as they happen and facts as they are. Zero integrity, bring on the media royal commission.

How’d that work out for you?

Joe’s wishful thinking outstrips his capability.

nailed it.

Oh dear Joe. Would you like salt on that foot?

Hey you can go and hang out in the corner with the LNP

danilic Australian lournalism at its best- insightful Joe

That aged well

Well this aged like fine milk.

Well there goes Joe Hildebrand's credibility as a political commentator.

Did any of them win?


Well joe hildebrand should be sacked as his journalism is quite shit then... climate200 simonahac zdaniel zalisteggall Mon4Kooyong

This aged like milk.

Well guess what, they won them all 😄 TealIndependents 👏👏👏👏👏

Joe Hildebrand, aka Rupert's lap dog, really is a waist of space.



danilic Joe_Hildebrand - I feel sorry for other fella’s that also share this name. weapologise

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder if you lot realise how much of an embarrassing laughing stock you’ve become! 🤣🤣🤣🖕🖕🖕🖕

This has aged well.

davrosz Given all the writing and publishing, Joe Hildebrand doesn’t appear to know what he is talking about

davrosz This Tweet aged well 🙂

This did not age well.

danilic Joe: hey boss, here are some rumours I heard. Editor: print it!

danilic 🤣🤣🤣🤣

No man has been so frequently and comically wrong as Hildebrand. His legend is as eternal as the internet and we may not see his like again for many generations.

danilic Who in their right mind even cares what he thinks. Clearly just a mouthpiece for ignorant commentary.

That didn’t age well 😂😂😂

AndrewPatto1 Say it ain’t so, Joe. Say it ain’t so! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dear, Sky News... you know Joe Hildebrand is a fuck wit, right? MurdochGutterMedia

How much did your boss spend?

Ugly garbage…

This aged well.

Joe is just so so knowledgeable. The only one who believes his bullshit is Joe.

Finger on the pulse, right there...lol....

Fail 😂

Raymartin55 Joe nailing it 🤣

This has aged like milk, eh. What use is this Hildebrand chump anyway?

Simon is not a billionaire. Why is Joe Hildebrand such a compulsive liar?

The total funds provided by thousands of donors including simonahac was about $12 million. You were thrashed by your own toxic behaviour.


With political skills like this, I think I could easily get a job at SkyNews. What a joker.

Its so funny how Joe Hildebrand just gets paid to be almost constantly wrong

Made up and aging like a bucket of prawns in the sun.

Has anyone checked if Joe is ok?


Missed it by that much.

And they laughed. Oh, how they laughed.

The same joe who told us to vote for Josh?

Teals can clearly be bought by millionaires. zoedaniels

This aged well…

Any updates on this Joe_Hildebrand

Joe you're as deluded as Karen Andrews. She claims voters who deserted liberals at the election turned to the greens. Even in opposition the lies flow freely.

Now do Clive Palmer.

Sky commentators became extinct in the last ice age. They just don't know it yet!

CLjeSuppose Has there ever been a bigger flog

Burn 🔥

Well it’s Joe… has he ever been right about anything?

Post election results we cross live for a comment from Joe Hildebrand

Shouldn’t you guys be called “Sky Entertainment” Not that you’re in any way entertaining but you’re sure as fk not news!! Why not “Sky Mowing” Yeah you don’t mow but then that’s the point.

Probably time for Joe to just pack it in hey? If I had such consistently poor results in my job many people would be dead.

I don’t know what’s funnier, that he may be Sky’s most accurate reporter or that he still has a job

Speak up oh great oracle!

Joe_Hildebrand bruh....


Hoe Jildebrand

Joe clearly showing why the opinionistas of Sky are not worth listening to.


Joe Hildebrand, king of shit takes.

Did you see this simonahac ?

Titanic unsinkable says our in-house naval engineering expert Joe Hildebrand.

Someone needs to go to specsavers to be able to read a room properly.

There in lies the value of Sky News. The American network in Oz.

That aged well.

This is why sky news is irrelevant. Keep it up 👍

I already wasn't listening to what Joe blathers on about, might pick his feed up now for comic relief.

Hildebrand is a parasitic ego in search of a host

Can I grab the Lotto numbers off Joe, he seems to be psychic or something, he’s Australia’s Nostradamus😉

And well done Joe_Hildebrand 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I wonder how it's going to turn out?

Up to your usual standard Joe! auspol

Hey Joe, where you going with that knob in your hand?

that article aged really well.


For all the Billions Rupert spent buying almost every journalist in the country he still suffered the biggest loss of his career

And he still gets to keep his job!


The ‘boy genius’ Joe Hildebrand does it again. 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

Salty cunt?

Smizzy777 Kenny and Hildebrand, you would not be able to get a price about them as a double at Randwick races, lack of objective intellect, lack of.... well lack of anything really, in fact just lacking, do we really need to say anymore

Sorry Sly News Gutter Media your PM of Choice Scomo lost miserably. Its Now time to go on hibernation for 3 years!


Truly, Sky News has their finger on the pulse of the nation

More cutting insight from Sky...

This aged well. MurdochGutterMedia

Hey Joe_Hildebrand dis u? auspol

There is no topic that Joe Hildebrand can't get overwhelmingly wrong.

That's why Sky pay him the big bucks.

Oh this is hilarious!

Any tips on the 2:30 at Randwick tomorrow, Joe? Heard that Egg on Face would be in with a chance.

Aged like a fine glass of milk. Kind of like Joe himself

How does he still get employed to write this tabloid shit? He’s not fit to write about the latest kardashian STD scandal. Why on earth would anyone employ him to write about an election? Tragic standards at this shit rag tabloid. murdoch auspol

that aged well 🤣

'Tony Abbott’s former chief-of-staff Peta Credlin — who, whatever your politics, is one of the sharpest political minds in the country.' So writes another sharp political mind - the ineffable Joe.


Even milk ages better than this.

Joe as in touch as usual!! 🤣😂🤣

Why would anyone take JoeHildebrand’s self-indulgent twaddle seriously.😏 This little angel clearly echoes what I think of SkyNews’ L-NP sycophants.

vanOnselenP you have some competition


Did Joe write about Clive?

Poor Joey is such a try hard ... but just ends up being tiresome Better luck next election

Haha, how about Palmer and that shit show?


This isn’t journalism any more, this is a dumb attempt at entertainment.

Joe meant the UAP, clearly.

...and I use the word 'news' loosely, should be more concerned that their blatant bias and propaganda counts for nought in the Australian landscape. We are eternally grateful Australians have much more common sense than these idiot broadcasters recognise.

Finger on the pulse? More like reading a room full of mirrors.

Joe_Hildebrand right on the money. The man’s a political genius.

Joe has always been good for a laugh

Joe Hildebrand don’t be shit challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

Do I have this right? You’re upset at the success of someone in the election that legally accepted support from a donor, yet you have no problem with all the corporate donors to political parties, to say nothing of the 100 mill Palmer tore up trying to disrupt things! zdaniel


Shut yourselves down.

Well as usual Hildebrand and SkyNoise prove to be totally out of tune with the national sentiment

Clive Palmer?

Community Independents Joe. Not Teals. Ffs


Where's a money spent per seat gained analysis comparing the TEALs to UAP? that might actually be worthwhile journalism?

Joe who?

For all the millions of dollars ploughed in to his media empire by billionaire heir Rupert Murdoch and other wealthy media owners, the people may not actually buy their bullshit and vote for these oligarchs' interests over their own.


That bloke writes utter rubbish


Not the first time Joe got something wrong

Aged like mould.

Joe with his finger on the political pulse

Joe Hildebrand has one of the best political minds in the country. Prove me wrong.

😂😂😂😂 I don’t know who’s more stupid. Sky/Murdoch who actually pay Joe Hilderbrand to write this shit or Joe himself. Why anyone reads this crap is beyond me.

For all the millions ploughed into the campaign by Clive Palmer, his candidates did not win a single seat. True story.

Why doe Joe still have a job?

You are paying charlatans to churn out drivel that has no basis in reality.


This article by Joe_Hildebrand has not aged well.

Hey ,Joe , I'm not a millionaire or a billionaire . I'm retired living off my Super . And I'm happy my modest donations got the Teals over the line ! I'm happy to see action on climate & integrity ,and if the teals didn't win these seats the libs would have and we would get zip !

Joe Hildebrand: Always talking, always wrong

Now do one on Clive Palmer



'the Teals may not actually win a single seat' LOL. Peak Hildebrand 🤣🤣🤣

Oh dear 🤭

This aged like milk

Shows how irrelevant Joe Hildebrand and Sky News are.

Replace Simon with Clive Palmer and it’s a correct statement at least

Kerri-Anne Kennerley: Joe Hildebrand has “done more drugs than anyone”

Wow! You really pick the people who understand the way the nation thinks! What are you ratings again? 4%?

That aged well...not auspol

Especially if they are the ones responsible for Jewish community slurs on posters. If 🇦🇺 wants integrity in our community, decency & togetherness, this is not the kind of thing we want to see. AusElectoralCom nswpolice 7NewsSydney 9NewsAUS 9NewsMelb AusVotes2022 AusVotes

They will win seats

I love the meltdowns from the right

I hope so. If an LNP seat is lost at least let it be to ALP.

Joe H is for sale.

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