Why are Australian musicals so white?

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

A scholarship scandal and an Oscars announcement have prompted calls for more diversity in Australian musical casting - and behind the scenes.

, says Australian theatre is at least 20 years behind the US, where even the most recent Billy Bigelow was black."Until we can all be on an even playing field, we’ll be behind," Frank says.

On Wednesday RGE issued a statement saying it accepted "unreservedly that the leadership committee should have done more to ensure that contestants in the competition were drawn from a much more diverse cross section of emerging theatre performers". "I had to work harder than my peers, who came from caucasian backgrounds, to be seen and taken seriously," he said.Performer Melanie Bird would prefer to focus on her exceptional voice and promising career but says lately she’s been thinking more about her Thai heritage."It wasn’t until I entered the world of musical theatre that I became much more aware of it.

"It makes me upset for my friends who are even more ethnic than I am and I’d love the situation to change. I feel the audience suspends disbelief in the theatre anyway and it’s the producers’ responsibility to cast people of colour in a variety of roles, in the way that"Musical theatre in Australia needs to catch up with Broadway. The attitude here of just being defensive is not the way to go.

Australian theatre producer Damien Hewitt notes that Broadway and the West End also have issues to overcome regarding race.


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3) Or a transgender Anglo Celt playing Gandhi? We know how the Africans and Indians would react! Be careful of what you champion; it could affect those crocodile crying victims more than others!

2)historical character then Chinese , Indians, Thai etc. musical and drama and their historical/mythological characters should also be played by Europeans/Australians and Africans! How about remaking a Nelson Mandela movie with a blond Scandinavian playing Nelson Mandel role?

1)Why are there not enough Australians of European descent in chinese movies and drug and crime ridden sexist Indian Bollywood movies? Diversity cannot be a one way street so if there should be more Thais and Chinese’s in European/Australian dramas/musicals and stories and

why are BLM protests so white . . . BLM needs diversity

Has the Victorian government not proved that we need to hire the best people for the job - look at what “diversity” has done to our state

Quota over talent never, ever leads to a good outcome.

We definitely need more Africans. If we are 100% African then we will be truly diverse.

How diverse is Fairfax board of directors?

identifying people by racial profile is racism, wake up to the subversion of your culture

Because Australians are predominately white....

Wacky idea i know but why do we just judge people on what they do and not what they look like?

And this is a problem why? Funny how 'diversity' always means less white people.

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