'You can't be held down': Why a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely in Australia

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Could the Government make a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory in Australia?

Dr O'Brien said that although the wording of the emergency powers in many states is broad enough, conceivably, to include vaccination, they would be unlikely to be upheld if challenged.

"I have little doubt that if a direction for vaccination of all people in Victoria were made by the Chief Health Officer under section 200 and if it were challenged in the courts, the courts would say it was unlawful for such a requirement to be imposed on the population under delegated legislation."


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Government can do anything it wants. So can citizens. Many people live fulfilling lives in spite of, not because of government.

If you've been forced to vaccinate why are you worried about people who haven't? Your safe aren't you

No, de facto the government cannot make it mandatory; but it could make the choice of electing not to vaccinate a very hard life choice for those so inclined in order to influence their incentive structure and perturb their ill-founded antisocial resistance, and it should.

No mandates and no coercion.

Any mandatory vaccine, coercion included, is argument as a human rights abuse. You do not have rights to another humans body, the excuse of 'it's for your/others safety', is not a valid argument. If you do not have rights to your own body, can you say you have any real rights?


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First we need a vaccine.

No ! My body my choice, remember ?

No way will I let Morrison forcibly have me injected. He can f right off.

I suggest all the anti - Vaxer community move to India and get yourself herd immunity see how that works for you and your families.

Not without changing the constitution act of Australia they can't.

They will try, the media will cheer it on and no one will consider the fact we have a flu vaccine and we still get it every year despite the wonder.

Doctors must do no harm , so all doctors or giver of the vaccine must sign a complicity liability. Where they can be sued as the public cannot she pharma . ( they changed the laws because of massive pay outs due to vaccine damages. Won’t see that on the news.

I would advise ALL to ask for ALL ingredients to be listed & in layman’s terms & where they have come from. Ie: aborted fetus, monkey tissue etc etc.Oh &, also, all doctors must sign a liability to each person that it is safe.(there are no laws for damages f vac) Convenient

Statement hidden in a question. Will have to kill me first , & as they ‘care ‘ so much about my life ( snigger ) that won’t happen. 😇

For balance......

Politics, leftards, LGTB, and black guys first please.

As a vaccine survivor anyone who supports mandatory vaccines can get fucked

It's been the plan for at least 30 years now so we shouldn't be surprised.

Basically common sense if you have not been vaccinated and you cannot prove you have been vaccinated, you should not be allowed to enter Australian territories full stop. I don’t want to loose any family members to this so yes mandatory vaccination it will be.

Dr. Yan: the coronavirus was made in the lab, and being spread intentionally to the world by the Chinese Communist Party! Why we lost jobs, families and everything! Take down CCP now!

No manufacturer will accept liability for any damage done so why the fuck would anyone be stupid enough to accept an untested vaccine?

Of course they can, if legislation is passed. Which won't happen. Stop giving ammunition to antivax trolls.

Let me rephrase your heading, just to ensure your journalistic integrity: ‘Could the government make an undertested, experimental COVID-19 vaccine mandatory in Australia?’ There, fixed it.

No, not mandatory. But govt can make access to the benefits of a collective society contingent on being vaccinated. The choice is then yours to make, and one lives by and with their choices.

No. It's illegal for such things to be mandatory.

You could make your ability to enter public spaces without it a problem 😀

Provided there is a vaccine to be made mandatory first

We do not want to give the government power to force people in to any medical procedure, that would be a dangerous precedence.

Yeah sure why not . If you see the way the government handled COVID what chance do they of vaccinating the whole country.

According to OUR 1901 Constitution - NO - it cannot be mandatory. But morrison and co don't care about constitutions - they write their own rules as they go along. In a sane world, we would overturn them in court. This is NOT a sane world. We must first deal with the satanists.

It’s really no need. It’s waste time to talk about.

Stop it ABC debate whether we will get vaccine first and the ramifications if we don’t rather then incite useless debate on something that hasn’t occurred yet

Welcome to the Republic of China, Australia where you have no civil rights & you will be poisoned by the pharma. companies testing a vaccine that will never work. Afterall , the test doesn't detect virus, it tests for your immune system. They only have last years FLU as vaccine

I wish the government would take the axe to the ABC,that way they wouldn’t have to steal our family home,Maybe?

No! Don’t! Let them be... this virus is nature’s way of helping us out weeding us out stupid gene pools.

They’ll make it mandatory for healthcare workers. It will be a get it or be out of a job type thing.

No it cannot. It is rape and against every human right.

Well firstly there isn’t one and secondly they will struggle to produce enough for all those that actually want it....don’t think we need to be worried about this really.

Slow news day ? Scomo has already said it wont be mandatory, so you will have a choice unlike the lockdowns.

Sign me up! I live in Melbourne 😢😢

No. Just no way.

If you mandate it and something goes wrong, is that manslaughter? I think legally there is a difference between choosing to do something and being forced by someone. Certainly shifts liability to the Government.

Could and should.

The Astra Zeneca vaccine is an experimental adenovirus vaccine that will have no long term data if it comes to market. Someone in the trial has developed a neurological autoimmune condition. Where there is risk there must be choice.

It’s a silly question. Those, who opt not to vaccinate on ideological grounds, let them catch the virus. I don’t wish any human being to suffer but some learn the hard way & we shouldn’t stand in their way.

scomo has already indicated he will not be making mandatory.

Yeah hook me up

'Can the gov force you to inject foreign antibodies into your bloodstream'

No no and no

Over my dead body will that be forced on me

That would be a no Ghost Rider


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