‘Read the room’: Indigenous cricket star slams PM over Australia Day stance

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Anthony Mundine is backing Cricket Australia’s recommendation to dump ‘Australia Day’ for promotional purposes and said PM Scott Morrison’s reaction was predictable.

games on the 26th January, and they’ll see us taking a knee against racism, and promoting inclusion for all. Take note.″⁣

“The PM’s response is showing we still have a fair way to get an understanding.

“It was a great initiative by Cricket Australia and what they wanted to do, but for ‘ScoMo’ to come out and rebel against that, it shows you where the country is at,” Mundine told the“If we’re going to move forward for a better Australia, you have to do your history, research the anthem, research the flag, Australia Day ... that day blood was spilled and genocide was rife.CA director and co-chair of the First Nations Advisory Committee Mel Jones with Meg Lanning.

Within hours of the recommendation becoming front-page news, Jones received “lovely pieces of advice” from people on social media who suggested she should “hang her head in shame” and was being “un-Australian”. Jones has lived in Australia since she was three months old with her father from Trinidad and Australian mother, who has Irish and Scottish heritage.


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One more reason why the Aboriginal nation will never get a legal guernsey in Australia. Playing the victim card over and over won't wash in Aus. Aussies respect personal responsibility/courage & not whinging to try & get others to fight your battles for you.

You read the room, Australians are fed up with all these indigenous claims of being hard done by. A dozen sailers rowing ashore is not an invasion. Who is paying for the hundreds of dialysis machines for your mates in the outback. Who developed Australia..get over it !!

Who is Anthony Mundine?

MUNDINE..or as he likes to be known HRH, Lord protector, Professor, Doctor MUndine. has just had a brain fart and expects us all to say excuse me m'lord

Who cares what he thinks


MrPhillipJHall1 You see the people have to lead the conservative Whacko government into reality Bravo Cricket Australia !

You know your cause is in trouble when Mundine opens his mouth.


Every time Mundine opens his mouth First Nations People lose support from the community.

Time for a plebiscite? Too scared to have one ?

Suggested Dan stick to cricket seems like he is a ave cricketer and about the same of a bloke! Funny how he is a plays a English game introduced to Australia maybe he should quit cricket and give all his money that he made to charity

So the first person went to for comment was Anthony Mundine. That's predictable too. ThisisNotJournalism

Sick and tired of the bullshit around Australia Day. I respect that their needs to be discussion around indigenous people but Fck leave Australia Day alone and can Cricket Australia focus on making sure our test players win matches and not create Fck division.

Must have been a small room

Keep Australia Day .

By the way mister Mundine l would not say that to your face,l am a big mouth on Twitter but lm not stupid. Cheers.

Pretty sure his relevance in indigenous affairs became irrelevant the moment he distanced himself from his culture by becoming Muslim.

Wonder if he is going to work on the public holiday then.

Guess what Anthony the man Mundine ?so were your reactions, I bet when you’re having sex you would find something to complain about,you big fella are a born whinger

I would suggest Dan read the room. He is completely out of sync.

Australia Day is a day to recognise what a wonderful country we have become. Any business that wants to remove Australia Day deserves all the condemnation it received.

FFS do we need to politicize a game. Its just not cricket.

So what..

Remember that time the LNP thought they knew what Australian people wanted regarding marriage? oot InvasionDay ScottMorrisonMP

Mundine’s reaction is predictable. He’s Muslim now isn’t he? “Mundine said men could beat their wives as long as it did not cause 'any injury or any bruising'.”

The PM has done nothing but cancel reconciliation. It's distressing to see the nation's healing process obliterated by a cheap a cheap populist marketing oaf.

about as predictable as a Mundine comment..........

Typical flog Mundine


Of course he would

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