Peter Dutton backs Pauline Hanson's legal challenge to Queensland's border closure

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has backed a legal challenge to Queensland's border closures, which some believe may be unconstitutional.

On Friday morning, Mr Dutton urged the premier to reconsider her position, saying Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy says it is already safe to reopen state borders.

Mr Dutton went on to say it was not clear why Queensland's chief health officer had spoken about September when Ms Palaszczuk had previously flagged July for a reopening, suggesting Dr Young had"plucked it out of the air" and"dug herself a hole". "This isn’t leadership, this is dictatorship, and there’s no clear reason to keep the borders shut," Ms Hanson told Today.

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Dutton and P Hanson, they're as bad as each and both Racist.

How completely hypocritical there from Mr Off-Shore Concentration Camps himself. Because isn't that their entire justification for those? That borders are super sacred and should be enforced without conscience?

So Dutton is PRO-virus spreading. Figures ...

h_appleby PeterDutton_MP Hey Peter, is Victoria still part of Australia ? Or has Chairman Andrews sold Victoria to China?

Good luck. According to the constitution Australia is separate countries with a trade agreement....just as in pre colonial times but way less than over 200+. Yunno..we need it simples RubyDutton

Unconditional....please. This has been happening ever since Cook showed up on my land.

saschaf20 You just focus on the cruise ships fuckwit RubyDutton RubyPrincess

What about South Australia’s border closures?

Open the bloody borders!!!!!! Make Bs Qld completely Paluzschuk free by 2021!!!!!!

Wait til the writs come for the rubyprincess catastrophe ...

My he is a &*?!

Mr Borders wants them open now.

Ruby Princess PeterDutton_MP you made yourself completely irrelevant. And everyone thought you were before already.

Can we lose federal govt. and state premiers having a monthly team meeting.

And there is Clive

Isn’t everything PD does unconstitutional? Ironic that an ex man of the law has no regard for the law or the decisions of its highest officials.

I thought having close tight borders was Dutton's mantra.

Palmer, Clive is also taking on the WA Gov to the High Court. They won't let him in cause he won't answer their questions Big boys are worried. morepowertothestates

What kind of treasonous prick holds an office, supposedly responsible for protecting the citizens of a country, then jumps on some fascist bandwagon to attack & undermine State Premiers doing their level best to prevent the spreading of a plague? Look no further than RubyDutton.

It's Dutton's fault for being sich an idiot with the Ruby Princess.

Unconstitutional? And I was under the impression it was all to do with public safety? Ah, but there is a state election coming up, could it be a rather pathetic attempt to discredit a popular State Govt?

'I'm a proud Queenslander, I'm not taking advice from people south of the border at all,” Oh really so only Queenslanders are smart ? Ffs Parochialism run amuck 🤣🤣🤣

He'll end up shutting himself in his own house at this rate :p

Dutton attacks Labor Premier. SA Premier Marshall is doing exactly the same but Dutton is grandstanding. Spite.


PeterDutton_MP your a bigger fool than I thought. I suppose you'll side with together fool who's crying because WA Have closed the state border good keep it closed stay away who cares

Protection of public health is constitutional. Anyone who challenges border closures in the middle of a pandemic is a psychopath & is against human rights and against rights of states to protect lives of their citizens. PeterDutton_MP PaulineHansonOz smh theage AnnastaciaMP



bensab3 When do laws or court judgements stop Dutton. He's a Fascist.

How about a legal challenge about him bringing in the virus and not stopping the one vote that mattered

Please go after Dictator McGowan while you are at it.

Cut off funding to states that won't open. wafifoprisoner

I know Dutton can’t read but at least he could get someone to read him this: Cunliffe v The Commonwealth (1994) 182 CLR 272, 307–308 (Mason CJ). Recognising that S92 is subject to competing public interests and is not absolute!

If Dutton can't do his own job he should stfu about anyone else's

PetraAu Why does unconstitutional bother Dutton! He doesn't care about the law.

I tweeted ages ago, that this Dutton is a nuisance to Australia and a hates women in power. Morrison should tell him to STFU... but he's weak.

Well that just takes the cake!

Good job PeterDutton_MP

Let’s talk Human Rights spud, and the millions of taxpayer funds you have dropped into Paladin and the legal cases you have lost opposing medevac. You’re an expensive racist joke

SBS is unconstitutional

We're a Federation. States take responsibilty

Diversionary tactics from Dutton, again.

As a Qlder I want to know who is funding this legal action and what legal firm is taking it on?

Birds of a feather...

CV1984 lockdowns are against our human rights.

Geez that face.. .Shudder. He's lecturing Annastacia Palaszczuk over border control that's saving QLD lives-- when Dutton let the COVID-19 saturated Ruby Princess in- that has killed Australian people.- Mr Ruby Princess Dutton!

Poorlene and Dutton

If he actually read the constitution he would be silent. The fact he and the red haired racist clown are barking up shows neither have zero fucking idea what powers the state's have over the commonwealth when a state of emergency is called.

He really needs to STFU and go and mind his own federal business.....which he hasn’t been doing very well lately.

So it seems the Federal gov have money to spend ?

Hes a Traitor to Australia

... a match made in hell 😡

It's not unconstitutional. Professor Anne Twomey looked at state border closures. The High Court accepts states implementing closures on the basis of protecting citizens. Case closed.

Such a shame Peter Dutton didn’t have so much care for borders with the one boat he didn’t stop RubyDutton

So PeterDutton_MP thinks Australia's borders, including state borders, are federal responsibilities. How did that work again with the Ruby Princess?

So we should take advice from a guy that backs Pauline Hanson and cruelly dumped minors in the middle of nowhere when he was in the Police force?

Peter Dutton should marry Pauline Hanson. I can hear them giggling now.

QLD only have themselves to blame. It was their fault we got stuck with both Dutton and Pauline in fed parliament. If they would just stop voting for these evil f**k wits in the first place, we'd all be better off.

Best get the handout ready for your donors to mount a legal challenge

MelodyMac51 Peter Dutton is a national hero

maybe Dutton can answer our questions about Australian Border breaches under HIS watch, before he starts political deflection! RubyDutton RubyPrincess

Does this man ever do his own job? He seems to be busy spoiling for a fight wherever he can get it? Or is he confusing the country’s borders with state borders?

PetraAu Queensland politics can't be satirised!

Its OK for the state premiers to make their own decisions around restrictions, until it doesn’t fit with saving the economic disaster that the LNP and CoVid19 created.

He needs to keep his right wing nose out of Queensland

So why only question Queensland border? What about the other states and territories which have theirs closed. No. Do not touch our borders. Leave them alone. We want our health. Travel within your own states. Leave us alone.

What about RUBY princess 🥔🥔

What ?trying to say some people only just worked this out ? Constraint of Trade between States for a starter.. duh

Ruby Dutton and NRA Hanson ... what could possibly go wrong

These two sole mates should stick to lecturing the Chinese it worked so well....

niloc1951 Thank Q PeterDutton_MP

What the difference is qld when compared to SA TAS or the NT?That’s right, they have conservative governments so licking down there borders is an excellent idea?LNPCrimeFamily RubyPrincess

Stop watching what Trump is doing and manage your own job. RubyPrincess

Wow 🤦‍♀️

MalBJones ffs stop giving these lunatics airtime.

MelodyMac51 There is no reason why state borders should be closed to healthy people

Il Duce Peter RubyDutton can hardly talk of social experiment when he is responsible for over 10% of all cases and 31% of all deaths via his incompetence in the RubyPrincess debacle. He had one job!

rubydutton rubyprincess qldpol

Idiotic 'distraction' Watch out when this 'it' comes for kids trying to save the planet by means of peaceful protests. This ' snake' is after yr kids. Hopefully NOT in a hurry. As is devious. Already

You don't have to report what this snake says. Stop giving him oxygen!

What about the other states with closed borders?


Is that as unconstitutional as not allowing international travel or incarcerating a family for years for no reason

What a shock.

Concerted campaign against AnnastaciaMP Govt because there's a State election coming up. auspol MSM

I'll bet he hasn't stumped up with any of his money

As unconstitutional as locking the Biloela family up on Christmas Island (costing $21m+) after trying to deport them in the dead of night?

During the 1918/9 flu borders were closed within Australia. PeterDutton

Tell PeterDutton_MP to put his own money up for the challenge...then we'll see him back down like a cornered dog.

cool, look forward to his humiliating himself.

What do expect from the man who allowed the Ruby Orincess to dock

Peter Dutton is unconstitutional. No one ever invisaged so much power in one so evil.

Perhaps a referendum is in order. Should Queensland's borders remain closed to Peter Dutton and Pauline Hanson?

Well I hope South Australia & Tasmania are included in this case. Otherwise it is political, and taxpayer money should not be used. Just joking we know it's political and taxpayer money will be used.

Yes he was the main vector?

claudiafarhart How about a legal challenge on this? everyone in the media refuses to ask Llew O'Brien ex Qld copper & chair of the Petitions committee why he hid a petition from parliament about another ex Qld copper Peter Dutton. It details a breach of constitution & crime

PeterDutton_MP is an evil potato! 👿🥔👿 RubyPrincess EvilPotato

The man dodges questions of accountability over RubyPrincess, sparks a trade war with China & again sticks his nose somewhere it isn’t needed.

It doesn't matter what you think of him he is probably right. All citizens enjoy the same rights regardless of which state they are from, hence likely making unlawful the prohibiting of entry across the border.


is the man speaking for his constituents or is this ideological bullying in the lead up to the Queensland State election? auspol LNPfail PeterDutton_MP

So much for States rights

Home Affairs were still allowing direct flights from Wuhan into Australia in February, checking for virus symptoms on airport airbridges, not sure their opinion matters.

2 idiots

Go for it Dutton, ya fuck wit, this will absolutely ensure a Labor win for Queensland. Do you really think you have the support of the people of QLD?

'Ruby' fancies himself as a RW warrior like Menzies, Abbott or Reagan, saving the world from the evil commies.

michaelhallida4 Is he after the NT, SA TAS and WA premiers also....what a moron, nearly wants ppl infected, unemployed or just dead

MalBJones Spud a Poorleen. A great pair.

Managing borders is his special skill. He brought assault rifles to a virus fight.

Mr Duttons opinion is welcomed. However , I’d like to gently remind the Home Affairs Chief Minister , that the qld Premier is heeding the advice of qld CMO.

Well said Peter Dutton

SBS Watch out Scotty the evil potato wants the top job.

Dutton can fk off. Grandstanding again. Is he in preparation for a Libspill is he? Watch out ScottMorrisonMP I think Dutton is sharpening the spill blade.

Does anyone want to come forward for the dog whistlers of unintelligent grandstanding politics? Clive loves the spotlight and is familiar with the courts. I love being a Queenslander.

Ruby Princess?

Ruby Princess Dutton and Poorlean. What a pair. What a reflect of the majority vote. What a reflection of the vision for Australia by a majority of Australians. Absolutely pathetic.

SBS If PD had DONE HIS JOB there NEVER would'v been a pandemic in Aus in the 1st place AS USUAL PASSES THE BLAME on2 every1 else so HE doesn't face the DEBACLE he + Defence Minister caused BUT had the AFP RANSACK ABC+JOURNALIST'S of event o/s which WE AUSSIES HAD EVERY RIGHT 2KNOW!

Perhaps a legal challenge should apply to Border Force and their minister PeterDutton_MP

Send both of them back.......

he needs to mind his own business, he's incompetent and useless in his own portfolio, perhaps he should concentrate on his many failings. RubyDutton

Oh, the irony !!

Ooh better tell every shire and principality in the world they might be illegal

SBS PD had CoVID19 paid while not work'g + refused a pay cut like other LNPPoliticiansMembers COULD'V HELPED those that R still unable2 received any type of Jobseeker Subsidy LNP helped 2CREATE these Jobs 3,6,9mth⤵1yr NOW DISMISSED as INELIGIBLE MORE JOBS LIKETHESE 2COME NO SECURITY

About as good as Dutton gets... A truley horrible human being who wont rest till we have his wet dream of a police state in place.

PeterDutton_MP There is something called as Verbal diarrhea and called Metal Asylum. The link is constantly strengthened and validated when we say something.

'which SOME believe MAY BE unconstitutional'...And by 'some' we know it's just Dutton and Hanson right?

I enjoyed this charming quote from Poreleeen H later in that same article: ''There's no vaccine for the coronavirus, I suggest you actually start to live with it.'' Would it be wrong to hope that she or one of her kids got sick? Yes, it would. Dear me.

He must be loosing out in profits somewhere along the way in undisclosed businesses

If Dutton has backed it you know its a lame horse

You've backed a winner there RubyDutton.

Yet he is okay with inhumane?

I was wondering where ‘Ruby’ got to

New headline. Peter Dutton distracting from RubyPrincess and interfering in State election. auspol

You know what is unconstitutional? Usurping the authority of an elected State Premier.

I think its time for border closures to be lifted too but PeterDutton_MP can take his pinko 'its unconstitutional' and shove it where his mother never kissed him. We are not a centrally governed communist state. States are sovereign, so right or wrong, Feds can just butt out!

SBS A massive big fail here, where stupidity and ignorance is trying to override commonsense!

SBS Dutton you and your boarder force are responsible for 40% of covid 19 infections. Butt out.


Some ? I do believe public health has precedence over $$$'s at this point in time.


It's so heart-warming to see taxpayers' money being used so prudently with one government suing another level of government.

I hope he loses money. He is a revolting human being

Ps.. no bloody wonder he let Ruby Princess to dock and disembark... HOW DOESNT HAVE ANY CLUE ABOUT BORDERS AND KEEPING THE US SAFE

Of course he did... I rank him with Pauline of how much I despise, distrust them both

SBS That’s going to be interesting... who to listen to...commonwealth Chief Medical officer or the State Health Office....the borders should not have closed in the first place as all states were in lockdown and the data shows virus being managed.

SBS Does he not have a day job. Or is it bashing of the Queensland Labor Government auspol

So now the monster is for open borders?

Minister for cruise ships

But not South Australia or Tasmania? I wonder why? 🤔

PrincessPete full of bluster, again sticking his nose in everyone else's business but his own. When's the media going to chase him about deleting evidence from his HA website, which directly implicates him in the RubyPrincess plague ship? to hard a task for any journos?

May as well investigate this too ...auspol Bullshitboy Watergate Grassgate AngusTaylor

‘Backs Pauline Hanson’ ... says it all doesn’t it? Australia, we’re f*cked! 😢

Hopeless. Just do the job you’re paid for! Dutton puts on his little boy shorts & practices ‘border concepts’ on Queensland after failing miserably at protecting Australia’s borders DuttonForPrison RubyDutton RubyPrincess All on Dutton CoronaVirus

Is it is... Can we get rid of him...? I'll just stay warming up the tar... I'll need someone to help with feathers...

A baked potato 🥔 has a crusty skin , bu it is all mush on the inside.

Birds of a feather stick together

Why Dutton still in the office

Must be an election in Qld soon

RubyDutton only supports closed borders when it applies to Brown people.

Dutton has no control over Qld borders. Interesting he isn’t challenging the states led by Liberal Premiers. This morning SA Premier said if the border was open SA would have to go back to the lowest stage of the states which still have CV. He is doing a good job for a Liberal.

Is he also challenging the Marshall Government in South Australia and the Gutwein Government in Tasmania?

Dutton is a dud.

How did we end up with a guy that has no eyebrows and no hair as our home affairs minister? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure if aliens did visit the earth and infiltrate our top government positions, this is exactly what they would look like. I know we're not supposed to

This terrorist!!

“If you are reading this Oi am dead “💀 yup a mastermind the old PH & now this from RubyDutton seriously 😐

These two - Bookend Bogans just need to be quiet 🤐

Both showing their true ‘redneck’ tendencies PeterDutton_MP PaulineHansonOz stay strong AnnastaciaMP - majority Qlders support you!

Peter Dutton is unconstitutional.

I guess that shows that even Pauline Hanson is a quicker thinker than Peter Dutton. RubyDutton

Shouldn't this bloke spend more time worrying about Australia's borders and preventing another debacle like his Ruby Princess failure?

What a surprise! The state premiers have done all the heavy lifting, now it’s time to stick the knife in.

I think it’s fine if Dutton would then accept responsibility if deaths go increase and resigns if they do because of him. Pauline should also resign. But we all know neither of them would accept blame.

auspol Is this a joke?! 😳😬😒

What an ass RubyDutton

If Dutton is so obsessed with state politics, perhaps he could do the rest of Australia a favour, leave Federal politics run for election in qldpol. Sorry to anyone from QLD, I know that's a bit unfair to you though!

Wow birds of a feather, two of the most hated Queenslanders get together

Listen here Voldemort... 😒🙄 2 words... 'Ruby Princess'

It's a complete mystery how these two fools are listened to at all. Both are ignoramuses who have no comprehension of what is a wise path to choose within the country to protect us from this pandemic.

This is just posturing. By the time any legal issues are resolved, the borders will be open again.

We need to take this man to court for crimes against humanity.

Does this challenge include: SA, WA, NT and Tas? Why just attacking Qld?

It's actually getting fun watching Dutton fuck up departments he's not involved with. Wonder what the next one will be. I'll throw a bet on somehow ruin road safety.

What closures go in and out by yacht like the rest of them are doing

How about an investigation to the RubyPrincess debacle! Clean up your own mess first Dutton!

Queensland. Beautiful one day, racist the next. Thanks for getting the lib/nats federally elected again..... peanuts.

Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess. Ruby Princess.

it would be good if we abolish the federation set-up

😂 the some others may want to look back in history. Ooh around time of Spanish flu pandemic.

The virus has taken over his brain to use him as a tool to help it replicate. But then he always was a tool!

Why does he not mention the other states that have closed their borders and why is he meddling in State affairs? Find it very hard to find any LNP politician to actually like! Zero

PeterDutton_MP RubyDutton

I feel it is very Constitutional, given our federation supports the autonomy of states...

Just put a cruise ship full of C19 carriers on the border, Pete. You'll have no trouble opening it up, then!

Bull crap; liberal money lies.

What is wrong with him? Why can’t he be removed from office for continued vexatious mischief? Interferes with China = we lose our trade Challenges Qld border closure = jeopardises health measures Spud, only answer we want is the RUBY PRINCESS. Stop bullying women in power.

Federal Government should be in charge of all of Australia and over right any thing the State Government puts's just bullshit

We in Queensland are really keeping our borders closed from the authoritarian virus that is breeding in Canberra. Dutton 19.

Why is he so interested in QLD politics - is he running for State Opposition Leader?!!

surely this dude has more important things to do like... home affairs of Australia? I dunno 🤔

Can we have a legal challenge to PeterDutton who, if not unconstitutional, should be. And who should be illegal on the basis that inciting racism, imprisoning innocent people and torturing them for years and stripping away our freedom is an act of criminality.

Just another Attack on a Labor Government.

They are stupid, that's what they are

Dutton and there a festival of total bastards on somewhere? bullies Racists

Another waste of tax payers money

What constitution? lmaoooo we haven't used one since 1906 and it is not even ours. Let's first get a Bill of Rights before we start talking about law, currently Australia has no such thing.

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