Owner of seven properties says landlords getting a raw deal

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'I'm not running a charity': Owner of seven properties says landlords getting a raw deal

He's been flipping properties in Queensland from a home office in Sydney for 25 years and seems acutely familiar with the public perception of landlords."There's the perception of the evil landlord, the cinematic slum lord idea.

A long-time advocate of buying up real estate, he's considering selling up and getting out of the property game. Mr Duggan said the "default" position of civil tribunals adjudicating disputes between property owners and their renters was that "the property owner will always lose". When Thomas Shafee and Katrina Alcorn bought their own apartment and left the rental market five years ago, the Melbourne-based couple were overwhelmed with relief.

Mr Shafee said he and his partner intended to be "ethical" landlords and employ a hands-off approach to their incoming tenant.


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A human right shouldn't be a commodity to start with


I wish him Hell. And the ABC has become a dumpster on fire, publishing this rage-trigger clickbait is at the level of the Herald Sun.

Hearts bleeding.

Oh boo hoo, you'll sell all your 7 properties and probably buy some goddamn mansion on the beach and live like a king for the rest of your life while the rest of us will probably never own our own homes with it taking decades to pay off the ridiculous mortgages these days.

Aw its breaking my heart you poor boy.

As a taxpayer subsidising your investments over your lifetime no doubt through negative gearing and CGT discounts…I feel like I’ve been running a charity!!!

It should be remembered that most landlords pay out more money than they receive in rent - hence the negative gearing. They are effectively subsidising the cost of accommodation for their tenants in the hope of making a capital gain down the track.

Ok well then sell your properties....problem solved

Geez....If you really think that, at least have the decency to keep your mouth shut...but to complain about it shows pure greed and avarice at its finest. Landlords are now the victims in all this? Quick, more tax avoidance, the millioniares are struggling 😱🙄🙄🙄

The tenants are paying your mortgages. They do not get the benefit of the the capital gains you make. You only pay half tax on capital gains.

I wonder how many of his properties are negatively geared, and thus funded by taxpayers, many of whom are struggling to pay the rents he is asking? Clearly landlords are doing it “tough” compared with the tenants they treat as disposable cash cows!!!

Looks like you interviewed him just to throw him under the bus as clickbait. How about you ask the banks what they are doing for renters? Better still, how about reporting on Tavistock, like TheRealPBarry ABCmediawatch asked last night?

Not running a charity! Fair enough, cut all the tax breaks, then let's hear him whine that life's not fair.

If it's so hard liquidate. Instant millionaire my friend. So disgusting preying on disadvantage. 😡

And nothing of value has been lost.

Tell him to go FHS!

Landlords should throw themselves from a 10 story building

Oh, the poor landlords. LOL.

I couldn’t care less about someone’s “struggle” when they own 7 properties. I hope the bubble burst breaks your bank account apart.

How about he gets no handouts from the government then? Hmmm.

Ive only got three properties, would prefer em to be empty than rent em out. Paying around 500k a yr in personal taxes.. No private health insurance and no super.. Now someone please explain how im benefiting from your taxes plzzzz🤣

Rent em out as air bnb, f$k the peasents. It was the governments responsibility to bail out the lazy and dimwitted. How has it now become the responsibility of private individuals?l If I wanted to live on a socialist state, id move to Russia..

Perhaps the government could balance things out by investing the property taxes into new community housing developments. That would help rents fall and provide more much needed housing and reduce homelessness. It would force the capitalists to compete too

Mate, get a job, stop hoarding property.

Shame on ABC for promoting this greedy shead .It’s a slap in the face for the huge number of people forced to rent.

If he sells, that is good. More houses for people to buy. The price goes down, right?

Let's start a GoFund me page for poor old Andrew. I'll chuck in a fiver - five cents that is.

Leilani Farha, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing. adequatehousing

Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing 2014-2020

Who needs 7 properties? Hoarding is an illness.

Define tone deaf...

How about we share children and have one home each then we’ll all have a home 😂

Let's say I was operating an unprofitable and poorly run business that I kept 'losing money' on. The ATO would only give me tax breaks for so long - and that's how it should be for property investors. The Australian people are sick of subsidising property speculators.

Cry me a river: Landlords get taxpayer bailouts - negative gearing. No other unprofitable business gets such a handout. Unprofitable businesses go out of business, they're not kept alive by taxpayers! Axe negative gearing, stop govts meddling in markets. auspol Australia

The only way to make housing more affordable to the great majority is to treat it as shelter for the people and not as investment to make more money 💰 💴

Australians have been given a mindset that if you rent out a property you need to rent it for more than your mortage and make a profit. If not, negitive gear. This distrupts the natural investment decision of RISK vs REWARD, and the rhetoric around PROPERTY/basic survival needs.

If he doesn’t want to feel like that perhaps he should invest in things people don’t need to survive.

Being a decent human being would be a start, mate.

And this is what Mao was talking about

Yes I think negative gearing should be capped at one property people buy houses to rent out to make money that's it all of the pontificating in the world doesn't change that

More interesting article, take note ABC

- Property Ponzi Peddlers

He’s doing it tuff , better go and live in a car ! Problem solve !

He's fine with his tenants paying off SEVEN properties for him, though. 'Poor me'. Hypocrite. 🤮

The Dude doesn’t abide.

Slum lord who owns 7 properties can't understand why he has no friends.

It’s time to own 6 perhaps. Create a financial buffer. That’s what a human would do.

I almost gagged on my grilled wild Alaskan Salmon.

Who says ‘entitlement’ mentality only inflicts the down trodden?

Mate,you are in danger of being the poor man’s Gerry Harvey.

I feel like my rent is being paid to a Charity. They certainly don't spend any money on maintenance.

Track down his tenants for a comment.

You lost me when this guy said he owned 7 properties.

In lockdown there was a moratorium on evicting tenants who lost their jobs. So local R/E agents simply blacklisted them.

Scum of the earth. No one should be able to own more than one property.

ABC News has found that getting Medical advice on a pandemic from failed coffee shop owners is on the nose, so to make absolutely sure that’s have no credibility left they get advice on renting in the property marked from only one side of that debate.

Cry harder mate, you own 7 properties. You can easily sell a couple and be able live comfortably. A home is a home not an investment portfolio. Zero sympathy for landlords.

Is it hard?

Nothing worse than a whinging landlord : gives us a brake 7 properties really?

To paraphrase Gough - I am for abortion and, in his case, we should make it retrospective.

The fact that he would attempt to defend such an indefensible position shows the Murdoch business model of telling RWNJ fools they are right for tax free income then sending it overseas is working!! taxbludgers

If you decide to buy 7 properties - then it’s your problem if you can’t provide the conditions to tenants required by law. If you can’t afford it, you can always sell it. If you want to increase rent but no tenants interested, drop the rent. This is very much “rich crying poor”

$7 million worth of property and negative gearing and he cries.

A little lesson for all the Landlords out there. Your not so 'Lordy' after all.😁

Boo hoo bitch

The welfare mentality is alive and well here! No such thing as a free lunch people! Somebody has to pay for it! But obviously as long as it’s someone else that ok, right! 🙄

Jail. Now.

Oh big deal. “OOOH I’m ruining a charity” big deal I do that every day and nobody blinks an eye

I am a landlord. A few years ago we could have voted to stop a lot of the tax deductions but instead we voted for scomo. I voted for shorten. It seems to me we all think something should be done about it but no one will vote for it. So ? ….

portraitinflesh 🤡

Please sell and get out of the property game.

I reckon

Boo hoo, will someone think of the poor landlords!!!!!!!!!!!!

Craven slumlord

Evidence that Negative Gearing needs to be pulled back. Tax legislation needs overhauling. Greed needs to be addressed as an epidemic.

BREAKING: Guy grumpy that the really sweet deal he's been on for the last ten years is starting to slow.

Ask why when tenants pay the mortgage they don't get equity in the property?

Completely unnecessary type of person, extracts money solely off of enclosing something that's already there and free to use. The housing crisis ends the second we suppress and expropriate these parasites.

I’m at a loss as to why he hates the whole ‘cannot evict without grounds’ clause? If there’s no cause to evict, why would you?

He is spot on. Landlords worked to pay the Fck loans over the years and every Fck cost like land tax. We are treated like leapers because we did something with our life’s and took risks.

The rich and privileged only benefit themselves in the end and always. 40 years of immoral neoliberalism. Here are two articles that are relevant: 1. How wealth breeds narcissism 2. Belief in meritocracy is false and bad

Money doesn't grow on trees. Whoever has it probably worked hard for it.

Talk about picking the worst possible spokesman for them. Maybe he should sell up. 80% of UK landlords own 1 property, are elderly & make about £15K. It's a meagre pension, not a bonanza.

HOUSES are NOT COMMODITIES to profiteer on and PEOPLE are NOT ECONOMIC UNITS. Housing is a fundamental and basic need and human right. Australians are insane shallow greedy capitalists and irrational, immoral narcissists. Neoliberal capitalism is not economics, it’s omnicide.

'Landlords are getting a raw deal.' Good.

It is getting extremely difficult to evict tenants, following Covid and many concessions given to tenants NCATNSW is certainly not considering this!

WizePenguin He could sell 6 of the properties to people just wanting to own one.

boo hoo

If I was PM, I'd restrict negative gearing to 1 property, maybe 2 if you put up a convincing argument. Rather than lining his pockets, how about buying property for his children or grandchildren. As we all know, he only gives to charity as a tax dodge.

'Good times for landlords' = being a fucking parasite

oh no! owning seven houses is too expensive!!! and those darn pesky renters have the power to not be evicted at any time!! what am i to do with all these houses?

The guy signed up for an interest rate he couldn't afford. That's on him. He needs to refinance his properties, or get a different business.

eat him

Thoughts and prayers.

Might be heavily mortgaged but he can thank the taxpayer for subsidising his interest costs. Whiny fecker

Renters can't afford to buy their own house but can afford to pay off 3 houses for landlords renting for life !!

Does he actually own them all or is he paying a mortgage as that does matter when throwing up increase of rent

Proceeded to increase rents over the past two years when interest rates were at record lows 🤦‍♂️

Unfortunately interest rates have gotta be ramped right up to recalibrate our economy and clear out this kinda stuff permanently. Yep, we’re all gonna hurt but there is no other way.

Okay, if this is their business that they are doing making money off the homes that they have purchase did they not to receive stimulus funds as well and big businesses as well they to maybe lying about not receiving any when there were other laws who should have and did not.

Landlords have a moral obligation and social responsibility to the people who rent their houses. The first function of a house is to provide a home for human beings. Making $ is secondary and a far inferior purpose and questionably even a purpose at all.

I have lived in homes that I owned for the last thirty years that cost Much more to rent than to own. Apartments in my town comparable to my home rent for a $1000 more than my mortgage. It must be getting harder to save up a down payment than ever

Landlords need to know that “I’m not a charity”. I’m a human being who needs a home. If you have nowhere to move to, there are no laws to protect you from homelessness. If you buy houses to rent them, then you have a moral obligation to those human beings


How obvious is it that Liberals are completely clueless when it comes to economics

The Australian residential property market is the only market where the customer (tenant) gets treated like sh1t by the vendor (landlord)

this is scummy and gross

For a second there I thought this was Albo but remembered that he only owns 4 properties

I wonder if we'll get to a point when the number of rent paying voters reaches a critical mass that they become a powerful voting bloc in their own right?

fucking cope lmao

No he’s getting taxpayer funded subsidies - NOW can we get rid of negative gearing for greedy sooks?

Unfortunately like all things there are good and bad. At my last rental when the oven packed in we were told that they don't use ovens in China and gave us a hundred dollar thing that was good for cheese on toast not to mention the mould. Good and bad.

Aww man, if only he had eight properties

Seems the taxpayers are

Cry me a river

I can name one real estate agent that has been actively calling the landlords of the properties that they rent and encouraging them to evict the current tenants irregardless of how good they are. Then re let the property at grossly increased rent.

Crazy negative gearing arrangements meant people could pay off properties from money that they would normally pay in tax.

Please pass on this message to him for me: 🖕🏻


has he tried getting a job?

The people getting the raw deal here, aside from the tenants, are the people expecting ABC journos to do the basics of their jobs instead of relying on a separate ABCFactCheck unit.

Poor landlord can’t kick his tenants out for no reason anymore except at the end of the lease agreement 🥴

Womp… and I cannot stres this enough… Womp.

Lost me on flipping property? Wtf ?

I too have a small property portfolio ( 6 of) and am also very concerned with these news laws. I have always had long term tenants and all with Property Managers. Those that think (with little knowledge) that makes one rich is very mistaken. Most landlords care for the tenants.

He’s not running a charity - taxpayers are, for him. How good is intergenerational theft?

Perhaps he should sell up, if it’s such a terrible strain. Pretty sure there’s a profit to be had if he’s not a slum lord.

Greedy prick.

Public interest journalism.... remember

Sounds like he should have a spoonful of cement and sell six of his properties, the sook!

Landlords crying poor when tenants are being thrown out onto the street. Oh pleeeze! Cry me a f*cking river😭

The deal he deserves is a guillotine, he can consider himself lucky.

Has he considered owning six properties?

Many are saying this

Cry me a fucking river. SEVEN properties?! That's ridiculous.

Actually, if he didn't have tenants, he couldn't afford the properties. It would seem its the renters are the ones running the charity

Oh please get out of the game. cause for the rest of us it isn't a fucking game. 🤬

It's amazing how few people who explicitly speak of their civil rights do not give nearly the same mention of their civil responsibilities. Good on Shafee & Alcorn for considering the latter, and good on Adair for advocating that others do the same.

Poor guy only has 7 properties. Landlords have no rights. It's soo hard to not be a charity. The only thing you can say, was that it was a brave move to appear on the news with a sob story about how hard he's got it.

I came here for the comments they did not disappoint 🤣


Wealth creation rather than providing housing. If you can't afford the mortgages, maintenance, rates, taxes etc without the rent then you can't afford your investment. The investment aspect is in the long term when you may dispose of property and not before.

Hope he sells his 7 homes to owner occupiers. I hear nobody wants to work these days, maybe he can get one of those jobs

What's with this sob story. He's created his own problem, don't buy so houses and mortgage them if you can't afford it.

scrap negative gearing

'Owner of seven properties'. Dude must be really hard done by. Good on you . Did you ask a CBD café owner about this issue too?

Yeah it must be so hard owning 7 properties when people can't even get into the property market. Let alone trying to find somewhere to rent that they can afford each week.

Tax parasite

His entire class should be liquidated

So many people angry at landlords. They have worked hard to get what they have. I rent. Be grateful or work as hard as they have and buy your own place. Stop sooking bludgers you don’t deserve any more handouts

He has a mean, spiteful looking mouth.

Has he tried getting a real job?

Exactly. You worked hard for your money. If others choose to not work hard then that’s their issue.

*extremely not breaking the terms of service voice* they should get a rawer deal


Why do you think you can't get rentals. It's not worth the BS for anyone owning an investment property. Between crap tenants, increasing taxes and insurance, it's not worth the risks.

All I hear is waaah...

Sounds like he’s the whole reason landlords have such a bad rep

He’s actually accepting charitable donations from the Australian taxpayer. How does he justify that?

sell one or two or three. stop being greedy and taking advantage of the legalised rort called negaitve gearing

Then by all means, he should sell his properties and put that money in the stock market.

One day in Mollymook we looked at a listing in a local real estate Spoke to agent, said interested in one house On the spot called the owner, then said 'let's go have a look' Viewing we discovered a sad family hiding in the basement 'Don't mind them, they're just the tenants'

yes, such a terribly raw deal paying no tax on your income thanks to negative gearing and getting a massive break on capital gains when you flip. Won't anybody think of the poor landlords?!

This is why housing should be nationalised.

Spent years raw dogging tenants i bet

“Won’t someone think of the landlords?!!” Dude is so out of touch from reality.

Les landlords will help people buy their own homes. That's a win imo.

Yet happy to lean on the taxpayer with his negative gearing offsets..govt needs to remove negative gearing and let genuine first home buyers into the market rather than investors..govt can build public housing

He should be forced to sell Residential houses should not be for investment Go buy offices or factories instead of bludging off people who need a roof over their heads.

Care factor zero.

Won't somebody please think of the landlords!?

Dear you should be ashamed. People on small amounts of super face homelessness because they can't afford rents. Meanwhile if you have 25K per year in super you can live okay IF you own your own home... but you will pay that much in RENT if you don't. GET REAL.

Poor diddums, claiming negative gearing and having renters pay for his assets.

😂 Taxpayers aren't a charity either so ditch negative gearing and watch those boomer tears flow.

What a selfish pr*ck!

The Government is not running a charity either and should stop the tax concessions for drop kicks like this clown.

Disappointed to see ABC platforming rich Landlords like this, they’re not the priority right now. Victoria is in a HousingCrisis. VoteGreens for action for renters including more affordable housing, rent controls and greater renter’s rights. SpringSt

sounds like somebody whose multiple investment properties need to be expropriated and redistributed to needy people

Geeeeeet fuuuuuuucked.

northway_debbie Thoughts and prayers.

Discontinue negative gearing and see who needs charity.

People don't want charity just somewhere to live

Hey, AlboMP , why are young people paying through their taxes to subsidise this bloke and his 7 homes when they have little prospect of ever owning their own? One investment property is enough. Scrap negative gearing.

Sell then buddy

Sell up, who cares? That'll be one less greedy f*cker skewing the housing market.

Please, won't somebody think of the landlords!

There's nothing to stop him becoming a rent paying tenant if he thinks that's a better deal.

Can we stop negative gearing now please? Not grandfathered, ceased. Give them 2 years to sell their houses if they choose to, then drop negative gearing all together. It is disgusting that the taxpayer is subsidizing people having investment properties.

He has an odd resemblance to Gerry Harvey 🤔

Wouldn’t be a Liberal cafe owner too would he ?

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