'No life experiences': Pauline Hanson takes aim at Greta Thunberg

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One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has taken aim at 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg after she berated world leaders at a UN climate summit

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has taken aim at 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg after she Ms Thunberg gave an impassioned speech at the United Nations Headquarters on Monday, urging countries to take stronger measures to combat climate change.But Senator Hanson dismissed the speech on Wednesday, saying she"wasn't impressed".

"I think that she's basically a teenager who has had no life experiences. She was actually voicing what other people have put into her head," Senator Hanson told Sky News.Greta Thunberg addresses world leaders at the UN.The One Nation leader also criticised the masses of students who held climate strikes around the world last week,"What children are being taught in schools is very biased, it's not a balanced view ...

"It was great to take a day off from school. It was hyped up by the media, by everyone, but I think it's disgraceful."Queenslander George Christensen changed his Facebook profile picture to a photo of Ms Thunberg crossed out, with the text"GRETA FREE ZONE".And Sutherland Shire MP Craig Kelly posted on Facebook,"this child has no comprehension or understanding whatsoever of how free markets and fossil fuels she condemns".

"The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you."


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Don’t know why this naive girl got the spotlight, Many of her views are very narrow n naive n .... silly

Why is it that nearly every right wing politician and news network from here to US has berated and put down GretaThunberg ? 🤔 It’s a mystery!😂😉🌏

The surprise would be if this terrible women does not take hit at this young girl. I wonder what Experience Pauline has in the are other diving in the gret barrier and deny on the decaying corals

Australia is so disappointing. Look at the calibre of clowns filling our parliament seats.

Hanson is a racist- who cares what she thinks. And stop giving her a platform.

Greta is a smug little punk...

Good on you Pauline for calling out bs when you see it.

Surprising! PaulineHansonOz ...idiot who can't finish a sentence is threatened by 16yr old who understands and can articulate the science auspol ClimateCrisis

I'm surprised it's taken her this long. This kid has really triggered the old white people, hasn't she?

of course she did, she’s a reactionary cretin don’t give her oxygen when she is not relevant, thanks

SBS you can do better. Who cares about Pauline? Very few, that's who.

Why even give Hanson's incoherent ravings a platform?

Stop giving that vile woman air.

WHO CARES? Pauline wants eyeballs, feeds her base with that attention, and you're duly handing it over. It's not news that she's retrograde, it's really not.

Didn't help Pauline...

she needs life experience like Hanson? Running a chip shop and going to prison? Pauline, you forget your ‘just print more money’ statement about how you would fix the economy? Pull your head in Pauline, the 16 year old seems to have better experience as a human being than you!

Hang on!!! I thought PaulineHansonOz was the expert at sorting out the family law court out system?Surely she doesn’t have the time in her busy schedule to concentrate her time on the environment as well 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

My cat is more intelligent than Pauline....just saying 😂

Why do we care about what a grifter who's served time for fraud says or does?

Honestly, PaulineHansonOz criticising anyone is hysterical. The woman is ignorant. She has no knowledge of anything. All she does is just jump on idiotic right-wing morons like Bolt, agreeing with them thinking she's smart, when all she's doing is confirming her stupidity.

And PaulineHansonOz thinks she has real life experience? She’s a careerist politician, she tried to leave Australia to take up permanent residency in the UK, didn’t like it, and then came back to continue spreading her hate and ignorance. Hanson is a parasite.

Why give her a voice.. a platform? For crying out loud JournalismPlease!

Please stop reporting on what this women says, she is deeply unqualified and a total disgrace to real discourse

We don't care... You are the multicultural broadcasting company... Expose us to multicultural voices....

What a joke what life experience do Pauline has on climate change? She does not know half the knowledge this young women has. People like Pauline are more dangerous than all drastic climate conditions

Who wore it best? stephenconiglio GWSGIANTS

Why TF does the media report what this red witch says does or thinks. Who cares?

Hopping onto the bandwagon.

Let me fix this. 'No sense of reality' Uneducated, xenophobic old fool: Pauline Hanson, takes aim at young woman who simply wants a viable future for Human kind, for the sake of creating click bait and boost her (dwindling) support, to hold on to power and her huge pay cheque.

This from someone whose ridiculous attempt at a “protest” was wearing a burka in parliament 😂😂😂

You are better than this SBS!!

No one outside of Australia knows who cares who Pauline Hanson is. There is now a global movement due to GT. Her detractors just look smaller and meaner every tome they speak.

Pauline Hansen is full of “life experience” but has learnt no lessons from any of it.

95% of voters reject PHON. Murdochs control over MSN here disadvantages us newswise. It is vital SBS provides news and not the ramblings of some eccentric extremist.

You aren't paid to echo the worthless opinions of known charlatans. This is journalistic malpractice.

SBS journalism standards drop even lower

Australia's premier moron, proving her lack of intelligence yet again. 16 year old Greta speaks with more eloquence than Hanson ever has.

I really love u guys and what u do, got some of the best social in the biz along with abc, but you don’t need to keep going down the hole Pauline sets for mainstream media. She says shit like this for attention. This is basically a social press release from her perspective.

Perhaps would like to take us through the processes which led to them determining this was “news”, especially given PH was one of the last in line to this conservative pile-on.

Of course! Pauline is at her best attacking other women!

Why give this woman media attention?

Reading some of these comments, you can really see how Rupert Murdoch has , just like in the USA and UK, lobotomised our nation.

It doesn’t take an old life to know we’re fucked

She doesn't need life experience, Pauline. She unlike, you and the majority of politicians, understands the science and realises we are fucked.

I couldn't even imagine if the red one got up in the UN ...she'd be laughed out !!

Ignore Pauline and amplify Greta please. Don't go down with the ABC. You're our last hope.

Really disappointed in SBS for amplifying Hanson's voice

Ohhh, pleeeaaaase, when the generation who are trying to get politicians to take some responsibility are old enough to vote, please let Hanson be one of the first to go.

“No life experiences” says the twisted redhead who has yet to sail across the Atlantic, address the UN or galvanize a friggin’ planet.”

Go back to making hamburgers.

Well with $20million I come not bad so why would she scam anything else

True but it seems like she has intelligence Paulie...

Omg Didn't she recently get stuck on uluru lol? She seriously needs to butt right out

Just think of all the personal growth Pauline has undergone since her youth as a bigoted halfwit in Ipswich

Pauline, you are a blip on one page of our history. This kid has already equaled your contribution in 8 weeks.

So PaulineHansonOz thinks GretaThunberg doesn’t have life experience. I think that being invited to address a group of world leaders at the UN after sailing across the Atlantic, and enduring criticism from blinkered deniers may bestow credibility.

Well done Pauline👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Who votes for this clown ... seriously.

Hanson has the worst take is hardly news at this point, surely? We've known she was trash since the 90s. Still, maybe it'll sway some people who weren't on the right side of this issue until now, we can always hope that the power of realising you've agreed with PH will work magic

Pauline is a Climate Scientist. Here she explains her reasons for her anti-Climate science stance.

Thunberg - A maladjusted, angry, bitter, crazed, hostile, opinionated and unforgiving teenager who thinks the world owes her all she wants and demands! On a one way course to destruction. Needs to be put back into her box!

Who cares what Hanson thinks?

This is so predictable it's not worth reporting.

Of course she would, as she is in the same class as Andrew Bolt & Co!


It’s easy to make a list of people the world would be better without by listing everyone who took offense to Greta caring about the planet.

Pauline Hanson is a politician. She may have had good intentions at one point but is now a puppet of big business, power and money. Obviously she would be against an intelligent highly motivated young lady trying to safe the world

And to think l actually use to like Pauline I will not put her down like she does but she Lost me long ago

It’s not surprising to me at all to see the most ignorant of right wing politicians from around the world, take aim at Greta Thunberg, including the ultimate in uneducated ignorance, Pauline Hanson. Climate change deniers around the world are feeling very unsettled at the moment.

What a surprise 😲 Pauline's just another RWNJ joining the queue attacking this girl. Pauline's not terribly bright, we all know that.

Why do you think PaulineHansonOz 's opinion on Greta Thunberg is newsworthy SBS? Hanson has had 65 years of 'life experiences' (sic) and has managed to learn less than this 16yo girl. Her opinion is not newsworthy, it is, as usual, incoherent and uninformed.

Even with life experiences Hanson still holds on to outdated beliefs, Ill conceived notions and compete and utter clap trap, personally I’d put Thunberg well ahead of Hanson in respect terms, one works for the good of the world, the other works for the good of herself

Pauline Hanson life experiences is bigotry and racism . Her education limited she personifies ignorance. Greta lives near the countries who's ice glaciers are melting. What does she know?

If I was in a lifeboat & there was only one space left & I had to choose between Hanson & Greta, well I’d let the one the world actually needed come aboard. And that wouldn’t be the fish lady from Qld!


Greta: sails to the US to adress the UN Pauline: illegally climbs Uluru, cries because it’s too steep.

Pauline you have disappointed me. You would have the “life experience” and what action are you taking

They’ll all be voting soon and coming for Poorlean.

Fake news

That is what she’s probably anxious about - being able to have an experience.

Who gives a rats what that bigot Hanson thinks or says. She is irrelevant, except to Morrison (Because he needs her vote to keep his garbage government in power)

Yeah that is because her whole existence is to impress the boys club. Her career is sad and you should not be giving it a platform. Elevate Greta instead

PaulineHansonOz is right! 👍🏻No life experience 🙄After they pay their own Electricity⚡️, Taxes💰, Transport costs: for a few years... then 1st say how they’ve reduced THEIR OWN carbon 👣 ClimateStrike

Now it’s getting really ridiculous, SBS. Aiding Pauline’s pathetic attempts at staying in the public eye by suggesting that she has anything relevant at all to say about either climate change or Greta is a discredit to you.

Yeah, so *DON'T* repeat the predicable crap from Pauline and the usual suspects.

Greta has way more power than insignificant Pauline. It's hitting her nerves and I'm loving it.

It has always been the same argument! Vietnam protesters were all said to be brainwashed! Look how that ended!

Wow, this is an unexpected kind of swipe at Greta. 'berated' really ? Is she nagging as well? Maybe hysterical? What sort of life experiences should she have had? Jail? A lifetime of being a racist bigot?

Standing on the shoulders of a 16 yo to make yourself relevant.. sad people

Who gives a shit what Pauline thinks

Adults using a child to send their propaganda they should be ashamed of themselves

What would she know about anything

STOP giving these RWNJ a platform

Why is SBS giving oxygen to Pauline Hanson? asupol

Pauline, anyone questioning the Climate Change Cult is going to lambasted. You know that. Keep calling them to account. Poor Greta will have permanent mental scars from all this indoctrination (into her 90's, even though she didnt expect to be living that long)

Why is Hanson even talking?

This from the same pathetic woman who threatened violence on a kid wanting to kick them up the arse for rightly opposing a racist national anthem. Get bent, Hanson.

No one give a single shit what Hanson says, why report it?

Very sad Pauline. Greta Thunberg spoke at UN and the world listened. Millions of same age demonstrated around the world. People watched. Hanson speaks and few listen. A dysfunctional family and a small following.

Why oh why are you reporting whatvthis foul woman says ..... it’s the same as supporting it

Get a life Pauline. This girl was brave speaking out for something she was passionate about.😠

Who cares what Pauline Hanson thinks about this ?

Hanson’s willful ignorance is embarrasssing. Greta is much more open to life’s lessons than Hanson is or ever was. Hanson takes no risks nor challenges. A true coward and bully.

Hanson isnt worthy of the steam of her piss.

What a worthless excuse for a human being.

We all know Greta is smarter than Pauline. Well all of us know that except Pauline and her supporters.

I agree PaulineHansonOz. This kid at only 16 has done what? Started a worldwide climate protest, sailed across an ocean, addressed the United Nations, personally met with many world leaders, pissed off every neo-liberal in existence, featured on every news channel... In 1 year

And she was asked her opinion why?

Does this mean we’re all gonna hear the same anecdote about her parents’ fish & chips shop again?

Pauline, that’s the point, she wants life

The life experiences will be different without ice in the Arctic. Do they have ice in Sweden?

Thunberg: at age 16 adresses the UN & gets nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Hanson: at age 16 becomes pregnant to an older man & forces a marriage. 'Life experiences'. Please explain?

Age does not equal all knowing.

We could add bullies children to the list of reasons she should not be a chair of a family court enquiry, but she was already known for it.

Correct Pauline. I'm sick of this kid. Get back to school.

Look at me. AttentionSeeker SocialClimber At least Greta can string a sentence together, and english is her second language.

PH is correct We are all just over hearing about all this CC hysteria crap The media has got it all wrong the more they harp on about a situation which Man has no control over & the more we learn about the trillions of$'s being wasted on useless renewables the more we turn off.

Jealous much.

No life experience Pauline but knows a lot more tand cares more than many politicians .

Pauline is an ignorant person

Her life experience is not going to be good as those with life experience don’t want to change theirs.

Ok this is the last I care to speak of this Greta debacle. As everyone seems to be missing the Goddamn point. Have we all not seen the latest series of Big Little Lies. Climate anxiety is v real. Her views are a reflection of her lack of sense of security.

Be professional- this is not even close to newsworthy.

the rancid red head at it again - she can't even get her party members to fill in nomination forms properly

This trio of PaulineHansonOz GChristensenMP and CraigKellyMP criticise a young girl who has achieved so much at a tender age. She is of high intelligence with the potential to be a World leader who can express her beliefs in a cogent,forceful and persuasive way.

Please explain...

Who cares what Hanson thinks!? Her party was busted taking NRA money. Corrupt to her core. Pauline Rort the Taxpayer Hanson

Pauline are you still in parliament? Time to fuck off and let real , compassionate and intelligent people deal with the issues of our world.

Anyone else embarrassed to be Australian today? I may start practicing my NZ accent.

What fresh Hell is this?

Doesn't mean she's wrong Pauline. hasbeenneverwas

Sometomes a lack of life experience is exactly what we need. She isn't brain washed and she can think for her self. She is a model young lady. I would vote greta in over Pauline any time any place. Time to wake up and realise yall gonna be looked back on in history as the fuckups

She has wasted her life on hate and ignorance, she's a misery guts who deserves no public spotlight, and I hope someone switches it off.


Something for paulinehansonoz who has blocked me, (thus my freedom of political expression), so if someone could send her my regards by way of this picture I'd appreciate it... Like seriously, RT the hell out of it.. 😅

Hanson has 0 personality or intellect... She is a complete waste of valuable resources on this planet. Greta on the other hand is at least standing up for the climate and the planet at large!

Greta has every right to be passionate about her future and should be applauded for what she has achieved. From a simple one person protest to addressing the U.N. in just one year. Your run is nearly over Pauline. Make way.


Pauline's experiences, pt. 2: - Try to emigrate to UK (they said no); - Go on Dancing With The Stars; - Weasel back into the Senate; - Say GBR is fine after taking a swim at the south end. ...I'll take Miss Thunberg's life experiences over Sen. Hanson's, thanks. Auspol (2/2)

Poorline's 'life experiences': - Get dumped from Liberal ticket for being too racist(!) against Asians; - Spend a term in office making a joke of herself; - Get voted out of Parliament; - Sell fish'n'chip shop to...Asians; Auspol (1/2)

What climate, idiots!

She’s right and the girl is being totally manipulated

Greta! The CAPITALISM is evil! CAPITALISM means PROFIT OVER PEOPLE. There is no space for saving this planet. THIS PLANET YOU AND YOUR FELLOWS will go down but also ALL CAPITALISTS and Politicans as accomplice of the CAPITALISTS, otherwise the world will overcom the CAPITALISM

Pauline thinks Greta is biased. The Pot calling The Kettle Black . My Grandfather always said don't let stubbornness be a barrier to learning

So have 30million other people! Gretel is a national disgrace

A 16 year old battery operated mouth peace for the UN. 🙈

It is just so sad to see this girl with Aspberger being pushed by her parents and media advisers. She needs help, not media attention.

Pathetic. She would actually deny our kids facts, education & their freedom of speech & association. Christenson displays a level of childish maliciousness many kids have never experienced. & these people populate our parliament.

She’s probably got more than you porleen ...

This doesn’t end well for Poorline when she steps up a weight division.

Yeah she hasn't even been to jail

Who cares? No one in the world outside Australia knows Hansen exists.

Pauline not you to I thought you where smarter than that

SBS, can you please link some of the takes of Australia's best climate scientists to Greta's messages, instead of to our worst politicians?

I listen to Greta more than anyone on Earth today. She says what we all have been trying to say for generations.

So she should. This disrespectful child is an over dramatic attention seeking brat. Leaders will not listen to an hysterical overachiever who should be more concerned about the negative attention she’s encouraging. Our leaders won’t tip toe around her like other imbeciles

Irrelevance disorder. Has to draw attention to herself by attacking things others are interested in. Someone should have her, Roberts and Katter medically assessed.

Jordan Romero 13, climbed/reached Mt Everest summit. Jessica Watson 16, sole sailed solo the globe. Thomas Gregory 11, swam the English Channel. Age should not be a barrier to joining the ClimateConversation because it affects us all. Greta auspol climatecrisis climatechange

One stint running a fish and chip shop makes you an expert in everything. auspol ClimateChange HowDareYou

She is just jumping on the bandwagon..

Unlike Pauline .... she is a young woman with an education. Pauline has precious little life experience or education.

That's just the point. She wants life experiences.

Well. Shes not wrong

Love Pauline.

And yet Hanson is one of the few Aussie politicians who has actively spoken against agenda21 and Agenda2030 ...

Haven’t we given her enough? Can we just move on and start dealing with the problem rather than endlessly listening while Pauline whinges and dog whistles? It’s been a long couple of decades and she’s achieved nothing positive as far as I can see.

MSMWatchdog2013 My God I wish Thunberg was an Australian Senator instead of Hanson.

Sad that these adults are using their comments about a 16yr old to gain the attention of the MSM. Without her we wouldn’t have heard from them.

How dare you? Ha ha ha

colleenhm Pauline your life experiences don’t seem to have taught you much!

These people seriously need to bugger off. Small minded idiots the lot of them. This 16 year old child will be remembered for her efforts at making the world a better place. That redhead will be remembered as the biggest troll and fraud ever to enter Australian parliament.

Oh of course she has. No surprise ther e

surprise surprise ~ Pauline FootSoldierForPatriarchy Imperialist, White Supremacist, Capitalist Patriarchy.

I'm not sure there are many who cares what PaulineHansonOz says. There's a groundswell coming and I'm sure pauline will end up in the bin.

Pauline is the one with no life experiences.

The Narcissistic Sociopath just has to be the centre of attention,!

So has just about everyone else, how is this news?

Greta has more intellectual capacity in her little tie than PH total.

Is Pauline jealous that this 16 year old girl is 100% better person than she will ever be?

Would you care to share some of your life experiences, Pauline. That black burqa stunt in the senate, your links to the the NRA, climbing a rock or suggesting that the Port Arthur massacre was a conspiracy. How dare you target anyone who dares challenge the prevailing order.

yeeeah, good one PaulineHansonOz. so watcha recommend? get Greta to flip potato-cakes before offering Thunberg a 'LIFE-EXPERIENCE' position to work alongside One Nation Party's 'ON THE JUICE' PR assistants as they hustle the American Gun Lobby? AND FYI, HOW GOOD IS DRUGTESTING?

Hanson is an Idiot she wants Schools to stop teaching Science !

Well done PaulineHansonOz Call out the climate fraudsters as often as possible. The flak gets worse but you know you’re over the target. Their BS ‘science’ is collapsing.

Why do you give this racist incompetent oxygen? We should ALL ignore her providing more relevance than she deserves.

BREAKING: Clueless, moronic, irrelevant politician contributes nothing to climate debate. auspol

So Hanson says Greta has no LIfe experiences. The difference Pauline is that Greta does have a life and its a very important life, where she has achieved more in her 16 years than you ever will. whereas YOU Pauline 'need to get a LIfe'

Pauline Hanson thinks shes intelligent 😂😂😂😂

Pauline and Greta I suppose, have an axe to grind. I do believe the sharper of the two is Greta's!


I bet Greta understands what xenophobia is ... even in her second language. She has a compressive knowledge of the academic literature on climate change. She’s not stepping outside of the boundaries of her knowledge unlike Pauline who is at best intellectually challenged

Two dim sims and a flake PaulineHansonOz be a love

All the assholes of the world lining up to attack a 16 year old. A greater endorsement of Greta is impossible.

Maybe someone who was prepared to sell out Australia to the NRA should not draw attention to herself.

PaulineHansonOz how does it feel to be proven wrong by all the scientist and now a 16 year old?

She is upset that a 16 yo brought out 300k in OZ and when she asked people to come out, only malcolm roberts showed up and that too with a cut out of pauline!!

Oh. So bored right now. Bring in the new! Friday’s for future.

I suppose David Attenborough's lack of life experience should be highlighted & attacked by PaulineHansonOz also. Disgusting that he's been put up to this by his patents

While true Pauline has no life experience, perhaps she should stick to managing a Fish and Chip Shop

Well done Pauline.

Is she wrong? Hell no.

Nothing like a fishwife to know about science eh

Well, she would, wouldnt she

What! Just because she didn’t have a fish & chips shop. More sense & guts in her little toe than in your whole party. I deplore the day you came to parliament thanks to little Johnny Howard,

Strong women intimidate Hanson because she has no moral fibre!

That's coming from someone at aged 65 with the intellectual level of a 10 year old

Poor kid - in bed with the crazy leftie luvvies pushing flat earth style climate nonsense. Someone step in and help her for goodness sake!

More red peroxide Pauline - not the brightest light in the shed is she

Truth is Pauline honestly cannot understand how such an intelligent young woman can inspire so many around the world, simply by telling the truth and from the heart. Pauline had no clue, look at what she's 'accomplished' by comparison.

Pauline making an intellectual leap. 🤣😂🤪

Hanson would have been confused by all the big & new words she was hearing

My god Pauline she is amazing. You are a embarrassment

stephanos3867 Headline: SBS cowtows to the green left. What a surprise.

What a surprise...not 😫

deb2829 Not wrong

Another of the dinosaurs speaks

Thunberg - a young adult - is simply repeating dark visions fed to her by adults who should have known better than to do so when she was a child. The onerous pressures now brought to bear on this young adult by sinister oligarchs would be criminal if she actually were a child.

'The One Nation leader has dismissed Greta Thunberg's impassioned speech to the UN'. That's okay. 99.99% of Australians dismiss Pauline every time she squawks out a fresh batch of idiocy. So ... every time she speaks, really.

Pauline is correct

Of course she has. Never fails to disappoint.

Of COURSE she has. That's because Pauline Hanson's a fuckwit. Same as all the OTHER fuckwits in the media at the moment who're bullying a teenage girl because she's pointing out what a shit job the 'adults in charge' have done, and demanding they do better.

The foolish girl doesn't know she is being used in the hoax, shameless parents!

kattaB4 How dare you, how dare you, how dare you M's Hanson how dare you 😂😂😂

Yep she's never lived in Ipswich.

Of course she has. This is not news SBS. This is predoctable nonsense that no one gives a fuck about. Get in the bin.

One of these people is intelligent, educated, brave, influential, admired, empathetic, respectful, strong, diplomatic, loved, respected, adored, humane, focussed. The other is Pauline Hanson. Don’t be like Pauline.

auspol PaulineHansonMP Greta Thunberg is an intellectual giant when compared to Pauline Hanson! The 'life experience ' she makes use of Pauline is the 'life experience of the vast majority of the world's scientists. That's all she needs on this topic!

Next week Pauline will tell fish they dont get enough air.

Normal people don't bully kids.

Someone needs to show intelligence

Yes she needs to go back to school and keep learning and switch off her iPad and phone.

Oh. Does Hanson mean Greta hasn't been corrupted by greed, hatred, racism, bigotry, ego, life experience? I guess so. Its the only kind of life experience Hanson has for her to reference. Greta has a child's gift - her clarity, innocence, her unclouded vision, heart & bravery.

Why is this news? Anyone - including Blind Freddie - would expect Senator Hanson to take this stance. It doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make it newsworthy.

What else would she say do we expect anything different, nope, she's a tool.

The most spoilt generation ever 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ *Heating *AirConditioning *Mobile Phones *Computers *TV *Driven to School 🙃🤭🤫

I am sure this will make headlines in Sweden....🤣🤣🤣

Hanson? Who gives a rats


Whereas Hanson’s life experience is in trying to impersonate a human being.

There is literally no redeeming feature when it comes to Hanson.

Yeah spend some time in the slammer Greta.

Pauline is a waste of time and should not be in Parl

Oh the Outrage

Pauline How dare you chastise her she is a heroine prepared to speak out against the Government numpties that refuse to listen. You represent us so listen PaulineHansonOz

Maybe Pauline can refute her when she gets invited to speak at the UN

no life experience fair assessment

No interest whatsoever in what Pauline squawks out.

KingLouisRocks something about a kettle.

Pauline's a bit late to the party - every other nut job's already taken the precious media oxygen she needs

So predictable.

MSMWatchdog2013 I'm sure Greta would be intimidated by her - exemplifying the outdated, ignorant, hate filled system. Pauline who?

MSMWatchdog2013 And if Pauline Hanson has her way, no one in GretaThunberg’s generation will have life experiences.

Of course you'd expect the wicked witch of the North to emerge from her cave to say something about Greta. She just wants to fatten her up for dinner

Completely predictable 😡

Yep. Whataboutism over context. When's the next election?

MSMWatchdog2013 already Greta has achieved more in life than Hanson ever will and for good purpose not the negative shit Hanson spews

Well of course she just had to join the chorus of bigots and fools. Greta is really cutting through

Is this Pauline, ScoTanium’s unofficial minister for men who’re abused by women, or Pauline the PhD in astrophysics?

I suspect that in Hanson’s world, you can only achieve life experience by spending some time in prison.

MSMWatchdog2013 Oh look at all the life experience Hanson has had.......and she has learned nothing and is more ignorant than a sixth grader.

MSMWatchdog2013 “No life experiences” 🤔 I guess that’s what she’s ‘anxious’ about, Pauline. Not having the opportunity to gain any.

Who asked what Pauline thought? Like, who cares at all?

Good on you Pauline!!

That’s right she’s had no life experience and yet she is still telling it as it is and here is this desiccated husk of a person denigrating her.

Since when does Pauline Hanson care about other people’s life or experiences anyway? Go gett’em Greta!

MSMWatchdog2013 Frying fish and chips for decades is very relevant to being an Aussie senator.

MSMWatchdog2013 Oh Poorline just can’t help herself. Just another RWNJ losing her mind over a 16yo girl who’s standing up and telling the truth.

Lol ...Pauline Hanson ...lots of life experience...never learned anything other than being nasty

MSMWatchdog2013 Pauline's life experiences have left her bitter and twisted. Thankfully most people rise above their circumstances and strive to be and do better. Not Pauline though -using her position of power as revenge against perceived personal slights and hardships she brought upon herself.

However, no one cares what Pauline thinks since she is clearly void of intrinsic moral values. Whats the difference between advocating child sex slaves and advocating for destroying their planet? Both ideas promote exploitation of children for money and cause irrevesible harm.

Who cares what PHON think anyway. Oh, forget it.

PaulineHansonOz what life experience you need to know that your housing is burning?

Surprise surprise.

Pauline Hansen - lots of life experiences, nothing learned from them.

What compared to selling fish and chips?

MSMWatchdog2013 Of course Pauline did... She’s just one of many Aussie arsehoIes at the pinnacle of their influence

Not at all surprised. Pauline true to form, denigrating what she has not enough intelligence to comprehend.

What a surprise that the biggest c*nt in Australia is being a big old c*nt.

The thing is Pauline, you're irrelevant and the UN members probably don't know you exist. Please, crawl back & stay under your rock.

Half a Notion is Pauline sbsnews

MSMWatchdog2013 That cracks me up - PaulineHansonOz is living, walking, tangible and irrefutable proof that 'life experience' is no guarantee of common sense, compassion or any discernible understanding of the world. whatsoever.

I think that's what she is fighting for Pauline Hanson, the chance to have life experiences

MSMWatchdog2013 Ah jeez who knew this shit was inevitable?

MSMWatchdog2013 And her life experience has served her so well?

Magpie1954nBird Hanson is right (bizarre) BUT Greta still runs rings around pauline in every way ..... love to hear them debate climate change

MSMWatchdog2013 Classic Hansen


To be fair, Pauline has a point. Unlike Pauline, Greta hasn't spent any time obtaining an education in Criminal University (aka prison), so there's that


Well done Pauline.

Go Greta! Who cares what a has been has to say... :)

Pauline’s IQ is well below that of a 16 year old it is very confusing for her to understand a logical argument same as trump and Morrison and the idiots from skynews who just do as they are told

And what are yours, she has achieved more in her 16 years than you could achieve in a millennium

Hanson is a Evil Person. But Morrison is in love with Her. If You vote for Hanson You vote Liberal

Guess we all have to go to jail to have 'life experiences'

Greta speaks the truth. Even if someone wants to debate the facts, personally attacking a child because her facts upset you, is evil.

Hanson is an ignoramus, who wouldn't know true leadership or integrity if it slapped her. Her jealously of Thunberg is palpable and unbecoming.

As usual Pauline talks common sense and represents the feelings and thoughts of the majority of Australians. Like 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' we also have our own version of this malaise in Australia among sjw cultural marxists, Pauline Hanson Derangement Syndrome', (PHDS).

Pauline needs to reveal the fossil fuel donations to her party Before she makes another Cash for Comment on behalf of the fossil fuel industry

Crusade49775210 Pretty obvious isn't it. Or do we need to S P E L L it out. For the slow leftists: no life experience=clueless brat

Porline talks about life experiences? I'm pretty sure old racist deary that you are supposed to 'Learn' from your life experiences. You have learnt NOTHING!

Agree. Another privileged / traumatised child who got the inside running. What about the other thousands who would love a similar opportunity, but can't afford it? Leave it to the experts

That’s kinda the point, PaulineHansonOz , she’d like the human race / civilisation / planet as we know it to last long enough for her and her children to get some life experience!

Good on you PaulineHansonOz . This imposter has earned $40+m in one year as a paid activist ! & she spits in our face about money

JohnOSullivan36 Hanson can read or write or speak English. Don’t give this moron air time

What a surprise. Are there any of the right-wing dingbat brigade who haven’t yet decided to beat up on a 16 year old girl trying to change the world?

Life experience hasn't made Pauline any smarter or a better decision maker. Thank goodness the future is in the hands of young women like Greta and not old has-beens like Hanson.

Good stuff

This woman with 'life experience' is a disgrace. Nothing short of attention seeker - sad

Greta has no experience of sourcing NRA funds to weaken laws. No business abilities at all. decided Pauline Hanson.

Pauline must be really ticked off. Upstaged by a 16 year old who has more smarts and speaks better english than she does!

Lol - maybe PaulineHansonOz can also take aim at Attenborough or is he too old. The amount of angst that one 16 year old is causing is hilarious. Obviously she has struck a major nerve

Lol, seems all the fuckwits are crawling out from underneath their rocks. Keep going Greta!

Life experience? It’s science, just science.

Pauline Hanson is just one fuck up after another. She just can not learn a lesson at all. It's like a broken record going round and round. If she had a penis it would be flat for the number of times she'd trodden on it. She has NO right to berate someone smarter than her! 🤬

Add her to the list...

Fair chance she's a faster learner than Poorline

Yeah well, you’ve been on this planet for few decades and all your wisdom has brought us, is a self righteous bigot! You do nothing but try and divide people with your racist views. You couldn’t even run a fish and chip shop 👀 I think I’ll listen to the kid

Fortunately nobody cares what Pauline Hanson has to say! Why is this even newsworthy?

You don’t need life experience to read science

PaulineHansonOz Well I have 58 years life experience and served 38 yrs in both military and police and I agree with every word she said! You’re pathetic for attacking a young girl for trying to fight clime change. Tell you what, if you want an argument re the climate look me up!

Today in 'When Morons Attack'...One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has taken aim at 16-year-old Swedish clim…

PaulineHansonOz , she may not have much life experience but she is definitely millions of times smarter than you ... It is time for you to 🤫, listen and learn what a waste your life experience was 😉. BTW leave the ground for smart ones ...

And what did life experience do for Pauline? Oh that's right, women are the ones responsible for the violence men perpetrate on them. This country is worse than a laughing stock, it's being run by a crime gang with no morals, ethics or any sense at all.

PaulineHansonOz Wow, no better endorsement for Greta know you are doing right when scum like this, morrison, kenny, bolt, devine are attacking you. They’re scared because of your authenticity and courage. Something none of them will ever have.

Who cares? Pauline should be ignored into obliteration.

Haha. And Poorlean is so wise ... haha!! Greta has more intelligence in her little finger than the racist dumbo.

Today in 'When Morons Attack'...One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has taken aim at 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg.

Nothing Hanson says is news. Please stop giving her a platform.

JohnOSullivan36 Greta was right about worrying about our 🌍 in so many ways, including about climate change. Also she has showed up the inferior intelligence of so many so called leaders, who can't handle crirticism by a 16 year old speaking about something she cares about, our home.

But a hell of a lot more eloquent, articulate& intelligent than PH!

JohnOSullivan36 At 16, Greta has about 3 years more education than Pauline. Also, she’s probably read more books on the subject than Pauline could count. And how much life experience does she need to know that ClimateChange is real. Oh yeah, and Pauline is dumber than a pile of rocks.

JohnOSullivan36 of course she has...

Who voted for Pauline and her populist evil and crazy ideas. Oh Queenslanders. Explains everything.

So? I really don't care about the unhinged rantings of the traitor hanson!

She speaking the truth, something Pauline can't, relate to that.🤔

She literally exposed your rotten agenda, which is as long as we make money we don’t care about environment.

Quel surprise. As CB if that attention whore would pass up that opportunity..

I'll just bet she did.

Says the fish and chippery owner who probably puked more garbage out into the atmosphere with her smoke stacks over the top of her oil cookers.

Why is Pauline news? Political lightweight and crook. Stop giving her a platform

JohnOSullivan36 I think Pauline, Karl and the rest of the whingers are jealous they will never be asked to address the UN while a 16 yr old girl was.

They’re all jumping on the hate bandwagon to have a piece of the shining star of the world - young Greta Thunberg Ironically these so called Christian ✝️ right wingers would crucify the real Jesus, ShameOnYou now they are crucifying the earth’s guiding light GretaThunberg

Reframe this headline as 'Old ass politician takes violent shots at a child for trying to be environmentally conscious'

Yes we have seen Hanson’s effort didn’t she say she was murdered

Of course she did. The women whose life experiences have in no way had a positive influence on her narrow minded views!

At least Greta has a functioning brain ... just saying

She’s sailed across the Atlantic, PaulineHansonOz, while you couldn’t even get a few metres up (or down) Uluru! She’s intelligent, educated, erudite and eloquent, well-adjusted and empathetic... as opposed to you.

So many low IQ dummies rallying behind this child actor, I almost wish climate changes was real

This is a bit harsh, politicians bullying gretathumberg

The kiddo has a great future as D. Trump said.

Grow up SBS pauline did not attack Greta she only said ehat thousands have already said, child abuse. Fake news.

Expect no less from depraved, racist Hanson.

Greta would like to have life experiences..... that’s the point

Children should not be berating any adult let alone world leaders.

STFU Pauline.

I’m with Pauline!!

Well of course she would. The village idiot of Australian politics recycling the usual dopey criticisms.

Yeah if only Greta had been to prison or as a racist stunt wore a Burka into parliament. Then maybe she would have the right to speak

Of course she has. Peasant.

All I know is I've had a gut full of this upstart trying to ram this bs down our necks. The kid is brainwashed and I'm sick of seeing her face.

Excuse me, by “life experiences” is Porline referring to the long, long..... so very long... line of RWNJ men that have used and abused her over the years, and left her looking like yesterday’s fish and chips? Lol 🐟

'I think that she's basically a teenager who has had no life experiences. She was actually voicing what other people have put into her head' Well she's 100% correct. ClimateScam

I guess I would back Greta,s intellect above Pauline’s on climate issues

Greta Thunberg has more commonsense in her little finger than Hanson has in her whole horrific body.

She wasn't talking to you Senator Hanson, she was talking to world leaders and people with a chance of understanding. PaulineHansonOz

Greta is just another scam. A debilitating with that

She should be learning how to be a driver for a prostitution ring like paulines son. oaulinesanidiot

When Pauline isn’t in the news she gets the attention deficit shits .. and just has to be part of it all ..

Just missing Abbott and Kerry Anne kennerly and we're all up to speed on comments from middle aged bogan australians

says the one with an intellect of a hammer!

Pauline, will you just be quiet!

Yeah I saw the movie

Yep she has not been to jail for electoral fraud

All the usual suspects. 🙄

Pauline who? auspol

Macron has too 'their action was not the most efficient way of combating climate change and that “radical positions” inevitably antagonize' & “I am not sure that you mobilise people with despair, with what is almost hatred, setting people against each other,”

How about you or Malcolm Roberts, or maybe both of you together, challenge to debate her.

That girl has more brains in her little finger than Hanson has in her whole body. Hanson is borderline simple.

Well said Pauline

No problem PH we had you in Scotts column already.... Next !

“What children are being taught in schools is very biased, it's not a balanced view ... This should be stopped in our education system” Did you hear that? Science is biased. Those melting glaciers? Paid actors! That 89% decrease in new coral in the Barrier Reef? A fabrication!

🤭 Boy I could barely talk to a member of the opposite sex at 16!! Perhaps those concerned with her age & as to why allowed to talk at ClimateChangeSummit ~~~gretathumberg~~~ Pauline: Good article to reflect on: (I add Greta to the list!)

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Hanson’s talking about herself, again.

does Greta have an AVO out against Pauline Hanson's son as well?

First sensible thing I’ve heard Pauline say in a while.

What like cooking fish and chips calling victims of domestic violence liars and climbing (well sliding down on her arse )all over a sacred site to prove a point life experiences

With all this anger she failed to tell us how it cools the planet 🌎. Maybe if we all get angry 😤 it will cool the planet and save us all.

Says the Ipswich fish n chip operator

wow,the head of the odd notion party with a predictable comment

This is textbook Hanson. Of course she would find something to dislike about Greta Thunberg. The mental midgets are all lining up

Even PaulineHansonOz realises how embarrassing it is that a 16-yr old can talk rings around her.

BINGO. what did I win?

It's not Greta's fault that she's not smart, it's her parents fault for abusing her. But Greta would tell you otherwise, claiming she is smart- but her actions will prove her differently GretaThunberg

Greta speaks English as a second language better than Pauline speaks as a first language. Greta knows science. Pauline knows Jack Shit.

Ohhh yeah, don't hold back Pauline

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