My question for the NRL: what is your plan for Ben Barba's family?

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Comment: My question for the NRL - what is your plan for Ben Barba's family?


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His dismisal was unfair. Family affairs should not be brought into sport. Family affairs should be dealt by the courts. Ben deserves to play NRL

news_australian He and his family have $millions surely they can look after themselves with support from friends and family and professional help should they desire to pay for it.....just like everyone else?

Why is he entitled to a career in the NRL? In a world with actual consequences, he might have to go work at Maccas.

Factual Jenna , thanks , so to follow your logic , if someone is sacked from say the Police for the same reason as BB, the Police/employer is liable for the spouse?

I've been punted from jobs in my younger days. Don't recall my former employer being liable for looking after my family.

And you wonder why people choose the dailytelegraph over your rag at a greater rate each year? Seriously with all the people who have lost their jobs at your paper recently, how did this “journo” keep theirs?

My question for you - what’s Ben Barba’s plan B? And why is the NRL responsible for him beating up Women?

WOW Quite the hatchet job, my response may be long. 1. NRL has extensive education in place around many off-field issues including violence, drug & alcohol abuse, gambling, financial management, planning for life after footy etc. Education sessions also extend to their families

The NRL actually provides a lot of support & education to players on a range of off-field topics including appropriate behavior, money management, preparing for life after footy etc. Also the NRL are providing support to Annislie & the kids anyway, tho they don't have to

Given his level of intelligence and poor communication skills, referees boss may be an option.

I think the plan is to try and discourage Ben from beating the fuck out of his partner🤓🤓

Same plan for any family who has a member who loses their job. Find a way forward. Work night. Hopefully have family and friends who support you.

Barba’s family are not the NRL’s responsibility. “What will happen to the family” is a question that could be asked of all victims of DV,a question they ask themselves, and why so many stay with abusive partners. So the real question is, what is society’s plan for Barba’s family?

If he is sacked from the NRL than it is no longer the NRL's responsibility. Ben being the father of the family has an obligation to look after his family from now on, not the Nrl. This is all Barba's undoing.

Why don’t u hire him?

Just a Dumb article

When a workplace makes someone redundant do they look after the family... No, you've gotta go find some other way to make money.

Privacy. And whoever wrote this should be ashamed.

Wonder what his kids will think when they’re older and they read that Daddy hurt mummy a few times and lost his job,a job that every little kid dreams of doing and how he lost that job? I hope she is ok and can move on from BB.I hope the authorities and her family help her,again

My employer has no responsibility to look after my family if I get fired, why is this question even being asked?

What would your employer (SMH ?) do for you if you bashed the shit (on more than one occasion) out of your partner ? Nothing I doubt.

Who cares? What makes him any different from a person who loses his job for whatever reason? He’s a grub. Had plenty of chances. She’s just as stupid for staying with him.

a new low in journalism. fmd

What is this SMH’s plan for this journalist?

WTH. It's not their concern. I stuff up that much my boss fires me simple. Not concerned about how I will support my family. His reply would be. Should of thought of that before YOU kept screwing up now don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.

Joke article, not thw fault of the NRL that he assaulted his partner

Ummm... he can get a job with local council digging ditches. U know. A real job. The partner can also get a job as well. My mother raised 5 children on her own by doing 2 jobs. There’s no reason why Barbra’s partner can’t get a job instead of expecting a handout.

The very definition of a click bait article

Who gives a fuck that’s barbas problem

Wtf!!!!! What's Bens plan B for his family!!!!

What is the Heralds plan for the 100s of employees let go over the past few years?

What a stupid comment. Maybe Ben could go and get a job like the rest of us who work hard to pay our bills. Welcome to the real world

SMH - you’ve lost me.

He should’ve thought of that before he... ohh fuck it, he’s an adult, husband, father and repeat offender. What was his plan? Welcome to the real world.

Do what lots of people do separate and go onto Centrelink! Partner visits but Govt pays!!!!!

I am guessing you mean the safety of his family? With all this publicity I would hope it becomes a matter dealt with by the police

So if my work sacks me do they have to look after my wife and kids too?

Why is it the NRLs problem? Seriously, what rubbish!

Why is everything these days, someone else's responsibility. Fucking over it. Take responsibility for your own lives people!

So he's super privileged, super rich, and as it turns out, a super arsehole. And his family needs looking after?

Here we go the bleeding hearts! What happens when 1000’s of people get laid off each and every day? Do you ask what for their families? Piss of with your crap article


if one of your staff is sacked due to break of contract, do you continue to support the x staff members family?

go home, your drunk

There was footage of an AFL player snorting a white substance off a woman's breasts recently, it also happened on the same weekend that the AFL's women's competition started, so why hasn't this been splashed everywhere by the mainstream media?

His family are his responsibility, not the NRLs. They have zero obligation to help in any way, just the same as it has been for every player in history.

I'm sick of being serious on here, so I'll keep this light. I once had a big night of lots of highly potent food and copious amounts of alcohol at a Mexican restaurant. The aftermath that occurred the following day was still less shit than this shit take.

No wonder no one is reading this paper anymore with this gutter journalism

Not their responsibility. If I was fired for a criminal conviction, my employer is under no responsibility to have a plan to care for my family. Why is the NRL different?

What a stupid article is the NRL a sheltered workshop.

Maybe Ben should have thought about it. It is HIS responsibility not the NRLs. They gave him enough chances to get it right. I hope the kids and wife can move on and live without fear.

Maybe, just maybe, Ben might have to get a real job to support his family like everyone else who isn’t a highly paid sports star does? Unfortunately his family has to deal with consequences of his stupidity, just like mine would if I got fired for being a dipshit again and again

Wasn’t aware Ben Barba been an abusive piece of excrement was the NRL’s problem once they fired him? Guy deserves nothing.

Get your hand off it. For once in the modern world can someone put their hand up and take some fucking responsibility for their own actions?

From my basic knowledge of the workplace, once you are sacked, your former employer doesn't do anything to look after you. This prick brought this situation on himself. she should leave asap

What a joke of an article. The NRL is not his baby sitter/minder. He is an adult who’s had many chances already. Ben now needs to get a real job (or go on the dole) like everyone else and his wife needs to take the kids and leave

He should go work in another country and send money back to her and children. Violence against a mother is not an environment to raise children. Space. Not that it’s anyone’s business

They'll have the same rights as any other family in the same situation. Why should the NRL treat it any differently ? SMHsport just another beat up to attack the game !

That should be a question for Ben Barbs not the NRL.

This is a terrible blog post. Really amateur hour. Why is the employer responsible for his family's financial wellbeing. This also implies the partner is a damsel in distress unable to fend for herself. This really is quite sexist and tone deaf. Disappointing

Most of the Posts on this site are so negative ..brutal.. ....makes me realize how perfect and rational people behave ...i must get out more and travel and try to find these people...i had No idea it was such a perfect world

Good insight

I can hardly tell the difference between the daily Tele and SMH these days. both poor excuses for a paper. What a dumb article

Really, now the NRL is responsible for Ben's family and future? Time to stand on their own.

What is Ben Barba's plan for his family? Ben doesn't work under any NRL contract anymore. Why is that? Bcos Ben decided he would continue to bash his wife. It's Ben's problem. Are you guys for real? Pathetic.

I am sorry but the government has systems in place. Or get a job.

FFS..NRL cannot win..🤦‍♂️

Ben just needs a good flogging with a lump of 4 by 2 by a bloke bigger than him. Education doesn't work on apes.

Ben Barba is entirely at fault for this.

Why is it the NRL issue. Did they tell him to violent to his wife and back him up only to turn on him? NO. If anything the NRL gave Barba a life line only for HIMSELF TO RUIN IT. Dumb Article.

Ben Barba is the one who should be looking after his family, not the NRL. Many hard working decent people get laid off work, who have families, mortgages etc and are left to fend for themselves to find a new job. Barba can go dig ditches if he’s not locked up, deserves to be

Why should the wife of multi-millionaire Ben Barba get special treatment after he has been sacked?

Barba can do what 99% of other Aussies do for their family , Work .

Social security after his fortune runs out. Case closed. Now get back to journalism

Because the NRL made Ben Barba assault his partner, it now has to plan Ben Barba’s life ? 🤦‍♂️

Isn’t that a private matter or did I miss the memo?

Wow this is absolute dog food for an article lol

Ask not what the NRL can do for Ben Barba's family...but what Ben Barba can do for his family.

What was bens plan for his family

Who wrote this shit?

Well, perhaps he should have thought of that before what happened

Why should the NRL have a plan? It was all his own doing and for him to look after his family. Move on!

That's for ben barber to look after

I think I understand your sentiment, but the bloke has been earning over $400g for a number of years now. He is a grub and yes he needs help, which I am sure he will get. Don’t turn it around to the NRL.

Why should his family get support? I was sacked once, and there was no support for my family. I had to go and get another job, didn't I? And not in my area of expertise either. The guy is a criminal. She needs to go to CentreLink if its that bad. Suck it up.

No employer is ever responsible when employee is sacked.

There are no bad choices in life, just consequences for your choices. His choice, now deal with consequences. Not NRL's or any other employers responsibility to look after someone else's family.

Why does he need extra education to understand violence against women is not ok just because he is a footballer when most of the average joe’s knows it’s not acceptable without it. Maybe he needs to learn he is no better then everyone else and get a 9-5 job to support his family

Unfortunately people who do wrong are responsible for those wrongs, and their families are collateral damage.

To get him to go to work like every body else!! If u loose a job u go get something else. Might not be the one u want but that’s the price u pay for making bad calls

Not the NRL’s concern, I wouldn’t have thought!

For starters he’s not a fucking genius. This is rubbish.

Why his and not others?

My question too. She is at more risk now than ever to experience further abuse. Hopefully they have assisted with support to access services for her and their children

this is one of the shittest takes on this scenario I have seen bar the Lote Tuqiri comments last night. Pull your head in.

Why is the NRL’s problem? Barba should’ve thought of his own family!

Jenna, presumably she is now Barba’s ex-wife?

Why is this the NRL’s responsibility? In any facet of life, if you stuff up grandly you face the consequences.

No No No; you go back to 2000 and look at the B&F winners and see how many have 'fallen from grace'; common assault, wife beating, rape., the list goes on; its not just the nrl; murdoch supplies the money and the newspaper photographer for these disgraces to be recorded 2 sell

My question is what is the plan for the family of the bloke that punches is boss at the Christmas party and loses his job is that company responsible for his family?

Comment: The NRL don’t have any responsibility to Ben Barba’s family. That was his job. Their responsibility is to the brand and integrity of the game. Ben Barba should have thought about that when given his 1st life line. NRL BenBarba

Here’s your answer. It’s Bens problem

People get fired everyday. On regular wages, with way less money than these two have. It’s up to Barba to provide for his family, not the nrl 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

My question for ‘What is your plan men?’ ‘What are we all going to do to stop violence from men?’

Unfortunately thats is not the NRLs problem thats the grub that stuffed it all ups fault and problem

That's a question for Ben Barba mate. He's the father, leader and provider for his family. Wouldn't be out of the NRL if this was a once off private incident. He needs to be a man

What’s it got to do with the NRL? He’s got no-one else to blame but himself! Go and get a job like most other people.

people need to be responsible for their actions - Ben Barba can play football overseas - he should have thought about his family before he started laying into his wife - the guys got form too

Oh please!

Jenna Price.. are you for real?

This is the most ridiculous thing I have read in your paper ... ever ... daylight second.

So should the Labor party pay Luke Foley's family? Should the Nats pay Andrew Broad's family?

What are your plans for the abused women who’s abusers didn’t play in your beloved competition? Forget they exist ?

This family needs help. A father not able to control his actions and a mother not able to see domestic violence.

What will be your plan if you keep writing shit articles like this?

Classic outrage clickbait

His wife “pleaded for him to be re-instated at the club”? Presumably she is his ex-wife?

You have to be fckn joking.🙄

They don’t need a plan. This is not the responsibility of the NRL. Anyone who can even suggest that is delusional. What a stupid article. I don’t mind & prefer over the tabloid crap the other major Syd paper produces but this is just so far off the mark it’s not funny.

What a ridiculous article. If you are fired for misconduct as a journalist, does your employer have to take care of your family? Of course not.

Women & Advertisers are important to the game to. The biggest tragedy would be his wife Ms Currie ended up in a body bag, and NRL stood by him, a serial wife basher. No to Domestic Violence.


Such a shame you use blatant headline grappling title. Try doing some proper research into what NRL does and try focusing on the person who did these things

He may be a nasty type but this is just ARL management virtue signalling because they DESPERATELY want a good image with the general public. They are unable to see further than the end of their nose.

Ben can get a job and support his family like every other mug. The golden egg laying goose has flown off and it’s time he acted like a man.

My question...what is Ben Barba's plan for his own family? takeresponsibility

He lost his job due to not adhering to the code of conduct. Unfortunate for his family, but not for anyone else to pick the tab up, what a message that could send.

NRL is about financials not families.

They owe them nothing. Barba is a drunken fool for blowing his last chance. He will now have to get a real job to provide for his family like most of us do.

Should be the same plan they have for my family ,zilch zero nothing!

That's a great question..all NRL has achieved is 2 punish the player and his partner (Who tried 2 save his career) and kids! swept the problem away..out of sight out of mind..the NRL could have been far more proactive and forward thinking rather than just hitting the eject button

Shouldn’t it be what is Ben going to do for his family?

NRL? It should be a police and judicial matter. Wife beaters belong in jail.

How is his family the NRL’s problem? Such a view must come from an entitled Leftist for sure!

Good well written article.

Tart should have left him long ago.

Jenna, Ben Barba has to take responsibility for his family. It is Ben bashing his wife not the NRL. He obviously needs help. Again his responsibility. He has has many chances and warnings.

He played football, not his family. She should devorse him now while he still has money.

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