Mikakos refuses to answer questions as Upper House sits against CHO advice

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos refuses to answer a series of questions during a heated parliamentary question time which has held against health advice.

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos has refused to answer a series of questions during a heated parliamentary question time which was held against health advice.But in the Upper House, the Opposition decried Ms Mikakos's "appalling contempt of the Parliament" for refusing to answer questions as they were asked

"At a time when the Government is exercising unprecedented powers that we have never seen in Victoria, we need unprecedented scrutiny,'' Liberal Democrats MP David Limbrick told the Parliament.

"That is an appalling response by the Minister, an appalling contempt of the Parliament and a contempt of the community. This is a very serious matter,'' Mr Davis said.Governments are facing tough questions on how this has gone so terribly wrong.


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Politicians are not essential workers. Why isn't the ABC lambasting ScottyFromMarketing and ScottyTheSaviour for abrogation of responsibility and destroying democracy. COVID19au Auspol

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos has refused to answer a series of questions. But requires Victorians to answer questions? I thought Victoria was a democracy not a hypocrisy!

1 in 4 people positive not home isolating. 'Bullshit' Or is it 1 in 4 people don't want to answer the door to your henchmen?

No she just wanted 24 hours to make the answers up

Jenny Mikarkos refusing to answer questions IS what the ABC needs to focus on, not Jim's Lawn Mowing service, so will some tell Michael Roland please latingle ItaButtrose PaulFletcherMP LaTrioli abc730 COVID19Vi IStandWithDan

Looks like she has put in a few KG's

Difficult to watch, the more pressure she was put under, the thicker her accent got. If it had gone on any longer she would have been talking like the boys from Sooshi Mango🤣🤣

What do you expect? She was gagged.

CHO , Chief Health Officer. ? That's proved to be an almost obscene misnomer. He should resign . Putting a viable economy in a cryogenic state deserves contempt and be banned from any position in the public service.

You are all on notice..stop parading. The subjects of the imperial crown of Australia have got this. You all need to step down now.

She looks like Silence of the Lambies!!!!!

At least the Upper House sat here in Victoria.Federal counterparts ? Nowhere to be seen... Missing in action again


Leave her alone, she is doing great.

She is from Vic Labors Bungle Bungles!!!!!!!

I thought Danny Mikalic was a jockey!!!!

She'll answer in writing wtf just resign let someone competent take over

Hey JennyMikakos - like me, you would have studied constitutional law. I loved it! Do you recall the concept of ‘ministerial responsibility’? Does your boss, DanielAndrewsMP, or your party, VictorianLabor, have anything to say springst

Public safety before Political seats.

So you are plastering this all over, yet you refuse to hold Morrison to the same standards. Morrison suspends parliament and not a word is said, he frequently won’t answer questions. So you hold Labor to higher standards than the government 🤬🤬🤬

Her and dan are using the inquiry as an excuse not to be honest. They clearly knew there was issue with there hotel security in March. Yet they did nothing about it.

Socialist don’t answer to anyone.

How come any chamber of the Victorian parliament was sitting? Scott said he couldn’t have the Federal parliament sit at all

If you cannot answer questions - and questions - in question time, then you should probably quit the job and give another authoritarian drone a go

Weak as piss - completely gutless!!!!!

Hope people would vote them out in the next election

who then asked Marise Payne and Linda Reynolds to fly to US during coronavirus pandemic...hmm

She's right. We need to support her. The LibNats are a disgrace.

You can see how far ABCaustralia has shifted to the right when you publish stories like this, and when you look at the number or RWNJ's that follow and comment. Why don't you go after the federal LNP like this - they never answer questions and won't sit in Parliament to avoid it

georgiecrozier has been barking like a bloody overheated chihuahua since day one. Just like her mate Smith. She and the rest of the Victorian Liberals have offered nothing constructive. Their hypocrisy and sense of self entitlement is as breathtaking as the virus.

Why not use 'Zoom' ? 🤔

Safer in Parliament than the Supermarket......The Kiss of Death ( Jenny Mikakos ) has failed all Victorians with 80% of deaths all coming from Victoria and 100s more marked shortly........She must resign now.

Th big issue here is I do NOT want my health details disclosed due to a pandemic. That is a gross invasion of privacy and not necessary. The case for this would need to be very strong indeed and there isn’t one to justify it.

Canberra = 0 active cases. LNP Government says NO to parliament sitting. NSW = 255 active cases. LNP Government says NO to parliament sitting. Victoria = 6,706 active cases. LNP OPPOSITION says YES to parliament sitting! IStandWithDan IStandWithDan

She has gone from crying to being a Pitbull....Who is the real Mikakos?

The Vic session was cut short for safety reasons. Don’t make it out to be more than it was. Are you so desperate for a story?

That’s bc she’s guilty! Pleading the 5th🙄

Politics. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Refusing to answer questions is a trademark of the Andrews Government

She has no answers, that's why.

Have the answers tomorrow and her letter or resignation. If she cant front up and answer questions how can we trust her with policies regarding Health . The answer we cant

MsRebeccaRobins Poor dick, Go Jenny

A little hypocritical of liberal in Victoria. Look at their federal counterparts 😏 ICAC!!!!

What a disgrace. Such arrogance.

The only thing she should be providing in writing is her resignation! Anything else is just attempting to cover up her incompetence

Yes she will in good time...she has written them a Letter!!

Victorians are suffering disastrous health conditions under her watch. Yet the other health ministers around the nation were able to lead their departments to avoid the same disaster. That sounds like a massive fail to me.

Yet when you read the article it says Instead of answering in the chamber, Ms Mikakos replied to every query that she would provide a written response tomorrow. Not usual practice but not a refusal to answer either. 🤷‍♂️

So the LNP were all guns blaring in Parliament but eho has been ripping the Taxpayers off for their own benefits and yet fail to Answer question even if it was a Royal Commission WHY is that 🤔

I wish they’d stop picking on her. She’s working to the best of her abilities.

Why is she refusing? Is she allowed to refuse to answer?

Dear ABC News, go Tingle yourself. Jenny has been a bit busy of late, in case you haven't noticed.

Most likely she has been working around the clock for the last 5-7 months I bet Bernie, Windscreens, Crozier, Gordon Phillips and Guy wouldnt even bat an eyelid if they ran her into the ground & she died from exhaustion Finn & others get back in the cupboard & wait good on her

Hmmm! Her boss is teaching her well-

Fake news - All questions will be answered in writing!!! Let’s face it, she’s been busy!!!

Fair enough too. She has had enough to do lately.

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