Meghan Markle is a ‘highly manipulative woman’ who’d go to ‘great lengths to get what she wants’

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Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen says Meghan Markle is a “highly manipulative woman” who’d go to great lengths to “get what she wants” and is “incredibly dangerous”.


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Your heads not in its right place. HM colonial past have displaced millions of millions people, Families, cultures eroded around continents. Have a little humility and reflection being a UK channel.

She managed to sign a 100 million contract with Netflix without having to be in the Royal Family and keep up with its bullshit. She has all my respect.

Teena McQueen is the offspring of feral swine; she is covetous, slanderous & hypocrite. All the wicked generations of the Saxons & English must stop antagonizing Meghan. God’s wrath is closer than you think—No peace for the wicked! 😉

She sounds like my kind of lass. A real go getter who's willing to take on the press.

Looks like a compliment

Don’t these people have mirrors

Quite right.

I believe it !


Queenb4G Very well said

True that

Oh for crying out loud, Meghan Markle was a rising film star and didn't need anyone to give her anything. In marrying Harry she gave up a huge career and took on a lot of unasked for criticism from people like you.

She's no Queen Bloody Mary. And you say she's highly manipulative women who'd go to great lengths to get what she wants. And incredible dangerous. Like huh she didn't even have to ask me to say this. Queen Bloody Mary was dangerous. Burning flesh. Now that's manipulative.

She is amazing. Real. If the news is saying she’s bad. We all now know the news is a lying machine, then she must be good.


A self pitying 40 yr. Old with a wimp for a husband.

Wow. A news company talking trash about Megan Markle. Super original. A mixed race actress from America is more dangerous than the British monarchy? ... huh.

Cant believe someone can say that in 2022. It’s vile

Who’s Tina McQueen again?

Who cares. Just clown

You cannot fight mother and succeed and want to fight the son too that's not possible. God is not sleeping as a believer.

Shame on you

I agree with you, I think she’s capable of anything and for that reason she’s dangerous that’s why all titles and threads with our royal family should be taken away sooner rather than later. This keeping a dignified silence won’t work with her. She’ll stop at nothing to win.

Hoes usually are. She had to sleep with the producer for an acting job

I only do something if you get a reward .What did Meghan get?She torn England to shreds as a racist society ever, she drove Harry’s family away, she took away her children’s grandparents and other family members.Where are her black family members?



The best response to this couple is to ignore them

TeenaMcqueen What a hateful negative person you are. Time to get you Cancelled.


And is probably a hormonal teenager who has never met her.

She had me fooled at first - but my eyes are open now - disgusting woman - poor Harry

Yes she Definitely evil. But to fall for her leglock control... Harry is quite simply put a complete Mo ron.

Isn’t that the very definition of a feminist?

SKY needs to be different to survive.

Yep that’s how I view Meghan.

teenamcqueen racists like you will never see the hell Meghan and Harry went through at the palace just because Meghan is black. Shame on people like you whose racist minds never see how racial bias is killing other people.

Takes a queen to know a queen.

Too kind an assessment.

The firm is working OT. All negativity on Harry and Meg. Makes you wonder

Where's Henry the VIII when we need him...

Is Teena back on booze again

She’s a family destroyer

First time a 'Liberal' has made a coherent and educated comment.

She is a racist. No black friends no black family members in her Netflix series


Harry needs his Royal Family

Spot on

Doesn’t that make her uniquely qualified to be a member of the royal family?


After seeing this documentary, you think we’re gonna believe anything you guys put out there🤡’s😂😂

Megan made her choice to not fill her royal duties and so they moved to LA to live in a mansion Whaaa poor me!A real problem is living in a tent or under a tree!

It’s between choosing wet bikini to wear to the beach or being able to pay your bills and heat your house and feed your children!

You need to start showing people the real difference between bad and the Whiners.Being treated badly is not a choice between 1st class and Coach. It’s having to choose between a life raft or an inner tube to cross the English channel and hoping your children make it alive.

The new generation. Wicked

Your kidding? I thought she was simple golddigger

Black girl broke up th royal family


And she'd know this how?


It’s hilarious how people are getting sucked in about woe is life


Harry is so happy. Why do you people want to torture him. Hasn't he had enough?

Teena is absolutely right!

From SkyNews? 😂

🤔“incredibly dangerous”? I'm not her biggest fan but I fail see why she's incredibly dangerous.

well, isn’t that coming to fruition

I disagree, Megan Markle has been disgracefully treated. Because Megan has been treated disgracefully treated by the Media and the British and American Public she has a high place in heaven.....God bless you Price Harry and Megan..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎄❄️⛄️

Sky news calling someone manipulative... talk about throwing rocks in a glasshouse, you are one of the biggest manipulators of the truth on the planet...

I'd call that 🐂💩

Sounds like she's talking about Prince Andrew

Coming from the Liberal Party McQueen should know. The Federal Liberal Party is full of scheming manipulative women.

Dangerous, liar, manipulative, and obsessed with herself. Her game of racism/victimhood isn’t working because none of it is true.


Aggh enough already..we’ve had enough of your lying campaigns

Recent reports suggest that PrinceHarry isn't actually the owner of the $14 million mansion in Santa Barbara that he and Meghan Markle have moved into, despite the belief that either he or his father, Prince Charles, is paying for it.

bobmca1 Couldn’t agree more

Sounds a lot more like Rupert Murdoch, to me.

🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣 dangerous!? What a joke. You ppl are mad u need to get over it.

JoeBiden favourite holiday spot DekotaPandoraPapers checking up on the the big guys account. 😂 4 Oct 2021. Pandora papers show that the Morales family moved money to South Dakota in 2019, after government of Bahamas mandated the creation of an ownership

Hasn’t Teena got any real work to do as Liberal Party VP? When you think about - no policies to worry about but then again never had any except - win next election. I suppose trolling Megan and Harry is actually a great idea for Teena - keeps her off the roads without a license.

Murdoch and his Sky News disinformation spuying rubbish again. Throw them out!

Gutter journalism

Senate investigated by The House Ways and Means committee holds a hearing on the Pandora Papers, which revealed thousand of offshore accounts by prominent billionaires and politicians around the world, hiding up to $32 Trillion from PandoraPapers

She DREAMS of being 1/1000th of the woman MM is.

LiberalParty_UK spokespersons should know better than to waste time commenting on the CirqueDeWindsor. People are cold in their homes, and thousands (God knows how many) are freezing in the streets. Shut up about the CirqueDeWindsor. It's a NonceFarce

Australia Get a grip. This absurd monarchy concept is a daft medieval institution that has no place whatsoever in the modern world

An 😈😈😈🐄🐄🐄🐮🐮🐮

Diana 2.0 for those of you who don't know.

Stop giving this grifter any attention and just let her BS dry up and blow away... You are making her relevant by giving her attention... Just ignore her !!!


The most of GlobalElites and politicians are Its like who's who when it comes to the some MediaBillionaires companies. In The world's largest-ever journalistic collaboration exposes offshore secrets of wealthy elites from 200 countries and territories

If I were Harry I’d watch my back

Even more so when you are mega rich megs

Totally agree

Meagan should get a real life she is a disgusting human

We get it, Rupert hates Meg.

bobmca1 I think this is greatly under estimated. The general has accused Mr Blair of committing a 'crime of aggression' by invading Iraq in 2003 to overthrow its leader Saddam Hussein. He wanted to prosecute Mr Blair along with former...

Lol 😂 this comes sky news Australia 🇦🇺 😂 where 60% of the population is racists as they come 😂😂 it’s bad enough the monarchy/ Firm is racists as they come and it was Australia 🇦🇺 which nearly voted to removed the queen 👸 last time they voted 🗳️ strange how this lol 😂

bobmca1 5 Oct 2021Tony Blair was humiliated after his bid to become EU President was shot down TONY BLAIR's bid to become full-time President of the European Council was met with stiff opposition in...

bobmca1 Oh like TonyBlair EUpresidentIAlcampaign TonyBlair war criminal he ran for the EU president and lost can you Imagine what we'd be like?. The devistation on countries GlobalWar On ForeignAndDemesticTerrorism we'd end up like ChinaProtests

Did you just find out. What a deal

The Royals are filthy Ppl

That sounds like a threat to me. He just put her life in danger.

What the fxck does what Teena McQueen opinion matter perhaps ask her about undisclosed relationships with Epstein & Maxwell & Prince Andrews doesn't child sex traffickers matter to Teena Mcqueen..when it comes to RoyalFamily just slagging off Meghan..

Who asked.... and who cares?

BeKind !

So what ! Why on earth do we have to be bombarded by entitled peoples opinions. Isn't that manipulative ?

Save our NHS! Investigate the Tory PPE scandal! Find out if the white powder residue found at Chevening estate is cocaine and, if so, who took drugs there! Investigate why care home workers are paid such a shit wage! InsulateBritain ! JustStopOil !

bobmca1 🙄 people need a new obsession

And she’s (Teena) right.

Who says? Why should we take any notice?

Maybe the Meghan hater are gong fishing?

Yet.... lets not talk about Andrew

Also, PiersMorgan is a 'highly manipulative man' who'd go to great lengths to 'get what he wants' and is 'incredibly dangerous'

But not quite as dangerous as her husband's uncle Andrew. Especially to young girls...

What does Teena know ?

Has she ever met Meghan? Or is she just one of those people that shares her opinion as facts based on her inadequacies - in order for you to then share it to a wider audience? 🤔

He's more accurately describing the monarchy

It’s quite obvious.

I totally agree with Teena McQueen. Meghan is very manipulative. She's got Harry round her little finger.

Utter rubbish

Nobody cares what Teena McQueen thinks about Meghan. WeLoveYouMeghan

As she has proved time and time again

Yep... Why don't Amazon interview Meghans family and ex friends plus the employees she bullied... PrimeVideo

Why all this hate towards meghan is that what they want people to believe? Because its certainly not the truth now is it!

How would She know? “Incredibly dangerous “ A highly manipulative fascist with powerful friends, who goes to great lengths, employing puppet propagandist ‘journalists’ to groom the world into his way of thinking ! Now that’s “incredibly dangerous” ! Skynews

Dangerous is THE most apt word for this woman...but the lengths she is going to can be of infinite length...she will not win her extremely dangerous game& her husband ..who has sunk to unfathomable also a big loser

Omg she is but just a dramatic drama Queen..😂🤣😅

Why is English politicians so vile Harry saw what his Corrupt family, English media and politicians were doing They did it to his mum Meghan was a threat so they verbally abused her Any good man would protect his family

Who cares?

Everyone writing comments like they know what going on behind the scenes.... all it is, is Chinese whispers and everyone runs with it 😂 just easy to blame the woman in this 👏🏼 absolute jokers!

Yep and she has done so well with her husband 🫢🫣🤐😂😂

Sky news. Stop peddling this non news story. All of them deserve each other. Try producing REAL News. Not this distractive Charade.

Sounds like she is talking about Peta Credlin to me.

YOU know her personally do you? What a trashy thing to say, you should know better, someone in your position shouldn't be sprouting this garbage.

Isn't Rupert Murdoch highly manipulative?

Spoilt brat

Should we read your constant commentary about the royal family as an endorsement for an Australian republic? Sure looks like it

she's like the wicked witch from the west

Just posting this link to show what real reporting looks like.


I think Megan is AMAZING for standing up for herself and I applaud Harry for standing up for his wife .. something the 'Royal' Family doesn't seem to know how to do! They both refuse to be bullied .. maybe the new 'King' and his successor will learn from both Megan and Harry!

And Rupert Murdoch is what exactly?

Who said that? And who cares? Just checking

She’s so beautiful😌🥰

Type of headlines they highlighted in the documentary 🤦‍♂️

Has Teena McQueen actually ever met Meghan Markle?

Spot on

I know why I dont like her shes got skinny legs

Oh at last someone knows what Megan markle is really like well done for speaking up . Harry was a beautiful happy person till he met her she has brought him done to her level.

T would know Liberals

Scum the both of them.

Good to see the racists out showing their true colours

Don’t you lot have anything better to do?

Sky News, telling it like they want you to hear it.

You are exactly the kind of rumour making machine that M&H have exposed and are fighting.

Teena McQueen? Gets banned from driving. Drives anyway while attempting to conceal her number plates? That one? Sounds highly manipulative...or not someone whose opinion should be taken seriously.

This is such trashy and irresponsible 'journalism', creating a public smear campaign against a couple for speaking out against a toxic and corrupt institution and monarchy. Sky news, you are a complete farce and Murdoch has been a stain on our culture for too long.

You mean she’s a “Royal” Perfect. She is every bit of Royal Family. For what we know them to be.

And Sky News ... stop giving this ridiculous rhetoric a place to cause harm. It is abusive vicious harressment & you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!

Cause ms. McQueen knows the Duchess personally ... umm right Cause a reasonable human being wouldn't make a comment like that unknowingly right What Ridiculous behavior! Please go away & let the Duke & Duchess live their lives for pity sake!!

I’m sure Teena knows jcksh!t in terms of actual facts but is happy to jump on the Murdoch hatetrain for a woman who has done nothing to them MurdochRoyalCommission

SandySouth9 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

Negative. Prince William understands. They're both upset about their mums passing, but they understand the imposition their mum placed upon the 'Royal family'. You don't do that. Meditate on that and you'll draw the same conclusions. It is what it is... no smiles here. Next

Tt tt Teena, is it jealousy or delusion or both?! Anybody in their right mind would want to get away from the relentless bullying from Mainstream media and social media. Should she have been a sitting duck?

AngieLynch09 Slow news day?

White folks are so predictable

I had no interest in the topic of royals until this female&her spouse popped up on my every news feed no matter how many times I blocked it. So now I'm going to make a rude comment until their press tour stops bc these people are not news, they are leeches, contributing nothing.

I've always been on meaghans side on this one and this headline reinforces my views.

She's got what she wants. The only manipulation happening is the obsessed media commentators. Sad really.


Australia version of news is far right on some issues… like this one

Is sky news a satire channel now?🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Nasty piece of work.

Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen is a “stupid, highly manipulative woman” who’d say anything, go to great lengths to “get what she wants,” and is “incredibly dangerous”. MurdochGutterMedia

Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen is a “highly manipulative woman” who’d go to great lengths to “get what she wants” and is “incredibly dangerous”.

Do you get it now H?

Why are you giving this air? There are a gazillion other actual, real-life, important and SERIOUS things going on in the world. Your personal dislike of a woman is not newsworthy. Try and do just a little actual journalism.

I absolutely agree, mh witless is no good.

Sky news spreading their usual toxic propaganda

The ominous maleficent mh witless certified professional whiner and bully!👎🙄🙄🤥

Same thing they said about Diana. Go go Meghan!!!

I believe she has most of the testosterone in that relationship

So bored.

She got a Hundred Million Dollars from Netflix

Time will tell

Well she is a racist

More dangerous than Prince Andrew? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


They are correct!


This grifter fancied herself as the next people’s princess when in actuality she nothing more than a two bit hustler leading around a pathetic princeling wimp by his short hairs.

Do not who Teena McQueen is - but the description of Meghan Markle sounds 100% correct.

Meagan Markle is an EMBARRASSMENT to the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. We had SO MANY BETTER WOMEN in This Country who COULD have married Harry of so many different backgrounds. They would have been so much better for him.

She wasn't getting enough attention, Harry and Kate we're getting it all, so she manipulated Harry to come here, she is a narcissist she wants a cult following like the Kardashians. she is burning bridges after the divorce he will have a hard time crawling home.


What a creep!

Is this the Sky parody account?

Is that Tina’s profile description? Asking for a friend.

Meghan, We love you. I believe you know what you're up against. These people just want to tarnish you & anyone else who speaks the truth about them. Silencing the truth tellers. Merry Christmas

Não é isso não. Ela apenas encontrou um otario e fez dele seu fantoche.

Who on earth cares about these two?

They were right lol!! I see it for myself now, good thing I watched the documentary.

Teena McQueen is pathetic

D grade useless actress Meghan is evil manipulative money and fame hungry witch

How The actual F… does she know. And dangerous to whom? Really that’s the best excuse you have for a Royal Commentator ?

Isn't this the description for all women!?

Stop giving this minx oxygen

Manipulative tabloid and corrupt Royal family

The Markle debacle! Love it 😄

I agree this trashy woman is dangerous....

Why the fuck would anybody care what Teena McQueen says?

She just now figured it out?

No one cares. Neither should you. So thirsty, so sad.

Have you heard the back page headline? The sky is blue.

So basically the same bitch that just croaked

Tell me a woman who's not, and doesent ?

Not as manipulative as the civil servants in the Establishment!

When will the Liberal witchhunts end? Manipulative and dangerous is an ironic choice of words from the left.

See hooked her sugar daddy and still not happy

Jelly much? She's more than you could ever be. PrincessMeghan

This is so true! She’s finally getting all the attention she never had until she married Harry, and that’s a fact. Many people had never heard of her before.

The sort of racist comments that Harry claims caused a miscarriage.

What's the bet the two have never met?

Sounds like Scommo the bulldozer…

Another circus designed to keep the plebs away from challenging real economic power.

definitely agree

NewsCorpse with unfounded accusations against Meghan of things which ausmedia are far more famous for doing 🤣

Sad that your focus from your Murdoch masters determines what's important in the world. You have a platform, and this is your contribution.

rosiec3483_cox Teena is dead right

That is exactly the kind of persona that shows! Too bad really.

Ya think?

I agree 👍


Still at it Rupert?Isn't it time you went to bed?

In other words, Teena sees a lot of herself in Meghan.

SNA telling the truth while the likes of BBCNews, itvnews, SkyNews and MSM fall for the manipulative porn star

Give it a F ucking rest FFS

It seems quite obvious. If you read excerpts of how M goaded Harry to agree with her accusations that Prince William screamed at H etc. etc.


Murdoch is a classic example of how money doesn't make anyone a decent human being.. All that cash doesn't buy integrity, honour, or decency. No consideration for anyone if it'll make him a dollar. This bullying of Markle is just a disgusting cash grab by a scumbag.

Racist murdoch press says what now? Piss off.

Who gives a shit!



Self Reports issue with Suicide Ideations.? Postpartum Depression? She needs a Positive support person.And definitely not Oprah.

Then so is Andrew and Camilla . You tax payers pay for a pedo lifestyle and a woman who help ruin two families. No headlining press about them and Camilla scandal quickly disappears they have power.


Whose more dangerous Markle or Vogue?

Totally inappropriate comment via Liberal Party.

Teensie is projecting again, and clearly has nothing better to do. FO!

Good luck to her,

Somewhat like ms McQueen then

Oh FFS. So and so says. Get over yourselves. Or, start publishing recipes, and knitting patterns.

actually it those who run the palace , heck these people even held the Queen captive to their every whim, Now some think she was a losing her marbles in a big way, maybe little given her age but more likely she was just really really tired!

Yes she is, has Harry wrapped around her finger!🧐

Number one example is Harry

What rot...

It's really not appropriate for pollies to make these comments

Teena and the rest of the haters really don't have a life, that they feel it's okay to harass Megan by the media and on twitter

I suspect if Meghan were a coworker or friend’s wife, many would see her as a high maintenance drama Queen. It’s only all this pomp and circumstance that makes her seem remotely important.

💯 thats what we see in her !! Playing innocent with that bad acting were not buying it . Look what she turned harry into. I wish she would marry someone else and leave the classy boy alone where he could find a compatible respectful classy wife. HarryandMeghanNetflix Meghan

Murdoch really is utter rubbish. What a pathetic pile on.

Knock it OFF‼️ So SICK of this crap‼️ STOP THE BULLYING ‼️

what would M&H want other than live in peace? How would anybody know other than themselves? Leave them live their lives. stop the lies.

I don't normally agree with a conservative politician but she is absolutely correct in her assessment of Meghan Markle. Markle has no soul, she is all ego now & has refined her everyday mask quite well, hiding her true nature. Shame so many decent people have been fooled by her

Ignore them.

So why is this news? The opinion of a Lib leftover who I strongly suspect has never met Megan M. Back into the gutter Sky.

The H&M Reality TV miniseries actually made them look like quite awful people and did not in any way curry favor or sympathy as much as it riled real disgust. It's not about race. It's about character. What is wrong with humanity these days?!!!

Wow you really give her a lot of credit....

Does Megan give a 💩 what she says? Another irrelevant nasty woman’s hate amplified by Sky!

Here's a New RACIST FOR THE RECORD Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen

Stop trying to change the narrative SkyNews SkyNewsItalia ap. We love HarryandMeghan just like his mum was the People’s Princess he is the People’s Prince. Title or no title he is the People’s Prince.

Stop talking about them.

Ummm dah! Could be due to her royal lineage and being told all her life she is special in a society of growing spoiled individuals who now, myself included, feel helpless watching people like herself. In short, she's a mud slinger. She will get her comeuppance Soon enough

Sounds like an ally I need. 🙃 Welcome to America McQueen

Yeah, right..🙄🤦‍♀️🚮

Sky News- Murdoch is a highly manipulative propagandising outlet that uses certain peeps to be the focus of vitriolic and misleading information. Gullible listeners get sucked into the sewers of hate.

She's beautiful

Hahaha...doesn't that describe most women who go for what they want?

HHepplewhite The first liberal i have heard. Making sense.

Yes she is

So is Skynews. We know you ain't a b out good journalistic work. Show me an Okrent or a Halimi. Give me a break. Hiding behind algorithm

Please. Harry is telling the truth, something the English are afraid to admit. He lived there, he saw it all. Comply was the monarchy’s staunch order. Don’t let the people of England know the truth! Sad so sad. We all see it so plainly here in the states.

I can agree with that. Megan gives me the impression she has narcissistic personality disorder

Sky News Australia is a racist rag. Blocked.

God save the queen

Hatred lies

Interesting that she is doing to her family exactly what she claims the palace did to her. Throwing them to the wolves . 😂

Harry should have run away from this female as fast as he can, but he let his little head think for his big head.

Get rid of the lot of them

2 will never be 1

Agreement from many individuals

I mean wasn’t it Kate’s goal and was literally raised to pursue William to become apart of the royal family But it’s Meghan that’s the manipulator… right😂😂 Australia stop being loud and wrong, y’all need to focus on extinguishing those wildfires y’all have in ur country

I wonder when Mesmerised Harry wakes up and dumps her before he has a breakdown. Just a point to those supporting her none of her family has a good word about her in fact they hate her so they should know more than anyone what she is like .

William is playing by the rules. Harry is not. They gave Harry a beautiful wedding, then he wanted out. They aren’t going to keep supporting you, if you don’t work for the Crown of England

How do you know that mind your own business PJ

Pot. Black.

Money was more important than family to Harry, very sad

I just thought she was trying to steal her husbands mother identity 🤣🤢

Gawd those CNTS from Australia just can't quit this slandering. Many women in Australia sound daft.

I think very little of this woman

Well there is a surprise! Did she hear Harry saying that 75% of people in the Commonwealth look like my wife? She could have done so much to improve the monarch’s tainted image.

Markle couldn’t have done this on her own; she’s a low life hungry for fame and money and didn’t get anywhere until she met Harry. It’s actually his fault allowing a low life use him. Harry is one ungrateful whiner who was born lucky into royalty but with a lowlife mentality.

Harry is an innocent guy who has been protected all his life. Let's see, maybe one day he'll wake up and realize who he married. In either case, I hope he has found somebody he can laugh with.

Funny that McQueen would say, must have been looking in the mirror or reflecting on her mate Petulant Credless and company

Ppl who know the history of racism know that EVERY black woman who married a white man has been called manipulative & the white man weak. Indeed, in 20th century court cases in US such men had their 'manhood' questioned. In this century's case Harry is portrayed as weak & stupid.

Slow news day?

This is a classic textbook case of racism playing itself out in the media.

Next installment. Pair stripped of titles. No new story to sell. No new money coming in. Divorce Harry fights for kids, Alimony and mental health. She'll eventually turn on him.. a tragedy. GBNEWS


Well then, with those credentials why hasn’t the Liberal party attempted to recruit her?

Nice for Tina to have someone to emulate.

Wow, Australia publishes their smear campaign too?

MM has all the traits of a malignant narcissist. Harry is a victim.

Says a politician, hahahaha

can't u hatefest about cancer or children dying. govt work is not a prize. it's underworked underpaid. maybe in decades time she does want the top job good luck to anyone that runs. it's a hard life and job for all involved.

Let Republicans movement commence

People who know the history of racism know that every black woman who married a white man has been called manipulative and the white man weak and unable to stand up for himself. Indeed, in 19th century Court cases in US such white men had their 'manhood' questioned.

The Royal Family spent 32 million for her wedding. Yeah, they hate her. She is a narcissistic money grabber who thought she was goingvto be the next big thing in the rotal family.

I agree 👍

Sounds about right

Pretty much every leftist woman ever. They lie, we know they lie, they know we know they lie. Yet they still lie.

Of course the MurdochGutterMedia would headline this sort of garbage.

Dangerous race baiting sociopath!

She’s got a brain. She’s using it. And it pushes royal buttons.

How utterly ridiculous! All the miserable nobodies now jumping on the let's trash the mixed-raced woman bandwagon. MeghanAndHarryOnNetflix RacistBritishMedia

Wow, Meghan is doing a great job of revealing those with dark souls amongst us, isn't she?

Well she shouldn't say that.

I would like to know when this ignorant Teena met Meghan? How many times? For how long? Yeah, never! Another one jumping on the bandwagon of hate!

faux outrage or jealousy

I believe they’re right!

Sounds like she's just jealous of an independent, black woman who had her own established career and mind before she ever met those scallywags.

Probably she will get the treatment of her late mother inlaw, an accident shaded in secrets and deciet.

Markle is the worst addition to a royal family since Caligula.

Oh Bosh, she’s just acting 😏it’s all a farce.

Your vendetta is showing. Stop promoting hate. You’re the more dangerous problem.


Teena McQueen....really! I guess she makes these claims from knowledge gained via a close personal relationship with Markle, or is this just bull dust. I think the conservatives are freaking out about the possible erosion of support for the monarchy within Australia NotMyKing

And HTF does Teena know that?

Women who assert themselves are always degraded by women like Teena McQueen. It's likely Teena doesn't even know Megan.

Racist aussies of course will want to have their say.

Are you just figuring this out?

How would she know ?


Teena - leave this poor girl alone- u don't know her- the rest is just gossip!

Teena McQueen - another piers Morgan groupie

And Prince Harry now has to suffer the consequences. Destroying your blood family to please a 'manipulator'while sucking the life and blood out of you, is a very valuable lesson for all. Lust is the downfall of many.🇭🇲

Twisty face; twisty all the way through.

Yep ya got that right!


Rachel turn the prince into a frog

That Teena one is just jealous. She needs to get a serious grip.

This same MAGA Trumping TeenaMcqueen ? We know why she doesn't like Meghan though...👇

Dangerous to who? Stop covering the lizards- we don’t care.

I agree she has a totally evil mouth, every word that comes out of her mouth only shows how manipulated she is. Harry is no better, but then look who he has sitting by his side mentally feeding him.

Only know that hard right Teena McQueen who is not a liberal obviously can't drive


Teena who?

Teena Mcqeen? Isn’t that a drag act?

Knows her personally for decades,does she?

I hope that surprises no one.

I agree but there is someone lurking under the radar who is more ruthless, more dangerous, much more influential and even more duplicious… Princess Perfect of Wales.

There's a hell of a lot of us who feel the same

'Pope Shits in Wood — Shocker'

She is and will divorce H

No ship Sherlock

What a load of rubbish. UK tabloids and media are a total circus. Sky news Australia just as bad. Why can’t you be like sky news uk, a more respected outfit.

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn. Put a sock in it you boring repetitive bastards

Stop giving her exposure and maybe they'll go away.....

Laughable🤣🤣. Jealousy writing all over this

So Teena McQueen knows The Duchess.

At least a liberal in AUS can be honest


Unbelievable that you promote this rubbish as news 😠 who the hell cares what she thinks about Meghan! And putting her full title to try and give it relevance is an absolute joke!

I am impressed with the amount of pro monarchy experts the royal family pulls out of the hat. I keep blocking them and another two join in markel bashing.

Those aren't the exact words I used three years ago, but yes. she. is.

this is beyond dog 💩 journalism.

More scutter from the toilet rag.

What we used to call a regular cow. Sorry, no offence to the animal.

Well said, absolutely banging🤪🤪


What the documentary proves,& what I have suspected all along,is the Royal Family have zero power.The management,aides & government,control everything.What they did to Meghan & Harry was a warning shot to the rest or the Royals not to step out of line,or this will happen to U


No wonder she would say that when Teena McQueen and Piers Morgan are sleeping together.

That's sky's view

Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen is a “highly manipulative woman” who’d go to great lengths to “get what she wants” and is “incredibly dangerous” says macsween_prue

Seriously, who gives a tinker's cuss what a Liberal Party person things of anyone?

If anyone is dangerous is you and sky news crap.


The people 😘 her

ToDust_TNT I absolutely love and respect Meghan Markle. The Royal family is really disappointing.

FFS I assume the lady could have said the same thing about Tanya Pilbysek and her beloved husbands stint in gaol for drug supply, who is now back in the public service but spouts this narrative. Politics 101! FFS

Nobody cares as much about Meghan than Meghan. She is a has been.

I agree.

Narcissist through and through

Two words Prince Andrew

What bollocks. Just because she didn't roll over or sit up doesn't make her manipulative. It makes her a badass woman who doesn't take crap

Meghan went from obscurity to a $30M foreign wedding amongst massive cheering crowds and becoming a princess. She mistook kindness for weakness and destroyed herself.

NEWSFLASH: Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen is a “highly manipulative woman” who’d go to great lengths to “get what she wants” and is “incredibly dangerous”.

She is so ugly.

No one wants to hear what the Vice President has to say! What does Spud think? He's the leader......or is he busy?

Where's the lie?! MeghanMarkleisToxic


Says pompous entitled windbag who drives around in an unregistered car and thinks all the plebs children should be doing National Service. Can’t possibly understand why the Liberal vote is in the toilet.

More gaslighting rubbish . Who the hell is teena anyway I’ve never heard of her and I bet she doesn’t know Beautiful Megan or watched the Series but just jumping on the hate bandwagon

I didn't know Teena had met her

I hope the crown tv show lasts long enough to lay into her

How the hell does she know, she’s never sat and talked to her, another load of shitx by sky

Rupert Murdoch B.S. 101!

She is just a clever person who is not be bullied nor intimidated by anyone

Someone sounds drunk.

She’s sooooooooo jealous of Kate she can’t see straight

Don't report anything She does Don't talk about them forget them

Totally disagree with her actions

Couldn't agree more.

Is it me? Or is her nose smaller? Oh Meghan do you have Michael Jackson’s face Butcher? You see what addictions to plastic surgery& Botox shots do to you! From this. To This

I once saw a comment, that Meghan's actions were her way of being independent and not been seeing as relying on anyone. If she wanted to live like a commoner she should have just married Joe Public!

Just another nobody that Sky brings out of the kennel.

You know it’s bad when liberals are turning on them. 😂

Liberal Party vice president, giving advice on manipulation? Wow



That's our meg

I believe that

Of course she does because it is all the vogue to be a Meghan hater Need a bit of attention this week have a crack at Meghan and it will be wall to wall

Making a republic look good for us.

This Teena…yeah I put great stock in her (pronoun!) musings

This comes as no surprise to anyone who can think for themselves. She's positively dreadful.

So is it now LiberalAus policy that Australia 🇦🇺 should be a Republic? Surely if what she has stated is true, there is no way someone so “incredibly dangerous” should be so close to our head of state? Or is this just a 🐃 💩 take from MurdochGutterMedia? auspol

Actually it is the news networks and papers that are the issue

How bigoted and racist are you…?

Sounds like Teena is describing herself. Really, you pack of biased churnalists don't even bother pretending to be a news service, do you?

Yea. So was Yoko Ono back in the day. Such nonsense.

Well, as the saying goes, 'It takes one to know one'

I wouldn’t have ordinarily watched something like this except for the hysterical, unhinged obsessing from those on the right. Comments from Australian nobody’s who wouldn’t have a clue just makes it more laughable.

What a deranged obsession. You pack of weirdo’s.

Bob131313 Oh … here’s an idea! Leave them alone!

Who give a shot what she says…..Meg is our hero

🎻 ..... Oh, poor dindins. :P

Sky News Australia - publishing opinion as news since 1996.

Yup a nasty race baiting cheap actress who snared a once respected prince .

If the media hate Megan it makes me wonder ?

PrissMint She is dangerous indeed, what she has incited with her lies 👇🏽

Is she related to Murdoch?

Meghan & Harry are the richest, most privileged victims I’ve ever seen.

Said without a shred of self-awareness.

Liberals have a thing about women I gather they don’t get on lol.

question is, what does she want?

Who the fuck is Teena? And what the fuck is Australia interested in the British royal family for? Get a life

Dangerous to whom?

I agree she is an extremely dangerous female who cannot be trusted ever. Woe betide Harry in the future when they divorce!

she is a deep state operative who get introduced by the king of all deep state - O

Everybody seems to be quite fine with the documented racism & massive online bullying.. y'all are trash

Murdoch, the bastion of truth and dignity Cue Andrew Bolt . Eff right off

Yeah yeah yeah 🙄

And the UK royalists aren’t ? Pfft. It’s all a show pony express. Just don’t get on board with the drama

I totally agree. Only person Prince Harry do not see through the evils sides of her

They are entitled and spoiled brats and should be ashamed of themselves! This series should be called 'How to Successfully Burn Bridges and Lose All Self-Respect'

100% totally accurate and from an independent individual with nothing invested or to gain from speaking out. Well done!

Is not that. It's narcissism

RojBlakeB7 She'd better not go to Paris then

Wow, let's just say, a little over the top.

And a skank

Give it a break .

Can't stand that money-grabbing, attention seeking, hypocritical gold-digger. Wretched person.

She'd only be dangerous if enough people believed her fairy stories.

Sounds about right

The below video illustrates how self-centeredness creates resentment such as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have.

What happened to sky news that used to report on REAL NEWS because this one is trashy

Who is Teena McQueen? When did she meet Meghan Markle? And how did Teena person form her opinion of Meghan? I can guess, opinion based on nonsense read on social media.

How does she know her?

Noritaeden Sounds about right to me. Just remind us Brits Are you liberals our Conservatives or Labour I’d hate to agree with a lefty

Well, well - who would have thought it ?!! 😂🤣


Dangerous to who. Teena certainly has nothing to fear as she’s a nobody.

The power of the black woman is so dangerous. Do you even hear yourself?

Reminds me of Senator Cash

Have you met your daily quota of Harry & Meaghan bashing yet?

You forgot Narcissist

Teena McQueen? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ComedyGold

Says the news organization that has written and continues to write the most appalling things about this lovely young should be ashamed of yourselves 😡 boycottmurdochmedia

She sure is


Yes, the rethoric they put out there is dangerous

Mourning_starz I hope Me-gain sees this 😃😄

It sounds like Teena is projecting!

Am I the only one to see the irony of someone in the “liberal” party spewing venom like this? Shameful comment to make about someone you don’t know and to feel it’s ok to attack another woman this way

Meghan is very manipulative. Harry is brainwashed. Meghan said everytime deliberatly Harry grandmother. She is not ANY woman! She is The Queen. And she does this, everytime. Want to measure with her on purpose. Reverse to hear as A GRANDMA, and not as the Queen.

If harry had maturity & high character of his grandmother, he could have done for his whole life long whatever he could imagine to help people all over the world & been appreciated, loved, admired by ALL being only sibling & brother of William who will one day be King.

Nothing that they say now & forever matters one iota! What DOES matter is that harry did not see his grandfather during the ENTIRE year before he died AND that he did not see his grandmother AT ANY TIME during the last 2 months of her life & he was already THERE in England!!

markles are PETULANT- exc when praised, idolized, catered to, they act childishly sulky & bad-tempered. Abnormal at their ages, they IRRATIONALLY think neg attn for hurts & lies is just as desired as pos attn for being loyal & honest. Naughty/rebellious teens is stage they’re at.

markle doesn’t care what anyone says or thinks of her. that’s the way narcissists are. they ACT like they’re hurt, sad, anxious, etc. but they are really not. It’s constant manipulation of others to put them on defensive. She’s hard as marble and cold as ice inside her psyche.

markle is a narcissistic sociopath - grandiose sense of self, shallow emotions, easily able to discard relationships without regret or remorse, will happily harm anyone in their way, a compulsive liar who is ACTING any time that she is in front of cameras.


Teena is a hg, is that the same thing?

And has by Harry’s own admission mental health issues. Sad.


That is the sum total of the liberal party,nothing constructive to add,too busy joining the pile on to attack two people on the other side of the world, Liberal party are a joke at this stage,

You want her dead , this is trash and you know it. Sussex’s have given a warning shot and next move will be show all the proof and name names ..

Meghan is very dangerous. There are people who lost their jobs just looking at her. Staff are not allowed to look her in the eye when she talks to them

Very true. She thinks she is something she is not. Harry may have kept reality in the relationship but now that's fading away. It's her fantasy world from here on. 🧐

Didn't realise TeenaMcqueen was still kicking...surely she needs to take some responsibility for the decimation of the Libs both State & Federally and resign...but then that would require self-awareness & ethical standards, neither of which are in abundance with any Liberal...

She even hated and been found out in Australia

What’s with sky news Australia? The hatred towards Meghan is insane! Can’t you just leave her alone?

She has narcissistic compassions!

comments from a total nobody who has never even met Meghan never mind understand who she is. This is so pathetic

I think she needs Psychiatric care she's just so bitter and jealous ..she's lost it..somebody needs to ask if she's OK 🙄

Nailed it 👍

neenie19761 They haven’t stopped maligning the RF and making demands since they left.

Well done- fact speaking as always

Harry is in danger and he doesn't know it.

Madelize18 Tell us something we dont know!


I think that Kate should have done more to welcome her into the family. Meghan could have been a great asset to the Royals, but agree that she is an activist and manipulating. But wrongs on both sides.

You know that the sky is the limit so it's you promoting the hate agenda towards meghanmarkle

Tenna - LNP - irrelevant

Is teena related to Prue mcswine

She won't go back to being ugly ol' Mnuchin's s3x toy. She won't go back to being a high dollar'Yacht Girl'. She's movin' on up.

I agree…underestimate MM your peril

Australia is a British colony, they say what they been told…


Who the hell is Tina McQueen, Never heard of her before. Is she the new recruit in the Fake Sky News propaganda Platform.

Women hating on other women for no good reason. Pretty disgusting. Just EndTheMonarchy

Teena is jealous. No man has ever looked at her in the same way as Harry looks at Meghan.

jomilleweb Seems a fair assessment from everything we’ve seen of her these past years.

Never seen such a cold blooded liar 🤥 MeghanMarkleisaliar

jomilleweb Absolutely spot on women is narcissistic

jomilleweb It’s almost as though they were coached by sinister political forces with deep pockets. Or something. 🤔 HarryandMeghanonNetflix MeghanMarkle DoriaRagland Oprah MichelleObama


I bet Teena McQueen said the same about Diana when Diana tried to save her doomed marriage. However the spin doctors at manipulative Royal Firm had other ideas..

.TeenaMcqueen does not know Megan Markle, it is just McQueens prejudice and desperation for clicks that makes her say such things. Imho of course

Tina should get a whole security detail of 2000 american marines to protect herself from the dangerous Meghan Markel


Just being watching this series and it was the disgraceful, corrupt media that destroyed them. 🤔

Just another bs story from cry news.

hahaha an australians opinion is worth nothing in UK. From a suppressed country still advocating convid and the jab? So unless u KNOW her personally VP I suggest you stop flapping your gums on a subject u know nothing about

Hahaha! So she knows her? Didn't think so. Just making things up as if they were facts!

PrissMint Truth

Distraction.. bla bla woe is me.. racism.. they hurt my feelings.. if they really wanted to do damage to the family.. Saville, Epstein.. the list is probably a mile long..

Takes one to see one 😂

She is spot on!

Dangerous NO, just incredibly BORING

Very true!

We don't see the world how it is we see the world as who we are. Speaks volumes about who Teena is

So a strong minded woman who won't take crap from anyone is now highly manipulative What a joke you are Teena.

Meghan Markle and her buddy Christopher Bouzy relentlessly harassed and bullied the British Royal Family 😡😈💩

Attention seeking narcissistic troll

Teena's on the booze again.

Narcissistic = a sick individual

You are not telling us anything new devils child

Tell her to look at Albo’s election campaign.

Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen is a “highly manipulative woman” who’d go to great lengths to “get what she wants” and is “incredibly dangerous”.

No she is not dangerous. Just ignore her.

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