Man charged with murder of wife is suffering from depression and anxiety, court told

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Epping man Zoran Pandilovski faces the Melbourne Magistrates Court over the death of his estranged wife, with prosecutors laying extra charges against him over a crash that left two people in hospital.

A man alleged to have murdered his wife this week has depression and anxiety, his lawyer has told the Melbourne Magistrates Court.

Police discovered Ms Pandilovski's body at her home in Hawkes Drive, Mill Park, while carrying out a welfare check at about 9:30pm on Tuesday. During today's hearing, Mr Pandilovski wore a white T-shirt and remained quiet, looking at his mother and brother who were in court to support him.His defence lawyer, Elizabeth McKinnon, said "the alleged offending occurred in the context of supposed domestic violence".


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Ffs. We're all suffering in some way. He's just sorry he's been caught and now has to deal with the consequences.

No excuse!

I'm sure he is now he has been caught. If it was premeditated murder and proven beyond doubt a quick hanging would halt the depression and anxiety for many.

Poor judgement in choosing a headline with a serious crime that has our society increasingly concerned. If it was meant only to elicit justly outraged reactions,you achieved it, but it's crass reporting, doesn't deserve to be called journalism.

Looking for an excuse for a deplorable act.

Change your headline. Depression and anxiety do not cause murder. These conditions are NOT what make a murderer. He’s a killer. KILLER. Talk about what the victim suffered, not the perpetrator. Stop having empathy for killers.

Please resubmit headline: Another Domestic Violence Fatality bringing Nationwide total to ...

Are not people who suffer from depression more likely to kill themselves?

Oh, the Poor bastard /s.. Probably depressed because he killed his victim rather than just torment her, now he has no one to torment. My heart pump piss.

Too bad! His wife is dead, which is worse. No sympathy what so ever

The linking of mental health conditions as some factor in murder is deplorable.

Incredibly disappointing headline. Focusing on excuses and minimising the violence perpetrated against this woman.

I have those diagnoses and it is NO DAMN EXCUSE!

Bullshit excuse for murder.

Imagine how much suffering she was going through

Sick to my back teeth of this shit. I have major depressive episodes and struggle with depression every day I catastophise everything and have anxiety disorder. It’s not an excuse it’s a shit way to use a defence if you’re born a muffing cunt and you murder someone, you’re a cunt

Every time a news broadcaster makes an excuse for someone that murders a woman it makes it a little easier for the next guy to hit or kill a spouse. Enough of this shit.

Always an excuse. Man charged with murder of wife who was probably terrorized and abused. I wonder how you would have played it if roles were reversed? 'Crazed woman murders wonderful husband & father'? Probably.

Man tries to get away with murder by blaming illness that millions have.

Fixed it.

Please do better than this

I suffer from both and my partner is incredibly supportive. This is a terrible excuse for cold blooded murder

Oh boo hoo - he says he’s depressed with anxiety ... meanwhile, she’s DEAD😡 ABC, your journalists need some professional development.

Oh that poor man! Maybe we should ask his wife why he might feel that way OH WE CAN'T HE MURDERED HER

Um... anxiety and depression have NOTHING to do with this man’s crimes. GTFO

Poor bugger. Let him go.

Woman MURDERED by someone who couldn’t take responsibility for their own emotions

And that’s an excuse for not only DV but murder. FFS No excuses.

Many people have anxiety and depression. That doesn’t mean they will kill someone. This man killed his wife because he wanted her dead.

Please fix this headline😠

Boo hoo. Does he consider what he has done to his wife ? I guess he is a very selfish and dangerous man.

Omg what vile and disgusting journalism. If anything it shows your lack of empathy for the victim and that a story is more important than a life.

A murderer is depressed and anxious? There are no words for how misguided and misjudged this headline and article are

Man charged with murder of wife CLAIMS TO BE suffering from depression and anxiety. Which is always a great excuse FOR KILLING SOMEONE. 😡😡😡

I suffer from those top sometimes. Never killed anyone. Never occurred to me to kill anyone. Jail the bastard and throw away the key.

Yeah, so am I and my wife has been completely horrid. I rather leave her than kill her while suffering depressions and axiety. The answer is, BEFORE you get thoughts of harming her. LEAVE HER! Her life is more important than your own misery. Change yourself! Get a new wife!

So What!!! Murder Is Murder!!!

Next time, don’t murder your wife. I mean, that’s a good rule of thumb. I think so, anyway.

Boo fucking hoo

Many people suffer depression and or anxiety but dont murder their wives. Disgraceful headline. Man murders wife. That is the correct headline.

Man tries to use mental health issues as an excuse for murdering his wife in cold blood.

And wife suffered from death! The issue is that he murdered her and tried to hide her body, not his state of mind.

Headline 'Elaine Pandilovski's husband charged with murder'

Does that excuse anything? He is still responsible for his actions regardless

That is no excuse AT ALL! I have anxiety and depression and would not hurt a fly, as pretty much every other anxious and depressed person on earth would not. He's just an arsehole murderer.

Of course he is suffering depression and anxiety he is looking at going to prison. pathological narcissistic liars these grubs believe they are the victim! Let's hope he gets life and not some pathetic sentence.

He kills his wife. And the story is still about excusing him 🤔 I reckon she must have suffered severe depression and anxiety being anywhere near this monster

Really, that's the headline you're going with..... The despicable human, killed his wife! HER family is suffering, HER family is going through depression, HER family is going through anxiety. He is hiding behind an excuse, to exonerate himself, from his actions. Throw away the ke

ABC acts like it wants to be defunded.

I am disgusted by this headline and as it's MY ABC, ask that you don't diminish the life of a woman by sympathising with her murderer.

I’m suffering from depression and anxiety and I’ve managed to get through my whole life without murdering anyone. It’s no excuse and this is irresponsible reporting

The amazing people i know who are anxious and depressed haven't murdered their partners. When is the gutter press going to stop making excuses for weak, gutless 'men' who beat and murder women?

I can’t believe our national broadcaster would sink to this level.

This has become the stock standard defence in almost every court case.

Before or after the alleged murder?

You people are missing the point. This is a court report. It’s not being sympathetic to this arsehole and it is not an opinion piece. They are simply reporting proceedings.

Thank you so much for continuing to associate depression in men with violence, as if they actually had some kind of connection. You're lovely people. Keep it up.

Don’t care. So do lots of people & they don’t murder. murderofwife

Before or after the murder?

Wife murdered by husband is suffering from death

So have I, for most of my adult life, still yet to kill anybody or even assault someone.

Tough fucking shit

Why the fuck are you leading with a bullshit defense from his attorney? He's a murderer. Man murdered wife. That's it.

Aren't we all. We're not all misogynist wife-murderers, tho.

Depression and anxiety doesn't usually lead to people killi g their wives. Reporting like this contributes to the stigma around mental illness

I wonder what his wife was suffering from before he killed her.

Every goddamn murder/other criminal activities stigmatise mental health as a result the genuine guys come under the radar..

Who cares about him? He’s just murdered someone, and looking at gaol time. Of course the fucker is depressed and anxious. Change the damn headline.

FFS. He murdered her. Stop normalising murder as a reasonable course of action resulting from anxiety and depression.

Seriously ABC?!!!! This is your fucking headline?!!

I hope this information is used to assist him to cope with a life long prison sentence.

Then he should've got help. Not murder his wife and mother of his child. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Since when is depression an excuse what a cop out

If depression and anxiety cause people to murder their partners, women would be 50% of the perpetrators.

You still know the difference between right and wrong when you have depression & anxiety. It should have no bearing on his case!

OH that’s okay then 😐

HelenSm76464997 I suffer from mental illness however I manage to refrain from murdering people on a daily basis. Mental illness is not an excuse for murder as far as I'm concerned. It's a card that's getting played far to often when people can't take responsibility for their own actions.

PercyKaren - please be consistent in the ‘fairness’ of your court reporting. If the murder is ‘alleged’ and the domestic violence is ‘so called’ then so is the depression and anxiety. Also, lead with the crime rather than the defence.

I understand this is a 'court report' & ABC is trying to relay simple info said in court, but why choose this photo? THAT was a bad decision. Show a photo of him walking into court or any other photo, but but not of him & his murdered wife in a happy moment.

this headline is disgusting I shiver when I read these headlines because 25 years ago that could have been me .I know the fear. I also have a son diagnosed with Autism I weep for her son Lift your game abc women are dying

You absolute bloody grubs....htf is that a reason or excuse for MURDER. SHE'S DEAD

You know what, so am I but my family are safe, happy place what a disgusting thing to say & have you guys print a justification

Wife of bastard who murdered her is very very dead and has no life to be depressed or anxious about. And I’m guessing she has a name and was a lot more than just this mongrels wife. Check yourself ABC.

Well Boo Fkn hoo..

he's ugly, she left him, he was empowered, he killed her

Everyone in this thread seems to be upset at what the court was told. I think you triggered everyone's anxiety and depression.

Why are we interested in his suffering. Report about the suffering his wife went through when he ended her life

He’s not “suffering “. He’s facing a murder charge for killing his ex. , driving like a maniac, injuring innocent people and causing his children to lose their mother. Stop sympathising with the perpetrator and tell us HER story.

‘Man’ ...... please don’t sully this title that true standards of which I strive to uphold.

This bastards just pissed off because he's been charged. Her friends and family will be suffering genuine grief, depression and anxiety for their loss.

His wife was caring for their ten year old autistic son, I would have thought that might involve some stress but let’s focus on the man.

Woman murdered by husband is suffering from death. FFS , how about some greater care in reporting VAW?

“Murderer clutches at straws. Plays mental health card”. Fixed it for you.

Still a murderer no excuses.

How sad for him! I

ABC Fail.

I Suffer From The Same Issues Never Killed Anyone And If I Did My Actions Wouldn't Be Mitigated By This Was He Rich? That's Probably It, Right? Rich Lib Voter Gets Cake And Sympathy I'd Be Put Under Yatala

Poor murdered woman deserves better. Journalists have a serious responsibility, zero integrity in this headline.

That should be enough to get him off then.

‘Another woman murdered by domestic partner’ ...... that’s your headline

Even 'our' ABC frames headlines to excuse violent men. Thanks Ita.

So that’s alright then. Poor thing.

I mean he's probably a flaming narcissist too but they'd keep that bit quiet wouldn't they 🤷‍♀️ I'm yet another person with depression and anxiety who isn't out here murdering people.

She’s dead,

BREAKING💥: ABC News shows touching support for brutal domestic violence perpetrator and murderer. As per usual.

I expect more from the ABC than this headline. It’s either incredibly insensitive or a terribly cynical attempt to deliberately engage an outraged response to increase clicks. Do better please. Perpetrators of domestic violence should be vilified, not sympathised with. 👎

Which one was depressed again?

I’ve had both and never killed anyone. This headline is incredibly irresponsible to both sufferers of family violence and sufferers of mental health issues.

You don't put quotation marks around these claims but you do when there is an allegation of rape and it's a woman's testimony cool cool cool

Man in court for killing woman. fixedit

Elaine suffered death! She is dead!!! Stop reporting on his depression when Elaine is DEAD!! Murdered! Her story is the horrific one. Get it right!!

I don't care if he had shingles also because nothing excuses murder. I do care about the victim, their family and friends. Funny how remorseful and sorry people are after committing the crimes, they're only sorry they were caught.

I suffer from that and I'm not a fucking psycho. You paint a fucked up view abc.

God, if that's the best his legal team can come up with....

Oh well that makes it okay then, drop the charges


Mental illness is a big problem in many families.

Yep don't care.

Shame on you . We all expected/hoped for better. ItaButtrose things seem to be slipping on your watch. I suppose when funding is cut my our mate from marketing ScottMorrisonMP standards are bound to slip. What a sad time.

Ah the poor fella. WT actual F?

Suffering because he killed her? Surely you're not reporting it as a valid excuse FOR killing her?

I don't care

So are lots of people. Most of us don't use it as an excuse to murder people.

Fix your headlines you muppets.

disgraceful reporting, shame on you

Hmm as someone who was raised in DV, reducing it to toxic masculinity is a little2 neat+simple 4me. As a Homo I have seen Lezs in relationships with women who are violent, manipulative, controlling, abusive, incredibly self absorbed & narcissistic with Factitious disorder to boot

Both very manageable conditions., it’s still so excuse to brutally murder his wife. He will do it again. Just give him the opportunity and it can be on the head of the judge who pardons him. I will wait for the 2nd murder.

FatherBob There are tens of thousands of people who have/had struggled with anxiety and/or depression recently. ThisisNotJournalism Do better.

No excuse. He is a murderer.

Garbage journalism yet again by our government news source. Pathetic

probably conveniently diagnosed after murdering his wife 🙄

bring back the death penalty

Please follow this story ABC .Usually we get the 'woman killed in her home'.,then the '(ex)husband suffering from depression ' then nothing


Woman who suffered domestic violence murdered by depressed husband wearing a white T-shirt. You bet it is extremely depressing & anxiety ridden, but, not in the way you report. Fuck your soft take on this.

“Man charged with murder of wife,”...there’s your headline. The “depression and anxiety” bit is nowhere in the article either, besides par one. There’s no quote from the defence lawyer auspol journalism

Good.. he killed his wife ffs. I hope he's depressed & anxious for the rest of his life. Its better than being dead.

His wife is dead...

Oh so he killed her and then tried to kill himself in a car accident!!! Isnt this the same defence the truck driver who squashed that assholes Porsche used I was depressed so i drove off the road and killed three officers and an assholes porsche ? Hmmmmm

Depressed that he got caught!

HelenSm76464997 A simpler and less 'oh well, he had an excuse' type tweet would have been 'man who murdered wife is the (number) case of femicide this year'. Mental health issues should never be presented as a mitigating factor for committing homicide.

This just isn't good enough. Please change this headline and do better.

I am afflicted with identical conditions. Never in my life have I had an urge to destroy a life due to either.

Is that really a reason to murder someone?

And she is suffering from death which seems to supersede depression and anxiety.

Bad bad take ABC.

Oh well that makes it all fucking ok doesn't it. There is a war on women in Australia, what are we going to do about it

So... Murderers Lives Matter ?

Not an excuse. Stop justifying his violence.

Maybe he shouldn't have killed his wife then? Guilt eh.. who knew?

And this is different how?

Good he should be he is a murderer.

ABCmediawatch can you please do a segment on misappropriated headlines when a male murders his partner? abc

what a disgraceful headline. you can do much better. do better.


ABC please do better :(

Come on abc surely you know better... I’ll edit it for you: Man charged with murder of wife. Stop perpetuating myths about DV. He murdered her because he felt entitled to do so.

Feck.. He's a fecking murderer.. Feck his feelings

Come on abc surely you know better... I’ll edit it for you: Man charged with murder of wife. Stop perpetuating myths about DV. He murdered her because he felt entitled to do so, he can have depression & anxiety but he that is not why he murdered his wife.

Didums! His wife is suffering an untimely death by his hand.

No cuts. There are no cuts to the ABC.

FatherBob His son is suffering from becoming a virtual orphan and his ex wife is suffering DEATH because this coward murdered her

Fix your headline. For goodness sake...🤦🏼‍♀️😡

So would anyone if they murdered their wife

Disgraceful heading. Not my abc

This is a really bad report, your journalist need to go back to school.

Stop framing the murderer as the victim. RIP Elaine 🙏🏼

Fuck him and fuck that lousy fucking excuse for killing someone.

And his wife is suffering from...?

FatherBob This bloke has been charged with murdering his partner. Blaming it on mental illness is just pissweak.

Aww, diddums. 😢

I think what you’ll find he was suffering from was TOXIC MASCULINITY. Anxiety and Deoression do no cause murder. Stop stigmatising mental health and excusing the choices men make l. MVAW

What the FUCK, ABC? Of course he's anxious and depressed, he just got busted for MURDERING His ex wife. I've suffered anxiety and depression my entire life, and so far I've managed to not murder anyone. Don't excuse violent pricks, for any reason. 🤬🤬🤬🤬💐❤💐

What a bullshit headline.

The article doesn't say a word about anxiety or depression...

Hopefully has every reason to re the consequences for him.

And she suffering from....

Meanwhile, wife of said man is suffering from having been murdered

Poor journalism . Do better please.

Beware of sharks

I thought you were above this type of headline . I wonder how she suffered in her final moments

I bet she was too...but she's dead Another woman murdered

Poor fellow, recent widower & solo parent.

This headline is absolute trash. This kind of reporting makes you complicit in systemic violence against women. Be better.

I have depression and anxiety and I’ve never murdered anyone 🤷‍♀️

What a shitty story ABC. How about share something nice about the woman fighting for her life.

of course the age old excuse

I’ve seen so many click-baity, tabloidy rubbish headlines like this from lately I seriously wonder if the entire staff is in a hostage situation and lines like this are a veiled SOS that they’re being held against their will and need us to call for help 😮🤯

His ex wife is suffering from being prematurely dead due to being murdered. I know which I'd prefer. I hope he suffers a lot.

This is poor form ABCNEWS. READ THE ROOM.

That is a very poor reporting. Using mental illness as defence for murder of his partner is appalling.

Great work, “our ABC”; you are now apologists for a murderer.

These headlines are becoming a habit for the ABC.

It’s becoming the go to excuse these days for murder, mental health issues, when will people take responsibility for their actions, when will defence lawyers become ethical, when will the stop trying to defend murderers and pedophiles.

Shame ABC Shame. She’s dead and your headline focuses on trying to make excuses for him. This is appalling journalism. Don’t be part of the issue.

Read your headline and do better.

That’s good. Hopefully he suffers for the rest of his life in prison.

What is going on at the ABC? This is newscorpe level shit journalism

Oh aren’t they all, ffs it’s the excuse for everything

So put him out of his misery then.

Depression and anxiety v Death. No contest

Wel thats not a ascuse !!!

So? Lots of people have depression and/or anxiety. It's not unusual, and doesn't make one person MURDER another.

This is harmful and lazy journalism. with headlines like this you are directly contributing to the DV tragedy in Australia.

Poor thing

He is responsible for his actions. I thought journalists had received training on reporting. Obviously not this one. Shameful

What , are you getting Pauleen Hanson to write your headlines now .

That’s no excuse.



Me too. I've managed not to fucking murder anybody though

Appalling headline!!! We’ve got a long way to go re dv!!!!!!

And yet he decided on that day to overcome his depression and anxiety and work on rage and dominance issues

Fixed it for you - ‘Husband charged with the murder of his wife.’

Haven’t you learned anything? JaneTribune perhaps you’d like to fix this headline?

so am i, but i ain't murderin

I suffer from depression and anxiety. Have for a very long time. Never once felt the need or desire to harm a man in my life, let alone murder them! FFS this is NOT a defence 😡

Poor fella. Unfortunately can’t seek treatment for dead however

journalism just got murdered

Come on ABC you can do better thhan this

This is not acceptable

Innocent woman murdered, deserved to live, court hears


Man who murdered his wife. Period.

The B in ABC is for Bettina.

Stop this , I don't want to hear about the man who has murdered his ex partner, I care about the victim! Why do you keep framing it from the male killers view, clickbait or worse? ABCmediawatch

DEAD. SHE. IS. DEAD. not ok ABC.

I understand the need for objectivity, but his female defence lawyer and this female court reporter, have prioritised the female victim‘ story below the mitigation of the accused. And we wonder why not much changes when we are all part of the normalisation of domestic violence.


Ha ha ... yep I just bet he is. He has suddenly realised killing her could just put him in gaol for many years. I'd be depressed too.

What stupid headline! Shame on you . What happened to responsible reporting?

Who 'suffered', again?

Why is his excuse part of the headline? WarOnWomen

People be trying to justify any bad thing a man does, smh. A lot of people have depression and anxiety but they don't kill other people.

JohnOSullivan36 Who cares. Lots of people have problems. They don’t murder ex partners. What a jerk.

You state it like we are meant to be sympathetic to him, guess what I dont care what he has wrong with him. Another woman murdered in a domestic situation. Lock him up and throw away the key.

Why is that even in this headline. Not only are you racist but you promote murderers as if they need an excuse defundtheabc

Who gives a toss about this murderous bastard’s feelings? How was she feeling before she was slaughtered?

Of course he is. 🙄

Don’t you guys ever read over or think about these trashy headlines? This is an insult to everyone with depression or anxiety who manages to not kill their spouse. What about the murdered woman? Seriously, how dare you.

Getting caught will do that.

So are a lot of people who don't murder their partners.

That’s not an excuse to murder geez How has he become depressed what drugs has he taken to damage himself A lot of these people on drugs are vicious agressive uncontrollable selfish people

Didn't care much for the 2 guys he also put in hospital. Diabetes? Who gives a shit.Rot in hell twice over.

Nope. Try again 😡

Yep so am I now but will I murder someone ? No. I’m over these excuses stop killing women

CORRECTION MAN MURDERS WIFE. Stop feeding the excuses.

Dreadful headline - awful. Do better!

Fix this goddamn headline, ABC.

Oh, that’s all right then. Poor fellow.

This is just appalling lazy copy . So what if he is - half the population is. Where’s the news let alone the news value in this take? Get some journalism in this work. Get better at this davidnanderson_ ABCaustralia FYI LaTrioli Raf_Epstein MrTimCallanan

Depression and anxiety doesn’t make a person murder their ex - it’s irrelevant and shouldn’t be reported. He murdered his ex because he’s a POS.

Not an acceptable reason

Yet another reminder that people with mental health issues are overwhelmingly victims of violence more than perpetrators, I promise you’ll get clicks with that

I just want to express my gratitude to the men in this thread that are speaking up about the cowardly journalism on display here. It wasn’t so long ago that expressing these opinions would get you harassed online into silence.

Man charged with murder of wife. There, fixed it. You’re welcome.

Oh that's ok. Take a Bex and have a lay down. 6 months suspended sentence coming up here Just watch.

Really this is click bait at best, can’t articulate what it is at worst. I bet the dead wife would be overjoyed at depression at anxiety. Stop doing this

So what... that's no excuse. Too many people are using bullshit excuses.. I'm depressed too... I'm anxious... I've had differences of opinion with females... I've never found a reason to kill one though.. this rubbish has to stop

It is his lawyers job to defend him, whether that should be reported in that way is debatable. Personally I don't think there are that many people who go around murdering for sport. IMO most of them seem to have mental health issues, whether it's a form of sociopathy, or worse.

Pretty sure she was feeling pretty anxious and terrified before he murdered her... He can find any sympathy from me in the dictionary... Somewhere between shit and syphilis...

Fund the abc so they don’t have to resort to click bait

It’s appalling the way your organisation pathetically tries to turn perpetrators into victims!


Change this headline! Depression & Anxiety are not excuses for murder. I seriously expected far better from the ABC!

Oh, okay, then........... WTF

My heart bleeds.....for his wife!

So what. He killed the mother of his child. Straight to the slammer!

I would if I murdered someone

I’m sick of these excuses... man up mother trucker

Simply appalling phrasing in both the headline and the content.

Who gives a fuck if he is suffering, people like him don't get no sympathy. If only we had the death penalty he definitely deserves it. A life for a life

Oh, poor man. Must be awful...oh hang on....not as awful as being murdered.

Lots of people suffer depression & anxiety. If they all murdered their spouses the population would probably drop by about 25%.

What is with this headline.

So am I but I don't have the urge to kill anyone.

If he is mentally incapable of having a trial. Lock him up for life in a mental institution. Depression & Anxiety is NO excuse for domestic violence & murder. It's time to go back to the saying we had at the time the death penalty was abolished. 'Life sentence will mean life'

What's been happening with ABC News lately? Did they hire ex Sky News journos?

Man murders wife in cold blood. That’s your headline.

Narjen53 Poor didums. Hope he makes plenty of nice new friends in the MAP.

Eye for an eye, life for life.... real justice!

Not an excuse! no2homeviolence domesticviolence

If course, all criminals do according to their lawyers...

So this is his excuse. No I'm not saying anymore I think every woman who has experienced DV and their families when they are murdered has heard them all.

Really ? Every murderer suffers from depression and anxiety because they got caught and know they’re going to spend the rest of their lives in prison.🤷🏾‍♂️

'Woman charged with murder of husband is suffering from depression and anxiety, court told', said no headline ever. Why not?

With a bit of luck it'll get much worse in the near future..

If we still had capital punishment, he'd have reason. Sadly the poor lady doesn't have the option.

This is irresponsible garbage and should be removed. People with depression and anxiety don't kill their wives. Pathetic, narcissistic, violent men who think it's their right to harm women, kill their wives You've just injured people w/these illnesses further.

So what? He killed his wife in anger

Who fvcking cares? This arsehole took the life of someone who didn't deserve it. I don't give a shit if he was depressed or anxious. We all are. We all suffer that in some form. We do not kill the ones we live. This guy is a dickhead hyper-masculine murderer. Nothing else.



AB_Owl Had depression and anxiety since my early teens...never even came close to murdering a partner.

Gee, I wonder what his wife suffering from?

That’s something his wife won’t have the opportunity to experience now. Send him away for a very long time

ABC headlines are doing my head in. Oh the poor sausage, he was so sad, the only thing that would cheer him up was killing his wife! Is that the general gist here.

Uhhhh.... so am I. Never killed my partner, tho...

So that makes it ok to go kill people?

Really ABC, this is the story headline!! 😳

Probably as he's been charged - next thing you know, he'll find God and want to help others.

These murderous men are all trying to get away with depression and anxiety as an excuse. No more! Lock them up and throw away the key.

Give him the rope.

Such a beautiful woman lost because of a loser. What a tragedy for her family.

There are millions of people who live their whole lives suffering anxiety and depression and who manage to get through life without murdering anyone. Stop making excuses for men who commit horrific acts of domestic violence.

Yeap I’ve suffered from depression - didn’t murder my partner though

To all the sub-editors and senior editors and no doubt countless staff who would have had to read this to approve, thinking this was an ok headline to approve: nah. Nah it wasn’t. Fucking gross headline, actually.

Nonsense headline.

So that gives him the right to murder. Don’t think so.

Piss poor reporting...'Man charged with murder faces justice', should've been the headline...his piss poor defence can be mentioned later.

Well. So what? to that. Domestic violence is domestic violence. You want us feeling sorry for the perpetrator? There wasn't another headline you could have run there about the murdered woman?

Shit headline again. Fuck sake ABC

Imagine how he will feel in prison

Come the hell on now, ABC. What the hell is wrong with you? This sentence should’ve been your headline and tweet: “His defence lawyer, Elizabeth McKinnon, said 'the alleged offending occurred in the context of supposed domestic violence'.

I am too, but I haven’t murdered my husband!

Ooooh, ok then. Now we have heard that we are all completely fine with him having killed his wife. Thanks for the information, we wouldn't have wanted to misjudge the situation.

Here we go! The mongrel will get off with mental impairment, right? Murdering the mother of his child 😡

So what? Let’s prioritise his murdered wife and the people mourning her loss.

So? His wife is suffering from being deceased; having the rest of her life stolen from her.

Depressed and anxiety does not a murder make. Being a murder requires being an ar_ _ho_ _.

Hold on this is a court case...the guy hasn’t been convicted so is presumed innocent....horrible monster murders wife is no better then this headline for those of you offended. Wait until he is convicted then beg for blood. Otherwise overreactions help ppl to be found not guilty

No excuse.

aconvict Depression & anxiety don’t make you murder someone! 😡

You have lost all credibility

No excuse!!!!!!!

There’s many many people who suffer depression and anxiety and don’t commit murder. ITS TIME THE MEDIA STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN

So that gives him the RIGHT!? Hell no.

So, like pretty much a lot of the population then. There are no excuses for murdering another person because that’s all it is - an excuse - not a reason!

Classic defence story!!

you can do so much better. Of all lines to run with. You choose this? 😠 Its murder. Inexcusable. What, along with your many recent sell outs, are you apologists for brutal patriarchy now? darksideABC DV Murder journalisticintegrity NOTmyABC

And that has exactly no impact on his choice to murder someone. Can we stop tryna make victims of men who kill their wives?

If you had a history of domestic violence my ears are shut to your excuses ...

He murdered her...she's been robbed of her life...people loved her and will now grieve...he needs to go to prison and get help for his depression...he has ended someone's life. End of story

He'll try & get leniency for this, I betcha!😞🙄😖😡

Also suffers from being a killer. Do better, ABC.

Don't give a crap about excuses of mental health. Lock him up ans throw away the key.

This is an irresponsible headline. Seriously ABC this is insulting, both to people who suffer depression and people who have lost loved ones to violence.

Well fuck so am I! Jesus fuck, who wrote this headline?

Wife of man charged with murder is suffering from death...

And why would a gorgeous looking woman like that be attracted to an ugly fat pig like him.

Funny how no woman suffering from depression /anxiety /DV ever kills her stinking partner😠😠😠

Of course he is, it’s the latest get out of gaol free card! If that one doesn’t work, the victim card will be next!

Poor little underwriting, they’re always suffering from something

I must be depressed I want to drown the fu...r

I suffer with depression and anxiety so far I haven’t been remotely inclined to kill anybody.

Oh boo hoo. Many of us suffer from chronic debilitating depression and anxiety. Guess what? We don't murder people. Quit with the excuses. He murdered her because he was a controlling arsehole.

He will feel better after spending many years behind bars apologising to her son and other family members and friends for taking her life.

And so he should.

You should apologise to Elaine’s loved ones for such insensitive, tone deaf reporting. It’s unacceptable!

You mean ‘Woman murdered by husband blaming it on depression which many people suffer from but who don’t go around killing people’.

Oh boo hoo. Bloody lawyers, how innovative to have their murdering client play the victim

Her family is suffering. He is a murderer. Millions of people suffer with anxiety and depression and don’t harm anyone.

Oh bless. Poor fellow. Was this actually put up as a reason or excuse?

ABC news get in the bin. You know how to responsibly report on domestic violence and resulting murder. This headline is not it.

Woman murdered, man makes up excuses! If every woman with depression murdered their husbands there wouldn’t be many husbands left!

Anxiety I understand. But why is he depressed?

Cry me a fucking river.

While she is only suffering from deathness.

Because that's never been tried before 🙄

Delete this and try again.

typical ABC headline to get clicks and hysteria in the comments

Is that cause or effect?

Shouldn't of killed his wife

Who the hell approved this headline?

And then went on to put 2 other people in hospital nearly killing them. He clearly needs to be incarcerated and take a damn good look at himself. Pathetic.

I’m suffering from depression and anxiety but I’ve still managed not to murder anyone....

...and this is supposed to invoke sympathy for him? Well, the only place he'll find sympathy is in the Dictionary and it's located somewhere between shit and syphilis!

Oh no poor thing!! Why the hell is that even a story to report on

I’ve suffered both of those. Haven’t killed anyone. Never even considered it.

Meanwhile, she's dead.

I suffer from anxiety and have for a long time. Still haven’t murdered anyone. It’s not something I’ve ever thought about doing.

Oh, the poor thing.

And she has a permanent case of death. Fuck me. He killed her. Whether he has any of his own problems is not the issue. He killed her, hid her body and ran off.

This is not even close to being the important part of this story

Oh poor fellow, let him off abdicate to a tropical island twice out his days in paradise. When will these bullshit excuses be banished from the court room... criminal lifeingaol maggot

I bet he is . Weak as piss

Get fucked with the BS soft reporting. He killed her because he's a prick of man. The rest of suffering from debilitating MI don't go around killing folks

And? Correlation is not causation. Millions around the world also suffer these mental illnesses. We don’t murder people.

'...supposed domestic violence.' She dead. There's nothing 'supposed' about it! I hope he lives every day the rest of his wretched life in utter, inescapable emotional torment.

Depression, anxiety, along with tough childhood, those pathetic excuses for criminals. That has to stop! This lady is someone's daughter, someone's sister. No matter the problems they had as a couple, she deserved respect. Stop justifying criminals. He's a murderer.


Tell his wife that

Hhhhh! You lead your story of this appalling murder with this? Your priorities are way out of line with community attitudes. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Im sorry but since when does depression and anxiety make you kill someone? I should have killed a million people by now if that was the case

Fucksake. No. Bad headline. Do better.

Awww, diddums.

He murdered his wife. How is it news that he feels bad?

This story angle and headline are attempting to downplay and rationalize the extreme violence that killed a woman. Depression and anxiety are common illnesses that do not cause murder. Violence & entitlement do. Do better.

so sick & tired of hearing this same old excuse!!😡

Excuses don’t wash. He killed her if proved

Aww bless ... poor guy ... ffs! Stop this BS! He is NOT the victim

I'm sure he'll get a sympathetic ear from Centrelink. They're trying to get away with the same excuse after 2030 robodeaths.

Not a excuse for murder.

Been suffering from low-grade chronic depression with acute flare ups for 34 of my 46 years, and I am yet to murder anyone.

I'm betting she left him/kicked him out because his behaviour was bad enough to cause her depression and anxiety.

Boo fucking hoo. It’s ALWAYS a man killing a woman. No justifiable reason for this.

i'm anxious and depressed, i've never killed anyone. He's sooking because he may face consequences for murdering his wife.

Who cares...I don’t go about killing folk when I feel unhappy or under stress. Accountability and responsibility- he’s an adult.

HE KILLED HIS WIFE! Do you think she deserves to be dead? I don’t think so! I know first hand what it’s like to grow up seeing domestic violence, so give me a spell about him being depressed!

ABC News is making me feel angry with this tweet.

And so he fucking should be. And who gives a fuck, anyway? He should not in prison with his anxiety and depression. He gets free medical in there anyway..

and? his wife lost her life from being murdered, who gives a toss about his anxiety!

Very strange choice of language here. I've suffered from depression and anxiety before but I never killed anyone.

Are you fucking kidding me? Still with these headlines. FMD.

Imagine what she suffered with

Ok. So am I. So far I haven't murdered anyone because of it.

Lots of people suffer from depression & anxiety but don't kill people. Your headline is crap, do better.

Too bad I hope the suffering continues for a long,long time.

ABC stop this, you are excusing a murder. So many people who suffer depression and anxiety never kill.

Does not make you kill..

Oh no, the poor thing. One can only hope that old mates depression and anxiety will improve, when he gets remarried to Bubba in jail.


The Wife Mother murdered!!!! Not interested in him

Please do better. The focus here should be on the woman who was murdered. Not on the lame reasons you quote as what, mitigation?!

Man murder a wife. What’s depression got to ducking do with anything. Cmon ABC!

I don’t care how bad you feel! Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong! He’s a murderer end of story! Prayers to his wife’s family!

irresponsible and cheap headline.

This headline devalues his victim’s life.

There is no excuse for abuse. Not drugs Not alchohol Not stress Not mental health Not isolation Not job loss Not financial stress Not because they didn't want to have sex Not because the kids are loud Not because your tired Not because you had a bad day Abuse is a CHOICE

I've got that but haven't killed my wife. He's a murderer that's it. End of story.

Plenty of people suffer from anxiety and depression but they don't murder domesticviolence domesticviolenceawareness depression Anxiety familyviolence

Depression and anxiety can not be held responsible for this disgusting waste of life. Domestic violence and death are repulsive and this fat c*** does not deserve leniency 🤬

Who is not‼️‼️

I too have anxiety and depression - I’ve yet to ever feel the need to kill anyone other than myself. Shame on those lawyers for using that as a defence.

Until women are treated equally, an absolutely pathetic attempt at a defence of murder , from a violent man who has temper tantrums, will get credence. It’s about equality.

And so? Most of the country is experiencing anxiety and depression right now. Is that enough excuse to slaughter our incompetent politicians?

I haven't killed anyone yet

Appalling journalism, a woman allegedly killed by her husband

He's depressed, oh dear, how sad, that's not an excuse to murder.

Another woman murdered, another bullshit excuse made to the court. When will this stop?

Well his wife is permanently suffering from being dead so 🤷🏽‍♀️

Your headlines suck abc !

So f-ing what? She’s dead ffs. Let’s hear her story. How she lived in fear of a psychopath most likely... Stop humanising murderers

Christ on a f88kig bike, I agree with EVERY bloody comment questioning the minimising of the violent crime that this piece of filth committed. Suffering from anxiety and depression? WE ALL ARE RIGHT NOW due to this f88ked up pandemic

Why is this a headline? Bloody

Aren’t we all. And yet most of us don’t murder people.

I've not been this depressed and anxious in a few years and it is NOT an excuse. It's a reason and then we give a life sentence. That's how it should work! Then we put a lot of money into mental health organisations. NO EXCUSE! Condolences to family and friends. ❤

Oh that's okay then! Jeeezus!

Me too but I haven’t murdered anyone.

I'm sure it was hard on her, too.

Yep that excuses his behaviour does it?

I suffer from depression and I have NEVER thought about murdering anyone - especially not someone I love !

So many stories to report & media choose the tragic death of one person & the mental instability of another... Have to wonder what drives media to report like this

damn bitch get in line

I expected better headlines from the ABC.

Approx one woman a week is being murdered by a man she knows. This is a crisis. Please report it accordingly. Commentary that the murderer is a 'good bloke', 'has a promising career', 'acted out of character' or other similar excusing words, give a different impression.

So am I and I am not murdering anyone

They all pull this excuse. If you have a medical condition go get it sorted. Killing someone isn’t the remedy. Serve your time!!

Enough. Consider your headlines. Stop normalising murderers.

Sod off with this headline for this story. I can’t believe you haven’t moved on from this type of article presentation

A shocking headline. Why does it always seem to make excuses for the perpetrator and not the victim? Seriously ABCNews.

What an arsehole. Another poor woman dead due to domestic violence

What shoddy, appalling journalism. DefundTheABC

I’ve hardly killed anyone & I suffer from anxiety & depression

All I can think of is FFS is there nothing else worth reporting on.

ABC now making excuses for murderers. Proud of yourselves?

Stop with excuses! I have depression and have never hurt anyone let alone kill them

And meanwhile, his ex-wife is suffering from death after he murdered her

Ok you’re writing purposefully inflammatory headlines for the sake of clicks / engagement now

Fuck your trashy tabloid headline. His depression and anxiety didn’t kill his wife. He did

Murder is murder. Don't throw the Mental Health Card around.

Sad sad outcome. Why didn't he just kill himself. 😡

This is an irresponsible journalism 😡Minimising the responsibility of the murderer and blaming mental health conditions does not tell the more accurate story that violence is a choice.

Of course the lawyer is trying every pathetic angle to try and get the man’s sentence reduced. But anxiety and depression - or other mental health issues - aren’t a cause of murder. Yet another case and man where responsibility for a person’s own actions is given no bearing.

Wrong choice of headline EndViolenceAgainstWomen

So are a lot of people. Stop using it as an excuse for family violence

Can we not with the headlines that minimise domestic violence? 😡

Nonsense mentally ill people don’t murder

That’s a shame. I bet his wife’s loved ones aren’t feeling too chipper either.

and obesity if we want to bring up other useless information.

No excuse for murder.

if only he was not suffering 'I'm a fkn murderer syndrome'.

That don’t mean FA! She is suffering from now being alive!

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor baby

Stop it!! You are just stigmatising people with depression and anxiety with this kind of reporting.

Suffered depression and anxiety most of adult life. Have not murdered anyone. Where's my medal?

Is this because he murdered his wife?! What an absurd headline.

Yeah right. Try the temporary insanity plea next.

Woman murdered by husband is suffering from death, court told...

Don’t most of us tho

Strange, when I suffer depression or anxiety, I don't murder people.

Ah well.

Jealousy is not depression

Bubba will make him feel better with a big bar of soap.

Unbelievable, thinking killing his wife would cure those ailments.

Murdered wife is suffering from death.

There is NO excuse for DV! Love does not kill. Full stop.

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