Could Fraser Anning be expelled from Parliament for offensive statements?

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ANALYSIS: Could Fraser Anning be expelled from Parliament for offensive statements?

Just as the Parliament had the legislative power to limit the powers and privileges of its houses, it could legislate to amend or repeal section eight so that a house could, in future, expel one of its members, either on any ground or for limited reasons.

Equally, there is a good democratic argument that such matters should be left to the voters at election time. It is commonly the case, though, that a finding of illegality, dishonesty or corruption is first made by a court, a royal commission or the Independent Commission Against Corruption before action to expel is taken. The prospect of expulsion is almost always enough to cause the member to resign without expulsion formally occurring. So, actual cases of expulsion remain extremely rare.The houses retain powers to suspend members for offences against the house, such as disorderly conduct.


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Only ones that can expel him or keep him there are his constituents at the next election.

You better not expel him otherwise your blocking your voters freedom of speech

On a broader subject, at what point (if any) should free speech be banned? Or should it never be regardless of how distasteful? (P.S. I understand Hate Speech and Inciting violence are already legal boundaries in most Western Nations).

We only have freedom of speech if it is political correct.

What is offensive?

No. It's his opinion. Parliament is the place for debate not just banning people that have opposing views.


I bloody hope so.

Lol. Australia doesn't even have a bill of rights. We don't even have the most BASIC of human rights, freedom of speech. We aren't free at all. Anning is a knob yes, I'd rather live in a country where knobs can talk instead of ABC's version of the USSR

He should be.

If this were protocol for offensive parliamentarians there would be F all left!

Hope so.

He should be expelled from the country.

He should be and then he should be charged with assaulting a minor. IStandWithTheEggBoy

Could? SHOULD.

It's better to cure the source ...there are alot more from where this one came from. We should address the hate speech and go for better immigration process.

Fact: Aust is a democracy not a totalitarian state Fact: fraser_anning expressed an opinion Fact: If Anning's opinion is so offensive Aust can expel him at the next election Marxist ABC ideologically loathes Anning and wants him gone NOW using his comments as mere pretext!

This guy belongs in Americas deep south but not in any Parliament in Australia

Oh, fuck I hope so!

He should expelled from the World.

We live in hope

How about that he somehow holds a 6 figure job in parliament for getting 19 first preference votes?

Betteridge’s Law says no.

Hope so

What if he is charged with assault


There goes freedom of speech right out the door, ok the mans comments are out of line. No more than the Egyptian cleric that said the world tower ✈️ crash was implemented by the US government and shooting in France was also staged. Where were the cry’s of his visa cancellation


Let's bloody hope so a line needs to be drawn somewhere

Disgusting individual


No doubt many traitors to Australia would like that but hopefully there are more loyal Aussies than them

Or allowing neo Nazi former criminals to do his dirty work? Just look at this excessive use of force. OVER AN EGG

No. This is Australia.

44(ii) could apply if he was charged and convicted of assault of the young man with the egg ....

The simple answer is yes (hell yes!), his comments are vile and repulsive but I don't think it is easy to expel a parliamentary member who has been democratically voted in.......right?

What about using taxpayer funds for his travel?

If they can’t expel him from parliament, how about each time he rises to speak, the rest of the senate moves that the senator no longer be heard.

Anning is inciting race hate in the midst of a violent terrorist attack, threatening national security. NZ have handled this with grace, calm confidence and love and we look like a breeding ground for conflict, hate and racism. Expel Anning, show the world a better Australia.

*Should Fraser Anning he expelled from Parliament for offensive statements? Yes.

oh please...

He should be .

Bye Fraser 👋🏻

Not could but should...

He must have already been expelled for life

I can just hope so 🤞🤞🤞

Let's hope so. Waste of space.


he bloody well should be banned.

We will have a shortage of eggs, If does not get expelled! Go fund eggboi please

You lot wouldn't be laughing if instead of a kid with an egg, it was instead a Salafist with 12' carving knife. Or would you (?) - people's ability to disassociate from reality seems to have markedly improved since social media arrived.

fraser_anning wont be expelled from the parliament, he will be censured of course.

How in the world did he get there in the first place?

He really should be. The End.

he should be expelled.

Only having 19 votes he shouldn't even be in freaking Parliament. Nor should he be allowed to register his own hateful party at the next election! hateisNOTfreedomofSpeech! Should be classed as its own ideology Natzis This breeds terrorism both ways.. Fighting each other! 😠

He could be for the violent assault of a minor.

do it please

Package deal with Dutton. Get rid of them both

Why just the Parliament though... That's the question.

We can only hope

only if he is referred to the High Court


I hope so, because it is not only a threat to Muslims, but to Australia, a racist person ~

Should be

Hey Australia you’re catching us up by being a global laughing stock!!!!

To paraphrase my 2 yo, 'b, b, byyyeee'

Censured yes, expelled no. Only the people of his home state have the power to kick him out of parliament. That's how it should be. It's very likely they will

of course not he will be put in protective custody and treated like a precious piece of china

Always fascinating to hear white racists go on about immigration. Aren't all whites in Australia immigrants? It is a nation that has been created by immigrants of all nationalities. Same message to American white racists.

Answer: we bloody hope so.

Oh no, they've all got to go. Repeat!

Yet the Labor Party supports and encourages gun violence against helpless animals, always the precursor to the same against humans. Tarrant's mates are shooting ducks in Victoria's wetlands today, and none of them are on a watchlist.

What about for punching a teenager twice in the face?

Please, yes!

Check out what SHY said about Frazer anning, no difference, just hate. Fake news again.

Turnbull needs to be expelled before Anning 👍

It’s a hard pill to swallow that one of our representatives has that view. He should be expelled. What a vile human being! ChristchurchTerrorAttack

ANALYSIS: Could Fraser Anning be egged publicly every day for the rest of his life?

Our politicians need to be held to a minimum standard. The minute he mentioned the final solution he should have been stripped of his rights to be a public official. Every other industry has 'best practice', enough is enough.

Could we be so lucky to get rid of this disgrace?

Offensive speech?

He is a dick, but it’s more helpful to have him there so people know the bull he is trying to shovel out. Better to have the sun expose him then the darkness cover him

Parliament should be all Leftys They won't stop till it is

The thing is Anning shows such lame, dreadful judgement about what and when to say and do things. Forget he’s a racist, what’s more worrying is that he’s a fool, and in our Senate.

Don't think so.......his only as powerful as his support. Racism is alive and well. White Australia policy has never been defeated.

There is no place for F. Anning anywhere in Australia let alone in parliament.

Parliament doesn’t deserve the mediocrity of Fraser Anning, a self-declared bigot.

I bloody hope so. We need to fix the system that got him there on 19 votes. Just seems wrong

I do believe fraser_anning will be expelled by the parliament. Yes he will be censured, expelled no.


That would be nice but he’ll be gone soon enough in May! Then he’s just a Nazi on the streets we can ignore!

Well he is inciting hatred! Christmas Island maybe

his actions display an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority disrespect disregard slighting neglect Exit stage right... take a walk.. you have been voted off the island


Hopefully. Charged and convicted of assault and expelled.

The sooner the better.

Report him to Privileges Committee.

He should be expelled. We dont like this happening anywhere else so about time our leaders start making some tough decisions

It should not be a question of”should”.

Yes he should be, as he brings disgrace to our country and what we represent now and into the future.

I really hope so.

Assaulting a child + what is his job supposed to be?

He just punched a minor twice, charge and expel

Nope, not at all. He should double down on these people.

phbarratt Unconstitutional:- auspol

SeanBradbery Better be.

Using an Australian letterhead. Yes he should.

There probably does need to be a provision for the removal and expulsion of a member charged, with a criminal offence, while in office

NO. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Im sure he did not offend every single person in Australia

Hope so

What about Barnaby Joyce?

Idiots, Anning has sucked you all in, free publicity face and notoriety in the media, the people who vote for him will love it. 👨‍🌾

He should be expelled from every media platform. FrasierAnning

johniadarola TheYoungTurks

How can this man not be arrested for hate speech, or insighting hate! HOW can you ignore this Australia this man needs to be in jail!

I don’t know. Could Fraser Anning be expelled from parliament for assaulting a minor? He hit him twice and was ready to come in for more violence. Please, , Don’t underestimate how reviled and sickened people are by that.

Anning is not the story here. Fraser Anning is a white supremacist, who is using this senseless shooting of innocent people by a far right murderer to spread his racist hate. By his actions & words he is encouraging more violence & once again the media are happy to help.

How about for assaulting a boy ?

The Beatles were wrong , FraserAnning is the eggman . IAmTheEggman

He should be deported.

Hopefully. But if not, is he up for re election this time round?

Get rid of him! He has no place in Australia!

If the can not expel they need to change laws or standing orders to ensure it happens and all members act and communicate within acceptable standards of Australia

SeanBradbery He should be! Absolutely!!!

It the parlimanterians to decide, they want to promote hates & racism in the country.Such persons are course changers.Such core hearted infect peaceful societies.

Imagine the delicious irony of sending him to manus.


For sure he should, then charged with assaulting a kid.

I bloody well hope so.

How about arrested for punching a 16 year old kid?

The voters get the pleasure of doing just that in a few months time.

Is it not more pertinent to ask if he should be expelled from parliament for trying to deck a member of the public? If it's for offensive statements, then line a bunch of them up.

Everyone blaming Anning, please! Its the rednecks that voted him in thats the issue, w/o them Anning is just another lowlife racist that bags foreigners etc at a Pub with his redneck mates after his 10th XXXX. These rednecks who voted him in gave him a voice & power! StrayaToday

How about assault on a 16 or 17 yo boy?

phbarratt Please!

If not for that, then hopefully for punching a child.

He could be expelled for assault on a minor, surely.

Abc stirring up hate

If stupidity, malfeasance and incompetence were legitimate measures of role failure (as they are in any highly paid job in the real world) in Government then Parliament House would be nearly empty. They’d all lose their jobs, including that fool Anning! Auspol

I fucking hope he does. According to our basic human rights, we all deserve to live no matter our race or religion. And as someone who lives in QLD and is not white or Christian, I am hoping he gets expelled immediately!!He is a danger to the people in our community and country!

he should be!

he fucking better be

Yes please! ExpelAnning Auspol Qldpol

What about for punching a kid in the face?

It's the least they could do.

He doesn’t deserve to be there in the first place. 19 votes FFS. Who exactly does he represent?

He is a grimey racist slug with zero credibility... so yeah, hopefully so.

That would be great a man like that has no place in parliament 💩

Send him to a ghetto with no whites around as a therapy

He should be, but what about the other vote seekers, that use hate speech and incite violence in the Parliament and on TV on a regular basis. They should be criminal charged. media news magazine Television

as long as penny wong goes too .for her disgusting comments

If Australia is capable of standing up to one of its own for once then yes. Let’s see what ScoMo does.

Honxqp Expelled and arrested for assault would be a good start.

Be hilarious if Anning retains his seat & Morrison & Co get re-elected. All of those saying no chance, shouldn't be so confident of it not happening


Better be, disgusting ‘member of parliament’ he should be charged for assault in a minor and so should the guy who had him in a choke hold

Not for the statements but maybe for hitting a child.

Like I said earlier Anning is a lesson in the importance of numbering the Senate ballot paper to prevent right wing douchebags sneaking in the backdoor.

Unless you’re wanting a rotten egg in your midst 🤷🏻‍♀️

You wouldn`t have the balls, all you want to do is to have control over people.

Hate speech AND bashing up a teenager!

bloody hope so.


No need, no point - let democracy do its job.....he'll be gone in 6 weeks, he needs upwards of 400,000 votes to win his senate seat

How about expelled from Australia...?

Hope so...

Apparently not but could he be shunned?

I seriously doubt it.

I damn hope so!

Wouldn't that be convenient for you. Now selling your wishes as ANALYSIS?

“Offensive statements” is a really cute way to say hate speech.

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