Australian doctors demand governments ramp up coronavirus response

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Doctors sign an open letter demanding state and federal governments enforce stricter measures to slow the spread of coronavirus, warning Australia is on track to be in a worse position than Italy.

Australian doctors have issued an urgent plea to governments to immediately change course in their response to COVID-19.The doctors warn of an Italy-style disaster in Australia unless stricter measures are enforcedThe letter has almost 4,000 signatories, the author says

"On current growth rates, the 300 cases in Australia today will be … 10,000 by the 4th of April" the letter reads. Italian doctors are reporting they do not have the necessary ventilators and other resources needed to save critically ill COVID-19 patients, and they have been forced to make the wrenching choice between patients who can be helped and those who will be refused the treatment necessary to save their lives.The Australian doctors' letter points out that the death rate in Italy is"very high" — much higher than in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in late December.


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This govt had metaphorically gone to Hawaii in terms of competently dealing with this.

This govt is reactive not proactive. First with bushfires and floods, now COVID 19

Thank you doctors please keep fighting for us our Prime Minister is not listening! Bless you guys for the truth even though we have been told in his address to ignore twitter and social media information.

Please ScottMorrisonMP

So doctors start demanding action from the Government on coronavirusaus as case start spiraling upwards daily According to the Government, we are following expert advice and are 'ahead of the curve' Starting to smell and look a lot like bullshit auspol

A little too late doctors. Saw this coming two weeks ago. It’s just a flu blah blah.

What? You want them to do more than the bare minimum?

They are not supported by the AMA

Today I had canteen duty. Stood there as at least 200 students came through, despite our efforts to stagger lunchtime.Then,I taught 2 classes & helped wrangle another 60 students for bus duty. Definitely not what I would consider a 'safe' work environment. shutdownaustralia

'the Prime Minister indicated yesterday... it is important to time these decisions in the right way.' Which has been realDonaldTrump's approach. Which is to let people die so the economy will keep running a bit longer because they're all incompetent psychopaths. scummo shutit

Can someone please let us know the recovery rate?

Why are we so slow to action. UK Govt has now stepped up action and we should be doing same!

Our doctors in Australia are on the front line. I agree with them

ABC demand government make mistakes (like firing all their bullets too early) so they can ridicule them later, increasing human suffering, but hopefully (in their sick minds) bringing about a change in Government..

You need leader with guts to do this

Yes . Let’s shut real estates . Must be lots of people looking for rentals spreading germs etc

'We will continue to act as we are advised,' Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said.' The FINANCE Minister. SMH. I'd much prefer we act on the consensus being put forward by 4,000 medical professionals instead of one man who is acting like a nervous goat on the side of a cliff.

The gov can do something to save more lives but now they prefer to protect the economy. If you don't stop the spread now, the economy would looks even worse months later. How shortsigned ... Lockdownaustralia

'We will continue to act as we are advised,' Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said.' The **FINANCE** Minister. WE WANT YOU TO ACT ON THE ADVICE OF THE FOUR THOUSAND MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. NOW.

Let’s do the best we can with info we have StayAtHome

seriously need information targeting the elderly, those I know are not taking this at all seriously, still hanging out at shops all day, regarding hand washing advice as patronising

good luck with that.....NSW had its funding removed for regional doctors

creativecatjk And the AMA distance themselves. 😞

Lockdown on Wednesday

our Gov only responds to medical advice..

But but but mah tourism.

political_alert Good luck! When have those ideologues ever taken expert advice on anything?

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