Australia's COVID-19 death rates, cases among world's highest per capita

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Australia Headlines News

Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

Australia's COVID-19 cases and death rates were the third highest in the world per capita during the past week, and the numbers are getting worse.

Experts are pleading with the public to wear masks, get PCR tests if symptomatic and get boostersshow more than 12,625 Australians have died with COVID, and more than 5,000 are in hospital with the virus, including 159 in intensive care.

Professor Mike Toole, an epidemiologist from the Burnet Institute, said Australia was probably in the worst phase of the pandemic.Professor Toole has studied the latest international data and found that Australia had some of the highest COVID-19-related numbers per capita. "In the past seven days, Australia has ranked number three in cases per million population," Professor Toole said."We [also] ranked number three for deaths per capita, so much higher than the US, UK, France, Germany."Australia does mandate masks in high-risk settings such as aged care, hospitals and public transport but Professor Toole said it was not enough.

"If you look at other countries, a number of countries in Europe still have stronger mask mandates than Australia, and they have a lot higher compliance," he said.


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Judetomyfriends Thinking of the nearly two years when there were no cases, no hospitalisations, and we were running around in masks, washing hands, doorknobs, and avoiding contact. But now it's not necessary?

Vaccine working well 🤣🤣🤣

MerusFelix Death jab, death jab, come and get you death jab. Death jab, death jab, get it for free!

Thats a Red list for Australia then? How about block all arrivals from Australia with imediate effect!

Clearly we should do what the UK does then, or Scandinavia. Much better clearly. Is that the message?

Yet silence from any of your reporters when it comes to obvious questions like: how can this be when almost everyone's vaccinated and the country was isolated from everywhere else for two years? It's almost as if all the measures are shite... 🤡😷💉😷🤡

that's nothing, look at the vaccine death rates

90+ vax rate working a real treat. What a farce of a story this has been.

Quite a stark difference between the two sides of the chamber – Labor, the Greens, crossbench and clerks all wearing masks, but with just a couple of exceptions, the Coalition is mask free. There is no mandate, but it was strongly recommended people in parliament house mask up

Obviously we just need more injections....that'll fix it. 7 or 8 is my guess

RAT tests are not accurate. Most positive cases are not detected and people overcome COVID with mild symptoms without knowing it. This increases the death rate amongst the detected cases although nothing has changed.

I think we need a new vaccine

Just proves lockdowns and masks don’t do shit

Globalbiosec Are you really that surprised considering our “let it rip” & “don’t give a shit” pandemic management style.

Despite the highest vaccinated. Interesting.

Australians walking over dead bodies....nothing to see here...HCW going down like the titanic...screaming and pleading for help...Australians taking action by going to the coffee shops getting their next coffee...aint freedom great!

Prof Toole doing everything he can to bring masks back. This is the only thing he seems to want.

You can thank ScottMorrisonMP for that

It's funny that Vanuati and Haiti have some of the lowest vax rates of like 1% AND the lowest Covid death rates. It's funny. Isn't that funny?

Now do Haiti

Which other countries are doing statistics like here? We are so obsessed with numbers instead of actually promoting behaviors that prevent spread of the virus while life moves on.

This is not true , many countries have moved on from this, people have taken health into their own hands, wear a mask when it needs to be worn , stay away from crowds if you can help it , common sense , stop pushing for mandates and putting fear into people.

Talk about a sensationalist headline. Gotta click though to see it’s only “in the past seven days”. And MIKE TOOLE?! That’s the “expert”?! Might as well be Ding.

Um, we're also... The most vaxxed?

It’s obvious We simply didn’t mask, get jabbed or listen to the “experts” enough Also ClimateCrisis Climate change is the other reason enemyofthepeople

China should pay reparations for COVID infecting the world ?

Jabs working well then I see!

This was 13 MONTHS AGO. What was ABC spruik ing?.

WEFpuppets WEF COVID19 COVID COVIDisAirborne CovidIsNotOver monkeypox Cabal Fakenews Fauci FauciLiedMillionsDied FauciSauce

You probably should have done this as a public interest story, & in particular, what Schwab says at the end:

So vaccination were shit?

RachelBSYD2 Vaccine failure

ABC is misleading people into potential harm by not reporting the facts & concerns that others are.

Want safety? Go to China and they will lock you in the cage like a dawg

This is simply misleading. Shameful fear mongering.

CALLOUTTHEMEDIA TV personalities and Journalist’s need to be called out! They have been fking with us for way too long!!!

Keep getting experimental cull-jabs

Guess you are talking about nsw and Vic?

In Tasmania, 60% of covid hospitalizations are incidental which means they’re not admitted for treatment of covid. Other states are probably similar but they don’t have data presented like this.

We could do better now but still better overall

Ah, that’s old news, we are now apparently all about the next fad with a supposed climate change crisis 😴 oh, with a hint of monkeypox scare to sweeten the fear deal

Has anyone involved in this article been to Europe since 2019? 🤔 There is absolutely no country in Europe that even remotely matches Australia’s current covid neuroticism and mask fetish. They have all moved on. ABC is just making stuff up these days. 🙄

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi! Urrrgh. 🤦

This is plainly untrue. Australia’s CFR is around 0.1%, one of the lowest in the world, and lower than New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.

What ever happened with smoking,drugs or alcohol related diseases ,where are the statistics ?

We also have highest vaccination rate. India lowest rate and lowest deaths per million.

Another fantastic article from the worst organisation in Australia, that WE pay for. Time to DefundtheABC

ABC just has the lowest quality journalists. Tied with Herald Sun for lack of research and quoting grifters who have no respect in the scientific community

Vaccines working a treat.

Aged population. Atrocious infection control in aged care. Terrible health messaging re boosters. Terrible access to antivirals. No general mitigation measures. And Presto.

No we’re not-we’re just one of the few countries who still publicly disclose covid no’s (unlike US where number of states no longer disclose them). And your source is Toole who thought there were few cases in Egypt when he was there, when they were having high excess deaths🤦‍♀️

Pandemic of the vaccinated

And how are the countries with the least vaccination rates are doing?

Not surprised though are you? It’s technically the countries first country wide winter wave. We were always going to get what the rest of the world had in 2020, just a matter of time. That’s what happens when you delay a pandemic - it happens later.

Sounds like we need more endless lockdowns for some curve flattening...

Bull shit

Thanks Scott…

Most people vaxxed. Cases soaring. New 'variants' emerging. Gee, i wonder what the common link could possibly be🤔

Am sure DanielAndrewsMP and his fellow “let it rip” premiers are proud of themselves regardless

You are the virus ABC. Aus also has the highest per capita viewership of vile media.

Vaccination works that is a great proof

Let COVID 19 to be a history, just as all other viruses who hurt human.

Lmao who gives a shit about covid. Move on, let the overweight, socially awkward bed wetters hide in doors.

And now reference to the comparison of Australian winter v European Summer. I was in Scandinavia earlier this year and no one masked anywhere. Everyone gets on with their lives and have the freedom of no ABC!!!

🤡🌏💉⚰ Clown world Keep jabbing away🤡

So you admit vaccines are a complete failure?

Annie_Guest how can you put your name to this story? The mask study is garbage. Oz like Israel is one of the most vaccinated populations on the planet. They are also suffering the worst health consequences of taking an experimental drug. The real story is the Pfizer papers.

Why are there so many cynical, heartless people on here who can view these 1000’s of deaths as just an unpalatable inconvenience to them? These are actual human beings we are losing to Covid! You know the ones who are your parents, grandparents and friends. Or don’t you have any?

But aren’t we one of the most vaccinated countries in the world?

Easy to explain. From or with ? Manipulation of figures.

Australia, among the world's oldest population.

Jabs working well 👍

Winter in the only place recording rapid test results. Der.

so er the vaccines don't work ,,, why is my husband not allowed to work then?

Little natural immunity ... relied on vaccines.

Yet one of the highest vaccination rates. At this point surely we can all admit vaccines are completely useless.

Purely from COVID? Bullshit how many had underlying health issues?

So how’s the injections going all you sheephope your up to date with your boosters is the 4th or 5th now hahahaha

All those lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates are really starting to pay dividends!

Australian's do like to be first in competitions. Come on Aussies come on. How about you die so we can get to first place. Remember you don't win silver, you lose gold!

And that’s not counting the excess deaths caused by an overwhelmed health service. MaskUp

How do we compare to countries not as (successful) with their vaccine roll outs Because the vaccine was going to stop all this, apparently. 🤔🤔

Currently. And we are at/approaching peak & it is far lower than almost all other country peaks.

Scamdemic from day 1

Pandemic of the unvaccinated Quick jab the crap out of anything that moves 🤣👍

Yeah let it rip! Accountability!

Saw normanswan on being asked about 'when will the peak happen?'. I'll say it for you Norman... 'When people wake the fuck up & start wearing masks again when they're shopping or working within 2 metres of each-other.' Need better braver 'leaders' Auspol

When we stopped the lockdowns & restrictions we were told cases & deaths will increase. Most of the planet stopped their lookdowns & restrictions approx a year earlier we were always going to take longer before we have similar control as what they do.

Haha, yesterday it was one of the lowest rates. I guess it depends on from where the wind blows. Gutter Journalism by the ABC

Hahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha silly sheep don’t Know what’s good for you, get your boosters you’re killing us all. Honk honk

Let it rip policy

Please, ABC. Stop being so obsessed about covid and spreading misinformation and fear.


clearly the vaccine was a feckless maneuver...

It’s endemic, statistically zero risk to anyone under 70. Long covid is absolute bullshit. Time to stop all this crap.

I love how these headlines and stories pretend that nobody is aware as to why this is the case. Hint: 💉💉💉💉

Come on ABC let’s have a pretty chart starting in mar20 to now. Jabs, hospitalisations, cases, deaths. Oh you may want to show a pretty chart for all deaths .. it seems we now have an issue with excess non covid deaths. Shouldn’t be too hard for you?

The shot works 😂😂😂😂

But but but 98% of the population is double vaccinated? And we were repeatedly told that the only way out of this is through vaccinations.. How can this be? I want my money back🤬🤬🤬

Absolutely pathetic scare mongering, Australia still has one of the lower cumulative death rates, disgusting.

Hmm. Yet we have one of the highest rates of vaccination?

We're in the midst of winter. We're leading in cold & flu infections too.

Ah of course, you quote Mike Toole, who has swanned off to Egypt twice during the pandemic and was pictured many times indoors sans mask - that Mike Toole. Also funny how nobody presents the data like this, isn't it?

Just a guess, but it’s probably due to most not grasping seriousness and/or apathy? Add a pinch of bad luck, share it with others who couldn’t give a… Bingo, we high rates. I’d hoped for better, doing what I can for me & my loved ones, but that doesn’t seem to be enough.

Maybe we count better and/or we have an older population, also in the middle of winter?

Perhaps aging population and incidences of people living with multiple co morbidities?. More fear porn...

Die with…not of. Words matter.

Average age of death from covid in AU is 83. Life expectancy in AU is 82.5. People are dying of covid that would have died from myriad other illnesses. Just give it a rest. We just want to live our lives without the endless covid hysteria.

Great job yeah solid

The government does not care who or how many die . How can we go from the safest country to the worst! I was proud of the way we had managed covid . We are now a disgrace , what an embarrassment for a so called developed country !

Good to see people being responsible.

It’s like no StateGovernment wants to reimpose mandates & mitigation to control the RFF of Covid19. Easing restrictions even further for nursinghomes, airports & concerts. But now 11K Australians are dead. Dom_Perrottet DanielAndrewsMP AnnastaciaMP show leadership now

More vaccines = more covid ? Oh no

MaryAnneThomas any thoughts from industry on this? You still maintaining we don’t need to follow actual health advice and push masks properly?

3rd highest of how many countries that are still testing?

RachelBSYD2 Once they start using per capita and percentages you know they are stretching already rubbery figures to suit themselves.

Watching ABC news will give you monkey pox!

And they systematically destroyed careers, mental health, businesses. Whole industries even (tourism). They violated our rights, took away democratic processes. Separated families and divided the country. For what?

The rest of the world is too busy enjoying summer to worry about testing

Media love to feed the antivaxxers.

If any journalist had a shred of courage they would be asking why this is the case. We should be highly critical of the strategies used over the last 2.5 years.. but I'm sure it'll be 🦗

And this will come as a surprise to ABC News viewers because public service journalists, news editors, news producers and newsreaders at the public-owned broadcaster chose not give daily updates on COVID19 infections, hospitalisations or deaths for more than 5 months. LetItRip

And the unvaxxed aren't dying at a disproportionate rate. The NSW data shows this. Time to admit you were all wrong, and the vax doesn't work.

We warned you that the 'vaccines' would harm your immune systems and make you more succeptible to disease.. now look at the mess you're in Australians.

Australia's media amongst the most corrupt on the planet

I thought that was what the vaccinations and booster were preventing? How is this possible based on the given narratives last two years

vaccines working a treat

Lesson learnt. Never listen to government, never listen to the fake news media and never listen to public health bureaucrats.

Lockdowns, restrictions, 95% vaxxed. Slow clap...

Wow. Closing playgrounds and endless lockdowns work a treat!

Along with Vaxx rates too ABC.😏💉💉💉💉

Thanks, lockdowns.

When in doubt roll out the per capita chestnut! CCPVIRUS

They need a border wall.

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