Alan Jones warned he is on his last strike at 2GB after Jacinda Ardern comments

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Australia Latest News,Australia Headlines

The chairman of Macquarie Media says Alan Jones will be fired if he makes any comments similar to those he directed at Jacinda Ardern this week.

Broadcaster Alan Jones has been told he is on his last strike at radio station 2GB, after his comments earlier this week about New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.Alan Jones said Scott Morrison should"shove a sock down [Ms Ardern's] throat" during the Pacific Islands Forum

ME Bank announced its decision to pull advertising, saying the broadcaster's comments"don't reflect our values"On Thursday, Alan Jones said Prime Minister Scott Morrison should"shove a sock down [Ms Ardern's] throat" after the New Zealand leader said Australia"had to answer to the Pacific" on climate change while in Tuvalu for the Pacific Islands ForumHe also described Ms Ardern as a"joke" for commenting on climate change, having claimed that New Zealand's carbon dioxide levels had increased per capita more than Australia's since 1990.


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Jones is a great Australian and spot on about the Socialist idiot in NZ who has no idea what she is talking about

Good he shouldnt be on.

lol.....cant have opposing views of the debate...... aka DICTATORSHIP!!!!!

Uncalled for.. AJ on his last leg of work journey.. why not go with a smile..n give a smile🙂🙂

ABC, put a sock in it. Move on.

Alan Jones will never redeem himself- he’s too far gone

Poor bugger, if toxic Wally had said that about Sonia Kruger he would be praised as a hero only expressing his opinion. Apartheid is alive and prospering.

Jones cant wait.. He hates the new management I suggest and will enjoy firing back at them from some other AM enclave..Lets see how those Macq stations go then with their pc sports commentators and their pussy footing namby pamby political punditing!

How ridiculous! When is abc going to remove people like clementine? Much worse than saying someone needs to put a sock in it.

While I usually can't stand Alan Jones I happen to agree with his statement about shoving a sock down her throat, I actually USED to like her until I found out she allowed the shooting in NZ mosque to happen cos she's another stupid deep state slave 😠🙅💣

Good riddance to bad Rubbish

2GB is really really really really really really really really really really serious

Globalist media hate conservatives. Run by gender studies feminists. Defending SJW NZ pm from free speech is what they do. 🧦🧦🧦🧦🧦🧦🧦🧦

What, Allan Jones being reproached! Unheard of - I thought it’d be in 2GB’s best interests to toe the line to whatever Allan (Jerry Springer) the rest of the country.

Come on Australia, he only has a job because of the ratings when we all tune into 2GB. Let's reflex how the nation really feels about this bully by tuning into another radio station.

At last!!! An old drama queen, convicted of accepting cash for comment who uses vitreol and hate speech to promote himself. Ingratiates himself to a bogan audience but would not be seen dead with them. Doubtful if Sydney's gay community would welcome him.

What is this, the 10 strikes you're out rule

He should ask Folau how it feels to be held accountable for a wildly inappropriate mouth.

Sorry we’ve heard all this before from MacquarieMedia Sick of AlanJones and all this misogynistic abuse

Promises promises! Just sack him and be done with it. 😡

If no one listens to him and his ratings dive, he’ll be gone real quick!

Are we up to warning number 300 yet? 2GB won't sack him.

He and his ilk are not deserving of respect when they incite racism, violence and homophobic views. No need for another strike - get him off now!

WELL, if Alan gets fired, we ALL will know which Radio to AVOID like the plague of PC bulldust most pro-Terrorist Nations support! - GO ALAN! Tell the BOSS to go EFF Himself! SELL OFF ALL ABC radio and tv stations!

So has the radio station been fined or charged over putting those comments to air? Nothing will change until the bosses who allow this to be broadcast are sanctioned by more than a warning. There are public broadcasting rules and standards after all.


Allen Jones has to retire before the world forces him to. He no longer has it

Macquarie Media may have put Jones on notice, but isn't Nine buying out Macquarie? Will such a threat be part of the Sale? I doubt it. New owners gives Jones a reset so he will be able to continue his rants unabated.

May I interpret for AJ in a polite manner? Please mind your own business NZ PM and . We Aussies didn't vote for you at the Australian election. We voted for Scott Morrison and the LNP or someone else. Please do not tell our PM how to run our country. Thank you.

Well so news talk radio DJs are now controlled by the manager. ME bank has lost ME as a customer! Seriously if we can’t have an opinion about a female politician what has the world come to


Alan jones has been on his last strike for many years which is clearly a load of twaddle 2gb and sponsers should be boycotted by women and those that really do support women and those thst are left we can certainly see their real worth

dArk days for FREE.SPEECH

I do not for the life of me understand why he is still on air after the vile remarks he made about Julia Gillard and a long list of other well educated successful women. He seems to have a real problem with women in general, but especially successful ones.

He is an unrepresentative stain on our cultural fabric. Respect for others is ingrained in our values.

And we wonder why society is the way it is? No consequences.

Wait till he outs her as a man Why hasn’t the ABC done this?

Jones is a commercial commentator. He can say whatever he wants. While he rides high in the ratings, Jones will remain. End of story.

This is a 'beat-up'. We all know that 'put a sock in it' mean nothing more than bluntly telling someone to be quiet in Australia. More Aussies would agree with Alan Jones than with your Left Leaning ABC.


Yeah an unlikely story!


Can we get Penny Wong to say something provocative? That should do it.

Why waste a good pair of socks ,if you can get it past her teeth push the other sock down as well

Alan, for the very last, last, last, last time...

Why don't I believe It? Look at all the publicity Jones is getting. Can't be bad 4 2GB.

And and and and how many people will tune in if Alan Jones is gone?

Good riddance!

Why is it if a female made the statement of shoving a sock down a males throat, it be classed as freedom of speech, yet a male says shove a sock down the throat of a terrorist supporting female and he is labeled a 'misogynistic' ... Why the double standards⁉️

This is your 9th and final warning...

How many last strikes does this man get? It is now obvious that 2GB condone violence against women.

It will not be long though like John Laws, he will get a Few Hundred Million hand shake. With a condition no public comment

Should of gone ages ago

Another warning, that helps alot, disgraceful

His employer is full of shit don’t believe this rubbish, if they cared he would of been sacked long ago

Rightly so. He is often way out of line. When you are so articulate you use your gift to be positive and build communities, not spew hate, distort information and become a negative role model.

ABC hypocrisy. Far worse comments made by ABC employees/regular guests Ben Law, Ozman Faruqi, Tom Ballard, Nakkia Lui, Clem Ford, Van Badham etc etc go unchallenged.

Commercial beat up, Jones calls out the dick heads, his bosses tighten his leash, profits up.

Ha. That’ll be the day. They’ve cowtowed to this cruel troll forever. He should have been off-air 20 years ago.

Just how many “last strikes” does Alan Jones get?

Say something Alan.

The left world still very much hurting in opposition 😂😂😂 Spot on and well said Allan Jones. If 2GB flicked you , 2GB sink!

I'll believe that when I see it.

How many chances does he need?

So they told him to put a sock in it? He will still outlast Ardern.

It's good that 2GB gives him 48 chances to redeem himself

If I publicly threatened violence against women I would expect my employer to sack me immediately...

Rubbish! He said nothing wrong, and he'll be around for a while.

2GB sacks him then they rip up the contracts that is only there cause of him. They will lose out more than what he will.

2GB needs Jones more than Jones needs 2GB!

Jones is a dog

Very poor ABC even your reporters are bragging about this Let me just say that a lot of your journalists have made a lot of wise cracks that are far worse than saying put a sock in it Media trolling is all this is

Latham will employ him

Mike_Rann 2GB873 would be mad to sack AlanJones . Whither he goes, goeth his (ratings winning) audience. Cf Jackie & Kyle.

Oh please don't punish the infamous aussie lizard man on our account. Us kiwis aren't snowflakes like your man Jones we don't get butt hurt over words. You guys still have the AU/NZ 90's thing going on over there something wicked don'tcha?

Pity someone wouldn’t put the white lefty network TheirABC on a final warning. Objectionable that taxpayers pay for you pricks.

He is so irrelevant why don't they just get rid of the pompous windbag.


Only privilege ,Westminster maintains ,to restrain ,human rights world wide, is a fascistic piracy. NITV theage couriermail smh ArgentinaNewsMi calgaryherald nzherald BrazilianNews

He got too many chances already omg

You speak the truth Alan Jones, who cares about 2gb, never listen, I watch you on sky,

Yeah sure😂🤣😂. That's why he was able to extract mega $$$$s during his recent contract negotiations. He's radio's goose that laid the golden egg.

He should be sacked now . I personally will never listen to any station that supports this entitled vicious man. Not buy any of the products advertised on there. He is a disgraceful misogynist

,JacindaArdern put a sock in it!!!!

ABC should be gone. They went past “last strike” about 14 years ago... 🙄RealMarkLatham mpsmithnews AlanJones

Alan Jones has been on his last strike for a decade

Dont care for what he says but I will oppose cancel culture whoever it targets. Nobody forces you to listen to him. Go clutch pearls somewhere else.


If it had been someone from the left that made the same comment, he would be sacked. Jones is constantly doing this and just gets away with it. Either take a stand now or just do nothing like you always do

3million strikes and you’re out! AlanJones should be sacked now.

Time to go Alan

Good! The third strike can’t come quick enough. So sick of these old, white, male dinosaurs & their backwards views polluting the conversation with disrespect & misogyny. It smacks of contrived controversy & does nothing but stir up discontent.

Yeah, damn right too. About time someone put a sock in his jock.

20 strikes and you're out?

I did try to listen to you over ten years ago. I could not stomach it then. Retire Jones

Nah nup nope, sorry doesn’t pass the pub test. Sack him now.

This must be like his 'Other Last Warnings' after he was a sexist misogynistic $%...... Not good enough 2GB873 hope your sponsors send you a message it's not good enough!

Not good enough 2GB! He should be socked effective immediately

Last strike?! What's it gotta take?! Holy crap, this man is so out of touch and unhinged. His bosses are idiots.

Sure sure... Sure he is !! uh it !

Sack him now. He threatened the PM of New Zealand. He is a serial offender with multiple issues. Just sack him now.

ScoMo’s response was to point out that he has two daughters.



Unbelievable that he has any strikes left.

2GB are WOKE and will go BROKE...

He should have been sacked years ago after all the crap he has broadcast. Giving him yet another chance is just an insult.

If Jones gets the chop ...I wont be listening to 2GB ever again

Couldn’t we all start mailing dirty socks to 2GB in protest...

2GB will not sack him. He is the stations 1 broadcaster. He brings $$$. I’ll be betting $10000 that he will not be sacked

Last many last strike has he been given...that’s enough!

Alan Jones has nine lives

How many last strikes does he get?

How many last strikes?

how many last strikes does this irrelevant pensioner get...? Completely out of touch spewing bile every day. A disgrace to Australia

My tweets are my opinion only .

Yeah...... But he didn't say anything that wasn't true ha ha

Those that jump in to demonise AJ have zero interest in integrity , only in approval of others & being in the loop . 🙄

As for trend -feminism it’s just other control tool of PC . It’s really embarrassing how many humans seek approval of other humans past age 12 . I have no interest in AJ but I do have in free speech !

Was t he on his last strike last year? Management at 2GB873 have no guts

It’s blatant bullying by the PC nutters . People say far worse about Trump & other leaders . Political correctness manipulates the target population to silence itself ( great words , not mine)

Rubbish! 2GB love it!

Alan doesn’t care, wherever he ends up people with follow/ listen

How many last strikes is that then


One too many lives sockgate 2GB

How many chances has this guy had, seriously?

Irrelevant pompous pig. Goodbye.

😂😂😂😂 like alanjones gives a shit what the management of 2GB thinks! He IS 2GB! And frankly, I doubt “2GB” really cares either. This is absurd and so blown out of proportion it’s a joke. Australia you’ve lost the plot.

Macquarie Media grow a pair and sack this tool

Surely they must be running out of limp lettuce leaves at 2GB by now

Radio host socks a warning.

The Chair of Macquarie Media (of which 2GB is part), along with the Chair of their owner, Nine Entertainment, should forget about pointless veiled threats & show some strength of character & professionalism in dealing with this rogue & unhinged motor-mouth. 'Alan, you're Fired'

Like anyone believes that.

Maybe it's time Alan put a sock in it

2GB policy - 28 strikes and you’re out?

Australians are at fault for listening to this low life. Change the channel, perhaps many of his audience do not know how?


The man who incited the Cronulla Riots is on his last warning?

He should be out not given a warning

Pigs might fly.

Gutless 2GB, he should have been tossed out years ago.

Blah blah blah. Industry speak for “in a week this will be forgotten “. Jones is a disgrace.

Old farts like him and Laws should've retired years ago...

If only the biased bullshit out of the had the same requirement ItaButtrose

Yeah yeah the silly old bugger keeps saying what e er he likes and get tapped on the wrist with a feather - idiot radio station and toothless pathetic regulator. He is Australia’s greatest troll.


For him now, enough already!

That's BS 2GB873 He should be sacked. What a disgrace of an organisation to condone such a embarrassment to our country.

He is 1 in his timeslot and everyone wants to hear what he has to say!!!! AJ for PM!!!!

Oh God, 2GB have given Jones more warnings than Johnny Farnham has had come backs.

Thank goodness we don’t have him waffling on the Melbournes airwaves.

AlanJones 2GB 2GB873

Seriously, does Australia really want this kind of talk radio? I mean, look what it's done to an unfortunate 30% here in the States after 30 years. It's poisonous. And it doesn't stop. It escalates. The hosts were out-winging each other until we got Trump. Don't make our mistake

For mine AlanJones only crime was getting his turds wangled. I believe what he intended to have told to Jacinda Ardern was 'Put a sock in it'. A rather common phrase meaning she needs to shut up. To which many agree.

Is this Jones’ last last strike or his last strike? Asking for a friend .

They won't do anything AlanJones is a narcissistic, vile, lying bully. The station counts on his shock jock tactics to get ratings. They don't care about the ramifications.

I'm sure if he's sacked by 2GB his listeners will follow him wherever he goes to.

He needs to be taken off, he's had his day in the Sun, he's a Baffling Buffalo now.

Oh bullshit. They don’t have the balls to take him off the air

Well done Alan Jones Australia will not be oppressed by communists Malcolm Turnbull knows.

Should have been in his last strike after his vile comments about Julia Gillard

AJ is loaded, he can afford to go tomorrow.......dunno why he is still working? There will be an Australia wide party IF/when he gets the sack.

Why wait, get rid of him now

This guy is soooo full of hate

Last call is unacceptable 2GB873 ! Women are dying every single week in Australia- having a commercial commentator that invites violence against women is unacceptable!

His last tirade should have seen his departure. He has had too many chances.

I’m dure h4svnot too worried ... Even if they were stupid enough to let him go, he’d be snapped up in no time by another station.

Yeah, right. Actions speak louder than words

Not good enough. Piss poor in fact. Looks like macquariemedia supports misogyny, racism and violence against women.

scottmorrison condemned AlanJones rants but still supports him, so the condemnation is fake. auspol

ScottMorrisonMP said he has 2 daughters. For their sake alone he should get away from coal macquariemedia

Jones won’t care. He’ll take his sponsors and listeners elsewhere. The left think doxxing or threatening vis a vis harassing his sponsors will make a difference. It won’t. The Trump train and conservatives have had it with the BS and PC from the left.

MSMWatchdog2013 By not sacking or taking action against AlanJones this time after yet another rant from the gutter, 2GB873 and acmadotgov has proven once again they are controlled by Alan and others like him. failure shame

His 429th very serious warning?

Hes been on his last strike for a decade

I call bullshit!

Let me guess if gets fired it will be a freedom of speech & religious freedom issue because AlanJones should be allowed to express his belief in stupidity auspol

'We've stood by Alan throughout years of making comments about choking and strangling women but this one comment was out of line. He will receive a punishment which reflects the severity we treat his comment about physically choking a world leader with - a warning.'

Good, we are sick of him being nasty to everyone.

A 76 yr old vitriolic mysoginist is going to change 🤔🤔😂🤣😅 auspol

The little turd should have been on his last strike a decade ago, how long do the Australian public have to put up with this crap 2GB873

MSMWatchdog2013 Only at matter of time he can't help himself.The man is as arrogant as the day is long.

Any self respecting CEO will force his sacking by threatening to cut advertising

'Last strike' (2GB for never)

Plenty of time then to hang around public toilets if he gets the chop.

Why bother establishing standards now?

What Again? I suppose Qanda have him booked in?

Good to hear they are still fond of his racism then.

Not good enough.

Sounds familiar. Perpetrators of family violence get one strike, two strikes, three strikes.....oops another victim.

Should've been gone after Julia Gillard comments.... auspol MSM

He should be OUT ! Well and truly OUT

Even if his claims of being misinterpreted are taken at face value, he has still called for a head of state to be silenced! And over the most urgent and complex issue of our time. Greta Thunberg, too, just a week ago. Stop telling women to shut up!

He is an embarrassment for Australia

This is your 267th warning Alan, you will definitely be terminated next time.......

2GB do you want to lose ALL of tour sponsors or Alan Jones?

He is untouchable. The govt ministers are deeply indebted to him and his evil ways

Who cares

Oh just a warning was it.

Yeah right

Scott Morrison says in the article that because he has two daughters, we should expect to know how he feels about it - as if it takes having daughters to be expected to feel the right way about it.

Liberal scum

Put a sock in it Macquarie-AlanJones controversial comment is what you pay him for, if he was a limp lily livered host without opinion would you want him then

ran afoul of the old 28 strike rule

Anyone who employs a grub like Jones deserves everything they get as well as the advertisers who’s sales will go backwards.

He should have been sacked now

That was just Alan being Alan !

Sorry but the three strikes and your out rule must apply. 2GB must be run by men who lack testicular fortitude. (BALLS)

Have some intestinal fortitude and sack him. He has threatened a woman with physical abuse.

Bullshit !

Its not what, we put in our mouths, its what comes out of our mouths. Pontifex ScottMorrisonMP

He bowled and strikes out he is gone now for good

How gutless are 2GB873 Alan Jones is a multiple repeat offender, his last chance expired years ago.

'If it weren't for his bubbling cesspit of reactionary fans which make up a significant portion of our listenership, we'd be very very angry with him!'

😂😂😂😂😂 Yeah right

Yeah he isn't, money! He is a grub of a man.

Not believable. He’ll stuff up again and they’ll claim he didn’t quite cross the line.

About time.

Alan Who ?

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