Whites get a black mark for failing to spot fake smiles

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Research shows that whites can't tell if a black person's smile is fake or genuine


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Remember when science was about curing diseases and stuff?

What kind of BS journalism is this?

Wow. What a load of garbage. lowering themselves to shit every single day.

Research shows you are peddling in race porn and utter dumbfuckery.

All these smiley face emoticons. I cant tell if they real or not.

Err, this journo must re-read the research paper again. That's not what the research explicitly found.

I wonder why

You take to race baiting like flies on shit. Now own it. fliesonshit.

What race baiting BS is this? Just to get more people onto your website?

Ok.. this’ll make the world stop turning! Is this because of colonialism, apartheid, white privilege.... asking for a friend?

How is this newspaper still in business? What a fucken joke and absolute drivel being printed.

More complete crp from commytimes. If we are judging smiles based on the pic above I'd say they were both as fake as f-k!

Even more proof that the Sunday Times is only good to be used as emergency toilet paper by hobos on Monday’s

Who cares?

you seem to like racial tensions

Racism sells so well.

Sunday Times recognising that it’s popular to insult the white South African and jumping on the band wagon...let’s not write something positive and uplifting because South Africa can do with more divisive fake news. Shame on you!

ffs proof mainstream media's days are numbered. What a idiotic article. Stop making everything about race.

Is it important ?

Now what is the point of this research? Why is this news worthy? Isn’t there any other more important and relevant news in SA...or the world? Just mainstream media continuing the drive to drive the wedge between differentgriuping in society...really pathetic!

Liberalism is a disease

It's not a smile...it's a grimace....racebaitingmuch?

Wow... what total crap. Rather publish nothing if you have no clue. Embarrassing

And vice versa...

Blame Wits Rhodes & UCT for handing out degrees to 30% ers

Click bait and racism is the new normal for journalism. Is there any credible news outlet left in SA?

Actually, I can spot a shit-eating grin a mile away.

If I needed anymore reason not to read the output of news houses in South Africa: this is that.

With this we can....

This is the standard of reporting a once credible news outlet accepts from their reporters? This is just another attempt to sew racial hatred 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

Can anyone be a journalist?

'research' is coming to a conclusion that aligns with a predetermined narrative, according to the Sunday Toons. I question your methodology, your credentials, your right and your very sanity. Tsek

Who has money to waste on crap?

This white man can tell you wrote a bogus article and I didn't have to wait for research to show it.

Would not surprise me if they have been trolled. These racist SJWs are so desperate to signal their superior virtues

Seriously? 😂🤣😂🤣

So they failed and their lies are getting exposed on the School story, now they start with this, how disgusting..


Horrific piece of journalism. This is why hardly anybody buys your paper any more.

Sunday Times has really gone downhill , scraping the barrel for stories ! Rather tell us the gestation period of a hedgehog 🦔 , we want facts not your Opinion

Such bulls..t. I really wonder at the level of journalism in SA.

Research shows that whites also can't tell if another white person's smile is genuine or not.

Wow! Amazing journalism!

Who gives a shit

Scraping the bottom of the journalism barrel, again. Most people cannot tell if ANYONE's smile is fake or genuine. Hey let me help you out with another: 'Whites get a black mark for failing to spot thoughts - Research shows that whites can't tell what a black person is thinking.

And the anti-white electioneering continues. Apparently we are so emotionally stunted, we can't tell a fake smile from a real one ... GrievanceStudiesArentScience

Looks like fake smile for the citizens (ahaa we fooled them, smile), but a true smile for each other.


'Lying Times' is a name that will suit this newspaper best ...

Hahahaha clearly research was not done in SA. China perhaps 😂😂😂😂😂

Trying to make everything racial! Stop with this!

This is a buzzfeed kind of story and you paywall it. 😂😂😂

How is this journalism?

Who was the research done by ?

Total garbage, like the paper the garbage is printed on. Not even good enough to line my bird cage. And please, don't call me again to ask if I want to re-subscribe. The answer is no, and will remain so. hacks

I really think the Sunday times should stop this crap. do you think youre helping the situation by posting this? its race baiting.. youre start something.out of utter nonsense..stop it please!! youre making it worse


They can tell when Ramaphosa is bullshitting. His lips are moving. Same goes for Zuma. PS: 1)Very good racebaiting. BellPottinger will be proud. 2) Did this clickbait generate lots of clicks?

main stream media RIP and good riddance..

Research shows that black people can't tell that a black person in power does not care about empowering them...

Don't worry at least we can tell your news is fake.

Scraping the bottom of the barrel again..... You are becoming more pathetic by the day

I have the same problem with my wife. The Race Baiting Times - Available on Sundays

Wtf sundaytimesza.

Research has shown that the average IQ of Sub Sahara Africa is between 70 and 80. That I ponder!

amazed at anyone who still buys your trash with equally trashy and tiresome content

Keep poking that lion with a stick, lads.

This has to be the dumbest article ever. Is the Sunday times battling for readership or something?

Just being polite.

But we can also tell. What's the point of this article?

Majority of black smiles and guffaws are false. Pan American Smiles

VusiSambo Accept if the person is an ANC MP...then we know its fake.

Judging by how the votes have gone the past couple of elections, it's not just white people who can't tell, and it's not just black people who are insincere

So can we black also tell fake smiles by Whites. Guess it's an interacial talent

FrazenburgLloyd Some people tend to think all smiles resemble happiness,CR knows he can't take over Zumas tribalised territory like Jimmy taking over ANN7,not this time with elections knocking at ANCs door.its not like he's gonna stop State Capture inquiry,hlisanumoya bantu!

This kind of reporting really

FrazenburgLloyd Want hulle laag ontsetlik geduurig...uitspaatlik nogal...

This is total garbage.

RIP journalism 😔


Oh Fake-off already!! ShundayTimes

Yous have lost touch and focus, klaar!

Neli_Ngqulana But we can also spot their fake smiles too!!!

The fake smiles they throw around at malls we are well aware of it and we don't buy it ✋🏽

God, this obsession with race is tiring...

Aren't they the ones who showed up with ships and a smile?

Hehehe some people have time.

And into the dark depths of tabloid news you plummet.

VusiSambo Bareng monwaneng

You're just becoming like that DJ on 702 radio with a 09:00 -12:00 slot..You can do better!

This is utter nonsense! UTTER NONSENSE!

Sunday times suck!!


😂😂🤣 they had to pay to find out but still dololo

rodcampsbay I do that to ingenuine whites all the time. Fake my smile ...nodding in agreement


FrazenburgLloyd Slow news week?

Always fake

You guys are so annoying with this Zuma and Ramaphosa division.

Ke masepa a eng a?! 🤦🏽‍♂️

VusiSambo Seriously, in a country where fakenews and media conspiracy theories are the order of the day, this is the shit you’re publishing? Credibility fail of note!

Saze savelelwa, isphithithi

Someone researched this? Oh my... SMH What a sad country we have become when the media constantly looks for clicks through race based stories.

Really now!

It's not that they can't tell, it's that they dare not make a judgment for fear of being called racist.

I give up. 😧

VusiSambo Sjoe seems like newsworthy stories dried up. If I was not white I would have found this article racist

I'm done with your kak. EFFSouthAfrica was right to deal with your kak. Yerrrr

PresJGZuma presence on twitter is the worse thing to ever happen to ST!! What nonsonso is this 😂😂

I smell a truth here

TimesSelect Ndiyavuya mna, imma gon keep faking it for them

Did I just read grinning?

This one is fake .

Domkop post

This kinda NONSENSE is the 1 that is driving a wedge between us! To HELL with DIVERSITY!!! EQUALITY! HUMANRACE RT : Research shows that whites can't tell if a black person's smile is fake or genuine

What a lot of crap. Research? Research by whom?

The wouldn't know if it is genuine cause they fake theirs. Infact they fake everything re emotions.

But what does that have to do with Zuma's and Ramaphosa's laughs?

That's their problem..however...we can certainly tell that their smile are fake..always

That's very gud

WTF is this. WMC media doesn't have news

Why is this newsworthy vele?🤔

Wow. Cutting edge journalism

But we can spot they fake from billion mules away

Nah we don't have fake smiles.

Has the Sunday Times run out of articles to publish? What a nonsensical article. That is not a racial matter. How is it connected to our skin colour? How does one know if people's smiles are genuine generally?

LethaboInJozi what sort of rubbish, crap article is this though?! 😂😂

What the fuck. Where do they come up with this crap.

Can black people?

Mxm you are bored shem.

Stop. Trying. To. Increase. Hate. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. The worst kind of disgusting.


That's racist to whites

Jokes on you , we’re only telling you we can’t because if we say blacks are insincere, petulant, vindictive and petty it’s racist So we tell you what you think you want so that you can just bugger off.

Who financed this research?

A whole newspaper pf Sunday posting this as news, not surprised its , a paper that can't give PresJGZuma Dubai title deed.

now you are really giving rsa the middle finger by publishing such nonsense.

Sunday times did you really publish this kak.

Politicians’ smiles are always fake

Slow news day?

Without research we can tell that a white person smile is fake.

That is exactly why we will keep smiling

Why is this news 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

Stop posting kak!

The opposite.

SAEditorsForum what garbage is this? What’s the next study? Pencils in our hair?

Who cares what white people think about Africans They hate us anyway!

Who did that research?

Its not their call to make

Patronising thats what it is

Ya neeee, so wats next..., hair styles...

Holy cow... Slow news day?

If it’s a black politician the smile is definitely fake!🤣

Fake or evil ha ha

I didn't know that smiles are classified according to race. Thank you sundaytimes will share that with my grand chn.

Who paid for this research?

Who cares what they think of us?

The day we get our land back, they'll see a genuine smile. Manje they must just be happy because we're giving them a fake smile, they'll come a time were we won't be smiling at all

Konje they are psychics you say

Why research a black person smile?

You just enjoy being attacked by influencers on Twitter 😂

No ways.......

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