TOM EATON | Trust a spiritual white boy and you too will look like an RET rocket scientist

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South Africa Headlines News

Tokyo fell for the prank, but the radical economic transformation mob took it viral. What’s new?

It’s every Gen-Xer’s worst nightmare. Your elderly relative, naive to the treacherous ways of the internet and far too trusting of official-looking documents, falls prey to a wildly unhinged conspiracy theory, goes on eNCA to expound in credulous and yet sexy tones about said conspiracy, gets hailed by the Zupta faction as a teller of truths and then has to retreat in disgrace to their palace with nothing to get them through their autumn years but millions and millions of rand.

Yes, Tokyo Sexwale has had a rough week, but not as rough as his younger family members, who have no doubt spent the past few days reminding him, with very forced smiles and gentle voices, that if he’s ever unsure he should just forward the e-mail to them or to the 700 lawyers and/or accountants he employs, FFS...If you have already registered or subscribed, please sign in to continue.


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Why is the media and the current anc administration so against RET a policy that would benefit a black people why ?

Thumanina thugs are defending their criminal President

I’m back with smile on my face again thanks to Thembamark2 I don’t know what to say I was skeptical but I am proud to let the world know that you’re the reason behind my successful trades life!!🙏🙏 God bless you for your good works

I will wait for the presser at 14h00.

Very clearly the RET group are intrinsically racist. Campaigns to polarise SAns are not acceptable. We have gone beyond restitution to plain, downright revenge that will achieve nothing but hardship for all.

Ave nisidakelwa kodwa eyi !!!!

Tokyo fell for one 419 Scam, the majority of South Africa fell for the ANC 419 Scam allowing them to loot Billions

Wooow Tokyo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣this guy mara...🤔

Tokyo is speaking at 14:05

So Which Fund was he in charge of, with the other Person? How was he in charge of a Prank?

Is this an opinion piece?

I still can't believe that real account manager exist I am so happy trading with MariaNMabry, i never took her serious because I taught he was a scam like others ,until my first withdrawal of $30,000 within just one week of trading! I am so grateful to her and i can't keep this

You playing Bell potinger

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