Stellenbosch gym masturbator shows how easily men get away with sexual harassment

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Stellenbosch gym masturbator shows how easily men get away with sexual harassment | W24_SA

masturbating while he watches and seemingly records a woman working out in a Virgin Active in Stellenbosch.

Virgin Active has confirmed on Twitter that the man in question has been banned from all of their outlets, membership revoked and they will be seeking criminal charges against him. — Virgin Active This is all good and well, and a very important step as Virgin Active is showing that this kind of behaviour is not okay, is sexual harassment, and they will not allow it in their gyms which are meant to be safe spaces for everyone who chooses to use them.

But the really shocking reactions have been from people who are acting as if though this is a massive joke and the man in question was just being a naughty school boy and this shouldn’t be taken that seriously. Case in point, the News24 Facebook commenters had a field day with this story, with many of them joking about him trying to be an “active virgin” and he was just “training his muscle”.

Then, of course, there was blame placed on the women who decided to go to gym wearing workout clothes, not on the man who decided to touch his penis in the middle of a public space. : “Women dress like prostitutes at the gym in the hopes that men masturbate to them. One man answers the call,” with a link to the video.

Women dress like prostitutes at the gym in the hopes that men masturbate to them. One man answers the call.


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W24_SA Yo nike one of your athletes was caught bashing one out to a girl doing sqauts at a gym nike nikefitness do not think this is what you meant with justdoit

W24_SA Easier than women?

W24_SA Why r u hinting a black guy with ur pic...... 🤭

nealcol W24_SA Since when masturbation is a sexual harrasment. Who is being harrassed? Ayi khona, never.

W24_SA mxm fotsek hope yall get sued by Nike

W24_SA What’s up with Stellenbosch all that mountain air breeding freaks! Axe murderer ✅ public masturbator ✅

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Who’s the editor of this online kak news outlet!?

W24_SA Nike nikestore nikesb come see something

W24_SA The one who posted the video is to be taken to task. What was the purpose? What is masturbation kanti? I thought it was playing with yourself while your mind imagines the 'woman'?

W24_SA Why the hell don't you show HIS pic?🤨 Nike take them to court👩🏽‍⚖️😤

W24_SA 😂😂😂the comments guys want to see a man masterbating, kante?😋

W24_SA Why show a wrong guy and black for that matter ?

W24_SA Never skip penis day..

W24_SA _Hybreed_ please do your magic bafwethu

W24_SA But he didn’t get away with it ?!

W24_SA Nike hey guys, I didn't know that y'all be sponsoring people who masturbate in public places while ogling women... Your motto is 'Just Do It' though, so maybe he's actually on brand ey?

W24_SA This hurts Nike’s image. Imagine if Nike had to see this... Yikes Nike

W24_SA Leave Nike out of this and show the real identity of the man. GTFOH . I hope you get very good at showing other identities

W24_SA Nike why are you masturbating in public 😳😳😳

W24_SA The hand of a black man seem fitting for your story

_urMuse W24_SA That’s white privilege dude. Like duhh 🙄🙄🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

W24_SA His name n picture plz

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Your title is “How easily men get away with sexual harassment “ but you don’t post his picture. Ya’ll are not as smart as I thought.

W24_SA Nike please sue them

W24_SA White privilege.

W24_SA While watching that lady doing squats...

W24_SA Yall stupid for using this picture and for this statement, hope Nike sues yall for everything!!

W24_SA Nike ... looks like your intervention is needed here

W24_SA So basically Nike is to blame for all this

W24_SA Funny how you're always quick to publish a black face but when it's a white face dololo mgodoyi ndini

W24_SA Never miss forearm day

W24_SA Which man?

W24_SA Nike 😒😒what y'all gonna say

W24_SA Can we get pic of his face

W24_SA Does it look like this?

W24_SA We can't keep telling you the same damn thing. WhitePrivilege

W24_SA he was helping himself he harmed no one

W24_SA Nike supports this?

W24_SA I fail to c wht dd he do wrong i guess i will never understand this

W24_SA The girl is hot but that's too much. Have some respect and admire from afar like the rest of us.

W24_SA Nike nikestore nike

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Which is the sexual harassment part? Was his dicky not willing to participate?

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Why haven’t you guys used the guys face for the photo instead? We haven’t actually seen him since the incident...

W24_SA Because his white wrong pic is used and no name why?

W24_SA Nike ✌

W24_SA The masturnator is a teenager guys, The boy couldn't resist.. I blame the sexy girls at the gym.. Making gym life hard😂😂😂😂😂

W24_SA Nike sort them out🤦‍♂️

W24_SA Nike

Delete this tweet

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA helenzille surely this is white privilege...news24 covered his face and now they showing Nike instead of his face

W24_SA all we see is Nike thina hehehehehe Nike so Nike users and masturbation same whatsapp group, was he wearing these Nikkie's though?

W24_SA The skin tone of the stock photo is wrong.

W24_SA Nike See how you brand is used, instead of posting the real Masturbator

W24_SA Zivikele2

W24_SA Nike Tla le boneng

W24_SA So his name is Stellenbosch gym mastubator? Yazi nina

W24_SA This is how it was supposed to be written.... Stellenbosch gym white masturbator shows how easily white men get away with sexual harassment.

W24_SA Women can’t even go to gym in peace

W24_SA 😂 😂 😂 😂 Ya'll are such a joke seriously

W24_SA No shit; ‘cause y’all refer to him as ‘Stellenbosch gym masterbator’. He has a name!

W24_SA so it was Nike that was masturbating not a perverted white Afrikaner potential rapist🤔🤔🤔 the whiteness in you is like a vale we can see through you

W24_SA Really? So called News sites y'all are super trash This has nothing to do with men? This is a dude who did a fucked up disgusting thing but using this as men getting away with harassment. Yall need to stop you virtue signalling bullshit, it's tiring

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Yhoo so masturbating is sexual harrasment

W24_SA There goes News24 protecting white privilege... Pathetic journalism Neh auntie ? helenzille

He has a name. He has a face. Wrong picture🤬🤬

W24_SA The guy didn't Harass no one... He just helped himself

W24_SA Maybe I'm insensitive, but how exactly did he harrass the woman? She had no idea he was even there and had zero interaction with him. He's a peeve but maybe my understanding of the definition of harassment is wrong?

W24_SA His name and his pic

W24_SA Hayibo does Nike nikestore know that W24_SA have associated Nike with a brand that sexual predators wear. No picture or mention of his name (which they have btw) but Nike is featured here, why? Sounds qwhite right

W24_SA News24 they are very colour selective and racist why not name that white boy

W24_SA Here's the correct image.

W24_SA SAEditorsForum this is unbecoming and we don't like it

W24_SA News24 keeps reporting selectively when it comes to images it seems. Perhaps one should just stop subscribing to their stuff. Delete the app and find other news sources who are transparent and consistent

W24_SA Where are News24 offices?

W24_SA Oh wait holup, masterbation issa crime now, huhhh? 🤔🤔

W24_SA master of masturbation

W24_SA Nike do something about this.

W24_SA Why is his picture not there or is that practise only used when blacks are in the wrong?

W24_SA Nike this makes y’all look bad

W24_SA What does this picture have to do with the white gym masturbator 😕 nah fvck this put his bloody name and picture on there!!

W24_SA Guys this was more of a public indecency than sexual harrassment.wasn't that guy looking at his phone?

W24_SA Mxm is he nameless?- if it was black dude am very sure that u wouldv mentiond his name wth CAPS.

W24_SA Nike sue them!

W24_SA White men*

W24_SA Whom was he harassing

W24_SA Can be compared to the former delivery driver at Mr D, who 'Let Off' full steam after delivering an order to female customer in PMB. Driver was subsequently fired from his job.

W24_SA Nike This side.

W24_SA What does this picture have to do with anything? 😕

W24_SA I won’t mention his name but his video was all over

W24_SA Hectic.

W24_SA Wasn't it a white man caught? Now the subliminally use a black man... Ayyy Ayyy stop this!

W24_SA Another News24 super story........they are sinking fast.

W24_SA You put the wrong pic. Let me assist you.

W24_SA You mean white and black men and women too

W24_SA His parents must be so proud

W24_SA Case clarity? is this an e-harassment or physical harassment?People should note the right of action, at a proper place,as a human right in contraceptives and family planni g.a case for hidden cams,is also relative to what gets disclosed?

W24_SA What did he get away with?

W24_SA We know it's a white man from reading this caption

W24_SA Nike

W24_SA Nike sue

W24_SA It's hard to be a man in this ero!

W24_SA The same old game, man from wherever because he was some race! No name and pic

W24_SA nikestore Nike nikefootball nikebasketball nikesb

W24_SA Then you show the Nike brand wow so you associate him with the brand? Why not show his face cause there was a video showing it

W24_SA show the perv's face

W24_SA If it was a woman caught playing with herself I doubt she would have been reported and certainly not banned. I do not know how you think men get it easy.....

W24_SA Who wrote this article?

W24_SA Absolute BS. His face was plastered all over social media. His life is ruined forever. He was banned from the gym for life. And he never engaged with anyone but himself. Plus, one incident is not proof of a broader social phenomenon🤦‍♂️

W24_SA No No No, White Man...That's whats missing from this Statement. Its Funny Because when the Race is white, that's never mentioned and what is his Name, You guys are really Biased!

W24_SA fakenews

W24_SA FFS. It could only be 'sexual harassment' if he planned on someone noticing it. As in 'to harass'. That idiot clearly didn't. He has far bigger issues than being a sexual harasser. 🙄

W24_SA Wrong pic

W24_SA Golden rule in life. Don’t read News24 commenters.

W24_SA He has a name! Call him by his name.

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