SA is still the most unequal country in the world, according to the World Bank | Fin24

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South Africa Headlines News

South Africa Latest News,South Africa Headlines

South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, with race playing a determining factor in a society where 10% of the population owns more than 80% of the wealth, according to a World Bank report released on Wednesday. | Fin24

"South Africa... is the most unequal country in the world, ranking first among 164 countries," the Washington-based institution said in a report called 'Inequality in Southern Africa'.

When race is considered as a factor in income disparities, the report added,"its contribution to income inequality amounts to 41%, while contribution of education is reduced to 30%." The country's neighbours that make up the rest of the Southern African Customs Union - Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and Namibia - all finish high on the list of the most unequal countries in the world.In the region, women earn on average 30% less than men with the same level of education.The uneven distribution of agricultural land is also a factor driving inequality, especially in rural areas.


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T_Carmen22 Fin24 We could’ve told them this

carienduplessis Fin24 The focus of the Presidential Job Summit and Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan was inter alia on addressing such high inequality through promoting job creation, income-generating opportunities, and reducing obstacles to growth.

donnasthill Fin24 Attempts by BDliveSA for MYANC PresidencyZA CyrilRamaphosa to take sides in Ukraine conflict will make this country *more *unequal. We cannot throw our full weight behind the financialised economic bloc like North America and Europe. We live in a multipolar world. Our_DA

Fin24 You're telling us what we know.

Fin24 It's because only 10% is willing to work for their money and a beter life, while the 90% wants to sit in a jellow ANC t-shirt and stagnate. Don't give the situation the fault if mindset plays the greater role in life.

Fin24 Moderating company pay gaps & profit sharing with workers is non-racial & efficient (no govt middlemen) at dismantling structural racism, reducing inequality along racial lines, and stimulating employment & economic growth by creating more employers.

Fin24 With no political will to control illegal immigration and unimaginable financial looting by government, surely things can't be turned around?

Fin24 ANC is doing what the Boers did. Liquidating everything else for themselves. Running a country is really a game

Fin24 And BBBEE makes it even worse.Income gap among the previously disadvantaged group

Fin24 And you already know the 10% will call this kak right?


Fin24 Latter years seem to developing poorly

Fin24 Not dissimilar to the global environment “According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, Individuals owning over $100,000 in assets make up 12.2 percent of the global population but own 84.9 percent of global wealth.

Fin24 Not dissimilar to the global environment “According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, the world’s richest 1 percent, those with more than $1 million, own 45.8 percent of the world’s wealth.”

Makufiwe Fin24 Our government must be blamed, they don't have a plan to rectify this nw is almost 30yrs no no no. Instead nw in this current administration of Romaphosa this wil increase further. They don't do what supposed to be done while they are aware of this problem

Fin24 Malema told them in court.

MichaelBucwa Fin24 What has MYANC ANCVeterans ANCWomensLeague ANCYLhq SASCO_Jikelele CosasHq ANCWL_hq SANCONationale SACP1921 & poor _cosatu done to end the inequality since 1994? BuddyWells1 DumaGqubule MasiphulaM MichaboSustain1 mmt_SouthAfrica redgenkosi chrismalikane

Fin24 Rampant unemployment, government handouts and government dependence are your answer.

Fin24 The ANC loots all the money and makes your children wear a mask for it.

Fin24 OperationDudula was seen having chest pains upon receipt of this report !!

Fin24 And please 10% that owns 80% of the wealth is not all whites please.....I think we can factor in some of those in parliament that is stealing this country blind

Fin24 Not a determining factor. A statistical factor. SA has one on the most corrupt governments... is race also a determining factor?

Fin24 Yes tgey know,,but babusy no operation Dudula abelungu leave them alone

Fin24 What's next

Fin24 Based on CENSUS Stat SA, they have figured out and reported this information to the world bank because we as South Africans owes it. And now they know who is responsible to pay back these debts made by ANC fake leader Ramaphosa. Soon or later, he will die.

Fin24 What new coz we all knew that

Fin24 Route course analysis 👌 6 kids per mother on the grant + R350 + rdp houses + HIV treatment + free school + feedings programs at schools + 🤔sanitary pads + 😳 health care + 6 kids universities 'free'.... jobs/safety + foreners + government looters 🤩🤫🤫🤫

Fin24 Race does play a factor whereby black people have more economic freedoms and are prioritised for employment and contracts purely because of their skin colour. The 10% who owns 80% of wealth happens to be black.

Fin24 MYANC is the real National Party. To think we have been made to believe we're equal, in which&what sense.Sorry I don't buy the democracy story/the rainbow nation nton2.People are suffering more now it's that simple&before you bark I'm not saying apartheid was better nope not me

Fin24 'Race a determining factor' yet black middle class is fastest growing in SA, I drive to uMhlanga and feel poor seeing majority black people driving fancy cars, eating at the top restaurants and drinking the most expensive liquor. Race isn't a factor, class is. ANC hate the poor

Fin24 If you zoom out you’ll see the tenderpreneurs mansions in Steyn City.

Fin24 I take that 10% includes people like Cyril net worth $450 million or NDZ net worth 1.6 billion rand...

Fin24 And then comes PutSouthAfricansFirst telling us that we are poor due to other black people. The stupidity of Operation Dudula.

anonymoussam0 Fin24 Bank policies Law reforms All the need to change to bring equality

Fin24 It's obvious to the more intelligent that corporation by the black leadership's structures are the main reason for the millions of people living in poverty.

Fin24 We knew hence demand Radical Economic Transformation while you were waiting to be told. You re useless, more like animals who must be told how to think, what to see, what is the differences etc.


Fin24 Hmm, education huh. Who runs that?

Fin24 didn't include the link to the report which is odd - selective reporting Here it is

Fin24 This is mot unique to South Africa, World's richest people now own 11% of global wealth, marking the biggest leap in recent history. Does this make that our planet is the most unequal in the universe

Fin24 The year is 2055 and WB issues a report with the same findings. If only we could somehow undo this legacy of Apartheid. Perhaps vote in an effective government? No, that's not the solution. Ask how all those looted billions could've been better spent? No, that's not it either.

Fin24 How about: The Earth is the most unequal planet in the Universe, where 1% of the population owns more than 80% of the wealth (which World Bank will never report)...

Fin24 You should also report that the size of the black middleclass exceeds the white, but since you like to racebait you probably won't.

Fin24 CapeIndependence is coming

ThusoMbedu Fin24 Sanuxoka

Fin24 The very same 10% tells the heads of states to go go borrow money from the world bank to keep the status quo. Mxm

Fin24 These squatter camps are built right next door to suburbs. The suburbs were there first. This is overpopulation and migration causing slums.

Fin24 Ask MYANC why!!

Fin24 How is this news coz every year we are told the same thing...?

Fin24 Same old story, manje nithi asenzeni?

Fin24 25 years of ANC thank you 🤣😂🤣😂 the Gucci ANC cadres

Fin24 This narrative being peddled by an VoetsekANC worshipping media outlet.. VoetskNews24

Fin24 Yet the rest of Africa swarms to this terrible place looking for a better life

NoniMsi Fin24 But then you guys knew all this, why would a world bank report make this news to you?

Fin24 9 years of Zuma did this.

Fin24 Meanwhile Patrice bought a 2mill cow from his brother in law.. Whilst I'm short of R2 so I can email my CV

Fin24 Only in SA exists race based laws that favors the majority who have complete political control. The fact this is needed against a minority shows complete failure to build their own wealth making structures. Tell me - when apartheid is no longer the scapegoat- who will you blame?

Fin24 'determining factor' - words have lost all meaning.

Fin24 Why are u exposing whites while they teach the South Africans there problem is illegal immigrants then we fight for pea nuts while the laugh at black foolishness dudula ✊🏾✊🏾

Fin24 It is the system that was created and what our current leaders agreed upon that deemed it so..

Fin24 This is Mandela’s legacy. That man did nothing for us.

Fin24 And if you look at what percentage are raised with work ethics and without a self-entitlement mindset? If you work hard, you will reap the rewards. Very simple...

Fin24 Some pictures I shot documenting this issue

Azola_B Fin24 And black Sans think If all fellow Africans( they call foreigners) leaves they will become as rich as “masters”who controls their government and economy… jokers 🤣🤣 I hope it doesn’t take long before they free themselves from mental slavery and start focusing on real problems

Fin24 This is exactly what u were suppose to fight for rather than fight foreigners for wat? Cuz they suffer like you

DlaminiPhilo Fin24 Look back at how you report things in this country and see if you reflect this reality.

Fin24 One word…”Reparations!”

Fin24 Im living in failed state bliss … tahbk you CyrilRamaphosa

africaupdates Fin24 Apartheid just took on another name. The Revolution was hijacked & Nelson Mandela was used to calm the waters. What you see today in South Africa is the end result. NNPA_BlackPress revolttv _AfricanUnion

Fin24 I am 32 studied for 4 years , I have no kids. My house executive has 4 kids she earns R250 a day . My garden executive has 5 kids and earns R250 a day . I make alot more than that and only plan to have 1 kid. Can you see the problem.

Fin24 What a load of kak 💩

Fin24 Only a war can solve this crisis.

Fin24 it’s infuriatingly heartbreaking 💔

Fin24 Mxm!!!

Fin24 It's reduced even further bcoz last I checked it was 20%

Fin24 SA is a colony managed by Slave Drivers (SA Whites) for their White European Masters Slave drivers get a little based on their ranks Slaves (Natives) get a trickle which goes to Collaborators (CleverBlacks) who are happy carpets & chain of slavery The rest languish in poverty

KskHanz Fin24 How do we solve this inequality?

Fin24 ANC government don't see anything wrong with this

Fin24 Aren't we tired with this?

Fin24 Get rid of the MYANC and this will change very quickly. This country could be incredible. So incredible. But it's run by evil corrupt humans who do not care for the people of this country.

Fin24 Wealth is created by yourself, nobody can give it to you, look at all these immigrants creating wealth for themselves they dont ask anyone to give it to them.Zim tried it, did not work so did other african countries.when the top 10 leave everyone is poor.

Fin24 Nothing new here.

Fin24 💔💔💔

Fin24 Black people need to support each other, and buy from one another, just like all the other races do for each other. We need to invest in one another. We need to have self love. Being pro black doesn't mean anti others.

Fin24 That has to change. Racisim has to end, and it starts with one person at a time.

Fin24 Why the surprise Still It is an apartheid system . All the economic systems are under white men . These who lead are serving the white rich people . Mandela didn’t liberate the economy .

Fin24 So are we finally talking about Economic Apartheid?!

Fin24 Yet you still want to privatise in the name of creating jobs

Fin24 Definitely the work of the cANCer

Fin24 I would have given this info for free

Fin24 If those RDP house were kept as RDPs not with mekhukhu(zozo) we would be more or less equal bothat they give you Rdp wena o nagana maZimbabwe a ama 6 for rental R500/head

Fin24 RSA has rewritten the Pareto principle

Fin24 News24 kanti e nna le report nnete

Fin24 Most of our muny is under the mattress bank stats ain't accurate


Fin24 We have been talking about inequality for decades,for a change let's talk about human trafficking that has become a big challenge for ordinary poor and defenceless South Africans

Fin24 And 10% are responsible for 100% of the taxes. Yes, it is shocking on all accounts.

Fin24 Nagana batho ba go tla ka dikepe mo lefatsheng la rona yet ke bona ba rich go phala rona... Manyala fela

Fin24 The 10% are all ANC cadres don’t use race.

NoniMsi Fin24 💔💔

Fin24 That 10% who owns the economy are 95% white.and 5% blacks are ANC crooks who sold african child to these caucasian who oppressed us more than 400 years.they were given millions and shares for their good job.biggest culprits are those who were signing this constitution


Fin24 And race is the metric used ofc. Instead of saying how much has the poverty line shifted given the people in power and there tenure. A comparison is made to skin

Fin24 I mean we are just blaming everything on apartheid. We must Move on, it’s almost 30 years after it ended. Not everything is about race. we must Stop playing the race card. What a failed state we have become CyrilRamaphosa . 🤦🏾‍♂️

Fin24 A ticking bomb, civil war might pop, one day!

Fin24 Yeah, mainly owned by politicians in Parliament & their supporters livesi n Shacks, on stolen property.

Fin24 Focus on creating jobs! Open the labour market! Encourage business!


Fin24 If South Africa is the most unequal country in the World then United States comes second because the datas don't differ much. I PERSONALLY BELIEVE THAT U.S.A IS THE MOST UNEQUAL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD BASED ON MY RESEARCH.

Fin24 Nothing new there🤷🏾‍♂️

Fin24 White South Africans are exclusionary, please not; I said most 'white South Africans' are exclusionary, other white people around the world are way better than those here in South Africa, trust me most White South Africans are disgustly weak and infested with herd mentality.

Fin24 Race has nothing to do with some of these things! Black South Africans are some of the laziest people you will find on Earth. True story!

Fin24 Not to put down the PutSouthAfricaFirst movement, but what are we doing about the rich elites that are plundering our country. Where is that movement? Or do grassroots movements only start only when we recieve funding from the same people who are benefiting from the devide?

MrMoMarumo Fin24 Sipheni ama 5 million.

Fin24 Now you are talking important bread and butter issues. O tlogele masepa a di war propaganda tša mosheamawatle 🤝

Fin24 Now you are talking impossible bread and butter issues. O tlogele masepa a di war propaganda tša mosheamawatle 🤝

Fin24 We have know that since childhood, what you should be asking is what is the plan from gov to eradicate it

Fin24 I think this things is deeper than we thought, even sports is letting us down in this country,we need to reboot all sports codes,every town must have proper professional club football, cricket, hockey, netball, basketball,tennis and volleyball,5% of every company go to sports

Fin24 They say African foreigners are taking over their wealth therefore they are doing operation dudula in poor societies.

Fin24 Okay, but whose job is it to fix that? ANC. How many years have they had? 28 years.

Fin24 I dont blame whites and lets not dare blame them. Lets blame our black fools in power for not making sure there is equality.

Fin24 And the World bank went on to say land must be distributed equitably. So why is MYANC blind to what even the world bank has recommended

Fin24 Mxm

Fin24 Thanks to ANC

Fin24 That's capitalism for you

Fin24 With the best constitution in the world reality is SA the ANC government failed dismally after it took power because of corruption those in leadership just focus on how to enrich themselves rather than the country for the sack of next generation

Fin24 The best way to share wealth starts by paying descent wages, something that the rich are not prepared to do.

Fin24 Did they aware that there are millions of illegals?

Fin24 Sad reality indeed

Fin24 Yes sure! I have 1 hectare and I have one child. You buy 1 hectare next to me and have 6 children, they have 6 children, your entire family and family in-laws move in, you also rent shacks to foreigners. NOW you look at my hectare and ask me why I have more land!?

Fin24 This sums it

Fin24 CV Professionals 👩‍💻 Your Support will be highly appreciated 🙏🙏 🎨 CV Revamp R70 (Employed) R50 (Unemployed) + Cover Letter 📬Email : 📌Whatsapp : 067 389 8352 🚚 Same Day delivery

Fin24 Went to jail a freedom fighter, came out a sellout with a fist high, screaming 'Amandla!' But he knew who had our land and resources. But please go listen to 702 or S.A fm or ENCA so you can be brainwashed some more.

Fin24 The 1994 Freedom is myth. While it undoubtedly improved life for some, for the most part, it did not. Rather, it marked the internationalisation and indigenisation of colonialism. Our economy was structured to enrich colonizers. After 1994 our economy was not restructured...

Fin24 Wonder if the Gupta family didn’t co-govern our country, what would’ve happened?

Fin24 To the blacks who are gona be reading this. No one will build us besides us. Whites will keep expanding their physical domain while we are distracted or waiting for politicians to save us. Our power is our numbers nd everyday we spend divided is a century worth of loss.

Fin24 I'm sure Operation Dudula is solving this. Oh wait 🤦🏽‍♀️

Fin24 Over 200 comments with over 200 solutions and opinions. Some things are meant to die. South Africa is one of those things. Some problems are not meant to be solved. South Africa is one of those problems.

Fin24 Beware black supremist behaviour in SA. White supremists during apartheid subjugated non whites. Black supremists are now discriminating against non-africans, including Indian, coloureds who are sidelined for jobs & promotions. reverseApartheid historyRepeated 30percenters

MichaelBucwa Fin24 But I have nothing in south Africa 😭😭

Fin24 The anc actively creates poverty.

Fin24 Dudula operation is shifting focus, are we fighting for 10% let's get real

Fin24 Telling it like it is is always good for the status quo to continue unaltered. Nothing new to debate here!

Fin24 Why do people think revolution leads to everyone getting rich lol? Where has it ever happened?

We need a secret society.

Fin24 Only now that you know?

Fin24 Thanks to Ramakhuphukisa yonke into Maphosa

Fin24 Let us chase away this 10% of society and with their 80% wealth so that our 20% wealth automatically becomes 100% wealth. Don't ask me about the value of that 10% monetary terms 😂😂😂

ramalokot Fin24 We have known this forever. The problem is the law we passed as a guardian for the apartheid beneficiaries. We took nothing in the name of peace transition. Colonial Camp will not surrender money because it gives them power over natives.

Fin24 Keep pushing communist ideas and that gap will only widen.

'Still'. Who has done anything to change this in the past 30 years

SuperiorZulu Fin24 All thanks to Mandela & Co.

Fin24 And thanks to people ramaphosa, things are about to get worse for Black people... The man is anti Black and can't hide it!

Fin24 Blah blah blah... MyANC propoganda mouthpiece! The biggest inequality exist between those with a job and those without a job. Nevermind inequality betwen politician (Ramaphosa) and his voters! Anyway, we are born unequal...dont blame another race, blame you parents !

Fin24 We tired of reports that comes with no solution or even if they is one no one wants to implement it

Fin24 Wow shocking news

Fin24 Share with Afrig-forum maybe they'll understand better when we say nationalization of land and other strategic economic sectors.

Fin24 FistosGcwanini In the mist of such then we have the misdirected Dudula Movement 🤦🏾

Fin24 That's true and sad and it's getting worse, the safe community is not helping to better the status quo.

Fin24 How many pay income tax ?

Fin24 Na yet we fight foreigners in Alex and not deal with these real guys who are loooting and staying lavishly in our country.we don’t hate them,it has to be fair to citizens and e continent

Fin24 We need a Revolution

Fin24 World bank agenda globalisation, these numbers are subject to unfair assessments,

Fin24 South Africa is a country that does not deal with issues decisively This is a problem were everybody must be held accountable from the private sector to the government to trade unions even university institutions All these sectors pull in different directions

Fin24 This is not due to apartheid. This is due to MYANC c unts

Fin24 Honestly speaking capitalists run the country not the ANC, infact Ramaphosa tried telling us this with 'government doesn't create jobs' saga and as much as we are in denial about it we know he was right, the ANC has no say anymore only big business has a say

Fin24 It's like the ANC enjoys seeing us blacks suffer like this, they will sloganeer this issue as if it's an achievement.

musatraveler Fin24 I like the pic u attached. Inequality in SA does not even need the world bank to tell us. U can see it right in front of ur face

Fin24 Lucky the 10% owns something... Otherwise it would be 100% owning nothing...... At least that 10% can still provide most of the jobs..

Fin24 & it's only getting worse

Fin24 30 years of ANC and we've gone nowhere...

Fin24 So is that 10% ANC politicians and cadres or is their “wealth” not included in the report?

Fin24 The struggle in South Africa is both class and race but supported by politicians who don't know what their are doing

Fin24 lol this is almost in every country though...I mean the rich get richer after all

TheSwaziPablo Fin24 Lool...Julius Malema is always right

Fin24 A good report, however little bit flawed, it just takes a person as a race. There is no overlapping data to score literacy or qualifications.

Luu_Matinjwa Fin24 And is well with the current administration of MYANC ANCNEC led by CyrilRamaphosa

Fin24 MYANC I hope you are happy with your mission and useless policies

Fin24 Stop populating!!!!!

Fin24 And why is that?

Fin24 I hate such articles coz they sugar coat the truth, it's 10% whites (Europeans) that control 80% of the economy tell it like it is.

Fin24 Is the 10 % Africans blacks foreigners dudula PutSouthAficansFirst

Fin24 1st time is writing /making a valid point coz 99% is always pushing white interest agenda

Fin24 The 10% are Nigerian, Zimbabwean, Malawian, Somali villagers.

Fin24 So it's true there's a monopoly of capital.

Fin24 Clutches pearls

Fin24 Enforcing the Immigration act will fix this😉

Fin24 I curse the day this morden economy concept was brought to Africa, its depressing and not fulfilling and the reason we have so many problems 😭

Fin24 It’s the governments fault!! Look at the difference of a child coming out of a rich neighbourhood state school And a township school! Who’s fault is that? The anc! Who will get a good job Nothing to do with race! Education is the key

MakomboreroH Fin24 10% of the population owns 80% of the wealth land included but you are busy fighting foreign street vendors,hairdressers,house maids and garderners.

Fin24 Politicians fault!!

Fin24 Dudula with your mindset nothing will change how can 10% own more than you guys combined

Fin24 Dont blame race the real cause is unemployment

Fin24 I don't think race is the determining factor. If you study the ANC and how they actively create poverty, then it cannot be about race. I would say ideology is the determining factor...

Fin24 I don't think any of our politicians can resolve this inequality issue.They don't have the will-power to do it. Only radical meaningful initiatives from the people themselves will begin to address this scourge.

Fin24 The only solution is to go back to the books of 1990 negotiations and cancel all the agreements that were signed for. I dnt know how because some people who have signed for this have died. Other than that even New party won win this fight. It was signed for.

Fin24 Yes you mofo and 5.8% of the population pays 94.2% of the tax.

Fin24 This country was never freed but rather we were fooled by Mandela into believing that change had happened. An average white person still controls the wealth that they either acquired/inherited pre94,while on the other hand blacks continuously suffer and inherit poverty.

Fin24 The results of White minority owning almost 80% of the land

Fin24 Reports such as this one are not helpful if action is not taken to correct this unpleasant situation. Words do not cook rice. The government needs to take action and talk less

Fin24 The World Bank is preaching to the choir.. The SAn government knows this and has no plans nor the will to change the status quo..

Fin24 And somewhere somehow the Citizens are going against Foreigners as if they own anything

Fin24 Now let's put that on a graph and maybe it can explain why...


Fin24 Wait till 2024 when the masses realise that Nee vok! 30 years Later Nothing has changed. Dan sal die poppe dans. Mark my words...

Fin24 'I have fought against black domination'

Fin24 I thought it’s 90%

Fin24 Now you understand why they had to do away with conscription in SA cause trained youth would have risen up when faced with this reality, and today we have the President that has perpetuated the situation.

Fin24 The 10% rich will never agree to redress this situation or share. Many were enriched by Apartheid regime. What next? Start war?


Fin24 Culture problem. Feed by entitlement. There is more black millionaires than white. Not to mention the highest unemployment. Go Africa.

Just_Gundy Fin24 What’s surprising about this ?

Fin24 Jumping to the race-related explanation of the disparity might be a mistake. Need to see the relative demographics of the wealthy. soldacow

Fin24 There’s a book called “The Bell Curve” that addresses how IQs determine success in communities. The book has a chapter on the correlation between race and IQ. If we feel it’s important to correlate equality racially, then perhaps the answer can be found in this book. 1/2

Fin24 Fuck off. This is the same World Bank who lends billions to Cyril and doesn't question when it goes missing? Jesus christ.

Fin24 We are lead by fools SAgovnews

Fin24 What's the world bank going to do about that?

Fin24 You have run this repeat article for years. Strange how it pops up when we have issues in Alex with foreigners, stoaking a fire on a over boiled pot. How about you point out how the political parties have ruined this country with theft. Instead of playing ppl up against race.

Fin24 Politicians are NOT leaders. Politicians will not undo this. May be referendum is a way.

Fin24 90% shares a measly 20%...and that 20 gets auctioned back to the 90 for some curry and a LV handbag 😳

Fin24 There is solutions and always have been. The problem is not the people, it's the people who were elected by the people so in truth both are at fault. Truth is, no one really wants to fix it because if they wanted to, it would be...

Fin24 Removing ANC from power is the only solution because their policies favor’s the 10% of the society.

KamvelihleGoba Fin24 Land restoration remains the best solution to this crisis or else inequality will remain as is or even get worse.

Fin24 We need a revolution.

justkholii__ Fin24 This is no surprise at all

Fin24 This isn't factually correct Pushing a narrative again?

Fin24 90% of the population want everything for free.

Fin24 How many times are we gonna hear this.. We all know Mandela fxcked black people in exchange for being a house Negro. We wanna hear what the corporate and government's reason for upholding this legacy. Or do they wanna see how far black people can bend backwards?

Fin24 I don't care what the world bank says. I want them to come and stay in a local little town in SA for a year and then we will talk again after the year

Fin24 What should've been done in 1994 already. That decision set us on the current course and also on a course to the inevitable civil war if 'drastic' changes are not made. One can only live behind high walls & electric fences for so long.

Fin24 And what do you think good journalism can do to address this mess. Think about it. In all the years you have existed, South Africa is actually worse off. Your news have been a big part of why SA is so divided. Check yourself! 1HectarePerPersonNOW and 3HectaresPerParentNOW

Fin24 In South africa the blacks are like 95%. So the higher portion should be poor. Normal statistics but yeah. Race is the problem👍

Fin24 All that changed after 1994 is who sits in parliament. Most of the money and land is still white-owned and most black South Africans are still dirt poor. Hardly Mandela's vision.

Fin24 When will this Stat Change EFFSouthAfrica MYANC

Fin24 😭😭😭😭 ErnstRoets

Fin24 More reason to expropriate land, banks, mines and other strategic industries for equal distribution.

Fin24 and yet they still vote ANC....shoking

Vuittots Fin24 Maybe let’s Dudula in Sandton once nje guys what you think 😂😂🤷‍♂️

Fin24 Mxm!

Fin24 So vele vele iMali Ilele laphana kwaCrime neh?

Fin24 The people shall share the wealth 💀💀💀💀

Fin24 Unfortunately closing the gap will never be achieved under the anc coz they just join the gravie train and become far apart from the very people who voted for them

Fin24 We as South Africans knew all along, the world just stamped it.

Fin24 That 10% of white settlers must hoard that wealth till Jesus comes back. Darkies must understand that what was taken by blood shall be returned by the blood. Darkies must go fight for their Ancestors stuff. So when they have it they can cherish it.

Fin24 This is bullshit!: 'The legacy of colonialism and apartheid, rooted in racial and spatial segregation, continues to reinforce inequality'.

Fin24 Complete failure of the state to protect its own CITIZENS and uphold their EQUALITY

Fin24 What about the inequality ito tax-paying citizens? Not worth mentioning?

Fin24 God never created Man equal 😉, find your own talents and forget about race rubbish , only a minority benefit from government get over it.

Fin24 Slow news day?

Fin24 We also are breeding at an accelerated rate which means no economy can grow at that pace . Stop making kids you can’t afford to feed and educate . I do not want to pay for other peoples kids

Fin24 Yeah the Sky is blue🙄shock us even more🥴

Fin24 Moeletsi Mbeki said, the South African economy was designed to serve foreign interest and when the ANC took over, they made no efforts to change that and there is no better truth than that.

Fin24 *the white minority

Fin24 With MYANC still in power, many black South Africans are still gonna suffer

Fin24 Only a stupid person with think the colour of his skin will give him success. Sure racist systematic laws like BBBEE will enrich a minority but you likely not black enough, not connected enough , not criminally enough. Do what these clever whites do since they so rich 🤔

TheePlug_ZA Fin24 Majority of you look at the real problem to unemployment and instability to the economy not chasing foreigners around thinking they’re your problem… here is a Real Problem

Fin24 Where are the dudula clowns? They are targeting wrong people. 🤡

Fin24 ANC is not for blacks anymore, whites are getting richer since '94

Fin24 Imagine this inequality, and you vaccinated, yoh

justkholii__ Fin24 Sad state of affairs

Fin24 But is us blacks we keep on voting for ANC

Fin24 Is Our_DA still hellbent on its 'color - blind' policeies, after WB report, SA the most unequal country globally 🙄😲 DeanMacpherson RenaldoGouws alanwinde GvanOnselen GwenNgwenya mphophalatse1 MayorPappas geordinhl mbalimcdust

Fin24 tHE PrOBLeM IS tHE cOLOr OF yOUR sKIn....

Fin24 The crazy part is that there is a 90% population (blacks) who cant figure out how to pull together resources that time 'their' are the biggest contributors to the economy. Without that 90% there is no economy. It's so simple yet we run away from the challenge by blaming the 10%

Fin24 Shame

Fin24 I wonder why..

Fin24 This is bait, the 10% includes all races. Nice try. But thanks whites are successful even though we discriminated and taxed for very little services 👏🏻

Fin24 Amazing! After 28yrs of Government, State Departments and Soe's run entirely by our Black Brothers and Sistas. What were they doing. Getting paid millions and doing what?

Fin24 It must be westerners that say so before clever blacks in ZA start to believe it.

Fin24 If the ANC worked on changing the mindset of 'their people' when they came into power instead of driving in the racial wedge and making them believe that they are still victims, while the elite cadres enriched themselves at the cost of the marginalised, SA would be thriving now.

Fin24 Who is that 10% of the population?


makate_nkosana Fin24 A disaster waiting to happen. The 10% will be in trouble 1 day. And that day is not that far.

Fin24 Maybe if the gold and diamonds which is owned by the British and Americans , didnt leave the south africa, things would have been different..Our government is still selling the country down the toilet..

Fin24 Apartheid, is that you? still lingering?

Fin24 Apartheid legacy of Rupert & Afrikaner tycoons, presided by their colonial clerk president & ANC gatekeeper hooligans RamaphosaMustGo

Fin24 The solution is land, they are wealthy because they have land, until we take it, we'll forever be poor

Fin24 The 90% kept the useless ANC Goverment in power.

Fin24 Same old, same old.

Fin24 Ernst Roets and Clever natives might disagree with this

Fin24 💔

Fin24 😆


Fin24 I don't believe this, folks using metrics that suit their agenda

MasterLui_ Fin24 Breaking news

Fin24 I am done with the regular buzzwords used in our local political discourse. What are other emerging economies doing that South Africa isn't?

Fin24 So WMC actually exists 🤗

Fin24 “race doesn’t matter, let go of the past” - that’s what we’re told. Being a bystander in your country of origin is a painful experience 💔. We accepted that you have the economy and now you’re replacing us with foreigners. Seems like it’s revolution o’clock PutSouthAfricaFirst

Fin24 Thanks to BBE policies, thanks to ANC, thanks to EFF that instead on working to creat a nation for all they continue with the race cards!!!

Fin24 Those tenderpreneurs own a lot

Fin24 How can we fix this? And does our current goverment have the willpower and savvy to change this?

Fin24 Now look at that 80%'s voting patterns. Voting for a party that has stolen trillions from the SA economy has actual consequences. Also, family planning is non-existent in SA. Why does someone in a shack pop 5 kids and then perpetuate the poverty cycle?

Fin24 Well the World Bank can go & fly a kite. If a white person has the financial backing & support he can provide jobs for people of all races. But he is not allowed. So what happens? This man takes his money & move abroad where he can supply jobs to all races.

Fin24 The land question will remain a thorn in the flesh if not solved sooner. Ramaphosa and the apartheid DA are making it worse than it was.

Fin24 It's a mammoth task to address this and the ANC is not the tool of this or any other job

Fin24 I'm sure that if the NP had ruled after fall of apartheid, EVERYONE (including black people) would have lived in better conditions, without falling economics, constant loadshedding etc. Look what is happening at Baragwanath Academic Hospital.

Fin24 Nothing new here, That is why they love that sell out mandela who sold us a dream

Fin24 Reports are released each year & yet the majority of people holding economic power are not reacting nor engaging programs that seeks redistribution of wealth. Let's all wait for the day when the poor will invade the rich & take resources by force & fire... 🤞🏿

Fin24 Then you see another black African beating another African brother for market stall Africa work up where is the gold where is the platinum, uranium which is bieng mined by Russians to make nuclear bombs

Fin24 Blame Jan van Riebeeck

Fin24 SA still votes for the ANC resultant in record poverty and inequality - there fixed it…

Fin24 Lets expropriate land without compensation!

Fin24 What is causing this? Is it high unemployment or low wages for those that are employed?

Fin24 Angithi Mandela and the ANC

Fin24 That's known... What's the administration doing?

Fin24 And the million dollar question is how it got this way? The answer is simple the ANC and their corrupt self indulgent, corrupt cadres and politicians looking out for and enriching themselves at the cost of ordinary citizens VoetsekANC

Fin24 Not surprising, when SA CEOs are the 7th best paid in the world, and get paid 500 times more than the average worker.

Fin24 Don't worry we are lead, that should take 6 months to resolve,we have a negotiator and strategist right here.

Fin24 In 1989 after communism fall, Poland was in a lot worse condition than SA in 1994. And now Poland has thriving ecomonics, very low unemployment and high standard of living. It is safe and clean country. You can blame yourself for voting for ANC since 1994.

Fin24 My only worry is what if this 10% decide to leave this country? That's the scariest part for me. I mean like oneday Rupper, Oppenheimers, Bekker and Motsepe decide to give us space we need

Fin24 The legacy of apartheid and evil capitalist system.

Pali_Sebati Fin24 For as a long as this gov (as a sole issuer of currency) continues to rely on private sector and households to fund public expenditure - the gap between the poor and rich shall continue to expand. More especially along racial lines

Fin24 The rainbow nation of the ANC. This is why the EFF's analysis of the socioeconomic conditions of this country always involve race. We can never improve our peoples lives unless we have an honest conversation about our reality. Abo Put SA first are trying to distract us .

Fin24 Almost 30 years of ANC at the helm and we get this.

Fin24 Apartheid and ANC legacy

Fin24 What a sad state of affairs. And while race plays into the reality, this is now grounded in the ANC is stealing trillions for decades without consequence. When Government’s priority is theft and self-preservation we are doomed to become the next failed state in Africa

Fin24 Correction 1% owns 80% of wealth, and the 1% include ALL RACES, so don't try BS people, using RACE to deflect from TRUTH! RACE IS NOT THE ISSUE, CAPITALISM IS! CAPITALISM is a BROKEN SYSTEM, designed to enrich the 1% beyond their wildest DREAMS, at the EXPENSE of the MAJORITY!

Fin24 After 28 years nothing has changed

Fin24 If you vote for cANCer, this is what you should expect.

Fin24 I've said before, this finding makes the rounds every year. And every year there is no change in socialist policies or incompetent leadership. In fact, in the comments it seems people want to double down on the socialism. What could go wrong?


Fin24 I think we know that already

Fin24 Brought to you by ANC

Fin24 That was wht happened in Zimbabwe whn the majority want land, the very-some world-bank supported sanctions 2 Zimbabweans whn SA want land thy wll do th some, but the day wll come thy wll be no their holding the wealth so tht blacks can fight each other..

Fin24 Thank you ANC

Fin24 Failed democracy. 27 years of ANC this makes headlines. Who’s fault is it?

Fin24 Overthrow MYANC and their false rainbow nation nonsense. The future is in coalitions.

Fin24 So? What's next?

Fin24 When did the world bank send representatives to SA for their study? How long did their study last? Asking for a friend...

Fin24 As it should. 27 years is not enough time to resolve all of that. Whats dumb is to believe that the 10% is all white and 80% all black

Fin24 The report says 10% owns more than 80% of wealth meaning you’re poor no matter how hard you protest. The more you protest the poor you get.

Fin24 Every report that measures inequality reveal the same outcomes, no surprises...

Fin24 No lies detected

Fin24 Is ErnstRoets and his racist afriforum going to appeal this factual findings?

Fin24 Someone once said, So called liberators, will turn out to be your oppressors.

Fin24 'The poor will one day eat the rich'

Fin24 This is a problem of Capitalism not of race. The increase in millionaires in SA has been largely black, yet the people sentenced to even more poverty are also black. Once again race is used to shield a sick system. Capitalism invented racism precisely to shield itself with.

Fin24 And cyril is here to make sure it stays that way.

Fin24 All the money allocated by the government for land reform was transferred to Dubai by the government of yourchoice

Fin24 This is exactly what Julius malema is fyting for the man is not perfect can't deny that but his level of thinking is way beyond

Fin24 Interestingly when it's Toxic WMC Media saying it, most white peeps don't argue. Had it been an Ace Magashule, a Zuma or any Black leader saying it, many would've been up in arms. Meaning even the truth is dependent on who says it, racially...

Fin24 how many black foreigners owns in percentage since they are always the blame.

Fin24 How so there're only 10% of 'US'

Fin24 This inequality is constitutionally guaranteed. Any attempt to adress it failed in court. There is a formular.If SA had 100 citizens, For every R 100 that is made, 1 guy gets R 8 and 99 people share R2. Double Economic growth. The dude will get R 16 and the 99 will get R 4.

Fin24 Are you only waking up from your deep nap now News24?

Fin24 bonglez

Fin24 It's because when white people steal its okay but when black people even think of rectifying this they get thrown in jail

Fin24 The ANC is partly to blame for the inequality


Fin24 Cause we are not equal. Obviously we are superior

Fin24 Stop this ! Do not even try . Anc has been in power for how many years °°°°

Fin24 Then we are made to believe there is democracy...

Fin24 Lol, kwakunini. Sanusiqhela😒

Fin24 Some blame Cyril and say Zuma was the best we ever had , that 10% will shrink to 5 because of such mentality in black people 🤔. Imagine if the whole economy was in the hands of black people we would be like Nigeria by now . People praising thieves and keep voting for them

Fin24 Where is afriforum, why they dont take the government to court to fight this,ooh I forgot....they represent the 10% minority rich beneficiaries at the expense of the 80% poor people

Fin24 Who stands & who doesn't stand with Ukraine is supposedly the most important matter to our journalist however ...

Fin24 You cannot have the population explosion, coupled with the ANC's anti business policies and expect things to improve. If you want more equality, you have to vote out the ANC and reduce the population growth & grow the economy. That will ensure more parity in wealth.

Fin24 Yet white people still deny white privilege and are against transformation

Fin24 Sad

Fin24 When are yall focusing on this mphophalatse1 and ANCParliament PresidencyZA but yall can trouble and make action for Alexandra residents... But the real issue never gets talked about or fixed...

Fin24 And people get shocked by xenophobia, what do you expect when you allow millions of illegal economic migrants into the most unequal country on earth.

Fin24 Waiting for the rebuttal from Phumlani and Ernst 🕯🕯 🕯

Fin24 Some more outdated race baiting by News24. As if racism is SA's nr 1 problem... Can we please also clarify who is still considered black and wbo is white? Hint: how about we focus on the real culprits such as - corruption, ANC/government incompetence and BEE? 🤷

Fin24 It's will never change,but you can change it if you can

Fin24 The problem is the current government who promised poor people for better life almost 30 years with little changes,we need a government who will do transformation and improving citizens lives regardless of the color of your skin, we want everybody who is poor must get better life

Fin24 We kind of already knew this but is the World Bank reminding us because SA took a neutral stand on the war between Russia & Ukraine.

Fin24 Yet they've skipped too many burning issues and rushed to one Afrika one Currency. Sign of lazy thinking and incompetence.

Fin24 Watch abelungu telling us they worked hard for their wealth

Fin24 Preach what the EFF has been saying all along

Fin24 Kill economic freedom and individual wealth creation, concentrate more & more power in the hands of the politically connected, disincentivise capital formation and investment... Ideology -- Policies -- Consequences

Fin24 Don't worry, BIG will fix all that. Social justice experts have studied this and have it all covered

Fin24 Cyril is worsening that

Fin24 How do we overcome this inequality? Is it private citizens that should address this or government? Its all good and well to tell us this but what can be done to fix the issue?

Fin24 I thought ZIMBABWEANS owned everything wow 😳😳

Fin24 ..yet, Black Foreigners are their problem. It just goes to show That, it is a tool in the hands of the Political criminal to gain popularity, knowing the Xenophobic nature of Black SAns.

Fin24 Copy paste narrative. SA is fkd. I don't think that ten percent intend on investing in SA anymore so they will be gone soon... Don't stress.... Haha

Fin24 Why “according to World Bank”, you the locals, guys didn’t know this until world bank said it?🤷‍♀️

Fin24 tweet of the year 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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