PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Over-reliance on reliever pumps linked to increased risk of asthma attacks | Citypress

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South Africa Headlines News

South Africa Latest News,South Africa Headlines

Sponsored | 339 million people globally have asthma. Are you one of them? New recommendations have overturned 30 years of asthma management. Ensure you are not over using your blue reliever inhaler. Do the test today. Yes2Breathe Asthma

For decades, treatment of asthma has involved two different types of inhalers, explains Johannesburg-based doctor Marlin McKay who practices at the Goldman Medical Centre: “Many asthmatic patients use a maintenance inhaler which contains an anti-inflammatory medicine; they also use a symptom reliever inhaler which is blue in colour and contains an item which opens up the airways also known as short-acting beta2 agonists .

The link between SABA blue reliever inhalers over-reliance and an increased risk of asthma attacks has led to updated recommendations from GINA. These recommendations are provided for people using these specific inhalers and advising them to avoid establishing a pattern of reliance on SABA early in the disease.

To inform asthma patients about the new GINA recommendations a public health campaign has been launched by AstraZeneca globally in partnership with the Global Allergy and Airways Patient Platform and locally with the National Asthma Education Programme and Independent Community Pharmacy Association . The Break Over-Reliance campaign aims to help people with asthma reduce their risk of asthma attacks.

“I strongly urge that everyone living with asthma should take the test – it’s easy to navigate and will help them understand whether they are relying too heavily on their SABA. If the results indicate over-reliance, then that information can facilitate conversations with their health care professional around their asthma management.”


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South Africa Latest News, South Africa Headlines