POLL | Should polyandry be legal in SA?

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South Africa Headlines News

The government’s proposal for polyandry to be legally recognised as a form of marriage has sparked a major debate.

Mazzone said Hendricks' comments were insulting to women and he should be investigated by the parliamentary ethics committee.

“I would like you to refer to what the last speaker, who I will not refer to as honourable, has just said. He was insulting to every woman in this country regarding the rights of women to have multiple husbands and the rights of men to have multiple wives,” said Mazzone. “In this day and age, in the year 2021, to think a public representative of this country would dare stand up in the parliament of SA and say something like that is an absolute disgrace. I want it referred to the ethics committee, and may I say that the only woman in this country who would possibly feel that way is his wife,” she said. on Wednesday it was “un-African”, “taboo” and “immoral” for women to have more than one husband.

“We need the religious sector to stand firm against introducing this. It is foreign and un-African. I can understand the ANC Women's League wants 50% of women to be representative, they want a woman president, but I think they are taking it too far to also want African women to be able to take more than one husband,” he said.


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One of those men wil bcum JEALOUS. Da wife wil b beaten, BEHEADED, BURNT, BURIED IN A SHALLOW GRAVE. ITS a Fact, d SAD REALITY OF A FEMALES FATE, DAILY IN SA gbv abuse New Borns killed, left in bins by woman cos d men left dem 4 sum1 else. Y IS GOV CREATING MORE DRAMA

Imani woah😂😂....so who takes whose surname? And who is the provider in this set-up? Qal'uyiva!👏😭

Some of shocking GBV cases are of men demonstrating entitlement towards their victims. Maybe with this Law men will erase the mind of owning someone’ s daughter okare Ke an object. know that vele women are not possessions you can just toy around with.

Good luck with that.. most of them cant even get a husband as it is..🤣

If it should be allowed is not something worth debating... Polyandry is very necessary. Only thing worth debating are the rights of the spouses n children in the union.

Wonder wot happened to the idea of a non Racial non Sexist and equal society

Lol yo, give these women what they want

Yes, definitely Polyandry must be made legal. If men can have multiple wives, or if same gender can marry each other, then polyandry is no big deal

Finally i can have both 🤤

This is a taboo in Africa, abomination,some things should be left for animals,Oh God help us,where are we loosing it Africans?🤔

Already woman population it’s far more that man, you can imagine if a woman can marry more than husband

Clearly government's argument can't possibly be about morals so while they at it, they can also allow prostitution to be legally recognized. If 2 consenting adults agree to f*ck in exchange for money then let them. 🤷‍♂️

Ooh My God

As for CyrilRamaphosa's GovernmentZA starting silly debates rather than dealing with real issues that the country is facing. 🙄

One thing I'm wondering... Can it be possible for both partner to have multiple spouses....? 🤔 Let's say the husband having 3 wives, and one of the wives has 2 more husbands of her own... ? 🤔 🤔 🤔

So many men are angry about this coz they've been doing the least for their partners and this is a threat to their positions. Their partners have options now😂

These comments are so funny yoh😂😂 someone straight out said some things don't need equality, wamane wayveza eshashalazini😭😂

What is good for the goose is also good for the gander 🙄😎

Our people get distracted very easily, we should be discussing expropriation of land, high unemployment rate, nepotism and many other issues affecting majority but we are here with clueless government. No efforts to anything that promotes emancipation of the black majority

As long as it does not come with lobola

jadapsmith should include South Africa in their previous Polyandry topic

Why major debate 🤔we already have polygamy so this should not be an issue mos🤷‍♀️

It is degrading to South African men to even allow this debate to take place! When all over Africa people want to have more than one woman....

it is one stupid idea. Expect an exponential increase in assault and murder cases.

As if we don't have bigger issues, then they shove this nonsense down our face

We already in Polyandrous situations it’s just that we don’t know it. |Polyandry|

If men are allowed to do polygamy why can't women do the same,The entitlement from SAn men stinks. Rest Msunu..women do not belong to u

It's not something I would practise...but if you can have polygamy...you can shurely have polyandry...but I also have to ask...is this a woman's equality thing or a cultural thing? I guess in S.A anything goes nowadays.

The disrespect continues😏 disappointed now,government We going to share our women now🤔 mean not saying we weren't sharing but was secret,there was a reason to keep it secret...i'm not going with this sh**t at all ain't gonna share my woman with any other man,nah

'Such wickedness, indeed these are the last days! Save us Lord Jesus.

This government is busy copying and pasting all sorts of nonsensical laws of this world. They must finish with the EWC before entertaining this rubbish

And lobola negotiations?

What Is This Polyandry Now? The South African Government GovernmentZA Is Full Of Games. This Government Needs To Be Removed, Mxm. Who Consulted Us With This? This Country Needs A Reset, These Are White Supremacists Pushing This.

Yes.... mina im up for this.... 😍😍😍😍

Ohhh so men can dish it but can't rake it Okayyyy

If I have two wives ,will I be allowed to become the second husband to another

This Gorvenment is so mentally bankrupt. We should vote them out. The cannot protect Women and Children they now come up with with this crappy law... Mxxxxxxx

JujeGugu Yes. Or are women somehow lesser to men?

Cry Beloved Country, saze sa adopter i nonsense. This government is really lost and don’t know what to do anymore

Why are people touched? This is about individual choices.

Busy with marriage nonsense.... We got bigger fish to fry... Illegalisation of Sex work to bring down the whole industry

I love seeing how pressed the men are about this. Its absolutely beautiful. Isthembu the return baba🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

Yes it should. To teach men who have 1 wife and 5 girlfriends (those married to others) to stop cheating and take responsibility for the relationship. We accept you have a wife but if you have an affair with another married women, the punishment should be to marry her too

Umsangano nje lo

How did we even come to this ? It beggars belief !

God bless South Africa.

They should put their focus on this Pandemic , this people are failing us for sure.

😂Hai the comments💀 guys are pressed as if they'll be forced into these marriages while women are excited as if they aren't already struggling to find one husband or deal with one. Good luck to those that will be having 2 husbands, that's a child care center 😂


Lol this is so dumb.

Divorce is a problem, the processes associated to it end up making families poor and lawyers rich. How about we change some of those problems. 1. By default make all marriages out of community of property as a start. If you want 'IN' then you consult your partner.


I really don't see how people are pressed by this coz it will be an official law, but what kind of a simps are gonna get married by the same chick? Lol so nah I don't think this law is gonna affect us thst much

This stupid government is failing to amend section 25 of land issue they are busy engaging on stupid proposals. This is how they gonna derail the land issue, shift our minds from important thinhs. Ramaphosa is on Agenda to please his white masters

Can we deal with the land issue first?

We hardly propose love to a man now why would a woman propose marriage to a man. Men will mantain that role, only difference is when a guy falls in love and want to marry a married woman then that's where a woman can accept marriage from man number2.

thats all white supremacy brings you in the way of so called freedom, nothing but decedance, go on chase all pleasures of the flesh like an animal while they take land and all God given resources, you have no freedom on what matters but they are all for you being a degenerate.

The democratic values of this country are drowning in to hell inferno, South Africa has become Sodom of this world

What if, and hear me out, the government wasn't involved. You could marry a woman, you could marry a dude, you could marry several of each as well as a large slab of marble. And the only thing the government did was ensured the legal protection of all involved.

Revisit the divorce laws next

Of all problem in the country ? Nonsense

We are living in end times for real

Ave nilahlekisa abantu

I didn’t sign up for this...😏ngampane kuyekwe ones🤞

Promise_sounds South Africa is deep down in the pit toilet.🤷‍♀️ It started with Nelson Mandela granting women permission to assassinate unsuspecting babies before they're born. Then they change the concept of marriage by saying a man can married another man, woman another woman. Now polyandry🚮

bubhanxa be law ngeke yenzeke le kaka apha kwelo siyemkhulu wethu nina mambuka

I wish our government can have the same or more energy in reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment. The ANC Government always starts with the very last things instead of priority issues that affect all SAns. Poverty is our enemy not the marriage dispensation in our country.

Bahlulwa ke husband e' one fela..two yona ba tla e' thola kae

Kebofebe feela mo. Since when men allow to share his lover with another man. Nothing to debate there or waste oxygen. It wont work period

kabie_ram There’s nothing with it. Let those who can do it do it!

KwenFaith There must be a woman out there who will be the 1st at this, then turn it into a reality show and it ends in tears. We are amongst hustlers🙆🏾‍♂️

How backward and a laughing stock do you expect this f*cked up country to be? I mean, really...? We are genuinely ridiculous to the rest of the world...just knock another nail into the coffin..

The culprit...

Men's arguments about this are making them sound so... I'll use the word silly 😂😂😂 It's like their brains are short-circuiting and can't even come up with logical questions.

And we keep voting for this government😒

Pure madness, they're going all out to turn this country into a joke and in the process they are failing to address real issues affecting citizens like GBV

Hello Mam’Khize

If these MPs are tired of being in parliament or they can't think of better challenges that the country is facing like employment, crime n etc then must just fck off maan. Where hve u ever seen a woman marrying more than one man. Liyaloya maan

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Wow.If something does not benefit men it will be fought and called un-African.Its okay for men to do it but not women.Why

Africa does not fit in well with global norms it seems

The ANC is stark raving crazy

And when the rest of the world looks down on you, don't be surprised or get the hibbyjibbies because others don't find it acceptable. But each to his few (or many in this case) hey

Lest we forget that apartheid was also legal!

Govt will never pass laws that frees Black African citizens from slavery and poverty to become the owners of their very own land, lending money to boost small businesses but for useless laws they get legalised very easy 🚮 Wake up muntu omnyama and smell the coffee

This is already happening. This just makes it official. I can't wait to be the third husband

Wena o sefefe kana

NosihleG From idiots. I think it’s perfectly fine.

Its only fair to legalise it since most women have more than one lover or partner in South Africa! I don't see a woman going to work and coming back to her 2 husbands to take care of them financially as well! Mpia eka namela ntlo

I thght I was gonna learn 1 2 3 here but...

There are matters of national importan like Cyril sealed Bank statements, high unemployment, illegal immigrants, Drugs, but u chose to twerk

Things that shake the patriarchy table make me laugh😂😂😂😂😂 Khona asebenyukelwe ushukela already😅

1. Many women struggle to get boyfriends let alone a husband. 2. Logistics suggests otherwise, women are more than men (X6). Kindly explain where's the logic?

Men are so pressed by this. I need to do my submissions

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 I Men are prezzzzzed. Love it 💃 🤸‍♀️ 🥂 🍾

If that's the case I can't see any need of getting married anymore if you have children already as a man, you just take care of your children and that's it, marriage is just overrated, there is no man who can share a wife, women are more than us mos

Fela Kuti: Everything about Africa is disorganised that's how the system wants it.

realnorma_kay Why aren't they debating about the sky rocketing unemployment rate..

Definitely not paying Lobola for somebody's wife lmfao. Done

Thank you

i can only think of you DrUmarJohnson 🤦‍♀️


its will never work

Results of a country led by the most stupid people ever in the world

A debate for what now? If this is a democracy and all people are equal then why was this not done a long time ago? And I know it's these bored ass men that are saying something.

Men, please relax. This has nothing to do with you. Focus on your wives. You are so quick to drag your noses in women's business. Sick of it now

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that is nonsense.... it doesn't stem from African culture.... we have become a test tube for America.... pls straighten urselves before we just become a deformed society...

It's an insult to HUMAN DECENCY

Why make it legal? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Women are supporting it but NO woman will do it🤷🏿‍♂️

Define Marriage.

Yes why not,it not luke women will be forced to have multiple partners anyway

SA will be funny indeed, let's wait and see

My opinion is that if Polyandry is legalized, then let's have women pay lobola, in the name of equality.

Make it legal its fine they are stingy they won't lobola us

Love to see it😍

our GovernmentZA has gone mad

So about the children what surname they use cause it will be confusing for them hayi

So this proposal was made in South Africa? Despite the madness that is going on already 🙆, good luck to the nation on their Americanized quest to escalate madness

This polyandry is nonsensical to be honest, It will increase unnecessary hatred,

At last, at least they will do it day light... cause whether we as men like it or not but deep down we know it was happening, they were having more than one man...I mean they ...wom... the practicing it, just like us me... me im happy coz atleast they will marry us (men).

I have questions Who pays lobola? Nna I have to wait 9 months to get my child? Who's changing surnames? Which women in SA could really do this financially? Will you be able to handle getting pregnant again after giving birth?

I am ready

This government is making Sodom and Gomora out of South After, after drowning us in debts, maybe we are already in an Auction behind closed doors. God will never leave nor forsake us!!


No Man from south Africa would share his wife with another man.

Now our society becomes a guinea pig for aliens experiment, which tribe or nation in South Africa has poliandry as part of their culture to be recognised by our constitution?

This is a recipe for abantwana abanentloko eznkulu badityaniswe kubantwana bethu bengenzanganto

If she, like many men in polygamous marriages, has 7 husbands, she would probably get it every single day of the week - sometimes several times a day. This will be self-inflicted abuse.

Someone said this is to allow South African ladies to make money by marrying as many Nigerian and Pakistani men as they want. At least this will reduce marriage fraud, the 'horsebands' with now only have to create only one South African female identity to be their wife.

It's happening, anyway! On a highly secretive way!

So how will this work out, 2 husbands paying lobola for the same woman, or she will pay lobola for the second husband she intends ro take ayi sazoba mnandi emzansi

The fragile ego of a man is being put to the test with this. Anyway, one would manage the heat and electricity the other the cars and houses. I will handle the kids

I'm gonna be husband no.6. I want an apartment and two cars.

This is crazy.

Who cares? Men respect themselves too much to be in 1

this shouldnt be debated let it be law those who support it will practise is .period in state government must amend justice laws for police n courts to fight lawlessness that affect our country negetivaly

🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️I cant

This is madness at it's highest level

Segolo sere poo tse pedi xa...ai cut cut.

If she falls pregnant... Who's the father?

Bubuvuvu nje obu. Khange kuthethwe nabantu kuviwe olwabo uluvo

Imagine paying lobola to share with another man never!!!🙆🏾‍♂️

HomeAffairsSA... Bring it on...let's see who impregnates the wife out of five men...will she ever rest in bed?

Sodom and Gomora loading

Ndi ready....

They've been doin it long time ago 'females ' well good for foreign nationals for more corruption

Doesn’t make sense and any man who allows to participate in such a polyandry is less of a man.

People are mad at this as if the legalisation will mean that you will be forced to be someone’s 2nd husband😂😂 Don’t be idiots please. Just because something you don’t want to do gets legalised does not mean you now need to do it. Y’all are exhausting 🤦🏽‍♂️


They can't introduce law that will fight GBV but they are busy with nonsensical polyandry

Big 'NO'

I support it but i will never participate

This is for diabetic man and bisexual, man are territorial. This will cause harm

I only see dead bodies.

The agents of Satan are in the ANC pushing the devil's agenda to contradict God's law. The institution of marriage was created by God way in the beginning of life between one male and one female. Neither Polygamy nor polyandry was ever right in the eyes of God.


It'll end in tears.. Men will kill each other nje.. Please don't test us..

Polyandry is already popular might just well formalize it

This law doesn’t make sense, 80% of our women depend on us men

bonang_m Uwà ngé cheating of1 so if they are more than dat Zagqobà izifebé They worn the battle 👯of Armageddon just4MoreThan dat1

SA always looking for ways of increasing immorality and sinfulness with disgusting policies

I’m not part of this —-

But, if now a woman marries two or more men, which court is not going to recognize the marriage? Will it not recognize the marriage because it is a woman? There is no need for this law.

To hell with immoral things.

Polygyny is a thing, as is. Why shouldn’t polyandry be a viable option, then?

So they are men out there who are willing to do thisif yes then you have lost all rights to be called a men.

Isikhathi sokuhla abafazi babantu in the name of polyandry.

I just want to know who will be paying lobola ? SA are women are broke 24 7 365 🙈🙉🙊

It's about time

Amadoda azovuma ukshada umfazi oyedwa adlisiwe.

If they going to introduce polyandry in the name of equality then they might as well need to contemplate women paying lobola.

It's such a simple thing... If you don't like something, then don't do it and let people who like it do it... Why is it your problem what other people do with their lives?

How will the lobola issue be handled?

Between Polygamy and polyandry the only difference is gender. I have no problem with this marriage but I will never enter into such marriage

Why not? It seems impossible until it's done.

If men can do. Why can’t women do it?

I wonder when she's pregnant who will be the father, you lots want to change everything even things that's are naturally impossible to, this world is only heading one way and there's no turning back, what a time to be alive.

Uncultured. Boshoboro fela. Disagree. Imagine

Make it legal. It's not like it'll be used that much 😂

The fuckin lousy government cant amend Chapter 25 for expropriation of land without compensation but rather rush to introduce crap laws and acts.when are they repealing the apartheid acts like the riotous act?whats takin so long Nationalization policy?must we be excited for crap?

medus4_cdc That whole “forsaking all others” line would be consigned to history then - or will there be special ceremonies where both husbands are present :)

Why not? If men can have more than one wife then surely women should be able to have more than one husband.

They want to turn this country into Sodoma & Gomora

Men are sharing women anyways. It's better if it's out in the open.

Bullshit we have alotto change to deal with inequality and u tell us ka bofebe

As ridiculous as this law is why not make another law that will allow man to have a uterus so they can give birth.

So if she marries two Husbands, will she pay lobola for them and take care of the husbands?

The govermanet must just come up with the vaccine of Corona and HIV and Aids related diseases and job opportunity period.

Recipe for societal chaos. Is this done anywhere else in the world?

Some things don't need equality. I honestly don't support this.

Let's vote ladies maybe amadoda azoyeka uba entitled

Equality before the law

People must always remember it's a CHOICE

I dnt promote it but i love this new law proposal. It balance the equation.

What is the form of marriage where one is married to both a man a d a woman? asking for a dear friend

But who was consulted before these decision was made on our behalf🤔 did women themselves consulted, did men consulted,or traditional leaders! since we r the one who will be affected by these action? Or it's a political decision? O we r kids we r told nje😏

As I have always said. Government, law and policy makers wants people to always be fighting. Soon people will legally marry animals I tell you

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