Zinke to leave Trump administration at end of the year

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BREAKING: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to leave the Trump administration at end of the year


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Cleaning up the swamp.

Is Not anybody to send him away, would be gar more efectiv

Why dont you all collect all tge money he stole first !

There goes another one.

Oh no more riding the Trump cabinet gravy train! You do realize Trump is driving that gravy train, his kids are along for the free ride.

Back to Geology...?

Sources inside the White House have been reported as sayi....hold it a second actually we couldn’t find anymore White House sources, even the janitors have quit

“I’m going to hire the best”.....but another one bites the dust! 😂

The fbi should look into this zit face. He’s dirty for sure.


Thank you God.

Who at Faux News can be recruited to run the dept of the interior now?

Looking terrified Am I next Yes


❗Breaking News❗ 'White House entrance to be replaced with revolving doors.'

Zinke must have run out of ways to steal from American taxpayers.

Deep State croak they're on both sides of the aisle just more on the liberal side

Will the last one there please remember to switch off the lights on the way out, Thanks

He was/is evil anyway (as are many in Trump’s government

One good thing. Knowing this admin though the next will be worse.

Yet another one bites the dust...I wonder what they all have in common?


Lol another trump staffer leaving or fired?

Another one bites the dust!! They need to play this song every time he fires someone or they just can't handle his corrupt ass anymore and they choose to leave

Loosing people left and mainly right.

Put OJ Simpson in there

Guess he made enough money with his private contracts on land deals while working as Interior Secretary

When will the breaking news be that trump has resigned


Happy New Year.

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To be a full time geologist?

There's no better time than now. Why should he collect another paycheck?

Yay!!! Now if we could get someone that knows how to spell “environment “ ...

When will someone pen the 'REVOLVING DOOR' musical of Donald and idiot Ivankas WH and when will someone ask how much is all this costing Americans?. Two fools who have no idea what their doing let run one of the most important institutions on the planet. Their a laughing stock

What swamp monster does realDonaldTrump replace swamp monster SecretaryZinke with? How much money will they take from taxpayers as well as destroy national forests and such? MAGA


Another Trump beauty. It's true birds of a feather do flock 2gether...Show me who your friends are & I'll know u who u r. There are many versions of this - in every culture - religion - language. You assimilate what u contemplate. DT & his lot r putrid.

Another one bites the dust......soon Trump will join him!

This guy is one of donnys criminal administrators.

happy dance here, he had been so bad to the NP all over the USA🤢

They get tired of a lot of winning 😂

Another one bites the dust

Yeah, cause he knew House investigations were going to be coming his way!

It's about time.

Dropping like flies now

No need to wait.

Smart man

For someone who promised to DrainTheSwamp in Washington D.C., Trump sure did appoint a lot of Swamp Monsters to his Administration. Hypocrite, much? Truth

'Drain the swa...... Oh, hold on, he's one of your swamp dwellers!!!' 🤔🤔

He’s getting out now because, come January, he’ll no longer have a Republican “oversight” committee to ignore his abuses!

Another one bites the dust.

How many *original* people are going to be left by the end of his term?

Go to jail. Go directly to jail.

Gotta fit jail time into his busy schedule eh?

Trump has consistently surrounded himself with people who are caught in ethics scandals and charged with felonies (and in many cases already plead guilty). Are we to believe this is a coincidence or some deep-state conspiracy? The American people deserve better!

Sic semper scumbags.

Geez not another great guy who doesn’t want to be part of this great team

Reckon he's on the indictment list?

The house of cards is crumbling... MAGA


Don't run too far

The Democrats were planning to go after Zinke and his corruption. Getting rid of him now will allow Trump to escape another embarrassing investigation. Of course Trump will now have to find another of his ' BEST PEOPLE '.

I only hire THE BEST?

Another Trump Swamp Drainer goes down the drain.

He shouldn’t be allowed to just step down. He has abused his power and negatively impacted our most precious national resources. Investigate and incarcerate his ass. No more looking the other way. HouseDemocrats get to work.

Don't go to far Ryan we have some questions for you and your friends .

.... You misspelled 'Inferior'.

Has sucked as much as he can from the government teet for him and his family and moves on. Hoping investigations into his activities continues.

Everyone is jumping the sinking ship. I bet the captain bails too.

Another one bites the dust..

Trump administration

Unless he Cuts a deal and Turns in Trump for treason

To jail?

Good riddance!

Oh let me me guess. He gets a nice fat salary from the business interests he worked so hard to deregulate. May Teddy Roosevelt's ghost torment him into states of diarrhea.

Too many internal calls?


Has this guy done anything ? First I heard her s name I’ll bet his names on CNN right now and for the next week. Lol 😆

My son is getting an A in AP chemistry and got A’s in all previous science classes. He’s available for the job.

Looks like the White House has its own caravan of people fleeing tyranny.

Looks like we have to OUTSOURCE WH staffing. The turnover is so high Can’t find enough manpower in US.

Haha finally !


Not to worry, there are still plenty of people available to fill the position from the Trump temp agency (FoxNews)

There seems to be a pattern going on in the White House!

Best New Year's Present ever!!!! Bye Bye Zinke! don't let the door hit you!

CNN: When News Breaks Out, We Butt In

I wonder who in the coal or oil industry will replace him?

They would never be forgiven youd shame them day and night marching in the streets thats how the right would be treated .SICKINING!


You need to fire that racist homophobe you have working for you !If fox news ever said anything like that youd be tearing thier building down !MAJOR HYPOCRITES

The Trump administration had a personal flow like a pizzeria

Every one leaving

Will he ride out on a horse like he came in? What a horrible tenure! Good riddance!

Trump WH Administration

Oh that scared de cat! Thats ok they are still gonna investigate him.

The Justice Dept will need to hire MANY more ppl to deal with the flood of investigations we're seeing following the Republikan crime spree of the last couple of years.

Now if only POTUS would step through the revolving door at the White House.

You have noticed every time he makes this announcement-it’s usually someone he wants gone because they’re at odds?

Back to White Supremacists and Whitefish.

The cheese stands alone, The cheese stands alone. Hi ho the dairy-oh, The cheese stands alone.

They are all leaving because they know 45 is getting ready to have the boom let down on him and everyone is escaping the hell that is coming! I would leave too because I wouldn’t want any part of his mess!

The USS Trump is going down after the Mueller IceBerg cut out the rats below the water line. The rats are leaving the stinking ship.

Maybe Trump should follow suit. Do the world a favor.

Everyone stepping down before the impeachment

You should only report Trump admin news if the person in question is actually staying on. THAT would be news.

It drives me nuts that we have so many crooks in charge of our country. then I think about al the local thieves right her in my community. Wtf ..... Time for me to get my ass a seat on my local board!!!!! Watch out

Another crook bites the dust. TrumpSwamp

Finally. The biggest crook in the fold. What takes so long.

Yes that’s right Mr. Zinke I said “and the horse you rode in on”

And the list of staff quitting the Trump adminsitration gets longer.

More turnover than the Waffle House...

Stepping down before stepping into orange jump suit are we?

For his successor Trump will be interviewing Peter Griffin. Great strong guy with family values. Knows him from Fox.

Donald only hires the best. Nothing but incompetence from his choice of administration and staff. All are grifting swamp creatures trying to line their pockets. This administration is being run like the Apprentice with characters that last only one season. But we pay the cost!

Good riddance!

Employee turnover is record high Mr president

I hope he steps way way down. Orange jumpsuit maybe.

Whose Swamp is draining again?rolandsmartin

Crap. No who will protect our parks?😳

can you squeeze in some facts about who wants to drill for oil and ruin the artic, or which companies are going to dump poisonous chemicals in the streams and water table?. personal greed is terrible but environmental impact is disastrous

Amazing how many people are content with career appointments. He served 2 years now he's moving on. I'm glad he's not camping out there for years.

Another one bites the dust. The parade of craven, corrupt af swamp creatures from this WH continues as their abuses of power become too embarrassing for even this shameless pos potus. Resist Zinke is the 7 of ♦️ KnowYourDeplorables

Waiting for the day Trump leaves or rather is brutally kicked out!

All these crooks who have CHEATED the American taxpayers... They should be made to REPAY EVERY DOLLAR 💵 😡😡

It’ll be prison for him, for sure.

Prima è meglio è!!!!

Dropping like flies!!

The rotating door of criminals continues.

...to spend more time with his lawyers.

Get a running start and leave now.

Just tell us who is staying. Shorter list.

If he's not going to jail for misuse of taxpayers money I don't give a dam where he goes, guess he's fattened his personal bank account enough,all these GOP crooks are getting out while they can because half if them soon will b behind bars,Kellyanne might need her husband service

And the walls come crumbling down..We don't need no MSM...and the award for the most in fake news goes to...........CNN!!!!

I can’t wait for the day the big baby 🍼 steps down ..

Destroyer of the environment and the National Park System. Such great accomplishments in under 2 years!

Another career ruined by Trump taint

With all his stolen cash?

“Another one rides the bus...” MakeAssholeGoAway

Don't let the $139,000 hit you in the ass on the way out.

Is this the Geologist who really isn’t a Geologist?

Running for the lifeboats

Swamp is cleaning itself

Zinke looks like Bruce Wayne, if he were totally corrupt and a buffoon. centralcasting

Another one bites the dust. The parade of craven, corrupt af swamp creatures from this WH continues as their abuses of power become too embarrassing for even this shameless pos potus. Resist Zinke is the 7 of ♦️ KnowYourDeplorables

A good grifter knows to skip town when the heat is on.

Might want to ask the secretary if he knew this before the tweet

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂45 is about to go at it solo

Pushed out, or willingly fleeing?


Last man standing - please switch the lights out !

Ring around the roesey pocket full of Posey asshes ashes they all fall down!!

Repay our tax money before leaving. F criminal.

Individual 1 names Mulvaney as “acting” Interior Secretary in 3...2...1...

Must have found someone even swampier

That splashing you hear is another rat jumping off the ship.

Another one bites the dust—-Queen

That trump train must be making local stops now....everyone is getting off.

... to star in the blockbuster 'Frankenstein's Dumb Brother'

Thank God. bestchristmaspresent

Guess his time ran out anotherone

Have Zinke take his flag & coins with him on the way out the door.

2018 Suzuki cup football Congratulations on winning Vietnam. Manager Park Hang-seo won.

Good riddance

I swear Chapstick should sponsor realDonaldTrump and FoxNews for all the ass kissing that goes on.

Shocking 😂

The rats are leaving the shop. Too bad the damage they’ve done will take years to undo.

But, who will order the raking of the forest?

When will he repay American people for all his grudging?


I expect Pence or Melania to step down before the end of this Presidency at this rate. Trump is walking alone now.

Another one bites the dust...

Bye bye, stooge

Getting out before House Democrats start ask hard questions in January.

Another one bites the dust


Trump: 'I usually hire the best people'


Another one bites the dust.

Another one bites the dust!!

All the rats fleeing the sinking ship...

“ only the best people”. Lol.


Yet another one abandons the sinking ship!

Good riddance. You can't escape your crimes tho.

I guess his quota of damage and grifting have been met

Thank god.

Made too ...like others.

Good riddance.


So long Ryan.

Another one.....

Bye Felicia

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