Your friend is throwing a party during a pandemic. How do you say no?

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Wondering how to say no to a party invitation? Keep it simple: “Thank you for the invitation. I’m so sorry, but I can’t make it.”

The age of social distancing is surprisingly social. Party ideas, pointers and more to make your next Zoom your best yet.Everyone’s personal risk assessment is different right now. Maybe you’d feel comfortable going to a backyard barbecue, but only if everyone will be wearing masks and staying six feet apart.

“We are dealing with a worldwide pandemic and this is what our current state of affairs looks like. It’s really important for us to be mindful in that regard and be bold and empowered enough to ask those hard questions,” Swann said. “Right now you’re doing your part for the health of yourself and your loved ones.”You’ve been reassured that masks will be on and distance will be maintained. But after a couple of hours , you notice social distancing and masks starting to slip.

If you know ahead of time that certain guests are probably going to ignore social distancing protocols, no matter how much the host says they’ll be enforcing things, it’s better to not go at all. In other words: If Uncle Kevin who posts daily anti-mask rants on Facebook is going to be there, skip it, even if your cousin swears she’ll make everyone wear the cute matching family reunion masks she ordered.

“I said to my sister, ‘How could you? Tommy went to a barbecue and died two weeks later. How can you do this? We know somebody; this is personal now.’”


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This is not someone with whom you’d like to to continue a relationship once the pandemic is over. Next.

Aw, thanks for inviting me! I’m not going to gatherings right now though.

This clickbait is dumb as shit. No parties in 2020 people. It’s simple as ABC. Wear masks. Wash hands. Stay away.

I have an auto-immune disease

Like this...

My response: Um, no. You know, because of the pandemic?

I'm not a covidiot.

Now make a guide on how to get a friend who will invite me to a party.

nobody in their right mind would pay to subscribe to your online “news” when you write worthless crap like this. People who cont to refuse to listen to health officials advisories and stay vigilant aren’t worth being friends with anymore. Let em go. covidiots

None of my friends would. They would prefer to stay alive.

'Oh hell no!'

What sort of contrived horseshit is this?

I have smarter friends than that. Sorry.

Easy. Same way I've been telling everyone: 'What's wrong with you? There's a virus going round.' I'm not risking my like to look cool or friendly. Idgaf

That's NOT your friend. Friends don't invite friends to death traps.

It's not tricky at all. Say no.

There is no word for fun in Russian.


'I will not be attending your party. Social gatherings are [forbidden/discouraged] right now because they are an identified cause of the spread of a very infectious virus that is causing serious health issues and deaths.'

'I thought better of you.'

I tell them to fuck off at all

Fuck no

If you want to impress them though...

With this gif

Either verbal or written is normal, mannerisms not so much, save the Pictionary for the party After the Pandemic!

Someone got paid to write this?

I’d just be straight forward. I live with my Grandoarents, they are vulnerable so I’m not going to any gatherings till this virus is under control.

'Hard pass. See you st some point in 2021.'


'Fuck that.'

Like this:


Reply: 'What are you, crazy? No!'

Y'all Americans seem so polite when you're not invading any countries. In Germany we just decline and that's it.

Are you joking?

“Not going. Maybe after the pandemic.”

Folks, this is happening all the time. Is mind-blowing how many times I’ve been asked to come to a gathering or go to a coffee shop with people in the past two weeks. Smdh

Same thing I've been saying, 'no thank you, it's not safe.'. This isn't a hard conversation

Two words. Starts with F and ends in U.

I wouldn’t 🤷🏼‍♂️


East , No and you have poor judgment, thanks for the memories best of luck

i’m going! everyone better be wearing a mask!

It's the official activity of Los Angeles: say you'll go, then just don't.

Umm my “Friends” would not be throwing a party. Anyone else calling would not be a friend and would get a 🖕🏼🤬


You say no. Why is that hard?

SWAT him?


NO. And you’re a shitty friend.

Hell no

No! You rucking moron ! Easy peasy

I’m careful with who I call a friend, and no friend of mine is stupid enough to throw a party during a pandemic.

'How do you say no'? So, I guess tone would be everything, so I would say, NO F**K*** WAY!! but you go right ahead and possibly die.

If any of my friends did this, they would no longer be my friend.

Umm, you say “no. What the he’ll are you thinking” Only the LA Times would write this story


I don’t have friends so I’m good

Loudly and succinctly because I don’t wanna get sick and die.

I don’t hang out with dumbasses, so it hasn’t come up

Don't be a dick, wear a mask and have some fun. Mask's work, right?

Protest in front of their house and threaten anyone crossing the picket line 😏

lose their fuckin number, friends don't try to get you to kill your grandma

Joke’s on you, I don’t have friends.

No. What, you think that's hard? They're my friends, they're not idiots.

Without a single blink of the eye, no

Easy, HELL NO!

With my mouth?

Like this:

Like this:

Seriously, though. Who are these friends? I’m not friends with selfish, ignorant people.

Just a straight out “No” will do.

Firebomb the house when the party starts.


Parents need to put their foot down & say stop having parties or going to them or we will not see you until this is all over (like next year!)

A combination of the letters N and O.

'We're in a pandemic, read the room'

Usually I push my tongue into the roof of my mouth & create a vibration with my larynx, which combined, causes a “nnnnn” sound, then I open my jaw wider and tense my facial muscles which causes my mouth to take on a round shape, through which I propel air causing a long o sound.

This is why I have no friends. It helps me to avoid awkward situations like this one.

I never had a problem with it BEFORE the pandemic. It's even easier now.

“Hey you should come to the party I’m having next weekend” “No thanks, I’m good” Idk it’s pretty easy

I say sorry I have a fever...


You say: “You’re an idiot.” The end.

I would not say no. I would go.

Really fucking easy: 'Hell no! What the fuck is wrong with you? Lose my contact info right this minute.'

The struggle is real!

I don't. I go to the party and take the 0.007 percent risk.


None of my friends are this stupid & if they are, I’d say two simple words...

A real friend of mine wouldn’t invite me to a party right now.

I don’t even respond to the invite. I’m the surprise guest

Has anyone ever actually had trouble not going to a party? Just don't go, nobody cares.


Easily. One syllable. No.

A call- a text- smoke signal- email- ignore🤷🏽‍♀️

what friend

You be a grownup and say “no.”

Easy. Selfish bastards would rather see grandma die.

These comments = a lot of people have obviously never been invited to a party, COVID or not.

“I won’t be coming but I’ll drop off/send you a gift”

Have better friends.

No! No parties!

“you always have bad Coke”

Alex, I’ll take “answers to questions no one is asking”, for $500.

Go and not think about this tweet.

Uhh thanks.



No friend of mine.

Any friend who has a party during the pandemic is an ex-friend. I wouldn't want to be associated with someone who is willfully ignorant of reality.

You say, 'sorry dude, but no fucking way!'

As Nancy Reagan said...JUST SAY NO!

'Thanks, but I can't make it.' Was that so hard?

Easy, “no dude, there’s a pandemic” see like that.

“No” works


Me: No

Yes to that no

No PAN do!

More pussy for the rest of us

That is not your friend

Go to the party (maintaining social distancing of course) and pretend to have a really loud coughing attack while screaming 'My sense of taste and smell are gone!' until everyone else goes home.

Happened just yesterday. Politely explained I am staying in lockdown mode b/c of my age... until there's a vaccine. They understood. Just tell folks the truth, people.

“I’m sorry, I’m a massive pussy fart.”

I just told my sister I will not be going to her outdoor, socially distant wedding next month. It would require my children and I to travel out of town and stay in a hotel, and none of us are comfortable doing that.

Go to the party, your not Gaurenteed to wake up tomorrow

I don’t

Are you all buying this ? They are socially programming you to stop interacting with each other so you continue your mental enslavement. This is designed to make you unable to wake up to the lies they spread. This hoax has made you all so paranoid.


Easy? Don’t be friends with assholes?

Uh “no.”

Pretend you didn’t see the message until it’s too late to say yes

Thank them for revealing themselves. Block them. Save money on a gift. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I say, “No.” It’s really not that complicated.

NO !!!!!! Don't you about Covid 19


Normal people will accept but mindless obedient DOGS will roll over & fetch & beg & refuse to accept the invite! After all they have to obey their overlords!



sorry i have another party to go to NOT!

Have a doctor RSVP on a prescription pad!!! 🤣🤣


You say, no thanks

Good old fashioned. No.

You dont.

Such a silly article.

kodeofkondukt You say no. Plz send me my check LA Times.

Journalists are being laid off left and right, but this daft idea merits an article? Please tell me a robot wrote it.

Prepend 'Hell' to the only sane answer

“Hell no there’s a pandemic I can’t chance giving this to my kids”

I'd just say: 'You've always been a jerk.'

“Fuck that.”

Um, no.

NO. See how easy that is?

Omg seriously? We’re in the middle of a pandemic and you’re concerned about social etiquette? Say no n I would stay away from anyone dumb enough to have a party during a pandemic.

Fuck no

I’m not feeling well “cough, cough”.

4 ways 1. ' No, I 'm good.' 2. ' I politely declined the invitation.' 3. ' No,Good bye.' 4. ' F*ck off.'

How you want it? Fvck No Shet No Hell No Bish No


Say you think you're coming down with something.

I don’t tf I’m on theeee way. Where when & time clubrona


'People are dying, there's a fucking pandemic.' Then again I don't be friends with sociopaths. 🤷


I don’t say “no,” I ask why. They’re the ones with something to defend; no reason to take that ball just because they threw it to you. P.S. They probably won’t be your friend anymore, but it turns out that makes you more likely to live, so idk there are other friends out there

You say, 'No thanks, just going to enjoy my superfast internet.' They'll totally understand!


“No I don’t want corona”

I don't have morons for friends

Don’t be bothering me no more😷🙄

If reporters from the LA Times will be there, I’m not going.

Uh, by saying no?

Give me a break...go ahead and have a good time

This is story worthy?

I think it is quite acceptable to say you can't make it to any party so what is the difference?

You just say no. You are not socializing during the pandemic.

Wachale, like this: no

Ask for the Zoom link, promise to pencil it in between other Zoom events.

There's actually a writer who wasted time on something this inane?

Tell the truth...I am not comfortable being around gatherings of people just now.

Thanks for including me but I won't be attending.

Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth to make a n sound. Then round your lips to make the o sound.

Party Safe and Responsibly💯

This is journalism?

I thank myself and good people!


“Sorry but I’m not comfortable attending a party during the pandemic.”


“No”. End

Open mouth, say “no.” /theend

“I don’t want to be friends with a killer.”

Seriously? Say no. Say you wish they’d reconsider. Say that you question whether you can remain friends because they are endangering your group of mutual friends. Shame them on social media. Email or call mutual friends and express your outrage.

Sorry can't make it I feel to well to attend....

mmmm, you just say no, there's a pandemic on. If they don't get it then... it's on them

are you effing nuts?


Know the facts.

I’ll just tell them let’s throw a party in honor of Black Lives Matter because you can’t get Covid that way. I mean this was the scene in L.A. like 3 weeks ago.

“No thanks, I choose life.”

a simple “fu*k off” is always appropriate

With a middle finger

Um, your photo spells it out. Not missing my subscription, times has lost it’s way

Support a local wine shop and send a bottle of wine with a card that says, “I hope you’re alone and no one comes to your party. May this wine bring your spirits up as you realize the bitter truth of how irresponsible you are. With love,”

Depends on who’s throwing it?! Haha

Should I bring chips or a veggie tray?

Report them and to finish off the backstab I’d recommend sriracha.

You say, fuck the virus with fake numbers, I’m in!

As always easier said that done. We have been invited to an out of town wedding that was already postponed once due to covid19. The host should a least make it known that they would completely understand if folks don't want to come. We feel like we can't say no at this point.

'No thanks'


You act as if a sizeable amount of us weren’t already experts in avoiding social obligations.

I think the appropriate response is 'Are you f*^!ing kidding me? Thank you, but I'll pass on this one.'

Be honest.

Lmao I’ve been partying, flying to all out national parks, going everywhere I can. So cheap! Just wear a mask as a false sense of protection and you can go anywhere!

This is what the lat worries about ?

'There's a plague' works too. Just... just sayin...

the fact that you even spent time writing this is absurd

can you post an article on how to breathe? Until then I will be waiting with bated breath...

This is an actual article

'Sorry, there's a pandemic' is also acceptable.

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