Young Black voters say they aren't enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency

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Joe Biden has touted his record supporting the African American community. But young Black voters want to see more from Biden.

WASHINGTON – Perry Green doesn’t believe that Joe Biden is listening to what young, Black Americans want right now.

"I think that if I were to see the campaign attempt to engage with more grassroots leaders, that would make me feel a little more encouraged about voting for Biden," Green said. Story continuesData shows split between older and younger Black votersYounger voters who came of age during President Obama's administration, where Biden was vice president, have higher expectations of their politicians, and likely want to see a more progressive Democrat in office, said Chryl Laird, assistant professor of government at Bowdoin College and author of “Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior.

Still, voting for the Democratic candidate is the norm within the Black community, Laird said, and young Black voters will likely fall in line. A Pew Research Center study this year found that the majority of Black Democrats described themselves as either moderate or conservative. But in 2016, for example, 89% of all Black voters supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Aerial Langston, 31, said she will likely vote for Biden in November because the alternative would be voting for the current president. But Langston, who is from Houston, Texas, also said she would like to see Biden be more cautious with his words. The age schism is softened by the fact that older voters, across demographic groups, vote at much higher rates than younger voters.

As a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Biden promoted the 1994 crime legislation that included the Violence Against Women Act and authorized billions in funding for more police and prisons. Biden also previously worked on anti-crime legislation with the late Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., a longtime segregationist who ran for president in 1948 as a Dixiecrat.

The conversation in May lasted nearly 20 minutes and ended with a gaffe that the former vice president had to apologize for hours later. Biden has also said he doesn’t support defunding the police, which protesters and activists have called for, but supports the"urgent need for reform," including funding for public schools, summer programs and mental health and substance abuse treatment"separate from funding for policing," so officers"can focus on the job of policing."


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YaNanous 'polls show the majority of young Black voters support Biden over President Donald Trump' way to bury the lede, Yahoo.

4. This is Howie Hawkins. Green Party. He Is Awesome! He Gets It; Unlike those 2 Demented Corporate Puppets. This is a Real Leader! Who Cares About Real People, not Corporations! This is Real Leadership! This Is Who We Need! DemExit GoingGreen

2. One would Expect a NEWS ORGINIZATION to Ask and Report on Who these People ARE Actually excited About. One Would THINK an Alternative to Biden who People might actually give a DAMN About would be of some Interest to the readership... You know Why they didn't? Because...

3. They are Propaganda, not NEWS! This is NEWS: Wake UP! DemExit GoingGreen

1. Pfff, I read this Biden Puff Piece. Not 1 DAMN Mention of Howie Hawkins! The Green Party Candidate for President. Not 1 Mention of an Alternative to the Joke that is the Biden Campaign. In an Article about Taking About a Lack of Enthusiasm for Biden! DemExit GoingGreen

rthomas5920 Where did you hear that? Just the opposite up north.

I don’t blame them. Fuck that guy!


DonaldS83027032 Voters with shred of common sense too

LILJAYWERKS Well no crap


If the young folks would get out and vote like the older folks do then we might have a different candidate. Is he worse than Trump? Hell no. We're getting more progressives but you can't get what you want if you don't vote.

Are they enthusiast about four more years of trump?

No shit

but but i thought joe was the black whisperer? i've been told repeatedly that questioning his worth puts me at odds with black voters, the monolithic entity that overwhelmingly wants to see joseph 'the hard' r. biden win the presidency

My fave thing about articles like this is liberals fishing for an obligatory own on people who might even well vote for the dude but just don't have any excitement for it, like 'hurrrr who r u enthusiastic for dRumpf' Like shut the fuck up lol

Is anyone 'excited' about Joe Biden? Even Joe Biden doesn't seem all that excited.

Nobody is excited about a Biden presidency other than the corporations that own him, and out of touch 'woke' upper middle class white people who think a BLM sign in their yard in their gated community is going above and beyond for 'poor kids who are just as bright as white kids'

NeverBiden DemExit GoingGreen WithDemsLikeTheseWhoNeedsTheGOP ThanksDems4Cheetolini JustSayNoToCentrisim NeolibralismIsGoingToBeTheDeathOfUs

ProudSocialist Lack of apparent enthusiasm doesn’t mean lack of vote. In the crowded field, Biden was not my first choice either. He is damn sure getting my vote though.

So they're enthusiastic about 4 more years of Trump?! Who cares about you're enthusiasm...

Oh come on, now. Wait til they hear him talk about black children rubbing the blond hairs on his legs, sitting in his lap and teaching him about roaches. He will win them over.

Misleading headline. Why single out young black voters? Nobody is exited by the lack of real choices. We have more than 2 parties, we do not have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. The media needs to cover 3rd parties, let them debate. RankedChoiceVoting

You mean black voters aren't a monolith represented by the elder religious conservatives of South Carolina? Weird.

If Joe let’s them all rub his leg hairs they will get more enthusiastic and then they will teach Joe about cockroaches. Joe Biden is a racist

How dare the entitled tell me not to write in. Give me Medusa and a Kraken, it's either write in or Green Party.

queue the 'toxic bernie bros' narrative.

Why would they be?

We are all young black voters these days.

If only there were some candidate that young voters were excited to vote for... oh well 🤔

So if they stay home we get more Trump?

Feeling better about 4 more years of trump? Shhhh

Young voters in general aren’t enthusiastic about voting.

How enthusiastic are they about Trump? . . . . . . . . . . . Yeah...I thought so.

not a single person in America is enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency

But wait...If they aren't enthusiastic about him then how can they be black?

I'm an old white voter, and I ain't enthusiastic either. If Democrats really wanted to win, they'd talk Michelle Obama into running. Princeton. Harvard. She's worked both in a law firm and the public sector. First lady. I bet she's read the Constitution. Biden is Trump lite.

nobody's excited about this.

Who believes that their voice will be heard with Trump or Biden in office. If you believe that Trump will what has he done for the middle class and below.

No kidding. The only people excited about JoeBiden running are his wife (imagining herself as first lady), SIMONE SANDERS selling her soul for some coin and the shadowy figures waiting to run the country by manipulating old sleepy joe once this phony election concludes. Gross.

Who actually is?

I don’t think that anyone is enthusiastic about Biden but people are going to vote for him anyway because I think trump has made the choice easy.

So you talked to every young black voter? I’m sure they all feel the same way right?

Are they enthusiastic about a trump presidency? You don’t have to love everything about a candidate.

Young Black Man or Black Woman, do NOT let anyone convince you not to vote or that your vote does not count. If you can not accept this advice from me, listen to this young Black Man from Toledo, Ohio. He speaks the truth !!

Boomers pushed Biden to the head of the pack. The black youth never wanted him in the first place.

Lol NEVER BEENm’self WTF I swear more Black boomers voted for his ass than I can TAKE. HE IS NOT BARACK OBAMA 👻 When are we going to fight to not elect the least terrible? I better see ALL ya’ll getting young black voters registered to takeover the senate + keep the house 🤬

But old white people are enthusiastic about him and we all know who matters more.

It's because Biden doesn't stand of anything other than I'm not Trump and orange man bad. For most of the primary that was his platform, no real policy

As a young black voter, I can only speak for myself. Unenthusiastic is a DAMN understatement. I'm writing in a candidate. You can't convince me the guy whose policy's that built the road Trump rode to the White House on is worth it. Be mad.

One would think that Americans are smart, and mature enough, to understand that their compromise in this election goes far beyond a candidate they feel 'enthusiastic' about. It's either this, or 4 more years of Trump. Period.


If Biden were not white.... he’d be running a dry cleaning store today... he’s an example of white privilege living off exploiting others...

Well, who is?

Guess they ain’t black.

davidsirota No shit neither am I and I’m 57 white guy inMississippi but it’s all we got

Love that all the blame is being put on young Black voters and not Joe Biden or the DNC something worthy of excitement.

in other news, the sky is blue, water is wet, and the us government regularly does war crimes to its own citizens

davidsirota NO SHIT, SHERLOCK🙄

huh no shit

Yup he kind of sucks. He’s definitely better than trump though. This statement is also for young voters in general. We are tired of the old school Neo liberals and boring Concervatives. Both options are blah.

This headline is a horrendous lie Replace 'young' with 'all' And replace 'black' with 'American'

As long as Trump is gone, I am a happy camper.

i wonder what would happen if he announced any policy* that would benefit them? * “winning the battle for the soul of our nation” is not a policy)

From watching corporate media I was under the impression that South Carolina elected Biden king of all black people, surely this can't be true.

No one is but it couldn’t be worse!

It may help to nominate a candidate who is more than just marginally better than trump.

You are finding out.

Young black voters nd to stop & see that Trump is destroying America ,& coalition relations, fail to address pandemic, withheld aid to PR & States in need, destroying justice system, no healthcare, cage immigrants, support confederate. If this is OK, then I get their view point.

VV4Change Just wondering when Debra a-whole-mess Messing, Patty Block-all-the-facts Arquette & Phoebe Halliwell are gonna tell us how we are SUPPOSED to feel and vote.

No one is, but that is not the point. We are all enthusiastic about whom we can remove.

Yeah we're done simping for the Democrats with no tangibles to show for it. Produce an actual progressive next time if you want my vote.

No fucking shit.

I’m no Biden fan, but by not voting for him, you are enabling Donald Trump.

Nobody is excited about tha demented dinosaur, but we gotta get rid of the psychotic dinosaur. Then we pressure the demented dinosaur to do as we say or we remove him like Trump.

How could they be. Hes a old fuck who can't even support legalization, just keep him away from the children😭😭😭

I know some old white people who feel the same too black people are not as daft as people like to think they are. They also can demonstrate discernment.

Well y'all can do what you want but this young black voter will be enthusiastically doing what I can to make sure he's elected

Neither are old white voters

one reason why they should be?

Ya don’t say

no one is

It’s telling that most of the people commenting “would you rather have trump?” are white.

Young black voters apparently know something their elders seem to have missed!

The headline should have been: Voters say they aren't enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency. It's not just black people.

Vote for him anyway.

That’s because they know the real deal.

Lmao at all the 'but the other guy is so much worse' replies. Try googling 'enthusiasm', morons.

No voters are enthusiastic about this sham of an election process or its nominees.

Everyone should be TERRIFIED of 4 more years of Trump.

Well no duh. Biden is the worst candidate the Dems could’ve nominated. They could care less about The People.

After learning that a cousin voted for 45 bc he d/n want a woman in the Oval, my maternal & paternal families had group calls - challenged all 30 yr olds who did not vote in 2016 (& some didn't) to vote in 2020 for Biden. Thus far 100% have committed & are reaching out to peers.

America has one party with two right wings. So it's no wonder the choice of establishment democrats isn't exciting a whole lot of people. Relying on fear to drive turn out is a dumb dumb idea.

Why should they be?

So they're just like voters of all races. No one is enthusiastic about a Biden presidency, with the exception of Wall St. donors.

Gee, could it be because he has said he has no empathy for this generation to begin with? Add in his legislative history that has disproportionately negatively affected the Black and Brown communities, is it any surprise there’s no support for him.

This isn’t an excuse to not vote. If you don’t, you’re voting for trump. If you write in Kanye’s name, you’re voting for trump. Don’t be an idiot.

Not voting for the demented rapist.

Of course they aren't, he's trash, the only reason he's winning is because Trump is abysmal. Joe Biden defenders are almost as toxic as the Trump cult. Almost.

nobody is. just another piece of shit who’ll leave us to die

Why the hell would young black voters be enthusiastic about Joe Biden? He is opposed to the issues that impact them the most. The only reason to vote for him is because of Trump. Joe Biden is going to be a one term president.

Outside of the establishment, the elite, the misinformed, the uninformed, the fearful, exactly who is enthusiastic about biden?

I wonder why

Fyi KHive will not save you. Kamala had no fundraising or volunteers. Just Twitter trolls that couldn't even get her to the first vote. Pathetic

Distinctly remember being called a “bro” for pointing out this was a possibility

Why vote for another white male rac(p)ist when Gloria La Riva exists?

Can't blame them. One the other hand, what is the alternative..

Well then why did they vote for him in overwhelming numbers in the primary? What a bunch of crap

Who besides people who know the rules of shuffleboard is?

To the white Americans in these replies: threatening black Americans with a worse alternative is not the pitch you think it is

HOW DID HE RISE TO SUCH POPULARITY? I don’t fucking get it still. He was my last fucking choice

No shit

‘Cause he garbage.

They realize he’s a moron

And why would all be “enthusiastic” about voting for a racist rapist segregationist? It seems BlackLivesMatter BLM are quite hypocritical. There’ll be no fundamental change with JimCrowJoe CrimeBillBiden but great job with the syrup. We could of had Bernie― writing Bernie in.

whew some of y’all didn’t read any bit of this article before you commented and it shows

Who the hell IS enthusiastic about a Biden presidency? just bc he’s not Trump doesn’t excuse him from being complicit in racist policy and continued inaction on police brutality... and lying abt policy to please corporate donors... and just being kind of a shithead in general.

DebraMessing Debra, you need to do something. Your message hasn't reached the youth.

Enter kanyewest

Whole lotta racist replies from libs in here.

Who knew so many black people are racists?


It’s not just “young black voters.” This Gen X white woman isn’t anywhere close to “enthusiastic” either. We feel cheated by the DNC. AGAIN. AmericanPoliticsAreBroken

no shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(deep breath)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


No shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

So are we still Black then, Joe Biden, arbit6of Blackness?

We need to peacefully protest to get Bernie back before it’s too late.


Where’s DebraMessing blaming Kanye?

Waitll they hear about this Trump guy...

Young voters in general aren't not just young black voters

Try yelling at them to get back in line again

Wait. So “You’re voting against your own self interest” was toxic voter shaming during the primary, but now it’s speaking truth to a group who we feel just needs to shut up and fall in line because...?

What real incentive is their?

Yeah because he's a garbage choice.

Vote for Biden! No, things won't get better but the speed at which they're getting worse will slow down! You literally have no other choice!

Young voters aren't enthusiastic about Biden, period. Doesn't matter much though because young voters don't vote! Hence the reason Biden is the nominee in the first place.

Say, Joe, how about promising things that young people want. I know it’s a weird thought, but if you went for health care for all, legalize marijuana, raise minimum wages, and so on, they might vote for you.

Maybe that’s something they should have thought about and done something about a little bit earlier?

Why are you crosstabbing? Are you intending to do 'x y voters are not enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency' for each and every combination to fill more column space?

Maybe they should be enthusiastic about getting rid of Trump. For God’s sake, we don’ need a reality show in the WH. We need action and competence and a seriousness to save this country.

Joe biden offers nothing positive to the low to middle income black voter

What!? They're not psyched to vote for the architect of mass incarceration?

Neither are young white voters, old white voters, old Hispanic voters, young Hispanic voters, Asian voters, Christian voters, voters on a boat, voters with a goat, voters who eat green eggs and ham. They’d all rather vote for Sam I am.

davidsirota But Biden has got to be BETTER than the orange one!

angecan15 I’m an old white voter and I’m not too happy about the prospect of Biden myself.

Biden said Obama was 'clean'

AdosGrievances It's so sad that what this comment section knows could fit in a thimble 🤦🏿‍♀️.

AdosGrievances Why should they be? This MOFO is the author of mass incarnation. Screw JoeBiden aka Jim CROW!

I can confirm

Really? Who are these young black voters cos some of us were not asked for our opinion.

Better call Stacey Abrams

Young white voters say this too. As do young Hispanic voters. As do middle aged... hey, wait a minute...

I don't think anyone is enthusiastic about that, tbf.

Nobody is .. deal with it. The alternative is too grim to bare

Student877 I have no idea what kind of weirdo pervert it would take to legit be excited for Joe Biden. I'm just thankful that I haven't encountered one IRL.

For all the youth, dont let the easily scared old people shame you into being a blind puppet for a group that doesnt give a single shit about you

Look at the responses from neo-libs 😂. “My how could they! Don’t they know about how I go from Marsha to Karen faster that you can say ‘privilege’?”

It’s a horrible corner to be placed in. Sh?t or Sh?t. How enthused do you want anyone to feel about a pile of sh?t that wants to sit on a throne and do nothing but say he isn’t Trump? What is the incentive? Hillary did the same, you can find her under a rock of irrelevance now.

Not y'all showing your ass under this tweet. Clearly y'all didn't read the article. At all.

Biden won't even back M4All, even during a pandemic, but some people think progressives should still vote for him. Seriously hell no.

Is anyone?

Literally all of us are unenthusiastic about Biden but the alternative is so much worse

I’m this thread is a lot of white people being like “if you don’t vote for crime bill Biden then you vote trump” as if third options not available

Nobody is enthusiastic about a Biden presidency. The only reason why he might win is by the sheer fact of him not being Donald Trump.

No one is

biden has objectively caused more harm to black people over the course of his career than trump.

I love how all the white people on here tryna tell us black folks how we should vote. You’ve never had to live while black under the policies put in by Biden so stfu about how Trump is worse. Your white privilege is showing.

ProudSocialist Well get enthusiastic or we'll have trump for another four years. We won't survive that.

Well, yeah.

Have they tried shaming them? That seems to always work and never back fire

*Young voters. None of us are excited about a Biden presidency. But he's better than Trump.


Neither is anyone else.

No one's enthusiastic about having our first ever Turnip-in-Chief. Biden won't make it to the convention much less the WH. Regular ppl, sensible ppl will not vote for a man so mentally feeble he must be hidden from view by his 'handlers', a prez who needs 24/7 custodial care.

wait til they find out it isn't just the young black voters anyone who's enthusiastic about a Biden presidency has been paid to be, period

If you don't believe people can change, why are you protesting? If you expect a country to reform itself after 400+ years of ignoring you, why are you not willing to extend Biden the same opportunity. If you're NOT voting Biden, you're ok with 4 more years of drumpf.

ProudSocialist Doubt I'm the first to say it itt but nobody is enthusiastic about Biden beyond the fact that he is not Trump. I doubt our nation will survive 4 more years of MAGA. That is the only reason I'm considering not voting Green. Maybe.

ProudSocialist or 55 year old young women. NoJoe unlesswithliz

Well most of then didn't have a father because biden got them all locked up for life. What do you expect!

ProudSocialist How about another four years of Trump? Trump and Biden are the only two on the ballot!

Damn no way

ProudSocialist file under 'No Shit.'

ProudSocialist I'm white and I don't look forward to him potentially being POTUS, so... yeah. EarnOurVotes

ProudSocialist They they are welcome to keep tRump, just not in WH

ProudSocialist They preferTrump?

The President signs the bills passed by congress. If you want to see any real change then you should be paying close attention to the people running for the House and Senate in your local area. Plenty to get excited and “enthusiastic” about there.

ProudSocialist Can you spell 'fifth column'? One more move like that, and you'll be Kanye, if not Jill Stein.

No one under 50 supports Joe.

ProudSocialist A whole bunch of other people are also no enthusiastic about Biden.

ProudSocialist AnyoneButTrump2020

We’ve had the primaries, the chance to have someone you’d be “enthusiastic” about was then. We still have debates, town halls, rallies to come. Stance on issues will be clear then. Also, still a VP to announce. You can check Biden’s website, ask him/campaign questions too.

The architect of the legal system that brutally assaults black people doesn’t excite black people? Incredible.

A whole lot of democrats sound like Republicans when Black people don’t fall in line.

ProudSocialist No progressive voters are but I feel like we've been bullied into having no choice

Maybe he could try not being so Republican?

Ye-he ye-he

What could go wrong?

You see its because he sucks

Neither am I

No way you mean the racist segregationist joe biden Who could have seen this coming?

I'm a 31 y/o white dude. Also not excited about 'poor people are just as bright as white people' racist Joe. I'll be voting 3rd party because fuck the 'two evils' platform.

“But he added if he was living in a swing state like Ohio, Michigan or Pennsylvania, he would be voting for Biden.” Dumbass. 😒

Fuck Joe Biden

We know they voted for Bernie

🏆Understatement of the Month Award Winner!!!🏆 You get three phree tichets to DinseyLand!

Damn! Every candidate can't be Obama. Just the excitement of removing racist sociopath from office should be reason enough. Biden2020

Hard for young folks to be enthusiastic about nothing fundamentally changing.

Can't wait for Debra Messing to call the perceived manager (Stacey Abrams) on those young black voters.

What is considered a young voter?

I'm sure black Americans are enthusiastic about Uncle Joe. He's unintentionally funnier than Chris Rock and Katt Williams.

Here comes DebraMessing to try and “educate” young Black voters

Literally no one is enthused about a joe Biden presidency, no matter how badly they want trump to lose


No one is.

Did anyone stop to consider why that is? It's because he offers them a big fat nothing burger.

Well, I guess they ain't Black. Sorry; I don't make the rules.

Young Black voter here. I can confirm this is absolutely true. We don’t want JoeBiden. We would rather have BernieSanders. You know the guy that actually wants to change things. Not the guy who said he won’t change anything Obama did.

White people telling black people how to vote is __________

U think

No one is. But they will enthusiastically vote against Trump.

Black people are rejecting the Democrats candidate… Again

If Biden plays the establishment card for 4 years. No to every progressive initiative it will be Jesse Ventura 2024. DNC

Who is?

Is anyone surprised? Joe Biden simply being “not Trump” isn’t very exciting. What are Biden’s policies? What does he stand for? What does he want to do? We knew what Sanders wanted to do and it was awesome. Biden being 5% better than Trump isn’t enough.

For Jim Crow Joe? LOL Sadly anyone who voted for him in the primary are terrible human beings.

Should of put SenSanders in his place smh

Imagine how they will feel with more trump

'Green, who is Black, criticized Biden for not supporting the “Defund the Police” movement that many activists support' Biden doesn't want to adopt a very unpopular position? Ok.

From the article “A recent Washington Post/Ipsos poll published in June found that 92% of [ALL] Black registered voters said they plan to vote for Biden in November.

It seriously won’t be that long. It’s his choice for Veep they should care more about.

Listen no one is excited but a Joe Biden presidency. But I’m sure as fuck excited about a NON Donald Trump presidency.

Can confirm

None of us are, but it's our only choice besides a lunatic...

Maybe Trump will excite them.

Interesting how much white women are in the replies telling us young black people that we’re ridiculous for this

Key implication in the article is that younger Black voters don't have the rosy view older Black voters have of Obama.

who is?!

Joe Biden

It’s incredibly how many people in the replies don’t understand that young black people aren’t a monolith for the democratic party, and that they’ll vote (or not vote) however they please.

Neither are (checks notes)...old white voters under 70.

i mean... who would be? democrats plan to take on a racist incompetent infant president is a former segregationist, cop sympathizer clearly suffering from mental illness. oh and also has multiple sexual assault allegations just like the other one....

I don’t feel enthusiastic about letting Trump continue to tear this country apart it burn it all down. I’ll vote for someone who isn’t hell bent on destroying the country first then settle our issues after.



Go figure.

If they’re not enthusiastic, good. That means they know Biden’s history. The man is another garbage racist.

I'm white and he does less than nothing for me as well

If you’re not “enthusiastic” to vote out Trump by any means necessary I have an issue with you

Nobody is.

Neither are informed voters.

I’m 31. So not young. But definitely black and definitely “unenthused” by Biden.

ReplaceBiden NinaTurner2020

27 here. Eventhough I was more enthusiastic for a Sanders presidency, I was comfortable with Biden in the white house for 8 years. Another 4 or 8 I'm all here for. Getting some progressive thinkers like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris to be his VP would be even better!

Yeah, I don't think the white youths are real excited either. The democrats are lucky Biden gets to run against the biggest failure in the history of the presidency.

Yea cuz he’s trash. We told you.

Damn that’s crazy, I thought all Biden needed was South Carolina

Yep I’m one of them 🤷🏽‍♀️

chuckle say wha? really?

He's not for MedicareForAll or GreenNewDeal, he's against legalizing marijuana and defunding the police, he wrote the 1994 Crime Bill & still defends it, he has no real plan for the student loan debt crisis, and shamelessly takes Billionaire bribes. Why would we be excited?

Their non enthusiasm is not going to vouch for much of Trump gets a second term!

There has only been ONE president we’ve been “enthusiastic” about. So this seems about the norm as far as presidents go. We don’t have the luxury of enthusiasm

DNC knew who young voters wanted

Biden did well with older black voters. It's a bit weird; you'd assume they'd have a better take on Biden's Republicanesque voting r ecord than their younger cohort.


So, they would prefer a Trump 2nd term?

largothegalka Who'd have thunk it

chadloder Nobody's enthusiastic about pedorapist running against psychorapist...

Probably cause they ain’t black.

The people who accuse the Black Youth of 'liking trump' don't want any real change. They just want to sleep better at night. They don't care about the crime bill. They don't care about the sexual assault claims. They don't care about the warmongering. They. Don't. Care.

Blacks, whites, seems the only enthusiasm hails from Wall Street. Did you see China’s stock market rise as Biden is touted in the polls - how disheartening; US taxpayers on the hook for bailout money going to corps & banks wo pile it into China!

Is ANYONE enthusiastic? Literally the only reason I'd vote for him is because he, hopefully, cant be worse than the giant douche we have now.

TankieSanders So sad that Young Black voters have been turned into Russian assets!

Golly. Black people have a problem voting for a segregationist pal of Strom Thurmond who is literally the architect of our racist mass-incarceration system? What a bunch of racist, entitled, privileged... Oh... wait... Never mind.

Water is wet

I'm honestly at the point where this is funny to me. You knew young people of all races hated Biden and you voted him in anyway. Centrists, you've made your bed, try your best to sleep in it.

DrDebraSoh hey time for you to call the whisper

Oh woooow no waaaay. Wish some folks were saying that for over a year now or anything

To all the people centrist-splaining in the comments: no, young black voters are not pro-Trump. But just recognize that telling people 'you have no choice' isn't gonna get them on your side. That's why we're seeing this lack of enthusiasm. Maybe think about that for the future...

davidsirota The only people enthusiastic about a Biden presidency are the people (corporations) funding it. Voting for progressive legislators is only way to fix this. I have spoken.

davidsirota Neither are young voters.

davidsirota Apart from about 35 or so liberals, who is?

Lol no shit

I don't care as long that mother fuck is out l am good 😩🙄

Hes taken M4A,police reform+defunding,pot legalization, a fracking ban and every other no-brainer position that young people care about off the table.Why would anyone be enthusiastic enough about voting for one senile rapist over another to risk their lives to vote in a pandemic?

Not even Joe Biden is enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency.

Are we sure they're black?

Breaking: No shit, he's awful

Surely there's been some mistake!

davidsirota That’s weird, he’s done so much for their parents’ generation...

Well We guess that the young African American Friends don't want Healthcare, SNAP,HUD, Social Security Medicaid Medicare! Vote for Vice President Joe Biden or lose everything;

HillcrestCardCo bad sign

If he picks a Law Enforcement Candidate he's thru Think Heavy on this Black People

Nor are hispanics

That’s true for all young voters. Hell, 70% of people voting Biden say it’s a vote *against* Trump rather than a vote *for* Biden.

Perhaps they should support and VoteGold in Election2020 for Jorgensen4POTUS

davidsirota 🤔.... No Shit‼️

No one is. But Trump is actively trying to destroy the country as opposed to passively letting it happen.

davidsirota White men tend to be uninspiring, but Biden…

The thing is though that this election isn't about Biden. It's about being Rid of Trump.

davidsirota Not one bit.

I’m 38, he definitely doesn’t excite me whatsoever

davidsirota They have to choose between Trump or JoeBiden. If they do not vote for Biden, they are indirectly voting for Trump. Stop looking for a perfect candidate now. We have crossed that stage. If you want to see Trump defeated VoteBiden2020. Else Trump will be for 4 more. BLM

How many idiots are already blaming the Russians for “sowing division” among the black community? FFS, they said that Russia started the whole Kaepernick controversy. Lmfao🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

This racist devil just expects African Americans to say “Oh look! A democrat, let’s vote for him!” This man man has caused irreparable harm and damage to the African American community with his policies on Mass Incarceration amongst others.

davidsirota Is anyone excited about Biden? Anyone? However, once again, we have no choice.

Weird cuz they shilled for him in the primary.. 🙄

davidsirota aRE tHEy EveN BLacK?

Fake news. Biden says YouAintBlack if you dont want to vote for him.

A few gay people I know who were going to vote for bernie or warren now are saying fuck it and voting for trump. 🤷‍♀️ you reap what you sow

davidsirota How enthusiastic are they about the apocalypse continuing?

davidsirota Neither are young white voters.

That goes for millions of voters with no classification. Trust me. The Two party system, though one war party system, has been digging its grave for a long time. The bottom will be reached soon. History teaches us every day.

Hmm, do the young Black voters feel some sort of nostalgia for Donald Trump and the Confederacy ? I don't give a rats ass if you're Black, White, or Pink Pokka Dotted, it's time to pick a side and support it or we ALL go down. 'One for all and all for one'.

davidsirota Wake up young people, I imagine of all colors. Not voting is a vote for Trump. Voting for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump. Voting for Trump is voting for dragging our Nation down into a deep dark place that will hurt minorities the most.

davidsirota Well then they 'ain't black'

davidsirota Earn their votes

Who under 60 is?

We told everyone this before you all shoved him down our throats as the dem nominee. It's time to stop picking 'the lesser of two evils'!

Remember that there are more than 2 choices, everyone. Research Jorgensen4POTUS and HowieHawkins, and remember that a vote for them is ONLY a vote for them!

No one young is excited about Biden. He doesn't represent a single thing young folks want. Not even simple marijuana legalization.

I concur

Lot of people in these replies showing their asses. Nobody in the article nor the data imply that young black voters will vote for Trump over Biden, just that they recognize he will also not do any good for them. And y'all are downright giddy to throw them under the bus.

I guess they must be paying attention.


I hate feeling over the barrel for another candidate that championed laws and many positions that I loathe, but I'll eat centrist shit and learn to love it because four more years of Trump with Barr as his wrecking ball would render the Republic entirely unrecognizable.

Well according to Biden they're not black unless they vote for him so this headline must be false.

“if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” -jim crow joe

I don't like Biden at all and wish someone else were the candidate, but he's the tripe we have this time around, so I'm voting for him.

Biden/Trump = good cop/bad cop

Nobody is excited about it.

I hate voting for the lesser of two evils, I think change is not gonna come from the ballot box 🗳


Who is? 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s all we got 😢

Liberals are about to blame this on Kanye 😂

Ol’ Lock Em’ up Joe. Naw.... we know better then to vote for that old fool.

Wow, shocking

Trump definitely ain’t it either

Most shocking news I’ve heard all day

Tonya_Song If I vote for him, I don't want to hear from his ass for as long as I live.

Olisemeka91 HendyLA

Is anyone?

Thank god. I can’t wait until they’re the majority since my generation totally dropped the ball.

Young black voters are realizing that Biden and the Dems keep blacks in a perpetual state of DEPENDENCY to ensure they get black votes. We know BIDEN supports decades long pro crime legislation including the heinous crime bill responsible for the DESTRUCTION OF THE BLACK FAMILY.

Young black voters were enthusiastic about Bernie but publications like this one pretended that al black voters lived in the south and were over 50

Definitely not cause I’m pretty sure he’s a pedophile

Hey DebraMessing why don’t you threaten them with fascism and explain to them that Joe owns their vote?


Enthusiasm really doesn’t matter. It’s the lesser of 2 evils. Media driven narrative

you’re lucky we’re terrified of the guy in office

Anyone, black or white going to vote for this guy seriously hates minorites.

Oh man I wonder why 🙄

why didn't anyone tell them this would happen?

literally no ones excited about having either two creeps in office for the next 4 years

Luke warm

LoL...why? 'Nothing will fundamentally change', and based on the joint committee's work...he appears to be correct.

Which black person or other minority would vote for Jim Crow Joe. The man is an unashamed racist. Have you seen his 94 crime bill speech Wtf! He opposes school choice, told black people they aint black if they don't vote for him. The guy thinks he's a plantation owner

Liberals, instead of saying ascenine things like 'do they like Trump' stop and think about what you've done in nominating Biden. You reap what you sow, deal with it.


Maybe because Joe Biden offers nothing to young people and the only reason to vote for him is he isn't the bad orange man Youth will still vote for him for harm reduction purposes, but who would ever be enthusiastic about status quo Joe

Never Biden

*no one* is excited about a Joe Biden presidency. The only thing people like about him is he isn’t Trump.

That's because they voted for Bernie in the primary

No. I'm not

Corn pop was a bad dude

sounds like Joe Biden 'has a problem with black voters' ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

By the looks of it I’ll guess we’ll have Trump again and guess what ion wanna hear shit from y’all saying y’all shouldn’t have voted for Biden. You get what you ask for. Not saying you have to vote for anybody. You get what you ask for.

Everyone saw this coming from a mile away except the establishment who were in denial the whole time and rammed their candidate through not thinking of the consequences.

I mean, why in the hell would they be? Biden hasn't given them anything to get excited about. He's not as bad as Trump, and that's the only real reason to vote for him.

Is *anyone* super excited about Biden?

Only the black elites like the Obama and the Clyburn supporters will vote Biden.

Young people in general aren't enthusiastic to vote for biden. Replacing an old racist acussed rapist with a different old racist acussed rapist, not really the best elevator pitch. Yeah we need to get rid of trump, but trumplite isn't the fix people pretend it is.

No shit

If only this information had been available during the primaries.

With all due respect the choice is 4 more years of the evil, racist, Nazi-like orange blimp in the WH or Joe Biden. You may not be excited (I’m not at all) Trump must go. We can’t let him have anymore SCOTUS appointments. We can’t let him keep committing crimes. So vote for Joe.

DebraMessing you gotta call Stacey at this point

Gee I wonder why

Someone needs to explain to them that if the Bad Cheeto Man is reelected he will enact laws that disproportionately incarcerate them for nonviolent offenses, oppose the desegregation of schools, and sell off the social safety net to Wall Street. Wait, shit.

Yep! I'm one...🤷🏾‍♀️

wait I listen to DebraMessing and didn't think this was possible

those people obviously ain’t really black


LOL. He’s a racist, besties with the white supremacist clan within Congress. He wrote the crime bill used to imprison a generation of black men (while exonerating whites), and his opposition to legalizing pot is an attempt to preserve it. What’s to be excited about

Neither are the white ones, on record

The biden bros telling everyone that if they don’t vote they are voting for trump in the comments are depressing the vote with every word that comes out of their dumb mouths

Everyone in the comments have such low political standards that a dementia ridden war criminal pathological liar is acceptable to them because he’s “ atleast not trump “ thankfully the youth aren’t so stupid.

Cut the malarkey and cutthecheck.

Sounds like it's time to pay a known black person to tell people to vote for Biden instead of providing policies or change that black voters actually want. Again.

No one is enthusiastic about a Biden presidency.

Wow Super surprising, who could have predicted this?

This could really just say young voters. Or really any voters.

Nobody is

DebraMessing they are calling you to sort this out, babe.

We not starting this shit. 45 gotta go.

I’m not excited for him but i’ll take him over trump. Not finna vote for him cause i’m in a safe state

I’m not excited about voting for Joe Biden. No one is excited but the alternative is oh so much worse.

Lol have you older dummies tried saying bUT tRuMp for the 80th time yet? Maybe that'll work.

Tell 'em DebraMessing

No Shit, Sherlock! Joe Biden is a dinosaur like Donald Trump who not only doesn't care about people but doesn't care about our planet either! Neither of them support M4A or a GND! What is wrong with them! NeverBidenNeverTrump Vote for the DownBallotProgressives.

But they keep on voting him in!!! Whyyyyy? NeverBiden unless he hears progressives!

you said you would win with republicans go cry to your lincoln project republicans

Because they are not black. (Sarcasm)

We told y’all

It's almost as if his ideas are outdated.... Hmm...

I’m enthusiastic about Trump not being the leader of my country. Get on board.

Who is excited about Biden? There were 3 years to prepare. Half of the democratic field would tear apart a 40 year old Biden, all candidates destroy (many of them did) today's Biden in debate. So our choices are dry shit and steaming shit. Thanks out-of-touch dnc power structure.

Would love to read the article about exactly who is excited about a Biden presidency and why. That might require some actual journalism and not the low-hanging-fruit of this piece.

I'm voting for Kanye. we need a fresh voice in politics

This Yahoo article reeks of vodka & borscht.

Good to know that Biden's campaign hinges on 'at least he's not Trump, or are you enthusiastic about Trump?'. Policy shmolicy. Thanks Dems for giving us the worst option out of 3,674 primary candidates so we have blue Trump as the only viable alternative in this shitty duopoly.

Is anyone anywhere enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency?

Thanks, South Carolina, you idiots

Literally no one is

Well then vote for trump ?

I'm all for Biden and I'm black, and I find your entitled wishlist the most bizarre thing about this post. Legalize marijuana. Cancel all student debt. Do the other. What is this, horse-trading for the princess' blessing?

DebraMessing staceyabrams as the arbiters of the black vote, please fix ASAP

NO SHIT?!?!?

The only reason to vote for Biden is that he’s not Trump.

No shit

but but but Bakari_Sellers told me...

This was pretty consistent in the primaries too. Biden is incredibly unpopular with people under 60.

. DebraMessing your candidate is flawed.

Shitlibs in this comments all have a serious hostage taking mentality. Trying to suppress any criticism as support of Trump is not making Biden more exciting. It only shows that you don't give a shit about people.

The comments on this article are every bit as great as I expected them to be.

I'm from PA and I don't know anybody in State College that is voting for Joe Biden. A COLLEGE TOWN.

Why would ANYONE be enthusiastic about Joe Biden. He gave us Donald Trump.

hillary and trump are worst...and voting is easier this time around when biden is running without the flaws from both trump and hillary..its not about what party your in..its about our nation and one man leading

chadloder No one is enthusiastic about Biden. He's no AndrewYang or BernieSanders, but he's miles better than Trump.

I wonder why

This isn't news. Young voters overall didn't want Biden

No shit huh? Wonder if it’s cause he’s racist... 🤔

No one is

DebraMessing I thought you said black voters loved your chosen one ?

Joe McCain

No one is enthusiastic about Biden, they just settled on him

Black voters opinions don’t matter

Vote for the guy that it’s going to give the police 300M more lol 😂

Looking at all these replies and not a single person has an argument other than “well, are they enthusiastic about the RACIST CHEETO?” Do y’all know ANY of Joe Biden’s policies? Is there literally any reason he should be considered the good choice instead of “the other choice”?

Gotta love all the non-black people responding to this with 'well how do they feel about Trump😡' instead of asking why Biden is doing poorly in enthusiasm with a demographic he should be doing well with.

Really? The guy who wrote the 94 crime bill and won’t admit it was wrong Who wod have guessed

Who (black or white) is enthusiastic about a Biden presidency?

Look up 1983 crime bill 1 million blacks locked up

Ay that’s me.

In other news: Pope Revealed To Be Catholic; Bear Observed Defecating In Woods

That's right, they voted for Bernie in the primaries.

Joe Biden HIMSELF isn’t excited, but he knows what the fuck is up.

Blacks votes owned by Democrats Slavery didn't end

ReplaceJoeBiden before it's too late.

The Biden Bros have found this Tweet and are now giving black people the business.

This finding out part isn’t fun, is it?

Shut up.

Fuck this election

Yeah no kidding.



Yeah no shit we warned y’all

Joe Biden doesn’t seem enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency

Take away their blackness, Joe.

They won't be black voters for long after Joe takes away their black cards.

Who is?

It's okay. Biden said they're not Black

BREAKING NEWS: water is wet 💧 🇺🇸 🗳🙄

Are they enthusiastic about another 4 years of trump (not capitalized on purpose)....’cause that’s the other option!

can't imagine why?

Young Latino voters aren’t happy either...

We have no Choice but to Vote for this ASSHOLE... So don't expect us to be Happy about when Biden doesn't deserve a single one of our Votes.

Nobody is

This old white voter can't stand Biden

What did the aging gerontocrats of the DNC expect? They got what they wanted: nothing will change.

Who the fuck is

Voting for Biden is like brushing your teeth got to be done the way the primary was ran there was no coverage for the RNC presidential candidates and for the DNC only a little and that biased against my favorites AndrewYang KamalaHarris & Hickenlooper

Honestly it's probably a lot of people trying to get that 'you ain't black' designation. If I were a POC in America I'd be pretty tempted to try anything to get me some of that white privilege.

oh, shocking, would be cool if there was a candidate that did

I'd like to pose the quest, who is enthusiastic about Joe Biden? I'm not. I don't know anyone who is. Do you?

'You ain't black'

But that's not what Clyburn said! Clyburn is the reason so many people in SC voted for Biden! Where's he at now that we have new information? It will be Clyburn's fault if Trump wins because we could've had Bernie 😠

I’m done with the Democratic Party. Biden was the last straw for me. Kanye, Jesse Ventura or Howie are my choices now.

We have been trying to tell y'all this for the LONGEST......

Consider voting third party if you do not want to vote for Trump or Biden. Always do your research, but make sure your research is impartial. We need to do away with the electoral college, dismantle the two-party system, and never settle for evil.

LOT of neolib Karens thinking they know what's best for black people in this thread...

Yeah versus Trump? Get real, sensationalists.

Bahahah. If biden means Kanye then I agree.

i mean, we've been pretty clear and consistent with this.

Don’t understand how anyone could be “enthusiastic” about JoeBiden. Seems like the ones that would vote for him would only do so because they hate Trump more.

It's understandable because he doesn't have any policies or leadership skills and is known to have supported segregation and has multiple creditable rape and sexual assault accusations. Not to mention that he also said he would not over turn the things trump admin has done.

I can't believe they aren't excited by a candidate who doesn't offer them anything and plans to maintain the status quo.

Maybe democrats should have gone with someone less racist.

The guy who put thousands of them in jail. No shit!

'Better fall in line' comments on this is disgusting. Trump sucks AND Joe Biden was directly involved in the crafting of legislation that has destroyed many black lives. Why not instead of telling victims they need to get on board, you tell Joe to propose legislation they want

is there any young voter that is enthusiastic about Biden? Can't believe the democrats are fighting incompetence with incompetence.

Biden has done more harm to the black community than Trump could ever dream of in 8 years. Anyone who disagrees is a moron and can die mad about it.

I’m convinced the Democrats want more Trump at this point. They choose a borderline corpse as a candidate and are surprised when not one demographic enthusiastically supports him... I mean this is real simple and obvious

can confirm

'Dont vote for me' - Joe Biden

Great 'electable' candidate you got there. Fuckwads.

Where are the policies?

No one under 45 is excited about Biden, black, white, Latino, Asian, or otherwise.


No shit..


Excitement is the last thing people need now. We really want a boring political scene.

Everybody is missing a point. You can't eternally drag your voters into supporting a disappointing candidate just because the other guy is worse. If you're not offering young people something, then most of them won't bother with you. Easiest answer is to offer them real change.

*all young voters

Notice how none of these replies talk about Biden’s merits. They only talk about how bad Trump is. The Democratic Party has failed its primary voters twice now with naked corruption

who could have seen this coming

who could have possibly foreseen this



Ya no kidding. We ALL saw the data and demographics. Under 40 were overwhelming for Bernie.

No young voters are enthusiastic about a Joe Biden Presidency. Is anyone? StatusQuoJoe BidenLies

Young African American voters are definatley politically wiser then their parents and grandparents.

chadloder Neither am I, but in a two party system, Biden is still the best and only choice for America.

chadloder Psssst, neither are millions of other folks.

Lol whose surprised

Uh, no shit! Young black voters voted for Bernie Sanders, as did Latino voters, Asian voters, Muslim voters, LGBT voters, Independent voters etc! I'm sure you never heard that from the mainstream media!

Who could have Guessed Joe 'I'm not Trump and if you want anything more from me then Fuck you' Biden wouldn't be that appealing to young voters who wanted more.

Is anyone enthusiastic about a Biden presidency?

I’m not that enthusiastic about mammograms and Pap smears but I’d be stupid to never get them.

So why there old black people in the photo? I agree Joe Biden has a serious problem. Young people vote the least. How will Biden beat Trump IF the young do not vote? How is Biden going to attract younger voters?

And why would all be “enthusiastic” about voting for a racist rapist segregationist, right. It seems BlackLivesMattter BLM are quite hypocritical. There’ll be no fundamental change w/ JimCrowJoe CrimeBillBiden but great job w/the syrup. We could of had Bernie― writing him in.

Nothing will change. crowdfunding a new party to take the oligarchs is the only way. BernieSanders showed the way to go. Election2020

🥱 Biden did bad across *ALL* demographics of young voters— he was largely propped by getting the votes of the elderly, who were misinformed by millionaires in the media. And I won’t be voting for him either.

No sh¡t

You don't say?

Tough sh*t.

Duh where you been

Joe biden is more responsible for the current state of America than trump is Dems can't even admit what a fucking shit situation this is, they have to pretend it's all Trump's fault

Wow no shit.

Not voting for that rapist

How enthusiastic are they about a Trump second term?

Because he’s a fucking racist


LMAO at all the 'what about Trump' in the comments. I'm not enthusiastic about Joe Biden, but I will vote for him. But I vote in every election. Maybe the sometimes voters might decide to sit this one out unless Joe Biden gives them a reason to vote FOR him, not against Trump.

i mean maybe its him helping lock everyone we know in prisons and not even caving on as simply as legal marijuana in fucking 2020

Also not enthusiastic: Every demographic

Lol the amount of responses here being like 'WELL ARE THEY EXCITED FOR TRUMP' Like take one moment to actually look at Biden and what an uninspiring candidate he is on his own. Some will vote for him anyway for harm reduction but not enthusiastic for the less bad option

You can for for Biden or the Klan. That's the choice in 2020.

Because they were Sanders voters duh

Im not voting for Biden or Trump. I vote Green Party. Been voting Green since 2012. Its hard to justify voting for a racist because you don't like the current racist in office. Trump has overt hatred for blacks, Biden had done policies that hurt black communities over the years.

Yeah no fucking shit

Young Latines either

If young to not-elderly people hate Trump, but also realize Biden offers literally nothing except benefiting the rich, why should they be expected to vote at all? This is something the DNC and elderly voters didn't take into consideration during the primaries.

Wow no way

I don't think anyone is enthused to vote for Republican light Joe Biden


Had nothing to do with Kanye. Young voters realize progressive policies are in place to save a burning planet. The older generation keeps making them pay for their mistakes

The headline isn’t wrong

realDonaldTrump is freakin killing ppl with his disregard for science. Using children in cages as a deterrent for immigration. Pardoning Criminal friends. Letting his rich friends feed at the trough of taxpayer $. Promoting Confederate slave owners over BLM. WHAT DOES IT TAKE!

No f*cking sh*t

who can blame them. Biden has a terrible voting record. He is bought by corporate donors and doesn't support policies that would make their lives better. I'm not voting for the red or blue stooge.

Young black voters are smart, educated and did their homework on Biden.

Old white people put trump into office and selected Biden as a candidate. Now they want young black people to bail them out when they never had a seat at the table in the first place. Pretty weak.

maybe the Dems could name a different candidate who people are really excited about just an idea

Joe Biden’s legacy is Mass incarceration. Expecting enthusiasm for him would be ridiculous.

Shitlibs in the comments: but but but Trump... Biden's entire campaign strategy is to shame and deflect and hope people forget or forgive him for his 47yr record of racist corporate policies, war mongering, social security cutting, child groping, sexual assaulting....

Young black voters join all other voters with this opinion.

All yall saying 'BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP!' What about him? The threat of Trump doesnt make Biden a candidate to be enthusiastic about. Hes a fucking shitty candidate. They both are. Dont be upset when people are honest with you. Yall just wanna gaslight everybody to fit your view

Given that Joe has lower enthusiasm polling that Hillary, seems like almost no one is enthusiastic about him.

Yeah I'm not voting for someone who says they're going to veto M4All during a pandemic.

Are they thrilled with another 4 years of Trump !!!!

I’m not young but I’m more excited to get a coronavirus swab

All the comments attempting to shame us because we will not vote for Biden. Didn't white people vote in Trump? We have nothing to lose. I'm not voting for Biden. The gigs up.

Well that's interesting so what does that mean they're enthusiastic about Chump?

No agenda, no vote

As an almost 50 y.o. man, he'll NEVER get my vote!

Better get it together or you'll end up with RACIST trump

White and Hispanic voters aren't too keen in him either. saynotopervyjoe

As a young Black Professional male I definitely voting down ballot!!!!!

They enthusiastic about the alternative? Sheesh!

That’s because young black voters know that all Biden wants is their vote and that he will give them nothing in return. It’s a One way transaction.

In our political circle none of us want him in office. It will be more of the same. We need better options

Joe biden needs to take care of his family *wink

I guess yahoo news is vote for trump

Definitely NOT voting for neither one...blacks still waiting on white Massa to save em. Smh

Hell no to Ol' Jim Crow Joe Biden, not this Black vote, not now not ever.

Good, the democrats are awful. No tangibles no vote

I can see why his record is horrible he destroyed a lot of Black families ,hell he said Blackmen should be erased from society, he needs to try to fix the wrongs he has done for the last , 40 years I don't like tRump but, Biden record he worse

TexwellTheWiz Is that a surprise. If so to who. The mans a die hard racist. And clearly incompetent.

*insert any demographic here* voters say they aren't enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency They’re not alone. 🤷🏻‍♀️

We voting to get trump out period

There’s a lot of white people and house negroes demanding more from the people who have been hurt by these politicians them from the politicians themselves. You hate to see it

Does Biden have a black Agenda? Does he represent my interest? The answer is NO. Let the two old white rascists sort their difference, I am going with third party..

He just better pick the rigjt VP. For young Blacks, it’s Keisha Bottoms. They love her.

Contempt of Biden doesn't equal an endorsement for Trump. They're both elderly, white racists; one is more blatant about it. As Biden's record stands on race however, he has spent more time in Gov't as a racist. The moral choice between two evils is not to choose either evil.

this coming election will be between, republican_conservative_rule_of_law vs democrat_liberal_marxist_mob_rule choice is yours

Look at the dumbass replies under this tweet. 😂😂😂

Young voters period are the dumbest block of voters EVER. Be it black, white, yellow or purple. If they are not enthused about getting tRump out, then fuck them. They are not worth the time and space to waste on. Other voters who aint playing will get tRump out.

Hell no! Biden has been victimizing Black people en masse for over 50 years.

Biden may not be the best....but Trump is dividing the country with his racist ways....racism has always been around but racist weren't as comfortable doing the thing's that they're boldly doing today....Trump has to go so we can move forward instead of backwards!

And he won’t without a reparations plan that redresses the effects of white supremacy. Including the racist bills he wrote...

It’s me. I’m the young black voter who will not be voting for Biden.

These young Black voters lived through the housing crisis/recession that devastated black Americans disproportionately. Now they’re seeing us dying disproportionately to Covid. And this is Joe’s response to reparations. So why would they be enthusiastic about him

No Black reparations for ADOS...down ballot

RaiderACE562 Then old black voters need to put a foot up their ass!

I’m voting for his cabinet

Are they enthusiastic about a trump presidency? Cause that’s our other choice.

Bc he is a career politician who accomplished nothing for the black community!! He has said more racist comments against blacks in his 40 plus years career in the government!! Talk about white privileged 🤦🏻‍♂️

No Reparations/Tangibles for black folks, then No Vote!

Who's taking Yahoo seriously?

Young black America really don’t get excited about much these days except all the trappings of Hollywood. What they need to do is learn their history and their heritage maybe then they’ll start to get excited about things that truly do matter in real life in real time.

Anyone is better thM trum. There will be some joeMentum soon VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Let The Black Voter's tell it. We Are. Anything is better than this tramp in the white house.trump an the birthday Party going to be splitting Votes. Nobody cares about Either of them.

News flash...NO ONE is excited about the alternative, but no way in hell is it as bad as the moron at the wheel now.

When you’re given no real choice. One idiot or another idiot. Personally, I would vote for neither!

For those who will write in a name, you are voting for Trump. For those who will not go and vote and you are registered you are voting for Trump. People these days take for granted their one shot to vote. It is the most important thing you have as an American citizen.

I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. I vote for the right person for the state in the US needs to go. It never fails. Always have to vote for the lesser of two evils. My first choice is not Joe Biden, but he must defeat COVID-45. I will vote for Joe.

It’s all Kanye’s fault

I'm 29, and I'm not rocking with Biden. And just about ALL OF MY PEERS feel the same way. He has undermined us politically after socioeconomically & judicially castrating us with his crime bill. The ONLY WAY I'LL VOTE is if he cuts the CHECK for Reparations for Blk Americans FBA

Trump 2020

No voters excited about Crazy Joe! Regardless of their feeling on Trump.

Don’t believe this hype, they’re trying to insinuate that young blacks dont like joe so they will consider voting for the ultimate traitor Kanye just to hurt the election

Bye Jim Crow Joe bye

Duhhhhh, wtf is he running on? Biden got the knod from blacks cause he was with Obama, but that mfer old, can't remember shit, was on the 94 crime bill, and don't appeal at all to young voters, no Reparations, no legal weed, no min wage increase, i mean really tell me y joe?

The youth complains online about problems yet Old Racist White people will ALWAYS go out and vote! The young voters are the reason Biden is what the Dems have left to go against Trump. If you don't vote you can't complain!!

They obviously aren't black enough...

Correction: Young Black voters say they aren't enthusiastic about either presidential candidate. Both are old white supremacists with pedophile behavior.

CarlaRK3 neither are old white voters. but we will suck it up & vote blue, or we will lose our democracy.

It was either the witch or the warlock!

Us FBA are not voting for Biden fk him and Trump, We need REPARATIONS plain & simple CutTheCheck NoAntiBlackRacism

HE IS RACIST. That’s why 🤷🏿‍♂️

Water is wet.

Let the disaffected dems switch to Kanye and give Trump the election in an even greater landslide Trump2020 Trump2020Landslide Biden2020 Vision2020 KanyeWest Kanye2020 TrumpNowMoreThanEver

No reparations=no votes

Fuck voting

Of course they will vote for the maniac kanyewest

It’s very interesting & telling how these White “Liberals” feel the need to tell Blk ppl who we should vote for, we know Trump is evil and so is Biden so maybe we want to vote 3rd Party. We are sick and tired of white ppl telling us what we should do! So SHUT UP!!

they need to get over it.........trump must go

Black people will no longer do the lesser of two evils. Racist Biden has done nothing for the black community excepts put up laws like the 1994 which incarcerated black people at a mass. We have every right to sit out. He plans on doing nothing for us, so we will do the same. 👏

It’s very interesting and telling how White “liberals” feel the need to tell that we better vote for Biden since Trump is bad but Biden is no better for the Blk community. This is the perfect moment to tell these White Saviors to SHUT UP!

I'm young, he has my vote....

djeboe Eh.....🤷🏾‍♂️

Then they “ain’t black.”

Enthusiastic? No we are just not voting for ANYONE Republikkkan or Demokkkrat without TANGIBLES2020!!!! CUTTHECHECK REPARATIONS2020 NOANTIBLACKRACISM BLACKPOLICIESMATTER

either are young white votes lol

Kanye will affect the election 🤦🏻‍♂️

I couldn't possibly imagine why....

It’s sad that Trumps character has so many blacks in their feelings. Because if people overlooked that and really paid attention to policies and the economic growth that has helped blacks. Trump would win by a landslide if you really compare him to Biden!..

It's sad how the liberal media has buried Biden support for bill Clinton 1994 crimes bill that locked up non violent young black Americans for decades.

Crack news reporting Yahoo, the obvious has never been so clearly stated.

No shit. He’s a proven Racist and a Liar. He pretends to be a good person and then backstabs people. More specifically the Black Community.

Geeeeee..... i just wonder whyyyyyyy

The black voters should vote for trump then.. and shut up. They should stop making noise about BLM or not.. Lol. They are fucked

I’m enthusiastic about reparations cutthecheck

Liberals when they learn black people aren't a monolith.

Jim Crow Joe Biden has done more harm to the black community through policy than Trump. I k bbn ow Trump has to go, but Biden is not the one to replace him with!

The Dems need all those crack babies they created during the 90s that flooded the foster care system. While as VP he wrote the CARA Act to save white meth heads kids. Karma is a b!tch ain't Joe😂😂 you going down in Nov for your political savagery against our people!

These kids aren’t their parents or grandparents.. they’re free men,far from stupid

My family and I we also voting for Donald Trump for the first time rather than Biden

Shit Biden you are in trouble. You ought to hear my children check their grandparents on how damaging your policies have been over the last 30 yrs. My daughter is a senior in college said 'Biden said immigrants are the future of this country' I said yes. She said that's a lie😂😂

Damn. It took Yahoo to break it to their voters and the you ain't blacks...

JimCrowJoe has a worse track record when it comes to Black Americans than Trump lol smh JimCrowJoe is going DOWN. We told you, no ReparationsNow for slavery no vote 🗳 NoAntiBlackRacism CutTheCheck

I aint voting for cracker Biden. He aint got no cred

Go Kanye!

Biden has spent 40 yrs harming BLK ppl...that information is readily available to this generation. The DNC can't rely on ignorance and complacency to secure BLK support anymore. That's over.

All the elderly folks on this thread please tell me what’s JoeBiden or the DNC , as a whole, Black agenda? Remember Obama was in office for 8 years and didn’t do a damn thing for us! Kept saying pray and be peaceful every time one of us was slain by police

Then prepare to get the short end of the stick.


More qualified than the idiot we have now

well - the primaries showed us that black voters are more enthusiastic about Biden than Sanders or Warren.

HidenBiden can’t speak coherently so why would they be enthused? Why is anyone enthused? He doesn’t know what day of the week it is. 🤦‍♂️

Neither are old white voters.

In reality, nobody is.

How thrilled are young Black voters with Trump?

Just get out and voteblue2020

No one chomping at the bit for a Biden presidency. But there’s no choice. Thought that was common knowledge.

Who do they like, trump?!

They better get on his page because Trump could care less about them

And are they enthusiastic about the racist person holding office now?

Well they better get excited bc the alternative is a racist!

They can have Kanye then.

not just them, nobody is. Nobody wants Creepy Joe as the president.

Wait until he names his VP.

Oh. They prefer tRump? You don't vote you and I and everybody else lose! VoteBlueToSaveAmerica2020 VoteBlueNoMatterWho VoteJoeBiden2020

You all better get excited and VOTE!!!

Holy cow1 You all feeling ok today? I almost fell out of my chair whit this tweet from you all.

I’m a black voter. I’m 39, so not that young, and Biden doesn’t necessarily excite me; but I damn sure won’t be voting for Trump in Nov. Screw the everyday chaos and divisiveness 👎🏾 Biden’s not exciting, but he’s not destructive either. So he’s got my vote🤷🏾‍♀️

How do they feel about a dictator realDonaldTrump for president? SMH. What is wrong with the youth.

I will back any qualified person at this point and I am all in with Biden

Who is?

Or voting in general

Cool. Don’t be enthusiastic. Risk another 4 years of the KKK being office.

Well how enthusiastic are they for four more years of Trump?

Just remember this folks

Now do young black voters’ “enthusiasm” for the white supremacist Birther King.

They must not be black then, right Joe?

lol. im young black person and very enthused. the problem is alot of my people have not read his plans yet

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