WSJ News Exclusive | Kim Kardashian West Lands Podcast Deal With Spotify

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Kim Kardashian West has reached a deal with Spotify for a podcast about her work with the Innocence Project, a nonprofit legal organization that seeks to exonerate people who have been wrongly convicted

Kim Kardashian West reached a deal with Spotify Technology SA for a podcast about her work with the Innocence Project, according to people familiar with the matter, exploring topics that have come to the forefront of the national conversation in recent weeks.

The show, to be available exclusively on Spotify, will highlight the work of the nonprofit legal organization that seeks to exonerate people who have been wrongly convicted.


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KimKardashian innocence We also need a 'Guilty Project' for cases that have either been ruled accidents or just ignored by the Police. Please look into the JusticeForKendrickJohnson, JusticeForSandraBland justice4jody justicefordj Thank you.

Kim Please take a look at the Steven Avery / Brandan Dassey case 🤞🏻🤞🏻


They never reach out to the people actually doing the work, do they? This is so disrespectful.

what’s the point of working with a nonprofit if you’re going to profit off the work by begging spotify for a podcast?

For those who are not familiar with what KimKardashian actually does, watch “The Justice Project”❤️

I am not mad at her using her platfrorm to help. She actually has never not been intelligent. People love to assume that you lack intelligence based on the way you look.

Kim kardashian mentioned-look at all the tweets about it. That’s why it’s ok to have her platform. If they just out some persons name it wouldn’t get this attention.But people are mad. I don’t get Americans. Let me delete this coz it’s not even worth it

So great! This is gonna expose soooo many young people to information on fighting for criminal justice reform. Who knew KKW would become such a powerful ally to the cause? Proud of her. 👏👏👏

She is a symbol of what girls shouldn't aspire to become but here we are.

She should be doing this work anyways! We all should contribute in some way. I might be heated but one thing better than rendering the Innocence Project as your helper is taking up an acute Innocence cause like correcting unlawful convictions to begin... Sorry, I do jury duty.

Wtf Spotify...

She just started...there have been people that have been fighting longer than she has.

WTF? Because Kanye put the RED Hat on....

See class. This is how systematic racism works. It allows you to benefit by simply being white. It allows you to benefit vastly, even though Black ppl have been doing the works for decades. It allows you to take credit for it all. See also: white supremacy

Script writer 🗒🎬 Content link in bio ❤️ Invox always open for collabs❤️❤️

I suggest they would give it to an expert on the issue

Really Spotify? Out of all the black activists who dedicate their lives to this, you pick a rich white girl? Interesting flex.


Now she is making it about herself after doing the good work, this is fucking wrong

I thought she was studying for the bar? Why can’t the Innocence Project have a podcast and let Kim Kardashian be a guest? There are people that work tirelessly on this everyday.

This podcast would be like nails on a chalk board.

May be time to drop my Spotify subscription

Goooo laaawwd!

Spotify Read the room. We are tired of this BS.

This is actually a joke. The irony of doing ‘black’ work as a WHITE woman, rather than actually giving the credit to the people who BEEN doing the work

So are they going to edit out all the times KimKardashian says 'like' they will end up with a 10 minute podcast instead of an hour Spotify get someone who can string a sentence together without that horrific nasal whine

Hey Spotify you know there are actual Black people way more educated to speak on this topic, right? Tell Kim open her purse and step away from the mic

There’s better people to have this job

A worthy cause that uses DNA to show innocence...

What about all the black people who BEEN doing this work for decade's and never been given a platform? Y'all love hearing about racism & classism form white people who are classist, culture appropriating, thieves and anti-black.

Could have been a Black womxn whose spent their life on this work and they went with...this? Yikes.

A deal? So she's making money off of Black pain?

This is trash.

Just what we need another non black woman talking about what’s best for us.

Listen to her voice for an hour trying to pronounce big legal terms.

How does she even qualify to be in the forefront of criminal justice reform? Spotify

All of the black attorneys that have been fighting blood sweat and tears for criminal justice reform for decades and Spotify is propping up Kim Kardashian.

2/2 This is more white supremacy taking credit for the work of others. KimKardashian is not friend of anybody but money and other Kardashians. Mediocre white woman looking to reinvent herself. ThisIsAmerica georgefloyd WhitePrivilege BlackLivesMatter

1/2 She didn't do any real work she's just the face of their work because it helps. She's not a real advocate who's been doing this work long term and she deserves little praise in comparison to Africans in the USA who have done the lionshare of this work.

It seems to me that this production will be an opportunity to amplify voices in the criminal justice sphere who may not have otherwise had access to the level of popularity as KKW does. That is my optimism showing but I do hope I'm right.

.... Chile, anyways if any of you wanna support a real black woman’s podcast here you go

Imagine if we heard from the people of color who truly dedicated their lives and careers for prison reform and not a white ex porn star who isn't even going to real law school.

Does this include people that look like her husband?

I get that she should’ve centered it around the people actually doing the work and other voices but do y’all think they would care and offer the opportunity if she wasn’t the center though? ESPECIALLY with the increased of white guilt

This could literally have been one IG live or IGTV video. A whole podcast for what

Given her cunning ways to frame T.Swift (and to poison modern English language), she would go places in her “innocence project”.

Can’t imagine the Spotify train of thought which thought listening to KimKardashian speak about the criminal justice system an appealing sounding podcast

If it gives you any solace, the tiki-torch whites hate them too! They are the epitome of they use to call “nigger lovers”! 🤷🏾‍♀️

There real people who go out without cameras & money to fight for prison reform everyday .. yet you give it to a WHITE woman who has not even said anything about the All Black Lives Matter movement .. this is why we’re fighting & now Spotify cancelled good job !


shall we discuss the fact that there are hundreds of Black people & POC who have dedicated their lives to this fight but who aren't rich/famous/white like her and thus will never be given such a platform?

I was waiting for the monetization of the Innocence Project work to begin. Kris is a shrewd business women. I give her creator for setting up them girls to make millions. How many of them have a college degree or a certificate from DeVry?

Ban it. She trash to American youth. What mom sells porn of daughter ? Trump ?

How can anyone take this woman seriously when she is married to Kanye west? And that's just one of several reasons! 😏


luciabetancur_ pa que estes bien pendientee y practiques ingles al mismo tiempo!

Pull Kanye out from the sunken place

C’mon Spotify - really?!

Who needs to hear what she says about anything?

Who. Cares?


Thank You KimKardashian 🙏🏼


tracyromulus She’s been hella quiet tho

Not another “organization” to deal with 🤦‍♀️

There is a lot of shit you can bust or make fun of her about, this is something she shouldn’t be.

What a society. Promotion of morons and suppression of geniuses.


What reason or evidence do we have to believe that Kim Kardashian can lead a intellectual conversation about a persons situational legal matter? Good job spotify, can’t wait to hear this one crash and burn. 😂

I dont think people really care anout her opinion on jailed people. She is a nothing but a porn star

She's fairly savvy. Takes after her dad.

a candle in a dark world ❤️


here’s a little preview: “like”, “you know”, “like”, “I just can’t even...”, “like”, “umm”, “like”, “like”, “like”..... x 500. 🙄🤦‍♀️

Reinventing yourself is KimKardashian Anything is definitely possible.

SPOT puts

I’d rather listen to the screams of innocent children being totured. GTFOH

i don't think anyone asked for this. ever.

Everything they do that appears good is connected to something horrific. Illuminati SatanicHollywood PEDOGATE

There you go! Living proof that any moron with money could do well in this world!

Will the podcast also be talking about makeup tips? What kind of bronzer, eyeshadow, etc to use?

when will SEC_Enforcement crackdown on people front running news and buying thousands of options before news releases

Can't wait to hear more of her voice.

I imagine there will be a lot of “like” and “Umm” utterances

If there’s one thing I’ve been missing in my entire life, it’s not hearing kim kardashian attempting to speak even more English.

Podcast wtf? She is to be seen not heard

Is she Black or Jewish or both and does anyone know?

Always a profit motive

Short $SPOT

Kim kardashian is the definition of white privilege

A unção que faz a diferença no GloriousWednesdayService

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