WSJ News Exclusive | Facebook Prepares Measures for Possible Election Unrest

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Facebook is preparing emergency measures to try to calm potential unrest in the U.S. around the election, including slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts, say people familiar with the matter

Facebook Inc. teams have planned for the possibility of trying to calm election-related conflict in the U.S. by deploying internal tools designed for what it calls “at-risk” countries, according to people familiar with the matter.

The emergency measures include slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts, the people said. Previously used in countries including Sri Lanka and Myanmar, they are part of a larger tool kit developed by Facebook to prepare for the U.S. election.


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'Facebook is preparing emergency measures to try and calm potential EATING OF THE RICH. including slowing the spread of information () and suppressing viral content (?)' YALL IT's THAT TIME. 1984 aint ever even read it. But I can smell a Hitler regime years away.

World's most powerful nation trying to contain spread of viral info which can cause unrest. Who knew this day will come? Unreal.

Destroy the “forward” feature on WhatsApp too.

They say that *every single time*

How many years too late? 🙄

Bless Zuck's poor cold evil heart.

There is no great thinking to be done here....shut off the features that allow you to like and share. I think that not only were they responsible.....they got here by design and not by some accident of how social media evolves.

How about just turning off the site for a while?

Why not just shut your garbage platform down Facebook?

Have they tried firing Zuck? Possibly into the sun? That'd probably improve things based on the company leaks.

Now they are worried They have been fomenting and profiting from this bullshit for years and, now it's suddenly a problem?

This is a bunch of shit. Facebook never has and never will do anything other than enhance it's bottom line.

Just shut it down until after the election. Twitter too.

CarrollynAragon Facebook should have been shut down back when they aided and abetted the RohingyaGenocide in Myanmar.

Horrific abuse of power by what should be a utility.

Remember the Brooks Brothers riot? Incoming complaint from the GOP in 3..2..

I’m sure the people behind more than one genocide already will definitely not mess this up.

RaeMargaret61 They brought this on themselves by not taking this on sooner. They are blinded by the advertising money..m

Is that like double secret probation? Seriously, delete Facebook, everyone.



Yeah... Security measures...

They fancy themselves the masters of the universe. Nobody has needed a humbling more.

Blatantly trying to censor the Hunter photos.

this is all going to end really well

Golly I wonder whose info will be choked off the most?

I find this disturbing, even if well intended. The US Establishment consists of career politicians, Wall Street, and Big Tech. Social media provides a tool for the oppressed against a corrupt and self-interested government. Remember the Arab Spring?

DON’S BODY COUNT AS OF TODAY 230,086 of children, Moms & Dads as he continues his plan of “IT IS WHAT IT IS” DON’S PLAN of Herd Immunity will take 80% of the citizens to become infected resulting in US 3,310,026 DEATHS! Instead of fighting his CDC & FDA, HE SHOULD JUST BE HONEST!

Could FB execs be any more disingenuous? How about being the good cop year round FB?

Tsk tsk, whatever will the bigots do now.

While Antifa has been running loose for 5 years unchecked. How sweet.

An arsonist offering to help extinguish a fire.

Translation: Facebook will ramp up its suppression of dissent against the fascist Trump regime while claiming a meaningless ”both sides” angle. And no doubt neo-Nazi astroturf will somehow magically slip through their algorithms’ nets 🤷🏻‍♀️

Et tu TwitterSafety jack reddit tiktok_comms Snapchat? AP Reuters

Preparing to control the message and censor Trump campaign

After having stoked said unrest for years 🙄

Oh BS! Facebook was one of the main spreaders of Russian disinformation and propaganda and they still are

Recommended ALERT 1 Shut it down, shut it ALL down.

I’m getting ready to panic when thiel moves to New Zealand

Bullshit. You are just giving them free PR.

A bit Late! gerardcantor flypr PGATOUR BoF FBILosAngeles FlyingWithSara ELLEmagazine nytopinion

Facebook should just shut down and not let anyone fuel the hatred for a couple of weeks

Facebook sent me to jail for a meme from 2017 they can kick rocks and I have since deleted my account.

Of course, this implicitly acknowledges that it has permitted “inflammatory” posts that have incited white supremacist violence and has resulted in actual deaths. The knowing and reckless disregard, in my opinion, is actionable in civil litigation.

After all the fomenting of batshit crazy conspiracy theories and incitement of white supremacist violence that it stoked and spread, now Facebook claims respectability? GTFO


It’s time to get off Facebook for good. boycottFB

Too little too late. F them.

Meanwhile, TheJusticeDept is readying an army of lawyers for immediate criminal charges against Facebook when they do.

Potential inflammatory posts... Like: Trump wins!

Zuckerberg is Trump’s Goebbels.

The best thing Facebook can do to prepare and “save democracy” is to shut down.

Viral content like this?

Facebook when viral content gets posted

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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