Without offering proof, Scott claims Nelson embraces ‘fraud to win’ Florida Senate race

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Scott: Nelson is ‘trying to commit fraud to win’ Florida’s Senate race


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how have you people still learned nothing

This is worse than just a baseless quote. It is a baseless news quote lifted off an 'entertainment' network.

Y’all buried the lede. “The governor also said he has asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to look into potential fraud. The department and the secretary of state, both agencies Scott oversees as governor, have both previously said there is no evidence of fraud.”

Before any headline, ask yourself, is the statement untrue? If the answer is yes, say that in your headline. If you don't know, don't print the damn thing until you do.

Fire this headline writer.

And Scott is ‘full of shit’ and prob projecting

Maybe you try the phrase 'Scott *Claims* Nelson is....' When will you 'responsible journalists' figure that out FFS?

Mindlessly tweeting out the false claims of self-interested politicians hurts your credibility .

Trying to get an accurate count is committing fraud?

Politico, did you hire axios old headline writer or something? This is so bad...


Rick Scott: blah blah blah...I wanna win....blah blah blah.

Fraud is spelled Dimorat

Be better than this. Thanks!

May we also see the headline: Politico amplifying propaganda by repeating baseless lies as headlines?

Politico, you guys are terrible at this

Yeah that’s his area.

Fixed it for you: 'Nelson makes baseless claim in attempt to erode public's confidence in democracy.'

Counting every vote is NOT fraud you moron, it’s the law and it’s every Americans right to have their vote counted!

Did he produce any evidence or does he just get to make allegations to your people without any proof?

Stop quoting lies without context! What’s wrong with you?!

If anyone knows fraud, it’s Rick “Steal from Medicaid” Scott.

Headline is misleading fix it and stop adding to the false narrative.

I am blown away by the sheer laziness in headline writing these days. Good Lord, THINK about what you are putting out there!!!

Inciting violence, ?

Could you add “without proof” to your irresponsible headline?

'Scott Lies about Sitting U.S. Senator in Attempt to Circumvent Legal Electoral Process'

Counting votes according to the law is not fraud.

Congratulations to Politico for uncritically spreading a gratuitous, evidence-free conspiracy theory!

Won't be the first time for the Frankenstein monster of Florida. He's a lawyer prosecutor isn't he

Headlines like this one poison the well. Be better. Stay factual. Don't report unsupported allegations unchallenged up front

My God

This is a dumb way to report on this story.

Just count all the votes!

FLGovScott how exactly is ensuring every eligible vote be counted fraud? Especially given your past dalliances with the practice?

I’m a huge fan of thinking things through. Unfortunately the republicans gave up on that years ago.

No way - America is watching ! Fraud - Scott WON ! None citizens can not vote !

Do better


Politico- This is a shit tweet.

I know your job is to generate ad revenue and not inform, but your tweet line repeats a lie and doesn’t call it out. You are increasing the misinformation in America just to land a few clicks. Incredibly irresponsible.

Must have gotten his script from trump

Scott is a disgrace!

Way to forward Trump’s agenda. I’ll unsubscribe.

yeah. he wants EVERY vote counted. rick scott wants to cut it off while he’s ahead. so, which one truly follows democratic process?

Creepy Lying Scott

'Scott trying to steal election in Florida' , I fixed your headline for you.

Who was the idiot who wrote this headline?

How dare he want all valed votes to be counted

LisaKBromley Count. Every. Vote. CountEveryVote

You are trying to commit fraud and trying reverse psychology on people that are so stupid it’s not funny

This man looks like all that he needs is some snakes and a never read Bible. Yes, we all want to win, but saying that the system is corrupt, when you know that it's not, creates a sense that a crime is being committed...dangerous stuff. Of course, he's a dangerous guy...

Report the facts versus making up headlines for clicks. Do your damn job

Why not say that Scott is accusing his opponent of fraud rather than repeating the baseless claim verbatim? The liars win when we repeat the lies without context first.

How about the headline is that Scott is cheating? It's so easy not to spread propaganda. So easy.

RedTideRick is a well known liar.

The headline should be 'Scott Makes Baseless Accusation in Florida Vote Counting Fight' You're welcome

Are you serious with your headline? C’mon, guys. This is insanely irresponsible at best.

Given up adding insight to headlines. For clicks?

Hey, when somebody makes a baseless allegation, it's TOTALLY OK to say so in the headline, almost kinda' malpractice not to

WienerDawgsRule What is the problem Scott What do you have against counting every vote?


If you're going to make a news story about someone in power telling a baseless lie, you have to POINT OUT THAT IT'S A BASELESS LIE. Otherwise you're just lying for them.

Rick Scott cheated and is now attempting to prevent a recount. This is a crime as D he should be both disqualified and imprisoned

So let me get this straight, FLGovScott who has hidden offshore bank accounts, a criminal acumen, diabolical hatred towards others, and is a diabolical liar is trying to deny votes for his benefit?!?! RickScottisaCrook FloridaRecount FloridaRecount2018 RickScott BillNelson

Politico: We make money by provoking “engagement” by writing irresponsible headlines.

Scott holds the insane opinion that counting legitimate ballots somehow constitutes fraud. That's some pretty desperate stuff, Scott.

Shame on you, Rick Scott!

Democrats are the socialist party that is why they are trying to steal the election

If there's anyone who knows fraud, it's Rick Scott.

Scott, you were the governor of a state with a history of voting problems, it IS your own damn fault

Get rid of him. I’m sick of politicians talking like WWE contestants instead of grown ups who are calm, collected and capable of diplomacy.

Scott FALSELY alleges fraud with no proof. Stop being stenographers and start being journalists. FFS

Come on........ You know that's not true.

Many people often only read headlines. Headlines that don’t mention when claims are false, misleading, or unsupported are spreading misinformation. When this happens, we need to let everyone know this is not acceptable.

This is such irresponsible headlining

Regardless of what Scott said, using these quotes as headlines is malpractice. Do better.

And...what should we call everything Scott did to suppress the vote of those belonging to racial & ethnic groups that typically do not vote republican, and who would have cast ballots for Nelson on Nov 6, & not him? Somebody? Anybody? I'll wait for an answer...

Politico, why headline a lie like that? Makes folks think Politico is just another propaganda organization and they don’t click on the story to see what’s being said.

Oh, put some Mop & Glow on that head and shut up.

Scott is now a Russian style oligarch shamelessly and openly using all his official power to step an election. Is this America or Azerbaijan?


Just repeating someone’s bs comment as a headline just spreads crappiness. Most people don’t click.

Delete this.

Scott's Doing a Flip-Accusation. FLGovScott RepDeSantis BrianKempGA RepMcSally Who Else Squirreling Away OUR Votes . HOW DARE YOU !! . .

You really can see the crazy in ScottforFlorida’s eyes.

They keep forgetting about their own voter suppression tactics. Florida should have fixed this problem 8 years ago. Keep deflecting.


Bad headline, again . I used to follow...no more.

This headline should either clarify the Scott does not have evidence of his claim or is lying. Else the way it reads right now is shamefully misleading.

jjpearson64 That’s a bullshit headline!!!!

We think not!

Of course. It's what the GOP does. It's in their playbook.

No, Scott is the fraud.

Scott’s the fraudster

CountEveryVote - it's the law.

Where's the evidence?

Stop spreading propaganda and lies!!!!

Politico- We help Fascists spread lies.

By counting all the votes. It's called a recount to ensure accuracy and make certain the actual winner gets to represent Florida in the Senate. Ironic that that want the recount in AZ where they are behind but don't want one in Florida where they are in the lead.

Um correction: scott is trying to commit voter fraud to steal the election

Please Florida, don’t vote this guy in. 🤦🏾‍♂️

He who smelt it dealt it

Are you a stenographer or part of the free press? dobetter

Other way around.

Been visiting your site since it began. What the hell is wrong with you? The correct headline is 'Scott Claims, Without Evidence...' Why is that so hard? Why *don't* you do that? If he had evidence you could put that in the headline. But he doesn't. Be ACCURATE.

How much fraud are Republicans allowed before Florida voters will not vote for them, how many billions of dollars?

Stop repeating lies,

I don't understand why he is do sured he'll lose a recount.

Politico what proof do you have that Rick Scott is telling you the truth. Don’t spread repub propaganda!!

Shouldn’t your tweet read, “Scott without citing any evidence, accuses Nelson of trying to commit fraud to win Florida’s Senate race.” You’re welcome.

This man’s shirt says it all. Think about it

The problem with Scott he is still the governor of Florida and he didn’t do a damm thing to it. The U.S. criticizes other countries electoral systems but it doesn’t look at his, that still messed up

Your headline writers needs to be more journalistically ethical. Most people never click the link to gain context. It’s an art. Signed, A Former Newspaper Editor

Well if anyone knows fraud it's Rick Scott, he's something if an expert

Thanks for repeating his lies verbatim, that's helpful. The only one trying to steal an election is FLGovScott, who is apparently terrified to CountAllTheVotes.

Why are you just repeating this baseless allegation without context? You’re not stenographers. It’s irresponsible and spreads propaganda.

take this headline down

You mean by counting ALL of the votes?

context and truth in the headline please

No. No he isn’t.

Republicans in 2018: Quick, call the cops! World: Why? Republicans: Someone's trying to count votes!!! StupidParty

There's zero evidence that Nelson is involved in any fraud, nor is there any evidence that there has been any fraud AT ALL. So, what's with this irresponsible headline?

When you see this thief talking about Nelson all you hear is fear and panic that the recount will get him a bus ticket home.

StevijoPayne He says while hundreds of mail-in votes have been photographed unopened still sitting in multiple, huge bins....

You should retract this headline now.

This headline is irresponsible.

Headline = Gaslighting. Do better.

Rick Scott is making false accusations at this time!! Completely false! He is bad mouthing the ballot recount because he knows this was a rigged elections on the Trump loyalist side!

Says the one trying to commit fraud to win Florida Senate race. I think Florida needs a time-out.

Hmmm methinks the gop is once again projecting what they are guilty of .... Governing On Propaganda

Politico is a lie distributor

Change that headline. If I were Nelson, I would sue you for slander, defamation.

This from a convict for Medicare/Medicaid fraud who hoodlinked Floridians into 8 years as governor, and now wants to go to DC and feed from 45's trough.

Then arrest him you’re the Governor remember?

Liars -they are accusing the Dems of their own behavior. Provide proof or shut up!

Rick Scott is the biggest criminal in Florida (when Trump isn't here). Stop spreading his lies.


And your proof of that is?

Scott: I committed Medicare fraud & enough dupes still voted for me.

'We put the Political Corruption in Politi-Co.' Which of your editors mistook DELE for STET? Was he/she drunk, hung-over, or sleep-deprived?

why are you reporting this

Why is it the Democrats seem to think they can do anything from cheating, lying, fabricating ballots to win a race? Why are the Republicans sitting by and allowing this again. This has been going on too many years

The ballot format to trick people jailtime fraud swampthing

Your tweet and headline are journalistic malpractice. Dont spread propaganda.

ScottforFlorida will do anything criminal to win no question about it why can’t he fix the red tide?

... GovFlScott & MarcoRubio are going to be responsible when violence breaks out should the results of the recount determine a different winner.

Stop putting lies in the damn headlines with out calling it a lie!!


This man was an idiot he is the governor of the state and the people in it work for him so if anybody is committing fraud it's him

Uh. I think it’s the other way around. Scott doesn’t want an accurate vote count because he may lose. Will try to bully into a win. 😡

Politico is a GOP front operation. It's the only explanation for them doing this so many times...

Says America’s King of Medicare fraud.

Politico you are better than this bait click stuff. You are harming the Democratic Process by repeating non factual statements. Cut it out. Just cut it out.

He lies.

Banana Republicans, can folks support deadlines to count legal votes, all or none, making excuses to suppress? Claims of fighting for your freedom ring pretty hollow when GOP pulls these shenanigans. Mail-in & military, been counted? Never forget!

Headline promoting lies

Truth is truth

More voter suppression!


Nelson: Scott is trying to commit fraud to win Florida’s Senat race. Here I fixed it for you or at least print this headline too if printed the above one.

Tons of evidence; google Brenda snipes

A fraud this guy should be in jail let alone running for OFFICE

This headline...fix it.

Change the title. 'Nelson waits for each vote to be counted, Scott claims fraud conspiracy to soften loss.'

You know, I've never seen this Rick Scott before on the national news. He's really a genuine prick, isn't he?

Sure he is..Healthcare Fraud... before Gov... Criminal..all his life and FL..you still vote for the crook..wth is wrong with you?

They are trying to count the votes, it's not FRAUD.

Counting everyone’s vote is called democracy.

You are amplifying a spurious charge. The quotes don’t help.

Might want to add....WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE....

Sounding more like Trump every day.

For a guy who supposedly won Scott is awfully worried. Now if I felt I won I would welcome a recount. Scott and Desantis are pissing in their pants. If there is no voter fraud what the he'll are you afraid of? Big deal you lose so what the sun is still going to come up tomorrow.

Rick Scott is the fraud

Politico propaganda.

When you repeat the quote without context, you endorse it.

DoBetter Politico.

Why does POLITICO give Scott a soapbox? Why to point out that Scott is the grandmaster of fraud.

Lazy headline writing, Politico. Pathetic.


This is why I will never visit FL The majority of the residents there fully support a criminal as their governor.

Can you change your headline? You make it sound like you're reporting a fact & not an opinion.

What happened in 2000 ? Democrats should stand and fight for every vote to count (legal vote) do not lay over like 2000 and let Republicans steal another election.

You are lying for him.

Are you a legitimate source?

Rich coming from THE KING OF FRAUD.

Stop it dammit. You're party to libel. You know this is BS. And yet you can't stop. You're giving the First Amendment a bad name. Stop it.

Please stop this bullshit!

Medicare fraudster says what?

Take it like a man, you baby

Let's talk about healthcare fraud, gov. Scott.

Your headlines are misleading. Do better.

Stop spreading conspiracy theories! What the hell is wrong with all the media teams?! Have you learned nothing!

His communications director is also saying that attempts to determine citizenship of voters is an attempt to count vote by noncitizens. Are you gonna report THAT as a lie? Or just keep spewing their shamelessly dishonest talking points?

And how pre tell is Nelson 'trying' to do that when Scott is the governor? Do better Politico!

“Without evidence” there I fixed it

isn’t very thoughtful about what they post on line. Their headlines are just click bait.

The ones who committed fraud are the DNC Services Corporation DBA as they have no legal obligation with their voters. dncfraudlawsuit December 11th 2018.

This is part of the reason why Trump won, you put what ever he says out there in a tweet, a lot of people don’t read the article they just look at the tweet and therefore become misinformed. I’m sure you can tell this from the number of viewers vs the number of opens.

Nelson only has one vote. Does Scott think it will be the deciding vote?

You are despicable.

Politico: We repeat lies to help liars spread them.


Amplifying a lie is the opposite of journalism

How about you practice journalism and stick to facts, mmmkay? Fact-free accusations as headlines shred what credibity you may have.

Shameless fool

Boy, that’s rich!

Florida will regret red Tide Rick Scott before he’s done

it's time to take the proper approach to the situation nowadays and start your tweets/ledes this way ...

SnoopEastwood Trying?

stupid title

Why are you letting Rick Scott lie like that on your platform?

Scott knows about fraud. He oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in history.

No evidence of this. They are trying to bully the vote counters with another BrooksBrothersRiot

Make an example of him and hang him

How about for a headline: 'In an attempt to suppress the vote Scott accuses Nelson of Fraud' ?

People Who Pay Attention To Media: Politico tweets “are malpractice and make a mockery of journalism.”

That is a BS headline. Go with ‘without evidence’ or similar at the start.

This is irresponsible.

Insisting that votes be counted is not fraud. Refusing to count votes legally cast is closer to fraud.

Since your own analytics tell you that people rarely read past headlines, it is the HEIGHT of irresponsible journalism to not note that this accusation is wholly without proof. DoBetter

Completely irresponsible Politico.

Projection? Scott’s a criminal

The fuck is wrong with you? Do you have independent thought? Do you do analysis? Can you not call a strike? Stop simply being a megaphone for Republican talking points.

Politico you’re being irresponsible.

Headline fail

StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies StopRepeatingLies

Reaching new depths in irresponsible journalism to tweet this.


Scott is trying stop counting the votes in order to win Senate race!

What proof did Scott provide for this accusation to ?

Prove it Scott. Oh yes, you’ll need Sarah Sanders to help with the doctoring.

When I see Politico...

This headline is nothing short of destructive to democracy. Stop doing this.

Very disappointed in this tweet. Y'all know Scott's supporters and like-minded individuals will take this as fact. Mind you, I don't even think Nelson would commit fraud if it was an option. Meanwhile Rick Scott is legit known for being corrupt & making questionable decisions🤔

Can Rick Scott provide any evidence to prove it, beyond a reasonable doubt?


Said the renowned Medicare fraudster FLGovScott.

How did he do so? Were there any verifiable claims? Is there any proof? This is clickbait and a one sided headline meant to inflame not inform. Not one of these claims of fraud in three states has any merit yet. One state has been more than proven ok, another is proving exactly

Why would you write this headline

Did Scott pay you for that headline? You are perpetuating a lie that counting people's votes equals cheating. Offer evidence of fraud or call it what it is, a lie.

Like Medicare fraud..........

Ray: 'Politico is an irresponsible news organization likely run by white supremacists or people very ok with white supremacy.'


This is a lie and the headlines need to stop spreading it.

Jesus Christ you need to fire the person who wrote this headline. Seriously!

Is Scott losing his marbles in his head? He is starting to go a little cuckoo.

Say what you want about Rick Scott, but he was great in Poltergeist 2.

Bullshit of the month

Finish the heaine......'While providing no proof' you are playing into conspiracy hands.

What about the Medicare fraud that was Scott’s earlier company modus operandus?

Poorly written and deceiving headline I hope for better from your publication

that is quite an accusation coming from Scott...

This is how it’s done:

will you guys please stop just quoting this bullshit it’s dangerous

is giving Fox so-called news a run for their money. THIS is a complete disgrace. Your headline is conspiracy theory.

Wait...no. Rick Scott is committing election fraud! 🙄

Scott is lying. He's forgotten this isn't 2000. We have social media now. We all see what he's doing.

Yet another divider that pushes his hate agenda. Yeah he would be great for our country! NOT!

Jesus politico....

Oh like 1.5 billion dollar Medicare fraud Scott

Politico, you _do_ realize that many people in this country, including our president, believe quotation marks are used to indicate emphasis, right?

FAKE NEWS! You Vichy collaborators belong in prison.

Do better.

do better

Please don't amplify untrue statements that help a party trying to suppress votes.

Enough with these bullshit headlines

Headline should read: SCOTT LIES AGAIN!

This headline is trash. Stop it.

You need to edit this post. Scott is making a baseless claim

Why do you print demonstrative lies?

Yeah —ok!! Hahahaha

And this is news?

'Scott, fearful of losing, starts making shit up...' There, I fixed your headline. You owe me $$$. Look for my invoice.

Umm ScottforFlorida its YOU who is trying desperately to do anything to steal the election, blatant fraud included. This will be your legacy..fraud and crybabyness

Is there any evidence that he's right? If so, maybe you should include it in the headline. If not, likewise. Please do better. youarenotamegaphone

There’s zero evidence of this. Stop amplifying lies.

It ain't click bait when none of us click.

Go to hell, Politico

Ever hear of “FACT CHECKING” your headline is OUTRAGEOUS making a FALSE claim seem accurate and you know it !

Why is this of any surprise. The new socialist/communist Democratic Party will do whatever it takes 2 make sure that if one is against their ideologies and doctrine, one is labeled a racist. Again, Democrats r corrupt and untrustworthy. Truly a communist/socialist trademark.

Why are you so bad at this

Geez guys. If someone told you that in the middle of a sunny day it was dark outside, would you check by looking outside first? Perpetuating unsubstantiated crap is what got us in this mess in the first place.

So what did your 'journalism' determine—is Scott telling the truth or not? Oh, you didn't bother doing any actual digging so that your readership might come away from this story *more* informed than they were before they read it? Cool.

Irresponsible headline. Stop falling for this.

Tiger Beat on the Potomac doesn't employ actual journalists.

Awful, garbage headline by

The Proof? Do they have pictures of Senator Nelson filling out multiple ballots? Perhaps a video? No? Then put a cork in it Scott......Or do you realize that even if you win, it will not be legitimate based on your own conduct and comments. moron

If anyone knows a thing or two about fraud, its Scott....(ffs...)

OMG, why would you do something like this?

You’re encouraging & abetting the liars with these headlines.

I stopped following Politico a long time ago because of this bullshit.

If anyone should know about fraud it would be you Mr. Scott.

And if anyone knows about fraud, it’s Rick Scott

Cool, but this is a lie.

He is fraud

How about some responsible headlines: 'Scott needs voter suppression to win'

He is following Trump lead. Both show why they should not be leaders in a democracy.


No context for that false claim? Like, 'Scott claims, without evidence ..' What utter trash you are.

Which is a lie. You should mention that.

Reality: misleads America

Stop using quotes as headlines ffs.

You’re spreading unproven, partisan allegations as facts.

So y'all still haven't learned your lesson. It's a shame a news organization peddles in lies and misleading statements.


Garbage publication

“Scott: ‘I am not a lizardman.’”

Votes don’t commit fraud. You stop the noise and let an accurate and fair count to happen, then go from there.

He is right ! Nelson is a fraud !

rick scott's lies are not fucking news

But that's not at all what is happening, and Florida's law enforcement had already said there's no fraud) evidence of fraud at all. Stop doing Rick Scott's dirty work, FFS.

This is a trash tweet. Who funds ?

Pravda is looking to Politico to learn how it’s done.

Stop making absolute BS Repubs say headlines, VandeHei doesn't work for you anymore

'And, believe me, if anyone knows fraud when he sees it, it's me!' - Rick Scott

Why perpetuate false accusations Not your journalistic job, Politico!

Nelson isn’t cmitting voter fraud though. That’s a lie.

Where’s the evidence? What a worthless tweet 😑

You put that headline on backward. GOPmisogyny GOPracism GOPcorruption GOPcruelty GOPtreason

Did Rick Scott write this headline? wtf

*Alleging without evidence

Scott is LYING and you are USELESS

Wouldn’t it be nice if headline-writing editors at least pretended like they gave a shit?

The disinformation peddlers have logged on

Politico, this headline sucks. Seriously, do better.

This headline just proves once again how Politico is a worthless news source.

No surprise that Floridians elected a skin head!

What a bad headline. Don’t just spout lies. It’s dangerous.

Scott is disqualifying himself.

Stop lying.

instapundit No he isn’t , he wants fairness . Dems are stealing the elections


What is wrong with you people? I don't understand why anyone who claims to be a reporter would work for Politico?

Wow. Politico can’t do journalism. They just print quotes and send. Pathetic.

Gaslighting headline. Let me help. ‘Without providing proof, Gov Scott claims Sen Nelson is trying to commit fraud in Florida’s Senate race’

Hey maybe say that this is a baseless allegation in the headline

A vague accusation with no validity.

This is a blatantly misleading headline. Do better.

This is an unsubstantiated accusation, and yet we know that Scott was involved in the largest Medicare fraud of its time. Headlines are tough, maybe you should have someone else do them.

Stop spreading ScottforFlorida's bullshit.

instapundit And water is wet

Living in Florida, I sure wish the media would stop reporting this as fact. No one is trying to commit fraud, least of all Bill Nelson. It's irresponsible to repeat Scott's lies. Wanting all eligible votes to be counted IS NOT FRAUD.

Inflammatory quotes should only be headlines when you’re calling them out as inflammatory lies

This is a lie and you are being irresponsible by talking about it this way.

Delete your account

You're the fraud.

do better, shitcocks. fix this fucking headline.

instapundit Scott=βeta male. Talk talk talk. No do do do. Ask yourself WWTD. What would Trump do? Not what Scott is doing


Before all the votes are counted 😳

Well, he should know fraud when he sees it.

You realize lots of people don’t read the article right? So the take away here for those people is that Nelson is trying to commit fraud. Is that the message you want sent?

Unless proof exists, this shouldn't be your headline

“white nationalist militia maniacs, please get down there and use terrorism to stop the recount!”

This is a false headline. Stop reporting it. I am unfollowing yo guys as you continue to do this and spread disinformation

“Scott: Nelson is trying to undo my efforts to rig the election by making sure the votes I tried to suppress are actually counted.” There, fixed it for you.

Take this headline out or edit it to reflect the facts.. politico is stupid for the one

: Wild, unsubstantiated accusations aren't news. they're just hot air. Fix your headline: 'Another unproven accusation made' is all you need to lead with on this.

STOP SPREADING LIES! By putting the quote without any commentary you spread the lie and give it legitimacy

instapundit Not trying he is. Dems are doing it everywhere else even worse. Not one Repub is gaining on a Dem in any re-count. Even though GOP absentee voting was at an all time high. Not possible with out fraud, the GOP has done nothing about for years by the way.

media horse

Why would you print this garbage? Why would you help republicans spread their lies? Do you see what the hell is happening to America?

This headline is bad and you should feel bad about tweeting it. Be better.

Hey! To whatever idiot wrote the headline. Rick Scott is trying to engage in election interference and you are helping. Nelson is asking for all legitimate votes to be counted. THAT should be your headline, not a clickbait quote that is a conspiracy theory.

Do you have any editorial oversight? Jfc.

Or at least say that the guy who was involved in the biggest fraud in history of Medicare says so

. you're complicit in Scott's lies by not mentioning that this is a total lie

Fix your damn headline. Nelson is trying to make sure EVERY GAME COUNTS. Scott is continuing to lead a voter suppression effort.

🙄If anyone would know about committing fraud it's Rick Scott.

instapundit He's not just trying. He's succeeding.

What a disgrace, politico!

Jesus Christ hire a proper editor

When you’re a fraud, everything looks like fraud including counting all the votes.

Whiner. Validate the signatures. Count the votes. Remember 2000.

VERY disappointing, ! This headline is a huge failure. There is no excuse for spreading lies like this.

oh look Politico continues to help Republicans. who is surprised?

Irresponsible headline, !

No, it’s just that you are.

How is this an appropriate headline? Add Nelson disputes Scott’s allegations. This is irresponsible journalism

I honestly don't know if the media is this ignorant or if it's purposeful. But it's incredibly irresponsible and they just don't seem to care.

Stop printing irresponsible lies without including the fact check in the headline. You are part of the problem.

He already has.

Repeating a lie is a terrible headline. Stop enabling Spock and pols who lie.

Do better, this is completely misleading and spreading misinformation.

I am sick and tired of this 'where did the votes come from' - really? florida? are you kidding - we may be know for electing an indicted person 'Duncan Hunter', and nevada elected a dead pimp but really? person leaving FL

Trump has his own twitter account for propaganda, you don’t need to tweet for him.

Republicans are lying so they can steal the election and not actually count the votes. Part of their strategy is to get Politico to promote their propaganda like this. Why does Politico promote Republican propaganda?

Where is the evidence for this? Why are you printing his bullshit?

So now Politico is in on the fraud conspiracy theory? Or is this the work of an incompetent headline writer? Not really sure it matters which since the result is the same.

This is really appalling. Dont try to pass off quotes as statements. Politico?

If we’re doing headlines based on quotes then do one called “Rick Scott is a soulless Medicare fraud lying douche canoe” You can quote me on that!


This is not a headline, it’s a quote. And it’s also a lie. Counting votes is not voter fraud.

Is there any evidence to support this or are you just a mouth piece for a known fraud?

Why are you spreading lies?

Please do your job and stop posting lies as your headline. This is how Trump won..and why he could win again.

His statement isn't news. The fact that he's making it without providing any evidence is. Report the actual news. Stop amplifying lies.

Proof? Evidence? Or just make shit up? MAGA.

Tim Scott is whining like a BeAch. Let the recount begin and let’s see where it ends. But to whine about liberals trying to steal the vote is BS Besides that is a GOP tactic along with voter suppression. Scott could still win but stop being a child.

Stop repeating lies

Of course

He's a liar, and you are helping him lie by tweeting this with no context. C'mon! Do some journalism.


Stop covering this just to get people to read ur paper or listen whatever you are STOP IT!

So you folks have decided to change professions, and are now stenographers. You might want to give your readers a heads up about that, so they know just exactly what to expect from you from now on.

Has an oversight body said that? Nope Proper headline: No Oversight Body Supports Rick Scott's Claim of Voter Fraud.

POLITICO: do better! Specify in the title there is no substantiation, or STFU

By posting this rhetoric you are helping the republicans destroy America's faith in our elections


Stop this. Go back to journalism school and get trained. Jesus.

Fire your social media staff, Politico - you sound like Russian assets

Stop this nonsense of publishing quotes as if they are facts.


Cry baby Rick Scott .. things don't go his way and there he goes .. showing his true colors .. is that what we need in Washington, I think not .. What a Pussy .. cat.

Why are you soooooo bad at this?

Becoming clear that politico's search for the truth is clouded by their search for eyeballs and ad revenue.

Incredibly irresponsible headline

Carlos: Sofía Vergara is “trying to date me”


In 2000 he did not say anything about the Republican fraud in Florida, he was busy covering up his Medicare scandal. Every vote counts!!! FloridaRecount2018

...and I'm not

Fire your headline writer

This is incredibly irresponsible, what is wrong with you, why are you so bad at everything?!?


Why u keep repeating false claims in your headlines? It is destructive. stop. it. now.

ScottforFlorida You are generating hate based on unbiased truths. You should re use yourself since you are a candidate and the governor. You have undo influence and are not independent. SHAME

Shameful garbage headline...

Fake Headlines ?

Politico, if you parrot the right wing propaganda, you become just another right wing tool Be better.

Do you exist to report news or to infuriate partisans? We already have Russia trying to anger us, why do we need Politico doing the same propaganda ?

Scott Falsely Accuses Nelson in Senate Race Count fify

You would probably know just what fraud is.

Stop it. Just stop it. What a disgrace to journalism.

Bullshit headline

Right, because wanting every vote counted is clearly fraudulant. Dear God, the stupidity.

'without evidence' shitbags


Why the hell are you pushing their FALSE NARRATIVE? Have you learned nothing? You are being lead by your nose!

Can you please do better? People have a reasonable expectation that their votes will be counted. Quoting Scott without context shows you learned zip after 2016.

So why didn't you ask Scott why he believes that counting all the votes is committing fraud? Why do you parrot Scott's lies without fact-checking? No wonder Politico is called 'TigerBeat On the Potomac.'

Stop Just Stop

Agreed. With Russian help.

yr hurting America—I’m not exaggerating jonallendc

STOP BEING A CONSERVATIVE MEGAPHONE. BE JOURNALISTS. The Tweet should have said 'Scott falsely claims Nelson is 'trying to commit fraud..' We are 5 minutes to midnight for democracy and it is way too late for this foolsihness anymore!

'Scott says counting every vote is fraud' 'After biggest midterm turnout in US history, Scott doesn't want all votes counted'

STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are committing journalistic malpractice with this shit

Ask him how. Why. Evidence. - don’t be sheep.

Stop doing this, Politico. You're hurting America.

Scott is afraid to lose all of his greedy NRA and pac monies. He will fight to keep the 💰flow forward.

'Politico desperate for clicks'-me.

Just gonna keep repeating fully refuted lies by bad-faith actors, huh? You’ll never learn.

No he isn't. Don't quote the bastards.

How irresponsible!! FLGovScott

Stop with your inaccurate headline

Rick Scott must have a pretty good idea a bunch of Democrat-leaning votes have not yet been counted


Stop with these headlines and state facts!!

Irresponsible lede

I don't think so it's the Democrats. Illegal immigrants, prisoners and dead people wake up and smell the roses. I'm from Florida and pisses off.

There is only one party cheating in FLORIDA.

He’s a crook and a liar!!!!

No you are.

Counting votes is fraudulent? I would say not counting them is.

Shame on you, . Quit being a mouthpiece for unfounded accusations.

The people at Politico are probably considered the best and brightest, but they still haven’t learned to adapt to this new era of information warfare. It’s embarrassing and it’s a disgrace. The headline becomes the only thing that matters on Twitter. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!

'GOP claims voter fraud despite having no evidence' fixed it for you.

How could that be? You had 8 years to fix the election system in Florida. Looking and acting more like Trump everyday. Refusing to look in the mirror and take responsibility and counting on voters to be stupid.

Very interesting.

Cheaters (& liars) should never win! Count All Votes!

This is irresponsible editorial policy, qualifying Politico as **so-called journalism** rather than journalism!

Republicon criminal projection is disgusting.

Sad media.

Where’s the evidence of fraud?

Gov. Scott: You've had 7 years to fix the Florida election problems, why didn't you?

You know they increased the character limit to 280 a while ago, so you can actually add some context now.

Sbuttsie You mean like massive Medicare fraud? If you're going to cry fraud it's probably best not to have a $1.7 BILLION fraud judgement against you. BILLION!

Bad and misleading headline, even when attributed to Scott. Do better or accept your part in the undermining of democracy and the public’s faith in the press. When politicians lie you support that lie with a headline like this. Shame.

Counting votes is not fraud.

do better

“So we should stop counting all of the votes and just let me fraud....I mean....win.”

This headline sucks

What's with your misleading clickbaits? You're becoming less trustworthy & credible all the time.

He’s a Democrat & Democrats believe ethics should only be practiced by Republicans. Look at how they tried to crucify Judge Kavanaugh & now when the truth comes out that the women lied no mention or outrage. They are Communists where the ends justify the means no regards.

He did with Medicare, why not votes?


What is the evidence for this headline - certainly none appears in the article - or are you in the business of posting whatever you feel like? This is worse than click bait. partoftheproblem

It is time to call in the United Nations to help us count ALL votes. To ensure fair and honest elections.

Lie. Not news.

Rick Scott is “alien attempting to defecate every 20 minutes” in FL Senate race:

I'll correct this disgusting headline for you: Without any evidence Scott claims Nelson is 'trying to commit fraud to win' Florida's Senate race. Enough with these damn headlines always acting like what you state is fact.

With the whole nation watching this recount, I bet things will be triple checked by multiple workers. And frankly after this state's history if ANYONE is to blame that the results AREN'T streamlined, might be the guy RUNNING the state, js...

how do you not understand yet that most people don't click! You have to be better with the headline to not mislead people!!

It worked for Medicare fraud

If this is not a factual statement, you owe it to journalistic integrity to not print it as such. STOP PRINTING LIES VIA STENOGRAPHY! It makes a liar of YOU.

Is your headline is amplifying a false claim? Are you doing your readers a disservice by choosing to quote a lie versus facts?


Why even repeat his Lies?

Enough. We don’t care what the slimeball says. It’s not newsworthy so why do you keep giving him ink? Focus on the recount, will you?

No Scott! you're the one who is.

Shameful reporting.

Makes me wonder why Republicans are so scared of a BASIC and PRIMARY aspect of Our Democracy... Our Right to Vote and have each and every vote COUNT (instead of being gerrymandered away). If you can't win honestly, you don't deserve to win at all.

Quotes should not be headlines!

SenBillNelson AndrewGillum FlaDems orlandosentinel MiamiHerald AmandiOnAir grantstern browarddems When the King Of Fraud ScottforFlorida yells 'fraud?' It's the new definition of Chutzpah GOP only win when they cheat Never give up Count every vote Recounts

False quotes should not be used as headlines. You are part of the problems Politico. Will you never learn?

Any media operation that acts as a stenographer for this president, in headlines or tweets, is at risk for sending false info into the world. There is no joy in saying this, but he lies. And it is the job for all of us not to serve as a megaphone for those lies. via DanRather

What are you afraid of red tide Scott. If you think you won, sit back and wait for all votes to be counted. That is the law. But it seems you are on shaky ground & will lose. Fraud was ur old company’s doing by bilking th gov. Medicare money.

Fact check...do better. You are part of the problem

Please take care with your headlines... Rick Scott is pissed every vote is being counted. Repeating his lies doesn’t help any of us!

Stop tweeting this shit.

Perfect example of the media parroting absolute hogwash from Republicans with zero evidence. bradobert

This headline is malpractice—you are spreading a lie and furthering the interest of bad-faith propaganda. Whoever wrote it should find a new job because you don’t know how to do journalism in 2018.

Bro, you need to stop your misinformation it doesn't become you are the Governor of the state you got everything at your fingertips and you make a claim like this how desperate are you SMDH.

Stop being so arrogant. People don’t read your articles! They read headlines for facts. You are contributing to the misinformation problem

Do better, .

Republican coward Scott had 8 years to fix Floridas’s fucked-up voting system—now he gets to flounder in its mismanagement and failure.

This headline is irresponsible!

Me: Politico ‘packaging unchecked GOP horseshit into headlines for clicks.’

Why are you too lazy to think of a headline instead of using a quoted lie.

Get a better headline. Seriously.

Irresponsible headline. Stop causing harm. Be better than this. Start today

Irresponsible headline!! Should read , “Scott makes unsubstantiated accusation that the Nelson is “trying to commit fraud”. Why does the media continue to carry the water for the R’s?

, this headline spreads disinformation. Should read, 'Scott continues to make baseless accusations.'

D*** it, either the votes are there or they're not!!!!

Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson are not committing fraud. They are asking for the votes of Floridians to be counted. Terrible headline,

This is a completely irresponsible headline. Shame on you.

I refuse to read any article if quote is tweeted as headline.

What are you afraid of red tide Scott. If you think you won, sit back and wait for all votes to be. But it seems you are on shaky ground & will lose. Fraud was ur old company bilking th gov. Medicare money.

Quotes should not be headlines. Facts should be.

Politico editor: “One candidate just made a salacious accusation against the other without evidence. Let’s make that the headline!”

Liars...GOP lies.

Evidence Scott?

Can you include some context like ‘without any evidence’

Change that headline!

This earns an unfollow. Do your job better and stop amplifying lies in your headlines.

Politico do better our country depends on responsible headlines. Few click past the headline.

Why would you tweet that out without a disclaimer? Vichy Politico.

evilyn1971 ScottforFL Said, without one ounce of proof! Hey, just like Trump does! It’s like they both blow their conspiracies out of their butts!

Citation needed. No receipts, no story. Why is the official GOP response yo undermine democracy?

Headline should be, 'Scott claims fraud, without citing evidence'

YOU are not helping !! NELSON IS TRYING TO HAVE VOTES COUNT!!! Get your facts straight!!!

This should end with: Evidence? He Has None

This is a lazy, lazy headline.

Cmon politico. Do better.

Stop publishing lies. Please.


OMG! This is brutal. Fix your headline..Scott is trying to prevent votes being counted. Your publication is repeating a lie verbatim. Law enforcement already found no fraud had taken place. You are taking the place of Fox News.

Scott has had more fraud with his government stop it Scott youvare Fraud

And they will be successful

The judges were fine when you were winning. Now those same judges are going to commit fraud because there is a recount. Didn't trump get Putin to fix it for you? Grow up and get a life.

They say it without any proof or any evidence ! They plan on lying because they are so good at it. And their base is too busy chanting lock her up to hear what they say anyway

Democrats will never win without cheating. And the criminals are on their side. Vote democrat for total anarchy


nutmom123 Count all the damn votes and let the results speak for themselves instead of having artificial time limits and other BS to try to suppress the tally.

He has already won! The left is trying to steal it away!

Says FLGovScott the man with the Largets MedicareFraudCase in US HIstory FraudulentScott. LMAO the stupidity of these republicans is mind bogling...! Thank God we have FatNixon watching from his warm hotel room in France .

As far as I know, Scott is the only governor whose company was indicted for fraud and the only one to take the 5th hundreds of times while testifying about it. He is claiming fraud by Dems? His whole term in office was a fraud. He used the office as a money making machine.

You of all people know about fraud

What are you talking about!!!

The state of Florida is following the laws of the state of Florida. The deadline was met yesterday, and the margin triggered a statutory, mandatory recount. Sounds like it is Scott who wants to cheat.

FLGovScott the is 100% false. You know it’s false.

Sbuttsie Why? Shouldn’t everybody’s vote count? What if most of those votes were for him? It could strengthen his lead. Or is he afraid he can only win by cheating? 🤔

Trth2Pwer68 What's up with the misleading headline? You are assisting fascistic propaganda. Congratulations.

Scott needs to cheat

Evidence please

Scott must be a long lost cousin of trump - two habitual LIARS!!

i thought Rs were against making allegations without proof?

The Florida Secretary of State who reports to Scott ordered the recount and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who also report to Scott found no evidence of fraud. Scott’s unhinged and baseless allegations should be disqualifying as a state official. FloridaRecount

We will resist the White Nationalist Party of Trump, sorry Scott.

To a Republican, counting every American’s vote is fraud.

Nope...just trying to count all the votes the GOP is trying to hide

You’re the most fraudulent person in Florida! Remember Medicaid fraud?

Scott took it he is the crook.

Rick Scott invented fraud.

Republicans want a honest count, Dems want to count every ballot, even the illegal immigrants, these a reason these 2 counties can’t do there job correct, there holding out the s so they can magically hit the they need, so their candidate can win illegally ! Dems are scum!

GOP FL Handbook: fear monger, Gaslight

If Scott were behind by .2% he would be doing exactly what Nelson is doing

That’s really hilarious coming from someone as cricket is Rick Scott.


Right, cuz nothing says ‘fraud’ like working to ensure every vote is counted. Defrauding Medicare and deregulating environmental law to the point that it endangers the broader public to benefit your biggest donors is just good business.

Count the votes

Rick Scott knows all about fraud as he committed it with Medicare but don’t let the facts get in the way of his propaganda

Counting all the votes and mandatory recounts (rules established by the state) are now fraud. Convenient.

Scott, who has literally committed health care fraud, is being quoted in your headline unchallenged?

Blood in his hands

Are editors really just this lazy? Or are they deliberately publishing false, uncontested headlines?

They will “resist” until they “win”. That’s been the plan since 2016. Resist, disrupt and distract.

So many Republican dirty deeds to distract people from a valid, legal recount under Florida law.

Says the dude who committed Medicaid fraud

Really? RickScott just accused BillNelson of a felony! Back it up, you supporter of our criminal POTUS!

He probably isn’t directly involved in the shenanigans but his lack of comment signals complicity

Hope he wins

This is straight from Trump’s playbook. Repeat a claim over & over everywhere without a shred of evidence to undermine the truth & results of an election. Trump’s version of this is he won 2016 election without Russia’s help. FloridaRecount FloridaRecount2018

Crooked Scott thought he & the Republicans had the election all “sewn up” for themselves & he can’t stand that the Democrats are actually standing for what’s RIGHT-the sacred counting of EVERY VOTE!

It’s looking quite sketchy in those parts!

BULL!!! We all know the Dems are trying to steal multiple elections!!! Media the enabler! stopthesteal

Here’s how you write a headline, enablers: Scott: Baselessly and without evidence lies that Scott is “trying to commit fraud to win”

Says the man over seeing the election he is running in GOPHypocrisy

Another one of those « great guys« ...

Well Scott knows all about defrauding the government through Medicare so...

What he means: Count all votes is fraud if I don’t like those votes.

No. He called you on your fraud!

WITHOUT PROOF, Scott: Nelson is ‘trying to commit fraud to win’ Florida’s Senate race

Strange that Republicans can't stop lying. They repeatedly make statements without a shred of evidence to back them up.

Pot, meet kettle.

Counting ballots is fraud?

Wow,there's a lot of hysterical leftist lemmings here.

Scott is projecting. He is trying to steal the election by spreading fake news and conspiracy theories and stopping the count.

- the headline here, as you know, is “Mega-Wealthy GOP Politicians Irate That Gerrymandering No Longer Guarantees Their Elections.”

Yep. Trying to count illegals votes is against the law.

Duh. The Republicans are now very aware that if you take away gerrymandering, take away voter suppression, and take away Russian interference, their agenda of racism and handing bags of money to old rich white dudes is to weak to win a single election anywhere in the country.

It's fraud to want to be sure that everyone's vote counts?

The ballot count don't lie... the Republicans tried to hide ballots... every ballot must be counted.

This headline does not provide context nor is it clickbait.

soooooooooooo sleezy

Only in the Republican party in 2018 will you find a candidate who is AHEAD in the vote count try to STOP votes from being counted, even though a recount would only most likely reconfirm the fact that they won. What a 'sore loser'.

Saya FLGovScott, trying to commit fraud to steal a Senate race


Why do you just quote people blatantly lying without any clarification?

Start taking responsibility for your headlines You know damn well there isn’t any and yet you make the lie your headline with no context.

Floridians need to fight for every vote. Watch out for Little Marco.

Scott: I'm scared shitless that not even my cheating tactics are going to 'win' me this election.

Why is he so afraid of a recount my gosh 1,000’s of ballots were found maybe they were all for Scott I really want to beleive that our politicians are honest but rick Scott has proven once again that he is very corrupt and should be sent to prison for trying to steal an election

So it's okay for the R's to win with voter suppression and gerrymandering but if the D's win, it's voter fraud....🤔

Politico - you are complete & utter losers. Happy Sunday!

In fairness, FLGovScott is an expert on fraud. After all, he led the single biggest Medicare fraud in the history of the United States when he was head of Columbia/HCA. BrowardCounty CountEveryVote

This is the new GOP strategy: get Governors and Secretaries of State to run so that they can oversee their own elections and mess with the process. They're not even hiding it anymore. The conflicts of interest are corrupt and intolerable in a democracy.

How is counting all the votes fraudulent?

Argue it in court on shut up Sir

How do we hold conspiracy theorists accountable

Stop putting lies in headlines.

stop making quotes headlines

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