With Romney's Support, GOP Likely Has Votes To Move Ahead With Ginsburg's Replacement

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sen. Mitt Romney has announced he supports moving forward with a Trump nominee to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, less than two months before the election. That all but assures Mitch McConnell has the votes needed to take up the nomination.

Sen. Mitt Romney says based on the Constitution and precedent he will support the Senate taking up President Trump's Supreme Court nominee in an election year.Sen. Mitt Romney says based on the Constitution and precedent he will support the Senate taking up President Trump's Supreme Court nominee in an election year.Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, says he will support moving forward with President Trump's upcoming election year nomination to the Supreme Court.

Romney's support for moving ahead means that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is all but certain to have the 51 votes he needs to take up the nomination. Just two GOP senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, have said they oppose taking up the president's nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a presidential election year.

Democrats have charged that because the Senate refused to take up President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to fill a vacancy in 2016, GOP moves to take up Ginsburg's successor amounts to hypocrisy.


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man they finally found some filth on him for blackmail


Ah, Mitt Romney and his dalliances with integrity...

Man, I shouldn't have let my hopes get so high that he'd do the right thing.

MittRomney Remember when Romney gave us all hope as someone who would be a check on the degenerate state we live in? Surprise! 2020 strikes again and hope is dead. 2020worstyear SCOTUS NoNominationBeforeInauguration

Let the gnashing of teeth ensue. Lol. Now they hate you again mittens

Folks it’s really just about preserving conservative values. Pretty darn simple. Many of us don’t even like POTUS but will gladly vote for him instead of any DNC. Super simple.

All about Roe, but what people should be focused o. Is their healthcare because that is their real prize. They hated Obama and it was never about medical care for Americans. This is something that is going to bring this country to its worst.

Romney finally ending his temper tantrum?

Mitt will go down in history as a conspirator to the great destruction of this republic, allowing fascism to overcome all constituitional rights. The blood of 200,000 citizens is on his hands.

I heard he’s ok with holding a confirmation vote, not how he’s going to vote

Fuck you Mitt Romney

MittRomney Please advocate to stop the impeached President from complete authoritarianism. socialdilemma democracy TrumpVirusDeathToll200K TrumpIsATraitor

As a good Neighbor should!

Impeached prez gets to appt a SCOTUS judge to a lifetime appointment. In which democracy would this happen outside the borders of the US? In which democracy would this president still be serving to begin with? In which democracy would people fold under tyranny like sheep?

CHIZMAGA I do NOT trust Romney Rino.

After removing his mask to wet his finger?

Not quite. He said he's willing to vote on it, not that he's willing to confirm. Maybe he'll find that spine again...?


Ah yes, job security.

Any GOP senator that could save his reelection by stoping or delaying the sc judge vote?


RockySly9 Hate to be a Debbie downer, but who knows if he’s a slam dunk vote.

Voted to impeach him, but trusts him with SCOTUS!!!! What a joke💩💩💩

I am sick with this news.

I wonder how Romney will react when his Party’s Supreme Court pick votes the ACA, originally Romneycare before it became Obamacare, unconstitutional? It seems to me that negates all he did for the state of Massachusetts by giving them affordable health care. Doesn’t make sense.

Mitt I hope your family is not affected by Coronavirus. Wisconsin is increasing at a huge rate.

This has nothing to do with Trump or the GOP. Senator Romney is a good man and has a moral compass. I know, hard for these libs to understand that somebody could be guided by something that does not float around with public opinion.

What a sad state this country is in when Congressional leaders change their views simply because of the letter R or D. Their integrity is seriously lacking. No justifying the different outcomes when the scenarios are the same. Either take up ALL nominees or NO nominees.

Look who became trumps bitch.

He hated the freeze he got. SenatorRomney is scared they will be mean to him again. Poor MittRomney

It's not about Roe v. Wade. That's the smoke screen they use to justify their selection to the conned believers. It's really about ensuring future judgements support stealing more money from the citizens, and putting it in their and their sponsors' pockets. Feudalism is not dead!

Cowardly hypocrite

CHIZMAGA He knows Trump is gonna keep the Oval Office, let the groveling begin

Let them have their nominee. Vote that bastard out of the White House for 2021. Vote him out!

Who is surprised?

I knew it, scumball all along.

Truly disappointed, I thought Mitt would stand up for what is right 😢

Et tu Mitt? WTF?

It was a stupid idea to hold off a nomination then, and it’s just as stupid now.

Romney is just being a coward

SenRickScott This Equality and Fairness Bipartisan Bill S 386 solves a terrible humanitarian crisis and saves millions of high skilled immigrants families and their kids from self deportation these GC are given on skills not on languages or country of Birth pass S 386 ASAP

Trifecta? Perfec see only , God.

Romney is a Republican and believes a Constitutionalist justice is BEST for the country. He is thinking of his country more than his hatred for Trump. He is being honorable.

I knew he was too good to be true.

CHIZMAGA He said he move forward not that he would vote for it reread his statement

Another HYPOCRITE!!!

Moving forward as we should be.

Makes you wonder what his kompromat file has. Took them a while to get to him, so it must have been well buried.


They are stacking the court for churches, corporations, and the ultra rich. All decisions will be in favor of these groups. Think about this. You know we the people, separation of church and state all things of the past. Not democrat or republican, just special interests.!!!

Very good news ... He may hate trump but he knows his justices are great

Can it be any clearer why people need to take the WHOLE (& all levels of the) election into consideration not just the presidency?

Religion power grab as they fade into a minority. Selfish with no morals.

True to Trumpublican Fascist form. When it counts the sycophantic band of cowards fall in line.

Grotesque. Republicans are all twisted and grotesque. They do not love the people of America at. all.

I didn't vote for Romney, but I have been impressed that, throughout the years, he has been willing to stand apart from the crowd of Republicans in their race to the bottom. He has, in some instances, displayed honor and stuck to his convictions. No longer.

I just hope trump puts up the Cuban lady for Supreme Court Justice so I can watch liberals show us how racist they are by trying to block a lady minority from the office. 😂

PromisesMadePromisesKept Trump2020

Republicans will seize power by any means necessary, if the Dems don't fight back they will be steamrolled.

LMAO... wasn't this shitbag on Bidens list for SecState? 😏 Liberals wonder why leftists are still shaking their heads at nominating Biden.

Although I have my disagreements with Sen. Romney, but this is something realDonaldTrump will never understand, even at a very fundamental level, making decisions based on personal convictions.

So trump is a criminal not worthy of the office but he’s your guy to pick the next SCJ. Got it.

Why don’t you run a headline stating that Trump is simply doing what’s both within his authority as president and in line with the precedent set by Obama?

Great news!

CHIZMAGA Thank you MittRomney TheTimeIsNow FillThatSeat

CHIZMAGA He said he will vote. He never said he would vote yes.

He, and they, will take every chance they can to take away women’s choice to a safe abortion and strip repoductive rights. The republicans are a dying breed and if they want to remain relevant they will have to realign their thoughts around what the younger generation wants

MittRomney come on, you’re a better person than this! You know it’s not right! GOPHypocrites

And yet again another republican choosing party over country. 🤦🏼‍♀️

lulu82824 I’m sure Mitt is taking dark money from the rich in the background, who have been attempting to shape the judiciary for quite some time now, just so they can stay rich.

jnikolbeckham Spineless git

Of course he did.

I wouldn't trust him.

stunned? aghast? surprised? disappointed? ffs pay attention.

senatemajldr LindseyGrahamSC SenJoniErnst Since you're proving your previous actions were based on blatant lies we need to replace Kavanagh with Garland as soon as possible. You've proven it to be total/blatant fraud! SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff SenSchumer fraud

Hey MittRomney 🖕🏻🖕🏻

Of course he does.

So disappointed in him

He is a traitor to this country and is submitting to the gang leader or authoritarianism. No morals, no integrity. Just power hungry selfishness.

What does Trump have on Romney so he falls in line like a whipped puppy?

Republicans are all about bait and switch. Couple of them will say they will not vote, giving some hope to the Democrats but at the end they will Vote with their own party. We have seen this song and dance from them so many times. Do not trust any Republican ever!


Hope the price of his soul is worth it. Further proof that you can never trust a Republican not to lie and cheat.

Looks like his moral compass is more like a moral lava lamp.

SenatorRomney Yup, there goes his integrity ....along with his credibility

'We may have a court that has a more conservative bent,' than it has had in recent decades, Romney said after his announcement. 'But my liberal friends have over many decades gotten used to the idea of having a liberal court. And that's not written in the stars.' BWA HA HA HA !

So disappointed in SenatorRomney 😞

Hey SenatorRomney, it's joanjett's birthday today and to celebrate your spineless move, we should all serenade you with her hit 'I hate myself for loving you (or for even thinking you might do the right thing when it counts)!' Lazy, feckless pol! VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

History will not be kind to this guy.


This is being done against the will of the people. There will be repurcussions.

Romney is a lying hypocrite.

WELP. Time to rip up the constitution i guess.

MittRomney How appalling.

Congratulations to Romney, McConnell & GOP with great Supreme Court heist of the new century! American people will never forget; whatever party in charge of Senate will stop opposing President's candidates and shove it's own through when in power, undermining American democracy

He’s a hypocrite just like the rest of the GOP


The GOP kept President Obama, elected by a majority of people and won the electoral vote, from getting a vote 9 months before the election. But an impeached president who lost popular vote and was deemed guilty by Romney of crimes gets a hearing 51 days before elections

TaylorR57417014 Hypocrites!!

What else would you expect?

SenatorRomney you are such a coward

My question to these senators pledging support is how do you already know you will support them when you don't know who it is yet? It could be Bozo the Clown, and probably will be, and yet already support it! SMH!


Politicians are notoriously unscrupulous, but really how much bullsh$t can we take from these republicans?! VOTE THEM OUT!!

Bummer MittRomney you just lost my support

Hi mitt, I’m the devil. Thanks for the soul. You sure did sell it cheap. Thanks for doing business with me.

Why does everyone assume that no Democrat would vote for Trump's nominee? They don't even know who it is yet and they all swore it was a 'Constitutional Duty' to vote in 2016. A Constitutional Duty wouldn't be conditional. hypocrisyonallsides


Bravo, GOP. Way to rule by minority. History will soon swamp your boat, and you don’t get to bitch about the lashing Democrats will give you and your lost causes.

Romney the true Republican. He wants a Center-right SC. Democrats this👇

Ahh, Mitt. Such a disappointment.

Wow, a perfect example of party over people. McConnell has the votes and they don’t even know who the nominee is. That is not a democracy.

So disappointed

What if this is a long play by SenatorRomney? What if he intends to take up all of the time/energy over the course of the next month(s) and ultimately VOTE AGAINST the nominee? The ultimate, public pantsing of Trump.

If you ever thought “binders full of women” would do the right thing, hasn’t been paying attention. This guy devoted his life to oppressing women through the guise of religion. JoeBiden cnn


Wimpist of wimps...and this will be his legacy. Shameful!

Romney's spine be like...

(681) 229-7126 text me if you need any type of house for rent in the USA/Canada

From a month ago!!!!

NPR So the Senate can move quickly on a Supreme Court Justice, BUT WILL DELAY A CRISIS FUND for a pandemic resulting in 204,515 US DEATHS 1K/D As *30 Million unemployed *losing health insurance With Record *Company Bankruptcies *Home Foreclosures *Families being Evicted PATHETIC

He's Mormon... of course he wants to

I'm old enough to remember when Mitt voted to impeach the MF.

My surprise face.

the next civil war isn't going to be some Marvel extravaganza

Cowardly hypocrite!!

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