With Iran, Trump Wants to Be Arsonist and Firefighter

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Opinion: The president loves to intensify a crisis and then declare victory by ending it

that Trump “was pleased with Thursday night’s events because he liked the ‘command’ of approving the strike, but also the decisiveness of calling it off.”

Anyone who doesn’t want to see war with Iran would shout “halleluiah” to Trump’s last-minute stand-down—except, like many of his hasty rationalizations, the Iranian one seems crafted from pick-up sticks and collapses at first touch. It’s impossible to believe he didn’t know beforehand that taking out Iranian military targets would result in the loss of life.

No, the more likely case is that Trump’s bluff got called and he lost his nerve. Of course, that’s a good thing. It’s a much better thing for Trump to lose face this week than the scorching of scores or hundreds or thousands of Americans and Iranians. But the encounter—like many of the other instances in which he bailed—bled from Trump a couple of pints of his presidential power.


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DavidahMoskovi1 the iran crisis was intensified when obama sent them 2,000,000,000 billion in cash money

He will be the DEATH OF AMERICA!!!!!!!

DavidahMoskovi1 Actually our President hates war & for 20 years he’s said we didn’t belong there. He had great courage to call off a retaliatory strike 10 min before because 150 people would be killed over an unmanned drone being downed by someone in the Iranian military who acted & shouldn’t

Not true ..

SethAbramson DJT is such a maroon!

That fool said, 'John Bolton is definitely a hawk, if it was up to him WE'D TAKE ON THE WHOLE WORLD.' That's the agenda


Cindystargazen Unfortunately that is a pretty common connection.

This is possible. But the other possibility is that he chickened out from initiating a war against Iran after realizing that country will never run away from threats coming even from the most powerful country on earth.

Betterw05759703 Dangerous Crazy Incompetent Unhinged

toal_maggie No comment is available at this time..

Trump loves to create a crisis in order to resolve the issue he creates. Textbook Machiavelli. A method reserved for simpletons. People with large offshore accounts use them a lot, then feed them to the lions.

That's our president! Create a problem and then do nothing about it.

That's an understatement

Always be closin con artist

....and yet again the televised media looks to curry favor with the WH instead of reporting on the truth.

Guess what, media? You are the ones who intensify a crisis. Look how you cover everything so dramatically. The media needs to clean up their own profession before trying to clean up anyone else’s.

You are exactly correct!! ImpeachmentInquiryNow trumpLies TrumpMUSTGO

Dear Politico, This stratagem is already widely known. Stop acting like this is some kind of scoop or revelation. It's not even newsworthy.

He likes to pretend he's a real American hero rather than another privileged playboy playing world leader.

the Donald’s next book “How To Win Without Really Playing” on bookshelves soon.

SethAbramson He is so FAKE. Trump doesn't care about 150 Iranians dying or 150 of anyone. He's never cared about the thousands of deaths from gun violence or deaths of military members. Las Vegas, Parkland, Tree of Life & Poway Synagogues, Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shootings. Endless.

Exactly! Con man all the way!

Textbook Narcissist

So effen true!

Well at least he's not kissing the butt of Dictators like Obama did.

He’s a con artist and he thinks he’s always a step ahead of everybody else ...lol He lives life on the edge all the time and spends half his life trying to figure out his next crooked move. God, I’ll be glad when he’s gone for good.

He craves attention. Good or bad he needs it. Pathetic.

RKCowgirl_Life yes he constantly is stirring up some shit!

DonnasParty The sickest part is him glued to the TV set marveling his ‘handiwork’ and watching everyone scrambling around inside their rattled cages.

That's because those gullible followers are naivete suckers. It works every time. They believe everything fed to them. Bonjour, I am french.

Got it... Is it by the way the definition 'full of himself'? 🙄 just sayin'


A small man and a waste.

Welll, at least he ends it. More than I can say for his opponents.

POTUS, when Mel Brooks & friend, as boys, were caught sneaking into a movie theater, the manager said, “Should I call the police or give you a beating?” Mel said, “Beating!” Friend said, “Police!” Manager shouted, “Get the hell out of here!”

If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Country's won't usually give in without fighting back. Would you?

THeReS nO crISiS aT THe BoARdER! *says Democrats


He wants a Nobel peace prize... omg can you imagine 🤮

Only problem with Fox Noise's opinions on Iran (among many, many): trump is not cleaning up after Obama. donald walked into this one by belligerently claiming that the international nuclear treaty was not in USA's best interest. Wasn't perfect. But much better situation now.

What a CROCK!


morgfair How is this ‘opinion ‘?

Exactly right!!!

Classic narcissist M.O.

Fire starter !

Never waste a crisis or bad headline. The guy is a master of his self-agrandizing craft.

lynnpotter11 Not just Iran. This WH takes its cues from the Breitbart playbook. Find or manufacture a media crisis…preferably one that moves people away from what’s really going on, then fuel the distraction with outrage you’ve created. Stop before you’re about to cross an unacceptable line.


SethAbramson And Americans let him do it.

That Trump policy you criticize just might work when Obama-era appeasement policy dismally failed.

😂🤡🍄 PresidentLoco

This is just stupid, if you're an American act as such & stop blaming all the world's problems on one singular person. W/ or without the JCPOA Iran has been oppressing its own people & attacking its neighbors. U should be supporting any measure aimed at holding them to account.

Pretty sure Obama’s crony Kerry was the igniter but I’m sure Trump will put it out

Trump has created every crisis we have now just for his supporters !!!

HowyofWI Nobel... He wants it.. He needs it..

No. That's your perception not reality.

eloiseat6 has anyone noticed that every thing he does is a formula or a canned speech? Ie: blackmailing in negotiations, escalate, retreat. At rallies his speeches and platform same: Hillary's emails. Conclusion: He's a bot.

Amazing, to hear you state it if he bombs Iran in retaliation POTUS is getting us into war. If he decides to show restrain, he's weak. You really can't have it both ways.

He plays games with SO MANY lives. He's in control of every one of us & ppl in other countries! The MSM helps him & they MUST stop filming him. If they would just stop putting him on camera every second of every day he'd have to back down.

Lies and Bullshit..and media...you are normalizing..it..I am NOT.

SethAbramson Duh, that’s what reality tv is all about.

Paid actor with acting cabinet playing the hero in the story of the death of America

Is this news or history? DerangedDonald

If Trump hadn't met with MbS and Netanyahu and denounced Iran in Riyadh as the supposed source of all terrorism, torn up JCPOA like a child playing with matches and allowed his team to ratchet up tensions with a so called Iran Working Group, the Iran crisis wouldn't be this way.


Hero complex. Look at me, how great I am. I saved the world. Pathetically dysfunctional at best.

Opinion: The President is weak and a sad loser in many ways.

Why did Trump shoot down that drone? Weird.

MaddieBarry8 Trump can't put out any fire, especially not the ones he starts or even feeds.

Oh yea did he make Iran make all those threats and target ships and drones.....?

Obama is gone from our WH.


Thats HIM !! to a Nut shell!!! 100% correct !!!

Yep that’s his MO for his whole adult life. He has no talent or skills so he creates a situation and pulls it back. TrumpisARapist TrumpLies TrumpCrimesAgainstHumanity TrumpsAnInternationalDisgrace

Trump trump trump... You aren't a hero, Never was You may self proclaim that you are a hero(you really aren't) you didnt win anything by just withdrawing

SethAbramson And his “believers” believe it.

NO SHIT. We knew this years ago. Y’all can stop with the “President” honorific - he’s ILLEGITIMATE

Unlike Obama and Bush who were only arsonists lol!

We’re his reality show-it’s all about him.

TrumpGOPConcentrationCamps CloseAndReunite Impeachment KickGOPToTheCurb


...like on his trashy reality TV shows

Yep. That's called a straw man device.

The political equivalent of munchausen-by-proxy.

Factually it's worse, he manufactures a crisis, builds it up by telling unbelievable LIES, threatens to use a drastic solution, let's it simmer and allow the Republican Senators to tell the public how truly bad it is, then drops it like it never happened

SethAbramson FakeHero syndrome

realDonaldTrump putting America at risk. Vote him OUT. Only BlueWave 2020 can save us from its worst internal threat.

*create, intensify, fail miserably to obtain the outcome he wants, leaks info to cause a scandal, then claims victory.

SethAbramson Fact.

He literally thinks it's all a TV show...

reidhoffman He need to know which one to burn

vwheato Not only intensify but to create the crisis

SethAbramson And it works because media covers every comment made by this serial liar

Sick man!

Reality TV president gonna president like reality TV.

He wants a deal so bad, and we all know its just to erase another part of Obamas legacy. That he'll start a war.

Munchhausen by proxy?

So does that mean by creating and intensifying the crisis of a traitor/rapist president he can just declare victory and end it by going back to being a Fakeality TV star? I think it may work.

kate626 Right.

He's a lying cheating fake corrupt Criminal and a lunatic on top of it🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

That is because, like a baby, Trump has no strategy -- only whining.

Munchausen Syndrome in the workplace. Create the problem so you can solve it and be the hero.

Trump wants Iran to capitulate. Iran will sooner or later have the Nuclear Weapons. If USA can renege on an agreement, why can't Iran?

Yes! And it’s getting pretty damn old!

Because he really doesn’t know how to do this job. Failure in chief.


Precisely what he does, over and again. Start a fire (or pour gas on one that’s already burning), take just enough action to undo some of what did, and then declare himself a hero for saving us. ... From him. Gee, thanks.

Typical Trump MO: 1) Fabricate a crisis 2) Blame others for crisis 3) Defuse crisis 4) Take credit 5) Expect praise

Saintsfan5348 He loves to kill the hard work of others and insert his stupid solutions that fail. Then he wants to correct what he’s destroyed. Yep, he’s done that over and over again. He’s a moron.

Light em’ & fight ‘em

That is one of his go to moves. Create a problem and act like you solved it.

Well please, no one is really surprised here, are we?

SethAbramson And media falls for it every time.



SethAbramson In similar news, water is wet.

This is a news flash?

Holy $hit, a politico column with a reasonable headline

THP1640 Comedian BILL and STEPHEN and WEll all of them. Are saying it through laughter, but lately its getting more serious. WE ALMOST WHEN TO WAR. IMPEACHMENT NOW.!!!!

Not end it completely. He likes to leave it simmering just in case !

SethAbramson Another rehash from the Trump story generator. This isn’t news; we know he’s an imbecile. The headlines should allude to the egregious number of Congresspeople who are either complicit, or are limply responding to his infinite crime spree.

SethAbramson 🤮🍄🤮

SethAbramson Fake President

HaHaHa Haven’t politicians done that for years to garner support. And you are Politico?

This is exactly what malignant narcissists do best. They create chaos, uncertainty & crisis then present themselves as a 'saviour' when they 'solve' the crisis they created. This allows them to inflate their inner self-worth so they can feel good about themselves.

And if it doesn't work out? Blame the generals.

gsroc123 Yes, the story of his life from day one. Big blow hard, epic failure ☹️


SethAbramson “Opinion”

No shit

SethAbramson Political Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

reidhoffman Yeah man, I wish he’d stop shooting down $30 million drones

Wow !! tell us something we don’t already know. going deep. LOL

Though where has he been victorious? Never.

SethAbramson Isn’t this just reality tv show strategy?

norisgirl It's the same script over and over. light a fire scream 'fire' rush to put out the fire there never was a fire. Worked perfectly as a real estate slumlord. On the world's stage, not so much.


This isn’t opinion...it’s fact. He did it with Iran and he did it with ICE. He’ll keep doing it until SpeakerPelosi RepJerryNadler HouseJudiciary decide to start ImpeachmentHearingsNow !

You’re just figuring this out? 😏

SethAbramson Lock him up

pgmckim His pattern

No shit

And reporters love to detail and amplify every whim like good lapdogs, instead of using scrutiny and discernment.

SethAbramson That was Trump’s mode of operation at our Southern Border and other arenas he has played havoc with since before he took office.

A future scrip...(Date Stamp Jan.20th 2017) for 'Ripley's Believe It or Not' ......'This' is the American President.... Donald John Trump..... Believe it ,or not.

The arsonist who puts the fire out...or sometimes not really.

SethAbramson Same thing with threatening ICE raids, and then pulling back.

He's a global embarrassment

SethAbramson Trump has always needed to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.

SethAbramson naw.....REALLY😕

Sounds like a tweaker

SethAbramson DJT, ever the narcissistic sociopath. Always drama and chaos, lies and manipulation. As he told us in 2016, 'I alone can fix [fill in blank].'

He's a *one trick phoney*. Rinse, repeat, again, and again, and again. Yawn.......


SethAbramson More than likely Trump delayed this mass home invasion of immigrants so as not to give more fodder for the Democratic Candidates to rail on about at upcoming DemDebates next week on June 26-27.

SethAbramson My hero...!

canine2015 Opinion? Fact!

SethAbramson Cause 3/10 believe it.

SethAbramson All of America and most of the world is being held hostage; 1/3 of us just have Stockholm Syndrome

Of course he does, anything to get attention

And damn the consequences, no matter the cost to the country...

SethAbramson How is this particular headline opinion?

SethAbramson Seth I keep seeing an issue on Twitter TwitterHack For the last week I am seeing people that I follow are coming into my feed with alt right tweets liked by them. Issue is they didn’t like them. I checked four different accounts and all are the same. The user didn’t do it.

Let's see... in 2016 alone, the Obama admin dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day in his last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. He bombed 7 countries in 6 years.

SethAbramson Is that also happens when he goes for a poopie?


Trying to pull fake levers so he can get a NobelPrize Trump Fraud

Your just calling it out!! From the start his ego has overshadowed his mind!

Damn...WAKE UP. Nothing the orange criminal in chief does or says is what our country should be. Diplomacy is now fiction that boosts his ego.

SethAbramson It's the only way he would ever get a victory.

SethAbramson 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Politico is confusing Trump with a tactic socialist Bernie Sanders uses frequently. The media insults the intelligence of American voters when they think the public is to dumb to notice this.

SethAbramson Um yeah DUH🙄

Love him

He’s great

Who would have thunk....

Good for him

Trump thinks of himself as producer, star & casting director of his own reality show. He pitches ideas, then tests how it will play w/the press pool & twitter. He says, “wait & see”, baiting them to build tension. It’s all make believe to him. But the consequences are very real.

'The president loves to intensify a crisis and then declare victory by ending it.' Trump, master of gaslighting America. PeteButtigieg 🇺🇸 2020 A crystal clear agenda for America.

Yes...his pattern...he orchestrates a shallow attempt at back peddling in order to look like a hero. So lame!

Same old story. This is all he has.

JakeP_Lane Oh good! When can we expect the end to his presidency then?

It’s called repackaging. This is a well worn scammer tool to make the normal, the mundane, seem new and interesting. Example: the usmca. It’s nafta. Just we get fewer benefits from the real.

Sounds like masturbation.

Our government does the same thing... so same same

Most people are smart enough to see that. Trump rally people , maybe not.

Theatrics as potus hasn’t a clue about diplomacy. WH is a collection of playground bullies who only know name calling and threats. America has become a 3rd 🌎country

Manipulation is a key feature of malignant narcissism.

It's called being a fraud

Just like a dramatic middle schooler

Only way he can survive with his cult

Typical narcissistic actions nothing good just 💩

Got his number

We are watching a t v reality show. Enough honey boo boo shit, time to change the channel on this nightmare.

Opinion:not news and bad logic

Love Trump! So Y isn’t Obama the Racists!

It's called theater.

He does this over and over again....wake up America! The guy is a total fraud.

Uh, a drone was shut down, Trump did not attack due to casualties, going to increase sanctions. Sounds pretty rational to me. mediaclowns

🙄 Yeah, the same way he told us we can sleep well because N Korea isn’t a threat anymore. And how did that work out? 🤔 His posturing is going to suck us into a war with a country who can do real damage and the US without a clear strategy. All due to his threatening tweets.

Why does this continue to be news to you guys? The Trump Doctrine has always been..Crisis created...Crisis averted.

self inflicted crisis particularly

That's it. The whole game.

So basically he takes a 💩 and then tells everyone to watch out and don't step on the landmine 😳


And he would not be the first firefighter to play with matches.

That's your president!

Yes - intensifying a crisis by watching Iran blow up oil tankers & shoot down US drones. Like the girl who brought on her own rape by wearing a short skirt.....said no one of sound mind!

Sounds like ex Chicago mayor Rahm.

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