Will Thousand Oaks be the mass shooting that spurs change? Maybe not

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Will Thousand Oaks be the mass shooting that finally spurs change?


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Fake news

We are in hell


We have to start properly diagnosing veterans They have far more serious mental illness than PTSD. Few have seen or dealt w enough trauma to have PTSD but many did have mental illness since childhood

No, it won't. The second amendment is all that protects the first. That will never change. Unconstitutional Laws that only effect honest Americans will be ignored.

Explain why 99.99% of responsible gun owners should pay any price for deranged and evil people who seek to do harm?

What you seeking a ban? Only a fool will let that happen. Our borders are open, why would common sense people disarm themselves. My rights are not up for discussion. You never want to talk about abortion...

No. If Sandy Hook wasn't enough, nothing is.

Never let a crisis go to waste -Saul Alinsky, Rahm Emanuel

Hopefully ... Hopefully you finally realize gun control laws don't work. They create soft targets for criminals.

NO. Congressmen only get passionate when they or their families are personally involved in an issue, otherwise, they only listen to their biggest donors.

No, change will never happen in the US.

Start speaking honestly about vets w PTSD. 3 in the last year have committed mass murder w guns. Are we misdiagnosing them? Probably Too many (52%) Post 9/11 vets are using the VA for a pay check. Vets w real mental health needs go without or are misdiagnosed

We should make stricter gun laws that criminals and mentally ill people will follow.


I don't know, is CNN going to stop it;s hate spreading?

CNN! Stop dreaming there can be mass shootings every day and that will not spur any changes, this is America 'Land of the Free' and home of gun rights and the second amendment.



What good is banning guns? They will use Planes, Trains,Trucks,Knives, and Bombs! need mental health screening!

California is already a gun free zone


Nope there will be another mass murder soon. Probably before Christmas or New Year. Too many angry White Men with guns in America. And a lot of them could snap at any given moment. Who will be the next victims?

Then stop with the democratic agenda.

No, but you need a lot of psychologists to find out what is wrong with people. Guns don't kill people. Strange people kill people. Anyway, it's easier to poison the water supply.

Those quotes you have from the shooter are not Verified. Quit lying. DEMS going for gun control is Stupidity and will lose them many many elections in the Future watch! Completely out of touch

Why? The people in power don't care.


First label it internal terrorism.

No, evangelicals can not carry their bible with out a gun😏 jesuslovesguns notreallyprolifers

The left is scared of us. They attempt to use false flag events like this to take guns away from us so that we become powerless and defenseless. The deepstate is to blame for these shootings.

Doubt it. If a bunch of elementary children getting shot at did nothing...

Gun lobby wants public fatigue and feelings that things won’t change, we have to believe the cumulative effect and increase in victims will touch so many people that things will change

Change in what?

What sort of change would you like? Maybe we should stop focusing all our energy on guns and start focusing on providing better mental health care.

No because ultimately Americans have no guts

Of course not


Need to have background checks!

We need a change of hearts and minds. New laws will have little effect.

Narrator voice: Yeah...nah

How very ugly and sad 😢 for our country and our youth to be a witness of such hatred. Sure glad I never had this crap to deal with when I was growing up. It was a wonderful life to be blessed with. These damn people have gone crazy 😜

From a state that already has some really strict laws, what other changes would you want or suggest?

We have tight control here. He used a handgun. What do you want to do now?

No not with Donald n NRA running the country, business as usual, ya don't need easy access to machine guns, or any, especially mental people

I truly hope so but I doubt it.

No. It won't. That should have happened when the babies were all killed at SandyHook

hmmm what change? Isn't it true that the killer already used illegal weapons and accessories? So it was illegal to use, but he still used. So what will you make illegal next, that the next shooter will use?

Nup. Next.

If highschool students being shot down in their school in parkland didn't, this shooting will certainly not do it.

Ya, we need to enforce the laws we have

Unfortunately no. We have heard this after many tragedies, and nothing ever changes.

Lord hear our prayers




No. There question answered

No, it will never change as long as people feel that giving up their right to own a firearm is like giving up their children for adoption.

If Sandy Hook wasn’t devastating enough to inspire the need for change, nothing ever will be.

Ummm ! No

The rest of the country will go on and Cailifornia Communist will go on dreaming. Exit the California Crazy.

Same question. Next.

Not as long as NRA Republicans are in office.

Hell no

And just how are you going to change a person with a demented mind that has not been a threat in their life

Nope. It got less coverage than trump's new 'wet look' - the post synagogue massacre presser hair style he's been sporting lately.

No..absolutely not. You Americans enjoy living and dying by the gun to much. Mass muder will go on and on and on. Just waiting for the next on so once again we can hear the lame excuses from the US Govt and the NRA ...who really runs the Govt.

NRA Probably not because FakeNews never addresses the root cause which is mental illness. Instead they use these shootings to launch their gun grabbing agenda🤔🇺🇸2nd Amd

If by change you mean taking away guns, then no. 2nd amendment stands and always should.

not a chance

Nope thoughts and prayers clearly only work

It’s not the guns. It’s the person. CA already has struck laws. What new law would make any difference?


No. Collateral damage. As long as votes and money flow. Flesh and bone, life and death. Is a tolerable loss

No. If shooting up children in schools dont do it, nothing will. Also the weapon was a handgun, not assault weapon, and occurred in California which has the toughest gun control regulations in the country. So what proposed regulations would have prevented this shooting.

Don’t be ridiculous



As Americans we are ok with being murdered at a rate 5x higher than the rest of the developed world. If Newtown showed anything is that we as a country accept this as a way of life.


No. If none of the other hundreds of mass shootings has led to any meaningful change, why would this one?

And what change would that be,confiscation?

We need to do the right thing and take Australia up on their offer; they instituted massive reforms in response to their own gun violence. Let me know you are sick and tired... I know I am.

Yeah hopefully we can concentrate our tax dollars on Veterans and Citizens well being over illegal aliens

I’m tired of y’all bs and y’all agenda people r woke and your actors need more classes and taking away guns won’t happen repetition of trying to control us with emotion is obvious

None of them ever do, so why should this one be any different?

....and what change would that be?

Nope, you lot said that after Florida, Vegas, Columbine...nothing happened then, why should it happen now... whatever you are doing to try and instigate change IS NOT WORKING... stop asking, will it, and start acting to actually change!

When I was little, I didn't not buy the argument about violence on TV, however it has gotten worse. Who's to say that people aren't re-enacting 'The Walking Dead' or other shows that depict mass executions?

If Sandy Hook didn’t move anything, I doubt anything would..

Explain how to change Stupid..

probably not. After all those babies were killed in Connecticut, nothing was done. As a matter of fact after every mass shooting in this country, nothing was ever done. What makes this one any different? The NRA and many in Congress value guns over human life.

Not a chance. It is a pipe dream. Sorry.

2nd amendment isn't going anywhere.

Change what - our Constitutional rights? I don’t think so. ThousandOaks NRA 2A MyColdDeadHands


No! Not with the NRA.

No. Until we have tougher gun control laws it will not stop.

I doubt it!

No, because as long as the Senate and the President are kissing NRA ass, it won’t happen.

Liberty security. California has the strictest gun laws. Gun laws do not work.

Probably not & just think, out there right now are a group of children who don't have long to live.They don't know that these are their last days.They will die soon,alone on a cold school floor. No way to know who they are, but they exist.Even knowing that, nothing will change

If Democrats want to surrender their guns first, I say let em

Really? You have asked that every time since SandyHook.

NO! If multiple schools, concert venues, bars and restaurants, and places of worship have not initiated change, not sure what will..

“Change”. Let’s legislate the cleansing of evil. 👿

People only give a shit when it becomes suitable thanks to culture. Fix the culture of people and you fix the crimes.

Hell no. 🙄😳

And then, in a few months or a year, there will be another mass shooting, and the same series of events will happen, you and other outlets will ask the same question, and we will have the same responses. I hope in my lifetime there will be gun control and real change.

Unfortunately, probably not. People will push for change and gun control, it will get a lot of attention for about a month or two, people will come out like the did for Parkland and really push for change, but the government, in the end, will continue to let us down. A sad circle

i dont think so

No because for politicians it’s all about the money.

If Sandy Hook didn’t turn things around....


No, why would it? If killing kindergarten children didn’t change it. Politicians: thoughts and prays. some people: heard breaking so sad, other people : numb . NRA and their supporters: more guns would help. Other people : mental health. Never,more strick access to gun.

Laws need to change! Armed police officers in most states not allowed to work in bars! These bars are soft targets! Please let police officers work off duty in these soft targets!

This is the price you have to pay to protect the Right to bear arms.....enough is enough

Sadly, no.

Nope, doesn't change the 2nd ammendment. The left is never going to disarm the American people.

Probably not, if Sandy Hook couldn’t even incite change

Not when you have people in the country that do nothing to protect its citizens due to ridiculous gun laws.

What change, liberal terrorists leaving this country


Not as long as there is repugnut held senate and realDonaldTrump as their dear leader.




Change that takes mental health seriously? Sure, I'm all for it. If handguns kill people, forks make people fat. Lower healthcare costs, ban flatware.


If you can't stop a shooting with California gun laws then you need to change them....to less.


I appreciate the effort, but try a different headline and approach. This one has been used quite a few times this year already.

NO the American people don't want it they want their guns to make themselves important and big and hard


Didn’t we say that after Parkland?

If 20 little elementary school kids being killed didn’t get them to change I can’t imagine what would.

The NRA, and their control over Trump and the GOP puppets will ensure that there is no real change.

For the mental health crisis in America? Let's hope




C’monnn, if twenty 6 year olds don’t change things, nothing will in my opinion. I hope I’m wrong

WILL the shootings in the Middle EAST be finalized? TAKE their guns not mine. OH! mine are easier to take. FREEDOM IS FREE isn't it?

Nope. The day after SandyHook the GOP sent a clear message that campaign contributions from the NRA were more important than the lives of your children... be mad all you want, it’s the truth.

Not unless NRA is broke

U can take my guns from my cold dead hands There was a man in Maryland who died with boots on when Police unconstitutionally came for his guns, thats was gonna happen till a civil happens u go after people guns, so bring it on snowflakes

Sadly I dont think so.....


Guns are not the problem, if it wasn’t a gun, they would be using knives and bats and pitch forks, then we ban those too? It’s a social problem and mental health issue, this country has had guns for 250 years, it’s a people problem, period.

Only if the Democrats in the house take it on. Republicans will do zero about it.

What change? How can you change the heart of someone who is intent on doing harm to others? It's never been about the guns. It's about the heart of man (woman). Our nation took prayer and God out of our schools and look where we are now. No God, no peace.

Mental Health needs to be addressed.

Not with Republicans in the pockets of the NRA.


It's easy to kill sheep in gun free zones.

What kind of change exactly?


To quote the President “that’s a stupid question”

Is water dry?

If you're talking about taking good folks guns. Won't work. I've got several and not giving them up. So far they've not hurt anyone...but if you bring your mob to my house like TuckerCarlson it's going to be the end of my good guns!

Not unless we can cure mental illness in the next week.

Just saying...

No. Nothing will have make a change. No matter how devistating the matter is. Well unless there is political gain, just maybe. The United States and it’s citizens whom includes everyone are just chest pieces playing a game of the political leaders. For that is a true fact.


If the slaughter of 20 + babies and their teachers didn't force a change or the gunning down of 50 people in under 20 min in las vegas I don't think anything will.

No, of course not. We are in a time where basic science is denied. The NRA/Republicans will not bat an eye.

Why? Do you democrats have more planned?

That’s the same rhetorical questions that been asked after every mass shooting since Sandy Hook. Face it — too many Americans just don’t care enough to support the necessary change. Sad.


It would be if the media didn't glorify them all.

As long as the NRA have senior politicians in their pockets (kerching) like Agent Orange then change will never happen.

Stop saying Change, start talking about solutions. We dont want take away the run from the people bc we will be tirning the issue of bad and mental people killing people to the government killing people and control. fakenews cnnsucks EnemyOfThePeople.

California has the strictest gun laws in the country. Proving that more guns is not the solution. The change it should spur, is finally taking gun control off the table. This was another failure of law enforcement. He was known and had fired shots before, w/ no action taken.

I have never heard any realistic and concrete ideas that would prevent mass shootings. Sure would like to.



Why would it be? Children being murdered didn’t even change anything.

NRA is to Blame for most of the killings and homecide in USA. The firearms that American citizens posses can make the biggest Army of All African countries combined 😳

The .GOP will continue to spew the .NRA talking points. They will do nothing no matter how many people die. As long as the NRA lines their pockets with 💰 this will be the case. BloodIsOnTheirHands IndivisibleTeam voteGOPout in 2020. resist Resistance indivisible

Not bad enough yet.


Obama had the chance to change gun reform when he first got in office the democrats had the house and the Senate why they didn’t make this there first priority instead of healthcare? So stop acting like this is an issue that could not be worked on years ago!

Well, maybe the NEXT one. There always seems to be a next one....

The answer is no. Something worse will happen, and again, and again. Gun owners and gun enthusiasts, and Republicans won't allow it. The sad truth.

No... California is already way out in front as per gun laws....its never ever going to change as per access to guns...who accesses perhaps otherwise .....nope

Get a life cnn


I hope so. Outlaw gun free zones.

No! I do not own guns and am not an advocate but I am able to understand that as long as the change being called for is more control on guns and not focused on the cause(s) of these massacres there will be no consensus so no meaningful change.

The only 'Change' we need is for the Military Industrial Complex to stop turning America's young people into killers and glorify war.

HUH? What's the author of this stupid story smoking? Why in Sam Hill would this or any other shooting change things? Checked-out citizenry who NEVER thinks this sorta atrocity will hit them or their loved ones. Paid-for politicians who look the other way. Evil cruel & greedy NRA!

Probably not.


Uh no! After VA Tech, Las Vegas , Sandy Hook, etc.... and now this? No the country will continue as is

In teaching student properly, explaining and supporting human life?


The answer is no. Saved you a click.


What change Warning signs were all there is this case too.

No. We didn’t do anything when children were the victims. Why would this be different when some politicians’ first instinct is to ask how we’ll protect the 2nd Amendment in the wake of the tragedy. disgusted

Every time something like this happens, the same question is asked and answered. We should know by now that nothing will happen as long as there is a gun lobby. All it does is make the tempers flare and gun sales to spike. It's a vicious unending circle.


Yes because the Dems took over the house and if congress rejects it they will just look bad to the country and further erode the republicans hold.

Oh yeah, this picture alone speaks volumes about how things will change. Look at them surrounding a memorial, holding hands, weeping, crying. Yeah, this is totally new. I've never seen them do this before.


I'll take this one ☝️. Nope

Doubt it.

👋 from 🇨🇦 Sadly, I doubt it. Americans say this every time, nothing changes.

Nope and what change would have stopped it, high capacity mags are illegal in CA last time I checked and boy oh boy that sure stopped him from using one, GUN CONTROL IS NOT GOING TO HELP, name one policy that will stop these people

No. Sadly.

Nope. At this point, it’s safe to say that no mass shootings, regardless of quantity or overall casualties, will lead us to change. realDonaldTrump doesn’t care about protecting lives, he only cares about protecting political interests.

I think the Parkland survivors deserve credit for being the spark for change. They’re showing the way.


I'm afraid no. Our country is so immune to the news of a mass shooting. They care more about their right to own guns than people having a right to live in peace. It's like lining in the middle east.

The change starts in the heart and mind. Let God lead there. Change will come.

What mass shooting? All I saw was mass crises actors. This is just 1 ecample

What kind of change? Nobody is taking my guns ever!! 2A 2ADefenders CNNIsTheEnemy

Nope, it won’t be. Long as there are self-serving politicians around

Our soldiers fighting for this Country after seeing ungodly things, have got to get better mental health help.. Seriously.. Some people just can't handle the things they've seen, and honestly who blames them. We need better mental help sources in America.

Seriously? Do you copy and paste this headline?

No! Criticism doesn’t even change CNN

Sadly, nothing will change.

Answer: No.

The short answer; no GunControlNow

no lmao

I wanna say yea.... but we all know it’s not gonna happen

Spoiler: no

I think it highly unlikely.

of course not.

Until you address common denominator in almost all shootings which is mental health & the breakdown of the system...then no

Voting out GOP candidates beholden to nra blood $ is one of the best ways


No because all of California’s feel good legislation did nothing to stop it

No, and in this case it shouldn't. He had every right to own a handgun. It's a slippery slope if you start judging who is mentally fit to own a gun


Unfortunately not I think....☹️

i doubt it. america is the only country in the world that has this problem this bad

There will still be crazy people and mentally ill individuals. What then?

You know it was a gun free zone, right?

No. If 26 kids dying in a class room did nothing neither will this especially in an administration completely bought by the NRA. The good news is that over a dozen A rated NRA politicians lost their seats which could mean a sign of change


We don’t care if our kids are getting mass murdered in their classrooms we gots to keeps them guns yo!

You mean the change where a liberal government pulls our guns and makes us their bitches? The constitution prevents that.

Do we not say this after every mass shooting! Someday a mass shooting of monstrous scale will happen, only then something might happen!

If a school full of murdered elementary-aged children didn’t do it, why do you think that the senseless death 12 innocent adults would? America will maintain its title of ‘Worlds Richest 3rd World Country’ with its alarming gunfire until the NRA is dealt with.

I don't think it is going to be one event that spurs change. Instead, it will likely be driven by generational differences in attitudes. As the 'pry my gun from my dead fingers' generation passes, those who don't want to live that life will replace them. And that's optimistic.

Some People Might Get Offended ....But Has Anyone Stopped To Wonder If These Mass shootings Were Just A Tool To Manipulate Gun Control And Laws..

Yep, where everyone has a gun and ready to shoot back. No laws will. Make the criminals and nut jobs turn in their guns..


11 people were killed in 48 hours in Baltimore and nothing was changed. 650 people were murdered in Chicago in 2017. Nothing was changed


Probably not. Were Americans. We can take a lot of mass shootings before we admit we have a problem.


Sadly no. Look how many ppl still voted Red. Blind is blind. Gun regulations have to chg. Beto had the right plan & ppl in TX went crazy against it. Pls be informed. Things must chg. Obviously we r doing things wrong so let’s fix things before more ppl get killed. No More!!!


Sure it will. Just like all the others spurred change in the number of people wondering if the most recent shooting spurs change. See you next massacre. Carry on.

Sadly no 😔

Because an Islamic radicalist ignored gun laws and shot up a bar? The answer to your question is no.

Sadly no

Nope. Americans love their guns more than living.

Not as long as guns are pointed out as being the problem rather than the underlying socialand mental health issues. Stop attacking the guns. It is a distraction.

Yes, it will magically end mass murder forever. Definitely.

If 20 children being shot doesn't change something nothing will.

Keep hope alive.

No. If Reagan's assassination attempt didn't change much, why would the many many mass shootings afterward do anything?

no it won't be

No. If we can do nothing after babies are slaughtered in Connecticut, the answer is no.

No lol. White supremacy won’t allow it.

Doubt it. You’re obviously not on the list of thugs paid off by the NRA.


If that security guard had been allowed to carry, this might have ended differently....If more people carried for protection, more people would have had a fighting chance...💔 ISupportmy2ndAmmendmentRights

I've resorted to preparing my every day life with the prospect that I can be the victim of a mass shooting. Now every where I go I'm conscious of my surroundings, exits and people. Also having CCW helps me just in case I need to return fire. Reality Facts

After Sandy Hook, no. If innocent children getting slaughtered doesnt spur change nothing will.


if Sandy Hook didn’t change things, nothing will. As a nation, we ended the gun debate then, when we decided as painful as it was to lose our 5 and 6 year old children, it was bearable.

Of course not. It's America, the only thing that changes is how much money one plutocrat can stuff into his newly trailed trousers.

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