Why We’re All Forgetting Things Right Now

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

We’re finding it difficult to recall simple things: names of friends and co-workers we haven't seen in a while, words that should come easily, even how to perform routine acts. Here's why.

Grant Shields was teaching a college seminar to 24 students last week when his mind went blank. He’d forgotten the name of his teaching assistant.

“I was embarrassed,” says Dr. Shields, who thought he heard students laugh when he said the wrong name, then struggled to recover. “I wish my memory was as good as it used to be.”


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Because everything was so stupid for awhile it’s coping

Thanks for this… um… you! 😅

Long COVID? ❎ Social media wrecking our short term memory?✅

I read the article and they actually make a good point.

...because not enough people are using TwosApp

Your readership is just getting older.

Linux terminal networking commands ;) RWMann

Smartphones , you jerks !

excess spike

Cell phones.

If you want to inform people, your price to share information, should not be prohibitive! Not every person can subscribe to your publication.

Get back in the office!

Why's this look like yall stole artwork from humankindArt

If you’ve had Covid, even asymptomatic, you’ve suffered some degree of cognitive disruption.

Did people really live like this? Isolating, not going out, “working” from home, etc? That wasn’t my experience. I’ve run 3 thousand miles since 2020 and haven’t missed a day of work. What the hell is the matter with people?

Cell phones!

Are you suffering from everyday normal life things that 99% of everyone else suffers from? Here's why: being human


This morning, I struggled to remember the word “Hamptons” after watching a YouTube video about Vermont. I’ve seen all episodes of “Royal pains” gaddemit (a while back of course) & obviously didn’t deserve this!😂 Thank you for this article, really helped allay some fears I had.

Sounds like a side effect

The vaccines….

I often suffer from indirect amnesia.



Not paying to read this


Cuz I’m mad.

We've been working from home and relying on grocery store curb side pickup for too long. It's long past time to get back to the business of living life.

Absolutely nothing to do with Gene therapy.

The word 'Covid' appears 1 single time. Nothing about the already proven relation between infection and memory loss. Guess they 'forgot' to mention about everybody getting a virus that literally fuck up our memory and can give brain damage even in 'mild' cases.

Spike proteins in the brain cause brain fog.

we are forgetting what made America great and embracing what makes America a sh**hole

WSJ seems to have forgotten about the Twitter files. More attention needed!

You’re finding it difficult to report the news

Interesting article. How about using Memory Recog a program I created at IBM to help remember things using the Leitner system and gamification The more frequently we bring things up we wish to remember the more seared in our brain it is recalleded later for didactic memory recog

Increased isolation and decreased socialization are big factors.

Everybody went throught four years of hell that's why


Stop smoking pot.

Gunna take a guess it has something to do with a bunch of us likely having had Covid multiple times and being traumatized by millions sick and dead, job and housing losses, and political instability the likes of which most of us have never lived through? Maybe?

Those who took the 💉

It's because people's brains are filled with spike proteins and microclots.

Nobody is forgetting anything. You and your handlers want us to forget. You want to be granted amnesty for crimes against humanity, for breaking the Nuremberg code, (punishable by death), for censorship and rigging elections, for whole-sale human rights violations, etc.I remember

too much distraction and spin confuses people! People are constantly worked up in fight or flight modes of thinking. If it bleeds, it leads... Scared people cannot thrive!

aging phenomenon

Vax neurological injury?

SHEEPS !!! Number rising exponentially. Populations is 'valiumenised'. What can expect when your 'paesanos' back 2008 from 'Standard & Poor' giving AAA for Lehman Brothers toxic CDOs, day before bankruptcy. 700 billions tax money pumped in. Just a another day in the office

Long Covid

Me 100%

Booze and bong hits.

The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch who loves Putin, hates America, and wants to destroy democracy. Don’t give him your time or money.

maybe it’s because you’re so wealthy you pay people to remember things for you and stuff everything else into your mobile electronics to track

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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