Why Trump Should Be Thanking Alec Baldwin

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’Once, Saturday Night Live could take down a president. Now it’s doing Trump a favor.

No one in American politics understands the dark art of ridicule better than Donald Trump. And when it comes to seeing himself on the receiving end, nobody in American politics has a thinner skin. His fury at President Barack Obama’s roasting of him at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinnerhis own run for the presidency.

The sheer relentlessness of Trump’s disdain suggests that Baldwin’s impersonation must go beyond satire into something more subversive—that the 61-year-old actor is spewing poisonous propaganda against a duly elected leader. But to look back over the full Baldwin/Trump oeuvre since 2016 is to realize just how tame it is—and, in an important way, what a favor it does the president. Baldwin’s Trump bears a closer resemblance to the befuddled governor on the old “Benson” sitcom than it does “Dr.

The hidden influence of this kind of comedy, the widely seen late-night material that ends up as YouTube clips and watercooler fodder, lies in its ability to shape a narrative outside the news, interpreting people’s motives rather than just character. The comedian professes to peel off coats of varnish and reveal an essential but hidden truth. Often that truth is anodyne but amusing, and becomes an instant trope—a predictable laugh line, like Bill Clinton’s lustfulness.

For a franchise built on having an edge, especially when it comes to culture and politics, it might feel like “SNL” has gone soft. But despite its reputation for pushing boundaries, earned mostly in its early, pathbreaking days, “SNL” has only rarely been a source of political blasphemy. When it comes to public figures, it draws more giggles than gasps.

Enter Chevy Chase, the floppy-haired, insouciant writer and sketch comedian who became the show’s first star. He started interpolating falls in which the president tumbles within an inch of his life only to emerge with his chin high, his expression a Peter Sellers-like deadpan. Pretty soon, the show’s opening act every week was Ford falling down, and Chase began enacting other made-up gestures of presidential clumsiness, like hearing a phone ring and putting a full water glass to his ear.

Palin’s flop didn’t deter the Hillary Clinton of 2016 from trying her own version of the Ford approach for dealing with “SNL,” appearing as a world-weary bartender while Kate McKinnon, playing Clinton, soaked up her advice. It was a funny moment, and the real Clinton looked reassuringly human standing behind a bar and calling herself Val. But like a dash of spritzer in a very dry wine, it barely reduced the acidity of McKinnon’s years of skits mocking Clinton as power-hungry and insincere.


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This guy? El. Oh. El. Go away, . And take AlecBaldwin with you. P.S.... what's up with his frickin eye?

More 'This is why Trump won' nonsense, I see.

Which president did it take down?

Once there was a certain amount of reverence and good natured fun in portraying the president on SNL. Now it's the same humorless anti Trump anger that the rest of late night tv airs.

you’re entitled to an opinion. You’re wrong though!


SNL is rarely true satire anymore. It rarely bites and judges and mocks--painfully--as it should. It doesn't take risks and go to the heart of the matter. And that just reflects a culture that's become too reactionary, childish, and shallow.

LOL. Yeah, right. That's why Trump's always threatening free speech in order to shut SNL down. They laugh in his face and at his face and expose his pathetic, insecure stupidity to the world. Is this drivel from Politico intentionally or accidentally idiotic? So embarrassing.

Interesting read

Yup - Chevy Chase took out Gerald Ford, and helped get Jimmy Carter elected Ford on the Phone - SNL via YouTube

Wait, you are saying SNL was responsible for these polls closing at the end? You just worded it completely the opposite?

Check the dates, SNL had NOTHING to do with Nixon being impeached!!

Piss on Trump.

Who writes this garbage articles?

I never would have believed it possible, but the 'sophisticated urban liberal' that the show caters to and their endless rhetoric has actually made Trump supporters look smart.

Pointing out that realDonaldTrump is a piece of shut is a favor?

Do you even Google? FakeNews

The first part is false, the second part is correct!


If this journalism thing is too difficult, the tech field might be more your speed, have you lot tried coding?

fakenews SNL didn’t exist with Nixon 🙄 if anything it helped Clinton from being impeached

So, , you're answer is to throttle all free expression of satire against Trump? As if he won't simply make up whatever fake shit he wants to justify his sad victimhood? Please, strive to publish articles a bit higher than this POS article.

I think you’re overthinking this.

Is CillizzaCNN moonlighting for TBOTP now?


Negative publicity always does Trump some good, like giving him a face lift. It helped him win the Presidential, all that recorded talk about 'grabbing' stuff went down well with quite a number of voters, albeit secretly. Say nice things about Trump and he may just lose 2020.

What a bunch of BS

Haven’t watched since Ferrell left 🤷🏼‍♀️

Wow you can't do math!

I sure don’t see it that way.

Don’t you have editors? Nixon resigned before SNL went on the air.

Hot take.

What Nixon was out before SNL even aired it’s first episode. What are you goofs even talking about? Man. Politico is really just absolute and total garbage anymore aren’t they? LOL.

Trump is doing YOU all a favor, thank him sometime will ya

This is quite a bad take.

Here for the ratio

When was it that they took down a president? Lol. But I agree that they make Trump seem like a dope rather than showing how evil and narcissistic he is.

I'm sure Gerald Ford lost in 1976 because of Chevy Chase's impressions of the President doing prat falls. It couldn't have had anything to do with pardoning Nixon, or the inflationary effects of the oil embargo, or the desire to oust the Republicans after Watergate. Right.

No one is doing Trump a favor like the GOP!

Not so sure about take down, but SNL went down on Obama.

Politico is basically German media 1939.

Which president did it take down?

can u guys quit the clickbait shit? please?

SNL could take down a President Oh, for fucks sake.

What a pile of 💩

They still had decent writers and talent with Dana Carvey & others when they were making fun of Ross Perot.

Good, but I dont watch it anymore.

Show has been unwatchable aince they got rid of normmacdonald from the Fake News. Colin Quinn was mediocre - the rest are flat out horrible.

Was this on the Earth 2.0 we heard about where the left pretended Hillary won in 2016 and they console each other online with their delusional fantasies?

Politico stop this nonsense about trump 24/7. I don’t care to read this article. I wish people stop reading 24/7 news on trump. Social media is not trump media

That you think SNL took a President down tells me that layoffs are coming soon at Politico.


Politico seems to think people still watch SNL with this long winded article trying to help resuscitate the show. Adam Sandler could possibly help make the show funny again.

Which President did it take down? Anyone? Bueller?

SNL had it's run. The old days were great. Today, people like Alec Baldwin; they've soured it totally. Its just not that funny. I've only seen reruns of everything prior to 1990 and what I watched in 2010 wasn't really that good. Chris Farley and John Candy were so cool.

AlecBaldwin is a 😿

Nobody watches SNL anymore.

Wtf? Stop it...

What presidents has SNL taken down?

Which President did they take down Ford? Carter?

SNL Is better than its ever been! Trump gives it so much material..natural born idiot is fun to watch.

Which presidency did it take down?

Someone got paid for this?

U mean Y AlecBaldwin should be thanking Trump. His paycheck depends on Trump

SNL has been a dumpster fire for decades, only relevant to leftists who like their echo chamber.

Which president?

Never have I understand why everything today in US revolves around Trump from media to sports.I wonder how Trump has affected each and every factor even the minor things

This is just an opinion piece that has nothing quantifiable. Moving on.

kiss my ass snl ..Trump 2020

Gonna need an example, guys.

Oy vey

SNL never took down a president but they sure as heck defended and propped a few up. From day one they portrayed Bill Clinton as a lovable horny scoundrel. One of SNL’s head writers claimed there was no blemish on Obama to make fun of.

From a comedy only perspective, Baldwin’s impression is trash. Carvey’s Trump is great, though.

Alec should be thanking Trump..

Does know Nixon resigned before snl first aired

Which President did they take down?

people still watch SNL?

When did Saturday Night Live ever take down a president?

Okay, we're all on pins and needles waiting for the big reveal: The president taken down by SNL was who, exactly...? 🤔

Facts are so hard.

Which president did it take down, pray?

SNL never took down a President.

tAkE dOwN a PrEsIdEnT

Which president did it take down? Carter?


SNL was on a year later douche.

First episode of SNL was oct 11, 1975 and Nixon resigned Aug 9, 1974. Way to fail basic history. SNL had nothing to do with it.

Wow, Politico carrying Trump's water. Didn't see that coming.

I really hope nobody was paid to write this idiotic article

Horrible article. Just bad writing.

SNL didn't take down a president, the people who voted for Jimmy Carter did.

What president?

What presidents were taken down by SNL?

Hi kids, SNL was never known for taking down a president; I'm embarrassed for you.

Kids writing for politico and rely on google for their source. Foolish kids

Check your dates, dumdum.

What the F are you even talking about?

Dan Ackroyd as Carter in yellow boots at Three Mile Island was pretty funny.

Dates. How do they work?

Did I miss something

Except for the fact that SNL never took down a president

I’m sure Crooked Donnie is laughing with us. 😳

Fact Check: False. Saturday Night Live never took down a President. 4 Pinocchio’s

Funniest skit was trump dog — Where SNL was just a little self-deprecating. Now it feels like CNN 24/7 ugh - boring

Dan Aykroyd did a great Nixon but, I don’t think that had much influence on his downfall. Maybe a little bit because there was only four stations on TV at the time and SNL was great back then.

Once upon a time SNL was a thing.

I see Politico hired Acosta.

SNL can't take down a President sent by God. MAGA2020

SNL was good before it became a case study for affirmative action

Can we get an non-fact-checked article removed since the basic fact regarding dates pulls the plug on your premise...

Another in s long line of poor articles by Politico

Johnpage123456 When have they ever took down a president

SNL is 🗑️🗑️🗑️

Nixon was out of office over a year before SNL premiered in 1975. Once, a long time ago, SNL was funny and relevant. That was over 20 years ago at least.

I miss the funny SNL

FYI, SNL has never taken down a president

What President did SNL take down? Serious question.

SNL never' took down a president' lmao what

Name that President.

SNL is just showcasing their derangement for all to see. Nothing more.


I must have missed SNL taking down a President

Um...when did SNL take down a President?


It absolutely could not. Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people

Baldwin isn’t changing any minds. But he is highlighting how rediculous his president is.

Which president did SNL take down? I'll wait.

Scoop: As nytimes uncovers Trump/Flynn conspiracy, Separate Investigation Reveals No One Plays Donald Trump's Golf Course; Nothing Made In U.S. via YouTube Biden2020

Take down a President...

This is the kind of piece that gives punditry a bad name.

SNL could never take down a president. Hahahaha.

When could SNL ever “take down a President”?

It makes sense Saturday night lives interests are that of the people and if the people want to see a positive aspect Saturday Night Live should deliver that. That is the purpose of comedy to reveal the truth through darkness and humor

Once upon a time 'Saturday Night Live' was funny.

“Snl could take down a president” fuckin what

SNL coulda been a contender a cognitive dissident to take down trump since the resistance is futile


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