Why the Trump Administration Won’t Be Able to Make the Stimulus Work

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Massive stimulus packages require expertise, professionalism and skill to execute, and it’s not at all clear that the Trump administration has enough of that to make this program work

. FDR hired capable pros—people with decades of experience in law, social policy, economics and other fields. Trump’s closest advisers are his son-in-law, who inherited a real estate company, and his daughter, who before entering public service operated a fashion line.

The men and women leading these initiatives were pros, though they didn’t always agree with one another. Interior Secretary Harold Ickes, a progressive Republican attorney from Illinois, was a veteran Chicago campaign manager with close ties to prominent social reformers and experience running relief projects in Europe.

The same spirit of professionalism pervaded other New Deal departments and agencies.

In short, it was the most impressive collection of experts, bureaucrats and operators that had ever staffed a single presidential administration, and it established the basis for a wartime and post-war tradition that saw the best and brightest minds of both political parties, from across the ideological spectrum, gravitate to government for at least a portion of their careers.The Depression, which had been building for several years, had spiraled out of control.


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Apparently, the experts wear blue.

First, the stimulus is a corporate bailout. The checks for workers are just an advance on future tax turns. Trump has created such an economic mess. It will take generations to resolve.

We'll need someone to oversee the Caulk and Solar Panel expenditures

At a time when we need the best & the brightest, we have the supreme self-confidence of the willfully ignorant & incompetent.

A massive impossibility is of course a massive failure. No one can go ahead with such a stubborn wall of massive nasty mass media losers in front full of hatreds and sabotage. But Trump can. Just look at how such losers wage the new waves of attacks as all previous ones did fail.

'Massive stimulus packages require expertise, professionalism and skill to execute, and it’s not at all clear that the Trump administration has enough of that to make this program work' -- Do they have any at all?

His incompetence has no limits just look at Jarred working at the WH that boy can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.our stock pile give a fucking break.


It took the Obama administration 4 months to get their stimulus out, I’m willing to bet Trump administration beats this by 3 months if not more


What is entirely clear is your penchant to inject political bias into every story regarding Trump. Obviously truth is not your goal, it is your victim.

Trump has bankrupted everything he’s touched for years. And if you support him and think I’m a lift idiot. Fine but go do some homework and educate yourself on Trump history. You just may change your perspective.

I would just remind everybody of all the problems and broken promises during the financial crisis...banks didn’t really want to help with loans or mortgage assistance...they talked a good game but did little...

The actual truth is that they don't how to make the government work for the people.

After watching the total disaster of the handling of Hurricane Maria, the California fires, the separations of families at the border, why would we think the Trump administration would do this right?

Plan out it being a shit show. If it isn’t, the media will say he’s so presidential and knew he could do it.

The last things the Trump regime will ever use are expertise, professionalism and skill. It never allows those to interfere with its corruption, profiteering, and its mission to weaken the USA in every way possible.

Kinda like shovel ready program.....or the affordable care act? That website was seamless!

They don't - end of.

You mean shovel ready jobs like Obama promised.

We could use your voice the gov says we aren’t good enough for business relief. WeAreHumansToo they are trying to dehumanize us. We will fight the politicians who’ve excluded our stripclub from getting help.

Oh it’s clear - they don’t . They’re all utterly incompetent

Oh I couldn't agree with you more! I can almost guarantee that some of this money is going into pockets where it doesn't belong on the disguise of COVID-19.

Politico negative false propaganda. Shame on fake Politico.

PamFromPHMI Because the $800bil stimulus package was an example of excellence. We still don’t know where that money went! Only thing a gov does good is kill people.

I am ashamed and disappointed by our government. What the hell have leaders been doing all these years? Why is this such a cluster?! Im terrified and ashamed by my government.

True - cause trump wants to oversee the entire program, or delegate to don jr or Eric....

😂, now that’s not for him..., if it was, boy would he be an expert!!

“It’s not at all clear” — LOL Politico.

They just look like a bunch of dufusses. They are smart enough to allocate it all to their best friends and take some referral fees for themselves.

Oh it is very clear they don't.

I think meant to say they think it requires lifetime career Establishment bureaucrats.

I. Love. This. Visual. 👍🏾

And who does? Obama administration? You? stopthepolitics

Yeah, like you douche bags would know ........

You have got to be kidding with this.

What for it's all going to their pockets screw the worker,losing job,no food

Couldn't any worse than Pres Obama's shovel ready projects.

Trump Administration is a massive fail!

RIP america

Maybe the folks that did such a great job with Obama care? Cash for clunkers? Wall Street bailout?



So your are accusing the Administrative State also known as DeepState of incompetence? The Executive orders the bureaucrats to implement his/hers orders, it is up to the DeepState to take action

This isn't a stimulus program. The plan to leverage existing SBA infrastructure for example is really smart and will expedite money getting to businesses that need it.

The see the “stimulus” goal is to give money to friends and businesses that will support reelection instead of the goal to actually help people.

He's a loser

Trump all talk no action.

Spending like a “drunken sailor” theory. Don’t ask them why. They have no clue. Apologies to all sailors. 😀

It is going to be a massive transfer of wealth to the rich and average Americans will get screwed over again. They care about the rich and the rich have access. There is no coherent plan and it’s being over scene by corrupt people.

No but he has the skills to reward those that kiss his ass

Can't be any worse than Obama stimulus!

Yes..because nobody can throw money at a problem like a democrat can.

Not that the Trump administration cares. This stimulus package is all about Trump helping Trump's business and his cronies. There isn't any indication that the stimulus will be useful to the public at large. Otherwise pymt would be directed at companies to keep people employed

Not clear? This crew lacks the professionalism to effectively execute putting another layer of blacktop on a quarter mile of a rural backroad.

He wouldn’t know and who would know?

That’s hilarious! “Expertise, professionalism and skill” in the Trump administration... funniest headline all day!

Actually it’s clear the trump clown administration has ZERO experise in ANYTHING.

I'm gonna spend my stimulus check on very cheap hookers anyway. This is not rocket surgery.

Hahahaha This is a perfect example of stupidity! 😂 Read what you wrote again.. 😂

Any finer a point and the tweet would have pierced my phone's screen. Wisdom

Just watch and learn Politico.

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