Why pediatricians are pushing for kids to go back to school in the fall

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'There's no question school is important for children -- not just for education purposes, but for their development, for their mental health, for nutrition and even for health care.'

WATCH: Social distancing isn’t just about you. It’s about making sure everyone around you stays healthy, tooABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton explains how you can protect yourself by keeping your distance from others.

Hand sanitizer is used by students as per coronavirus guidelines, during summer school sessions at Happy Day School in Monterey Park, Calif., July 9, 2020. But when it comes to older children, particularly teenagers, the limited evidence we have seems to point to the fact that they are more capable of spreading the virus. Scientists are still working to understand how and why people of different age groups seem to have different capacities to spread the virus.

There are scenarios that should be considered individually, such as when children live with their grandparents, who are more likely to die if they become exposed to the virus, Frieden said at a teleconference briefing earlier this week.


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The children can go to online school it's no big deal until this covid-19 gets under control fully. I see no point in rushing. Is the children are homeschooled online school that is there's a very little chance they will be bullied. Plus no more school shootings. This is a A++.

Finally something positive being reported!!! Thank you! If everyone would just be careful not stupid we can get through this.

A lot of talk about the importance of school for kids, parents and the economy. Any thought about how to keep teachers and their families safe?

This was written by a psychiatrist. I’d rather have an article by an infectious disease doctor 🙄

'some' pediatricians! Nice way to make it seem like all are saying this when it is only a few.......

Sad state of affairs for a country when school is safer than home. When parents can't afford to feed their kids 24/7/365. When teachers have to intervene to protect a child's physical and mental well- being. Pay teachers and parents more.

Government took this approach and ABC News wasn’t willing to show the connection between AAP and the president’s decision. I read this story days ago. It’s old news.

They want the business.

Guess American teachers already risk their lives just by showing up in the classroom each day....why should teaching during a pandemic be any different?

What the fu*** is wrong with America, are you in some sort of trance? Do not push kids back to school now, it will be disastrous. How many stupid mistakes do you have to make? Devos and Trump scare you, is that it?

It’s not the paeds but our President is insisting that children go back to school, anyone supporting this idea are tyrant, cruel people or their own children are home schooling or they don’t have any child.

...and FYI, countless home schooled children have done well for decades. And it's not like schools have been doing a fantastic job, either. Think outside the box (literally, the box).

All of their points have merit - in a world without a pandemic. And all of it pales in comparison to potentially lifelong health damage that may be yet undiscovered, death of themselves or their parents, exponential spread of the virus from asymptomatic young carriers...

We have 1% positivity in the state of NY. Why? Because 😷 work. Let families have the choice

What about the teachers and family members that these students will be around?

The American Academy of Pediatrics actually dialed back on this. Please give us current news.

That’s bullshit!

What a horribly incorrect, misleading headline! It’s revolting that you choose this misleading headline just to drive views. What s disservice to your reading public!!

Cuz they ain’t got no babysitters either!!!!

They are?

I believe the children should go back to school and that high risk individuals should be protected.

Why are pediatricians so keen upon sending kids back to school? Do they not care about the adults who will get sick. Who is going to be there teach when all the adults are gone?


Job security of course !!

Are they really ? I doubt it !

Covid was in nearly two hundred other countries...you’re telling me they’re all going back to school and back to normal life, yet the US can’t because everyone’s sooo “scared”. If everyone’s doing something, and you’re the only one not, typically there’s something not quite right

I hate how children's health and well-being is becoming political.

So they’re not leaving it up to the parents about their own children they’re trying to force and bully parents into sending their kids back to school for the benefit of the child which is such bull

Trump loving Pediatricians you mean, there’s a difference.

Pfffft ✊🏻👌🏻✊🏻

Sounds like All Bout Clinton News

This is not current or accurate. The APA backed off of their position.

Riddle me this... High-school students typically have from 5 to 7 teaches during the day. And classrooms. When 0ne or more of them test positive do we quarantine 7 classes and 7 teachers for 14 days? What happens when 5 of them test positive? Completely unsustainable.

Whats a childs life realy worth

Hey abcnews, stop with your lying headlines! Pediatricians are NOT pushing for kids to go back to school.

I don't see where you get your information our pediatrician told me today that I would be very responsible to send kids into crowded classrooms.

They aren't in Texas

Narrator; they’re not.

What kind of article is this. ABC. Get on the ball.

Because marxist democrats has turned inner cities into state raised communist kids relaying on terrible public school system of babysitters not teachers.

🌎 💚💚💚 💙💙💙 God bless you 👍 Thank you 👍 💚💚💚 💙💙💙

Did Trump threaten to pull their licenses if they didn't?

Because pediatricians are not used to treating the parents and grandparents, or the teachers, cafeteria workers, and custodian staff at the schools.

Because we have a natural immune system as humans. It’s common sense, which communists don’t have .

So they can see more kids as their practice are dying.

Wanna make me go back to school? Hell no. I'm not going down without a fight.

Cynic in me says because kids in school equal sickness which equals copays for them.

Because they need more customers? (I didn't read the article. Did I guess right?)

If they don’t go back until early 2021 - a year off - how many kids will come to believe school is actually needed when they’re off for so long? How many more dropouts will there be among teenagers who have by then reached an age when they can dropout?

They are not.

Slap a mask on your infected exports problem or go bankrupt. Your choice. 🇺🇸

abc this is a terrible headline! You have run this multi times and it is utterly misleading. DoBetter

After seeing what libs are doing to gov schools, I'm home-schooling mine from now on. They've been home-schooled since the lockdown and will not be indoctrinated by American hating millennials.

Pediatricians “kids should go back” Left: Yay, doctors Trump Admin “kids should go back” Left: Trump hates kids and wants to kill them media

Apparently AAP changed their mind.

Dumbest article ever If grandma and grandpa are snuffed out by the virus these kids will be crying. COVID19

Yah cause thier Owen children are driving them up the wall because children are very energetic in mind body spirit the children need postive stimulation and need to be wit other children thier Owen age it impossible to be the age of 5 or 6 or on and on at and older age as parent

Because falling behind in learning will affect them the rest of their lives.

I reported this

They aren't

THEY AREN'T. fire whoever the hell wrote and approved that headline.

Jingle to promote opening schools. “1-877 Sars for kids - S.A.R.S. Sars for kids, I-877 Sars for kids, Pickup your virus 🦠 today!”

Because the ones that were asked were magats and could care less. Or stupid and watching fox.

I wonder what the effects on kids’ mental health is when they get into fist fights over masks.

DoctoraEdith your kids first to public school for 2 months then I’ll decide

They’re not “Science should drive decision-making on safely reopening schools. Public health agencies must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics,”

because pediatricians make money off sick children?

How much MONEY does billionaire sister of dark-hearted mercenary ErikPrince think Feds should give each already-underfunded school, to be ABLE to reopen with needed pandemic protocols? Don't think of it as a giveaway to schools, but protection for surrounding GOPs. BetsyDeVosED

Are there actually people who are saying kids should not go back to school in the fall?!? I'd imagine the venn diagram of those people and flat earthers is simply a circle.

So, isn't the overuse of alcohol based hand sanitizers one of the reasons that kids become less able to fight off bacteria and infection? Wasn't this pretty common knowledge even before the Wuhan Flu?

You can't view this one aspect of the big picture in a vacuum though. Kids will efficiently spread the disease to their parents and other adults. What is the long term psychological impact to kids that inadvertently infect mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa leading to their death?

This should be the headline: 'It is neither good policy nor good politics to recklessly push for reopening of states or schools on an accelerated, dangerous timeline that will result in many thousands of new infections and eventual deaths.'

Don't follow the science!

Children getting sick + spreading virus to Teachers, others students, administrators, parents, grand parent, neighbors etc.. small rural school maybe - very controlled environment. Any mid to large schools with crowded conditions, too much risk.

I'll do it when they start seeing people without a face mask and untested. Oh they don't wanna risk it? Well I'm not risking my kids then.

That’s great...until you’re in charge of figuring out and solving all the problems and until you consider student and teacher lives. Society needs to accept and adjust so we can fill the gap as well as possible.

Several education and teacher groups have been saying that online/distance learning is leading to a larger 'summer slide' than expected, especially those with special needs or in troubled homes. Staying out of school longer could lead to increased social and financial problems.

And how many orphans or 1 parent families do they want as a result of sending them back too soon?

If kids get sick Pediatricians has to treat them which means more money in their pocket. You should preserve life before profit. Kids are resilient kids will emerge from this. The disease of adults using kids for their own personal gain is a disease that we need to treat.

Let's laugh

No one is denying that. But, in front of a contagious disease we have to choose our priorities carefully.

TrumpGate Since he was impeached nothing has changed with the most corrupt president in our history. Please retweet and follow us!

A deranged competition of publicly picking winners and losers with letter graded, sports, rigged tests, and corporate capitalist favoritism! This is Public Education in America. What is to be proud of?

Wait, Doctors?! Now that'll be hard for the Party of Science and Medicine to reject, because it agrees with Trump! The party of science and reason loves science....until it disagrees with them (all the time)

Maybe we should have a better social safety net than...schools.

Want them back too, but huge considerations that aren’t getting addressed. As one example, many more children than one would expect have health issues that make them higher risk. Law req that ALL students are served, per their needs. How to give equal ed for those kids?

Then send the 1/2 class one day let parents go to work, then send the other 1/2 class another day and let 1 parent stay at home while the child is not at school. figure it out! Be Flexible! Otherwise you will have a pandemic in your hospitals. Let the kids socialize

MollyBeck TobogganJ

So questionable, paediatricians pushing for kids to go to school meanwhile the infection surge is threatening lives 🤔

If you read the whole article it’s actually when and where schools should reopen ... definitely not in places like South Florida for example...

Show the list of these doctors

Because sick kids equals dollar bills

Alternate solutions can be found for most or all the concerns raised by pediatricians other than public schools and keep children educated, safer as well as educators , school staff,friends and family safer using alternate methods.

They need them sick to charge the insurances

... so they can get more patients...

The incidence of coronavirus in children is low. But there is a risk that the child will bring the coronavirus home. There are also cases in which children became more severe.

What!?! Does anyone know what school is actually for Did everyone take crazy pills It’s not any of the reasons they listed.

They make money off of getting the most patients into their offices. So, if more children get COVID, that means more money for pediatricians.

Cuz they’re losing business. No kids in filthy school/daycare....no patients for them to Price gouge 🤷🏻‍♂️

Turns out some pediatricians are idiots....

Because kids need school and shit!!! Not even gonna read the article

Bc they’re not making any money 😂😂😂 kids are staying home so they’re not getting sick as often. No sick kids. No doctor visits. It’s codependency.

The kids may be ok but they bring that sickness home and kills their parents and other people they contact maybe even the teachers themselves

Dr Fauci: 'We don't really know, exactly, what the efficiency of spread is' among children. The NIH, Fauci mentioned, is currently studying 2,000 families to understand the rate of infection for children and 'how often they infect their families.'

I can not find hand sanitizer and wipes even now in July. Is the president going to use the DPA to get all the supplies the hospitals and schools need. I think not, he has not done it yet. He delights in people suffering, he’s a narc. We are on our own.

Major League Baseaball players will be tested every other day. My son & his teachers will never have that option.

Look at Quebec, Italy or France. They all opened up their schools after their new cases, hospitalization and death rates had reduced. They all had to close their schools because community infections increased. America's rates are off the charts! How can THAT be safe?

The problems they are worried about won’t be solved by sending children to school. It’s just a band aid so no one has to deal with those actual problems.

I was forced to wear masks around students, before Covid, because parents, irresponsibly, sent their children to school knowing they were sick. & I'm livid that it took a pandemic for over crowded classrooms to be assessed by institutions. beyondpissed

Wont be mine period.

I totally call BULLSHIT on this.

No. Bad idea.

I don't know who you're talking to but the 4 pediatricians I know are advising homeschooling for the rest of 2020.

African school 2020

I get the benefit to the students, it in every classroom there is a person called a “teacher” who has to be considered in this equation.

Dead 💀 kids cannot learn anything.


Herd immunity. Gon backfire on their ass tho ✊🏻👌🏻✊🏻

No!! We aren’t done destroying our country!! We must extend all shutdowns till after the election because it’s our only chance to win because we can blame Trump!!

Oh wow, so they want money i guess..

Has this pediatrician group also said this about home schooled kids? wearadamnmask

They are not, they say if the virus is managed. It isn’t anymore. You will kill your children.

Children interact with children and even though Teachers are mentors children motivate each other which is the learning process for growth, if the early permission spikes children the parents will suffer more but your Call

right. and heck let's do it in about three weeks with no funding and no real plan. just insane. how many children will die because of this? nuts.

Because a pediatrician's objective is to weigh the emotional risks and the health risks for CHILDREN. That is their job. Public health officials have to weigh the risks for the entire American population. They have different objectives.

It sounds like there is serious concern among pediatric professionals that some kids are not safe at home with their own parents. They know that coming out with those kinds of statements will cause a huge uproar, so it's easier for them to say 'school is a better place for kids'.

So they can make money from dead children.

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