Why Florida’s Ron DeSantis suspended an elected state attorney

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An elected prosecutor in Florida said he wouldn't enforce abortion bans, so Republican Gov. DeSantis replaced the state attorney with someone else. - MaddowBlog

" restrictions on reproductive rights.

What does that mean in practical terms? No one seems to have any idea, and DeSantis — facing a re-election campaign in a state with the nation’s third-highest abortion rate — hasBut in politics, actions often speak louder than words, and today, the GOP governor went after a Florida prosecutor who won’t prosecute abortion cases the way Republicans want. The HillFlorida Gov.

“Not enforcing the law, that’s a neglect of duty,” the governor argued at a press conference this morning. “That, quite frankly, is incompetence by Florida law. Saying you’re not going to enforce the law is a dereliction of duty.” DeSantis further accused Warren of “flagrantly” violating his oath of office.Warren was first elected by Hillsborough County voters in 2016, and has been re-elected since.


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MaddowBlog Good. And take note. After November, many more woke left wing Soros ass kissers that pick & choose the laws they want to follow & enforce will also be replaced across this great nation of ours. America First.

MaddowBlog Actually, the governor was well within his right to do so. The Fla. SC has stated that blanket refusals to enforce one or more laws in the State of Florida do not constitute prosecutorial discretion. Governor DeSantis, as the chief exec officer, was exactly right!


MaddowBlog Yet another example of GOP government overreach. Our freedoms are being eroded.

MaddowBlog Great news! Wait. This is news! Usually all post activism

MaddowBlog Trump2 kick him out of office

MaddowBlog The bad guy here is the one not enforcing the law.

MaddowBlog The man signed the paper Before the overturn of Roe v Wade. Desantis removed him because he likes being an authoritarian.

MaddowBlog He is listening to the people of Florida and reacting to there wants. If your not with the people then you should be replaced ?

MaddowBlog He is replacing a criminal with a good guy

MaddowBlog You have to have a DA that will up hold the law even if they don't agree with it other wise we won't have any laws.


MaddowBlog Well don’t do your job and get replaced. Shocking. Film at 11.

MaddowBlog Right on DeSantis !!!👏👏👏👏

MaddowBlog Under Florida’s constitution, the Governor CAN suspend a prosecutor for several reasons, but the Senate can either reinstate him or terminate him……….he’s gone!

MaddowBlog Floridians deserve better than DeSantis!

MaddowBlog You never do tell the whole story. That’s why your ratings suck. You only tell what fits your narrative and We the People are sick of it.

MaddowBlog He needs as many puppets he can get.

MaddowBlog Good for DeSantis. These rouge prosecutors took an oath to enforce the laws and protect the people. If the prosecutor neglects his/her job then he/she needs to be replaced. This anti-America crap has to stop.

MaddowBlog DeSantis believes he has an obsessive pursuit of Power and Dictator... My way My way My way.

MaddowBlog Good

MaddowBlog He Needs To Be Sued !!

MaddowBlog DeSantis another MAGA Maggot that legalized rape and incest.

MaddowBlog Not presidential material more of a thug!

MaddowBlog Awesome! Moving to Florida from California (the pit of hell).

MaddowBlog Phony

MaddowBlog GOPs = nazis


MaddowBlog Prosecutors are supposed to follow the law.

MaddowBlog He has the right to do that, I love when Democrats state democracy is in jeopardy but yet get upset when democracy works against their special interest can't have it both ways.

MaddowBlog Because it went to the States to decide. Strong work Governor!

MaddowBlog Vote Democrats out. POTUS JoeBiden VP KamalaHarris are killing middle class, increasing inflation, increasing gas⛽️ prices, focused on climate change not people, increasing debt, causing chaos overseas, open illegal immigration. No walk. Vote them out.

MaddowBlog Well at least he didn't have him executed by a firing squad in a public. Sounds like he may be softening a little bit.

MaddowBlog It’s absolutely amazing how the failed the Biden administration and the Democrats are doing and MSNBC never said a word.


MaddowBlog He said he wouldn’t enforce other laws too stevebenen. Propagandist

MaddowBlog An open-and-shut case of wrongful termination. Pretty stupid even for DeSantis.

MaddowBlog Micro penis 🚨

MaddowBlog Corrupt attorney general's who shit on their oaths of duty should be prosecuted


MaddowBlog Typical Leftarded Authoritarians who think they control the Law

MaddowBlog Floridians deserve better than DeSantis!

MaddowBlog 'Relax...Nothing's Under Control!'

MaddowBlog The Law is blind or it is not the law.

MaddowBlog Good, prosecutors are to follow the law. No matter if they like em or not.

MaddowBlog Has Gov. DeSantis successfully intermixed church with state? Is Gov. DeSantis a false, arrogant, ungodly, greedy, covetous teacher who scoffs at the thought of future judgement?


MaddowBlog Perfectly within his right as Governor

MaddowBlog Is Gov. DeSantis showing the world his true evil, racist, fascists colors? Peter writes to warn the believers about the false teachers who are peddling damaging doctrine. (The Second Epistle of Peter)

MaddowBlog Because Deathsantis is evil for all Floridans He hates Florida and is punishing us for something, I guess!

MaddowBlog DeSantis is a true leader.

MaddowBlog WTW


MaddowBlog If you say you won't follow the law then maybe you shouldn't be a judge?

MaddowBlog He has no authority to do that!


MaddowBlog Dictator DeSantis must resign for overturning the will of the People who elected this DA.

MaddowBlog How about talking about something all Americans care about? Democrats Vote To Raise Americans’ Gas Prices Even As Gas Prices Remain Over $4 Per Gallon, Democrats Voted For A Tax On Oil Companies That Will Be Passed Along To Americans Every Time They Fill Up At A Gas Station

MaddowBlog Does Desantis actually have the legal authority to do this?


MaddowBlog Another Trumpian type…

MaddowBlog Its my way or hit the highway kind of leadership with him. One can only pray for Devine intervention.

MaddowBlog Wow. That's pretty much the only thing I can say.

MaddowBlog He’s following trump’s playbook 🤨

MaddowBlog He was voted in by the people and had not done anything yet. No crime. Desantis has no justification


MaddowBlog His policy? If you are of child bearing age, then leave Florida.

MaddowBlog Andrew Warren shld run for Governor.

MaddowBlog Every prosecutor has the duty to enforce the rules of Law. Do your fucking job!

MaddowBlog The people in this thread asking if it's legal to fire someone not following the laws they took an oath to enforce. 🤡

MaddowBlog DeSantis is becoming more and more Hitlerite, vote him out this November 🙏

MaddowBlog Good

MaddowBlog a bully governor now if given a chance in D.C., a blossoming monster easily leaning radical righteousness

MaddowBlog Hitler carried out these schemes too. When some wouldn't ascend to his orders?

MaddowBlog Nazi

MaddowBlog Just because democrat states allow their attorneys to cause mayhem in the streets doesn’t mean Florida has to follow

MaddowBlog “Small government”

MaddowBlog Republican power grab. Removing an elected official because Republicans love to cancel anyone they don’t agree with. The party is scary with their thirst for power

MaddowBlog Every state deserves a Ron Deathsantis 👏👏👏👏

MaddowBlog is that legal?

MaddowBlog A dictator in the making he just fires them and hires the ones who will do his bidding

MaddowBlog Good for DeSantis! Called BALLS!

MaddowBlog Dictator in training---

MaddowBlog hateful man,,imagine the harm he will do if he becomes president! worse than trump who was too lazy to pass most of his lousy promises.

MaddowBlog Good!! Someone is doing their job.

MaddowBlog Dictator DeSantis NEEDS TO GO

MaddowBlog Good job Ron!

MaddowBlog He should not have been allowed to do that.

MaddowBlog There's no such law in effect in Floridastad at the moment... Gov DeSatin is punishing people for thinking and speaking and reasoning. So much for free speech in 'free florida.'

MaddowBlog Entirely justified and done within Florida law.

MaddowBlog A duly elected one no less. Unaware that Florida is now being threated like the personal fiefdom of an autocrat. Sue the pants off of DeSantis and publically humiliate him then perhaps these things will stop.


MaddowBlog tRump lite🙄

MaddowBlog Authority with impunity. His followers love that.

MaddowBlog I guess he should go practice law somewhere eles... or learn to code.

MaddowBlog How do you suspend an elected official?

MaddowBlog Long live Rhonda Santis, Queen Tyrannt!!!


MaddowBlog Funny I don’t recall Florida having an abortion bad 😉 good try though

MaddowBlog Is this legal? Why doesn't the will of the voters not matter anymore?

MaddowBlog The party of small government sure seems big on punishing anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

MaddowBlog What puts this mans views above the will of the people who voted this person into his position. I can only think of one word and that is, a dictator.

MaddowBlog If a democrat governor did this you’d be supporting and stating reasons as why and how they can. You don’t get it yet your joust nazi liberal propaganda

MaddowBlog Another very sad day for women!!!

MaddowBlog If you are hired to enforce then you enforce or get replaced.Can you imagine our country if we selected which laws to enforce.Drugs, sex trafficking, murder, child abuse,abortion,insider trading, ballot stuffing pick one or more not to enforce.Once to start ignoring were to stop

MaddowBlog Ruthless Tyrants know how to get what they want. Maybe DeSantis is ' human ' on the inside .

MaddowBlog Fascism

MaddowBlog person says he won’t do job he was elected to do so he gets replaced this isn’t rocket science or some fascist takeover lmao

MaddowBlog It turns out you can't openly say you refuse to do your job. Sorry George Soros

MaddowBlog Notice to all Americans this totalitarian is actively working to end democracy and instill an autocratic theocracy. We will stop him in his tracks. Voters decide NOT GOVERNORS! FlipFLBlue VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

MaddowBlog Keep your lies going FakeNews. Only stupid people will fall for this type of disinformation. That's how you've always operated. Give. DeSantis just like Trump isn't going to back down.

MaddowBlog Everything about America is wrong to Republicans since MAGA. From accountability, elections, constitution, rule of law, law enforcement, climate change, NATO, Ukrainian support, multi-racial country anti-white nationalism to women’s rights and democrats hate America. Go figure!

MaddowBlog WARNING, WARNING: if you vote for a MAGA candidate, you are voting to end your enfranchisement. Here is an example where a MAGA Republican didn't agree with the way an elected official was interpreting the law so he fired the ELECTED official, replacing the person with a toadie.

MaddowBlog If your not going to do your job then you get fired. Simple enough for you to understand?

MaddowBlog Wanna be Dictators do that.

MaddowBlog It sounds illegal Desantis needs to be confronted

MaddowBlog 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

MaddowBlog Awesome 👏 news....thanks again Ron DeSantis

MaddowBlog 🤬🤬🤬

MaddowBlog This is a dangerous man.

MaddowBlog Vote Ron DeSantis out of office ASAP

MaddowBlog HEY, AndrewWarrenFL! When are you filing suit against RonDeSantisFL for his attempt to OVERRULE the will of the VOTERS? ⚖️⚖️⚖️ VRA VOTE for NikkiFried like your LIVES & DEMOCRACY depend on it, Florida— because they DO! 🇺🇸🗳🇺🇸

MaddowBlog So a person whose job is to enforce the the gets fired for not enforcing the law . Hmmm

MaddowBlog This is what a dictator does

MaddowBlog Can he do this and get away with it? I guess in Florida voting is now just for show, for pretend. RonDeFascist must be voted out in Nov. VoteBlueForFreedom VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

MaddowBlog GovRonDeSantis is the best governor in America.

MaddowBlog Why? Because he’s a fascist. And this is what fascists do. Just think of what he’ll be like with all that power should the presidential election be rigged in his favor.

MaddowBlog “The elected governor used his authority under the state constitution to replace a prosecutor who refused to enforce laws passed by the elected legislature. Refusal to enforce the law is considered dereliction of duty.” The prosecutor was literally undermining democracy.

MaddowBlog He said this before the Dobbs decision was handed down and Roe was precedent

MaddowBlog Nice spin. The prosecutor is as bad as Kim Foxx in not doing his job. That's why he was suspended.

MaddowBlog Facist Dictator DeSantis Mussolini and his iron hand has gone to far this time. Warren should take him to Court. Sue this wannabe Dictator.

MaddowBlog Good. If you dislike the law either use jury nullification or campaign to change the law, don't rely on public officials.


MaddowBlog He's losing in the polls to Crist and he finished a distant 2nd at cpac. Not looking good there Ronnie

MaddowBlog A dictator wannabe

MaddowBlog keyword here--'elected'

MaddowBlog Heil

MaddowBlog This is so wrong. Time to boycott Florida people.

MaddowBlog Good

MaddowBlog Aren't people who refuse to do their jobs fired?

MaddowBlog That's normally what happens when you refuse to do your job... you new here?

MaddowBlog Talk about gas lighting! He did more than that. He failed to uphold the law & proudly & blatantly let dangerous criminals go free without procecution. IT WAS NOT about enforcing abortion laws. STOP LYING!!!

MaddowBlog Are enough of the constituents of Florida bothered or upset with these decisions and changes being made by Gov. DeSantis? People external to the state may not like his politics but many Floridians apparently like what he is doing.

MaddowBlog So much for government out of your lives. Don’t frel sorry Florida and what’s coming.

MaddowBlog Enforce the law 🤷🏻‍♂️

MaddowBlog DeSatan simply sucks. I pray he’s gone in November’s election.

MaddowBlog That is what the dem left do, make what is good bad and what is bad good, and twist, warp, distort and deflect. Can't people finally see and realize how evil they really are?

MaddowBlog Nazi state!

MaddowBlog DeSantis is a Blockhead!

MaddowBlog Good governor.


MaddowBlog He looks terribly ill...

MaddowBlog California is doing the same thing to the elected sheriff. Where is your article about that?

MaddowBlog Can we just call it Florussia?

MaddowBlog Guess what, state attorneys enforce the law, period. Legislators make law. If the State Attorney doesn't agree with a law, he can work to change it or simply find another job.

MaddowBlog Best Governor ever!!

MaddowBlog This is what conservatives want. They want to people who will use Authoritarian tactics to get what they want.

MaddowBlog 'The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.' Bertram Russell

MaddowBlog Seems reasonable.

MaddowBlog Is that legal, an inquiring mind would like to know!

MaddowBlog That’s how it works. Prosecutors enforce the laws on the book. They don’t get to decide if they want to enforce it. If I picked and chose the duties I’m expected to do by my employer, I’d get fired too. Grow up losers!

MaddowBlog Way to go, DeSantis! I love what your doing!

MaddowBlog Herr DeSantis

MaddowBlog DeSantis will make a great President after Trump leaves office in 2028 🇺🇸

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