Why children’s lives have changed radically in just a few decades

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The nature of childhood has changed radically in just a few decades. Our special report explains what this means for children, parents and society at large

a kid, we were out and about all the time, playing with our friends, in and out of each other’s houses, sandwich in pocket, making our own entertainment. Our parents hardly saw us from morning to night. We didn’t have much stuff, but we came and went as we liked and had lots of adventures.” This is roughly what you will hear if you ask anyone over 30 about their childhood in a rich country.

That is not surprising. Prosperous parents these days, especially in America, invest an unprecedented amount of time and money in their children to ensure that they will do at least as well as the parents themselves have done, and preferably better.

Even more important, the domestic environment for most children has changed profoundly. Families have become smaller, and women bear children far later than they did only a couple of generations ago. In the vast majority of rich countries the average number of children a woman will have is now well below the replacement level of 2.1. Households with just one child have become commonplace in Europe and the more prosperous parts of Asia, including China.

The first few years of a child’s life are now receiving more attention as new evidence has emerged about its vital importance in the development of the brain. James Heckman, a Nobel prize-winning American economist, has suggested that early investment in a range of measures from high-quality child care to support programmes for parents offers excellent returns, far better than remedial interventions later in life.


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Brainier? How so?

alllibertynews Young people thinking socialism is a good idea, negates any study your corrupt publication has done.

Let’s make them wiser too.

more time online.

Falta especificar ¿qué porcentaje?. A diferencia de mi generación -de padres y familiares presentes, amistades, parejas y matrimonios duraderos- no veo muchos chicos disfrutando de la felicidad que provee un HOGAR DURADERO.

Demais. Tivemos uma vida inimaginável pra estes dias. A liberdade ficou em mim, e ninguém pode tirar isso de nós.

Given the mess created by their parents and grand-parents, let's give the iPhone generation a chance to prove themselves.

Seriously? Our education system has been getting worse every year. Most don't even know American history or how many branches of government there are. (ask AOC)

More than half of millennials like socialism which means they are dead-brainier than any previous generation.

we've arrived ;)

Are you sure?

If they’re that brainy why didn’t they vote properly? Twats.

It certainly has, kids nowadays are, generally, nowhere near as tough and resilient as they generally used to be and all the worse for it.


In most rural Africa childhood hasn't changed significantly. Children still enjoy very natural environment with less restrictions compared to their folks residing in urban settings!

Love that picture, taken at Roden and Pakeman Streets in Islington, London. This is how it looks today.

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