Why Aren’t Astronomers Paying More Attention To UFOs?

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Even the ones hunting for aliens aren't excited. Here's the reason why.

The first video, which was taken from a US Navy training flight in 2004, clearly shows an unidentified aerial object, displaying a shape similar to a tic tac: an elongated capsule. It appears in the instrument’s sights in the videos above, lasting a little over a minute, until it speedily moves off to the left side just prior to the video’s end.

But second, the main object began to move relative to the screen, rotating about its axis. It’s clear that, whatever this is, it’s difficult to explain away. For one, the plane is clearly high above the clouds, which appear below the craft in the video.

Something extraordinary would include possibilities like new laws of nature, novel technologies that have never been seen before, aliens, or some sort of divine intervention. These lines of thought, however eager we are to pursue them, should only be considered if the null hypothesis can be ruled out.


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A lot of odd comments. It’s because their job is based on planetary interactions. Not UFOs. It’s like saying why a Vet doesn’t discuss cancer in the human body when they do about a dog.

The real question is… why are all the sighting videos always so freaking blurry? COME ON!!

Because UFOs are not extraterrestrial.


Because they are scientists...

Because the ufos are from the oceans not the sky. We’ve been looking the wrong way. Down to us is up to them.

I think it's because they are hard to reliably observe. I think it's unlikely to be aliens, we'd be so lucky! :-) More likely military or secret services gadgets and technology and some of these sightings are just things being tested.

They do, but they have found no intelligent life in them.

We are not alone.

UFO's are not aliens here's why. Mankind is so full of themselves, thinking that any creature that has the technology to travel from one galaxy to another would find us, who lack that technology, interesting. It would be as interesting as me watching an ape try to fly a rocket.

Pentagon is.

Because people like you put a picture of a stereotypical Sci-fi alien UFO as your thumbnail. You lose all credibility there.


Because they are fake or are just man made

Cause no astronomer ever reported a UFO/ UAP, and they kinda feel left out or stupid for not being able to spot them before muggles.😂😂 astronomy

Some pretty impressive tech that can lock on and track a flying duck. (probably why it ended up classified)

'Cause UFOs don't come from the sky but from the underground. There're some dimension tunnels in the earth. It's just my guess.

I saw one UFO ,they r harmless.

Because they don’t believe in them?

Because it is imposible to say any more dont exist. In mars every body watched an OVNY FEW DAYS AGO

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