Why an excess of democracy can lead to poor decisions

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In “10% Less Democracy”, garettjones approaches democracy as a production system whose output is governance, and examines how it can be tweaked to improve the product


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GarettJones Governance & Democracy Handbook democracy cdnfp undp governance

GarettJones The question is: why is Garett Jones thinking out loud? Why do we have to suffer these horrible articles?

GarettJones How much governance does the average individual need? Let's start there

GarettJones Ok Anakin...

GarettJones Democracy is ignorance, a crime against the future.

GarettJones This seems like an attempt to legitimize a fringe theory that may have corner case applications but is ultimately more destructive then constructive. The Western Countries with the best Domestic stats they have more Democracy then the US.

GarettJones Yawn, there's always someone who wants to give people an unequal amount of political power in their own governance because of 'intellectual superiority'. Throw the tyrant under a bus, democracy is legitimacy, you want people to make better choices, educate them better, fool.

GarettJones Lack of democracy has always lead to great decisions and anyone who disagrees can get in the mass grave with the rest of em/

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