White House pitches Biden's Covid bill as bipartisan — without GOP votes

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Biden has been selling his $1.9T Covid-19 package as bipartisan. But that message crashed into a hard reality Saturday when the House passed the bill — without a single Republican vote. - sahilkapur

shows no sign of materializing. and his agenda is likely to face the kind of full-fledged partisan opposition that bedeviled Barack Obama as president.

But those pleas haven't moved Republican lawmakers. His task is complicated by the fact that large numbers of Republican voters falsely say he lost the 2020 election and, according to a recent Pew Research Center poll, want their leaders to“That's kind of an interesting approach to it,” former Senate Republican budget staffer Bill Hoagland said.


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sahilkapur trump and mccconnell is telling the republicans what to do. Surprise?

sahilkapur It is bipartisan with the people.

sahilkapur I don't think we need more proof, the government officials/politicians/leaders of this nation are 100% divided. What a shame. 🙄😤

sahilkapur He's not talking about the house, he's talking about the people that sent them there.

sahilkapur 60 percent of republican voters support it. GOP is voting against their own constituents to obstruct Biden.

sahilkapur It’s not his fault Republicans suck

sahilkapur Great to see the Republicans were totally irreverent in passing the legislation. Not one of them voted on behalf of the good of their electorate only on their foolish party line. They lose! the people are watching. 😂🤣😂

sahilkapur It was passed and that's OK. GOPs are unnecessary and unimportant anymore.

sahilkapur It doesn’t seem like too many people understand that there’s no such thing as ‘government funding’. It’s all taxpayer funding, and the government is just spending it. That $1.9T is coming out of our pockets and 91% ain’t coming back...


sahilkapur Time wasted trying to befriend the enemy

sahilkapur imagine that 🤡 The republicans are not interested in bipartisanship at all. they haven’t been in a LONG time. They care about “winning” and keeping the support of the far right extremist groups. brokensystem

sahilkapur 75% of Americans support it. Republicans don’t represent the majority

sahilkapur The Democrats have learned they must put the people first

sahilkapur HEY! Wait a dog-gone minute! This is a bunch of malarkey! Joe promised to reach across the idle and sing Kumbaya with the nazi wannabe's!

Such a misleading narrative. Pres. JoeBiden's $1.9T Covid-19 package as proposed was bipartisan. House Repubs choose not to support it strictly for political purposes. Sen Mitt Romney made this clear in a recent radio interview.

sahilkapur Those selfish live in a gilded cage narcissist bastards will never give a typical Joe/Jane a break...they like suffering.

sahilkapur And now we are in such debt. Bunch of fools in office. Destroying America..

sahilkapur Not sure why he was calling it bipartisan. Who DIDN'T know that the vote was going to fall along party lines. Probably not much different in the Senate.

sahilkapur Stop the crap reporting! Republicans will block and obstruct every Biden does - don't blame him for it! This is all the damn bipartisanship you should need, if your actually reporters and not just GOP talking point pushers,

sahilkapur It is bipartisan within the general population. It's just not in Congress.

sahilkapur 😞

sahilkapur Yes but 60% of Republican voters approve of it. That’s bipartisan .

sahilkapur All because the wealthy wants the poor to keep working two jobs to pay bills. They think $15.00 an hour would dip into their pockets!

sahilkapur Its bipartisan in the country. Republicans are only concerned with themselves

sahilkapur F*ck 'em.....

sahilkapur Well, how many actual people who are Republicans are in support of the package?

sahilkapur Biden meant what he promised ...good.

sahilkapur Wrong 70% of EVERYONE Dems and republicans all around the country are with this. It’s just the republicans in congress who aren’t part of the unity and since they are insurrectionists who cares what they want.

sahilkapur Disappointed that Republicans don’t want to financially help Americans in need and small businesses; assist schools and COVID distribution. What do Republicans want then? VOTE BLUE in ‘22

sahilkapur It has bipartisan support among governors, mayors and Republicans. Who cares about QOP congresspeople.

sahilkapur The GOP are too full of themselves to want to have ANYTHING bipartisan. I say get what you want done with or without them. They are too busy at CPAC trying recruit more white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.

sahilkapur Yet 75% of the country is in favor of passing this bill. We have many members of Congress who are refusing to represent their constituents on this legislation.

sahilkapur Congress makes $3,340 PER WEEK and think $2,000 per month of our tax money is too much to spend on us during a once in a lifetime pandemic. Please explain....

sahilkapur R’s don’t want “bipartisan”. Involvement. Obama tried that twice +.. with healthcare and immigration and he didn’t even need it.. over a year Dems “waited” for ideas/support from the R’s, but they refused and purposely delayed knowing they always intended to reject “everything”

sahilkapur Bipartisan meaning the majority of GOP and TheDemocrats voters approve. The Congress critters don’t count. Unity

sahilkapur President JoeBiden is going to have to drop the fantasy of unity with the Seditionist Party- they’re for real. They truly are Anti/Un-American RepublicansAreTheProblem

sahilkapur It tells this Administration it must work without that group at all cost.

sahilkapur Biden's administration is trying to convince everyone that the bipartisan part is the people in this country - both repubs and 'crats want this bill - repubs in Senate & House do not.

sahilkapur Very wonderful lesson from world's number one democracy to recruits on the democratic bandwagon. The party that is clearly anti-people has an unshakable 'base!'

sahilkapur No surprise there! All those Trumpublicans are covering their collective a$$e$ just in case A$$ number One makes a comeback. They care only for themselves, don't give a damn about the COUNTRY!

sahilkapur Appreciate Trump is gone. Leave Biden alone, for Christ’s sake.

sahilkapur Crappy bill

sahilkapur Only ,care about the corporations ,an there own pocket!

sahilkapur As a news agency, why aren’t you outlining the parts of the Bill to see why Republicans didn’t vote for it! Do your job!

sahilkapur Alt headline overwhelming public support

sahilkapur who wants to be a politician?

sahilkapur He doesn’t need the Repub Senate’s approval,it’s not a contest!He seeks and has the approval of 60+ percent of the Repub voters along with 90 percent of Demo and Independents voters!The relief is for the American people not the Senate! Repubs think money and Demos think lives!

sahilkapur So we are supposed to feel bad - he offered, they refused. They’re more interested in perpetuating their anointed fuhrer, Trump! The man who pushed through $1.9trillion in 2017 to give massive tax cuts to the wealthy 1%

sahilkapur PUSH THIS BILL OUT! It'll never be bipartisan.

sahilkapur The bipartisan part has to be the Republican mayors and governors and constituents like it.

sahilkapur He’s referring to bipartisan support among Americans - not republicans in Congress who clearly don’t care about struggling Americans

sahilkapur Despite not getting a single republican vote, all of their constituents will still benefit from the COVID-19 relief bill and it's far reaching measures after it passes through Congress.

sahilkapur Well, we can just say that the Democrats care about the starving Americans and those who no longer have housing. If the Repubs don’t want to help so be it, I guess! What else to say? Are they jerks or what?

sahilkapur Democrat and republican voters unanimously agree on the passage of this bill. Republicans in Congress voted to give millionaires and billionaires $2 trillion in tax cuts for people that don’t need them, but for those in need, $2 trillion in much needed aid is too much.

sahilkapur Although majority of Americans support it ...

sahilkapur So republicans don’t want their constituents to have help during this worldwide crisis. I would rethink their re-election when the time comes.

sahilkapur Because the SeditionCaucus does not care about governing. They don’t care about the citizens of this county. They are there to destroy the government, enrich themselves, and install a new government which oppresses the majority. They must be defeated. GOPCowards

sahilkapur Lie lie lie, that how old Joe got elected.

sahilkapur Actually-the plan does have bipartisan support from Americans-just not Senate republicans.

sahilkapur Bipartisanship is why the Democrats always apear to lose it leaves them a scapegoat for why they just can't do what we want.

sahilkapur The reality is that the package is indeed bipartisan where it matters, ie the public. 60% of all republicans support this package, with an overall support of 74%. Congressional republicans hate both democracy and they hate America.

sahilkapur Why try to appeal to the GQP? They're not interested in helping people or upholding the Constitution, just worshiping Trump. Do as much as you can for the people now. If nothing tangible ($$$) is placed into their hands, they will not turn out, then 2022 & 2024 are lost already.

sahilkapur It's bipartisan for Americans, wanted by the majority. Republican lawmakers are the only ones not on board.

sahilkapur Over 75% of Americans want and support this. By that very definition it is bipartisan. Those jackass Republicans in Congress are purposely voting against it making it partisan in Congress only. Fuck me, I could do your job better, how much you get paid?

sahilkapur It does have bipartisan public support. How is it Biden’s fault when Republicans refuse to vote for anything this administration does? You can’t just let one party block everything and then just cry about the lack of bipartisanship.

sahilkapur Never heard the GOP even mention unity since Obama! They don’t want anything to do with unity! 😳🇺🇸

sahilkapur I think then the covid relief should only goto and help the people who support the bill. The money should NOT help Republicans against the bill.

MemphoNewsLady sahilkapur Not surprised

sahilkapur POTUS LeaderMcConnell Congress is no longer Republican - They are Trumpicans. 76% of Americans polled - of both parties - support the bill. The GOP NO LONGER SUPPORTS AMERICANS - THEY ARE IN IT FOR THEMSELVES!!! RIPGOP2021

sahilkapur Yeah!!! The reality is : both parties play games for they own good and the American people pay the price for the political war . I want to be in power 😭😭😭

sahilkapur The headline should be the Dems represent more people than the GOP. It is bipartisan.

sahilkapur And of course some of those Repub 'votes' shouldn't even count because several RReps lied, saying they couldn't attend because of covid but really they were in FL attending CPAC

sahilkapur Because republicans only care about owning libs for the sake of owning libs and don’t actually care about getting anything done

sahilkapur Tough

sahilkapur I do hope the voters remember this - Shame on the Republicans in their McMansions ...


sahilkapur Biden is doing what he promised, try to defeat Covid and sorting out the mess the other guy left. I have the height of admiration for Joe Biden

sahilkapur It is bipartisan bc it has bipartisan support on main street as well as with small businesses across America. So screw House R's. They are not listening to what most ppl want

sahilkapur Terrible headline. How about “Biden unifies country with new COVID rescue package. Republicans fume.”

sahilkapur What does this say about Republicans? That they are more interested in partisanship than helping their fellow Americans.

sahilkapur Ok then, if you're registered as a Republican no money for you or your constituents.

sahilkapur I'm old enough to remember when the Republicans gave wind fall amounts of money away to the ultra rich without Democrat support. So excuse me if I don't give a fuck about it only being a problem if the lower and middle class is included.

sahilkapur You’re not squinting hard enough. Try harder.

sahilkapur Great the other side did the same thing.

sahilkapur Sounds like a GOP problem.

sahilkapur Fyi......😷 One year ago. [02/25/20]

sahilkapur Oh wells.... let’s it be! They’ll never play nice, so we can stop trying NOW wasting the time and money

sahilkapur Only 9% of this $1.9 trillion spending bill actually provides COVID19 healthcare relief. Instead, the bill throws taxpayer dollars at: 🚫 Mismanaged State Bailout ($350 B) 🚫 Foreign Aid ($12 B) 🚫 Endowment for the Arts ($135 M) 🚫 Silicon Valley Underground Tunnel ($112 M)

sahilkapur The majority of these GOP also tried to overturn the election results. The issue is the GOP is no longer representative of the public. They need to come to the table.

sahilkapur Republicans in Washington are completely out of touch with what their own constituents want and need. They would rather bow down to a golden demagogue statue and play victim than help get this country moving forward

sahilkapur potus give up on the bi-partisan bullshit. It is not happening. Deal with Manchin and Sinema and dump the filibuster.

sahilkapur I love how we often look at 535 privileged people to decide how the country views things. 70% of the American people are in favor. I’d call that bipartisan.

sahilkapur SenatorRomney cut the bridges tunnels and subsidies to illegal immigrants, meet at 12/hr and offer a tax on companies that don’t pay 15/hr as a compromise POTUS

sahilkapur It is bipartisan in terms of the percentages of American people who are in favor of it. The Republicans in Congress are obstructionists and more concerned with their own pocketbooks and celebrity among their easily manipulated base. We will lead without them. They are dead weight

sahilkapur 75% of Americans are for this package. So are R governors and mayors. The people who have to get this done know what they need. It’s just the political cult on the hill that want to get in the way for their own selfish purpose. The people are on the side of POTUS

sahilkapur Joe would really like to have bipartisan Congressional support, but it's obvious Republicans want nothing to do with working with Democrats. Can't Blame Joe for Trying.

sahilkapur How can anyone in their right mind propose and vote for something that misleads the American people with the bill title and has almost nothing in the bill to help Americans truly needing help! What happened to the $2,000 per person that was basically shouted out to BUY VOTES?

sahilkapur Can we stop being surprised that Repubs will always choose party over country, are complete hypocrites, supporting $2trillion tax scam for the rich but not this. They represent noone but themselves & their wealthy donors. Biden is right, this is bipartisan based on public support

sahilkapur Too bad. He has to stop trying. They’ll never agree to anything that he initiates so move on.

sahilkapur Go big and let the results speak for themselves. A revived economy and the pandemic tamed, will be a hell of a campaign boost for the Democrats

sahilkapur Of course! 80% of Americans support it, The Republicans who attacked the WH over Black votes do not belong in America. Those weird believers of lies and bullshit straight from the Devil.

sahilkapur He would like it to be bipartisan but said it’s what he wants either way. Say it right and stop trying to start something.

sahilkapur 😮😂

sahilkapur By bipartisan Biden is speaking of the American population not the destructive authoritarian GOP Congress who will vote against anything Democratic.

sahilkapur Another ridiculous headline from the media. How shocking. And you people wonder why everyone hates you.

sahilkapur Instead of blaming DEMS...take a hard look at the GOP esp when an overwheming number of them voted to null and void the votes of blk people and to keep the QAnon legislator on committees CanYouSeeWhatItIs

sahilkapur Nothing will be bipartisan until trump is dealt with. He owns the party and if anyone goes against his will then they will be threatened to be ‘primaried’

sahilkapur No one cares. It passed!


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sahilkapur Every House Republicans who voted against the should be voted out of office. Can't understand why the Republicans always vote against the interest of their constituents

sahilkapur Repubs are all mean spirited in nature.

sahilkapur It's okay though .... who knew that all Republicans were racists and bigots? I thought they were just insurrectionists..who knew!

sahilkapur Republicans have been regressive throughout the entire 20th and 21st century. There’s not time left for their delays nor their obtuseness.

sahilkapur You need to adjust your definition...60% of Republican voters approve of the COVID-19 relief bill. The inexplicable part is why they don't pressure their reps to vote for it.

sahilkapur Ask Republican governors or mayors if they’re on board. They are. D.C. Republicans play a Zero sum game. They are employing the same obstructionist tactics they did to Obama. Ask them why they aren’t attempting bipartisan legislation and instead playing politics.Obstructionists

sahilkapur Remember that shit!

sahilkapur No surprise that HouseGOP RepVanTaylor (who claims to be Mr. Bipartisan) only votes the way Rep Greene orders. Taylor votes only partisan and apparently only represents the budding Fascist agenda.

sahilkapur It’s bipartisan in that the actual people want it! The politicians better catch up!

sahilkapur Because Republicans hate regular Americans

sahilkapur Republicans cry about Biden not providing relief all while Republicans block Biden from providing relief. Republicans don’t cats about the people.... just look at Ted Cruz and Texas

sahilkapur That's not true. Biden said he preferred that it would be bipartisan and was willing to work with Republicans. He also said they would go it alone if they had to for the good of Americans in need.

sahilkapur STFU

sahilkapur Republican VOTERS support it.

sahilkapur Why are we supposed to care about bipartisanship?

sahilkapur The country is in favor of it. Can we stop pretending that Republicans have any interest in governing? They’re too busy trying to take away voting rights to care about covid relief.

sahilkapur Because repubs refuse to vote for anything that THEY didn't design. They don't know the meaning of the word 'compromise.'

sahilkapur President Biden has been told to sell this bullshit $1.9T Covid-19 package as bipartisan. But that message crashed into a hard realityBiden has no idea-whats going on ! Saturday when the House passed the bill — without a single Republican vote.

sahilkapur The Republican GOP care more about their pockets than about helping constituents. tedcruz is epitome of That party’s crookedness

sahilkapur Oh well...thats why we need to keep it blue in 22. It passed.

sahilkapur It takes two to tango. You can only hold out your hand for so long before you have to use it to get the at hand done.

sahilkapur Journalist of this age, Biden never ever used the republicans in the house or senate. He used the American people’s poll, taken by both Dems and Reps. The person who typed the above is MAD!!!

sahilkapur Who cares? He tried, they balked. Now pass the fucking thing without them.

sahilkapur If 100% of Republicans decide to let Americans die of hunger, homelessness, and COVID, it's not Joe Biden's fault they won't come to the table. Please find new headline writers.

sahilkapur The reason so many of us conservative Republicans voted them out. They lack ‘people’ skills and followed a poisonous doctrine of fake leadership. The voters demanded change and it was done.

sahilkapur 3 out of 4 Americans approved the stimulus and not a single Republican voted in favor of it. Says it all really


sahilkapur Who cares if the GOP supported it? All Americans want is $15 minimum wage!

sahilkapur Stop banging the ClickBait . You know damned well the GQP are never going to vote for anything that benefits the actual public! If it doesn't have tax cuts for their WelfareQueenOligarchs & Corporations the Qpublicans will never vote for it!

sahilkapur Baby, I don't care if it's bipartisan. Let's go. Let them keep voting against their constituents and watch what happens.

sahilkapur Bipartisanship is fairy tale told in the media! It is about politics and power nothing else!


sahilkapur He’s the president passed this bill people needs the support

sahilkapur The bill is bipartisan, Republicans are not. Unfortunately, Republicans wouldn’t vote for a bill naming Trump god-emperor for life if it was proposed by the Democrats.

sahilkapur The Relief Bill has BIPARTISAN support...of the people. You know, those pesky humans the Republicans are supposed to represent? Report the facts, not the spin. This isn’t a game.

sahilkapur Americans won’t remember the vote count, just that Biden did something to help.

My_corner_table sahilkapur Which has not one thing to do with President Biden. You folks need some help with headlines and editing.

sahilkapur Christ! Bipartisanship isn’t determined solely by how many of the republican death cult caucus supports a bill. Americans of all stripes support it.

sahilkapur Heaven forbid GOP actually want to help Americans who are struggling.

sahilkapur Another reason we have to do everything we can to hold onto the majority, it cannot be such a slim majority either, we need 2018 numbers.

sahilkapur Why report it this way? How about, Joe made a great effort for bipartisanship, but republicans held their cult line and refused to help American families.

sahilkapur To the victors go the spoils! We don’t need no stinking Republicans!😂

sahilkapur Fuck em. Did we really expect them to vote for the package. They’re too busy planning their next insurrection.

sahilkapur Republicans have no interest in the average American. They prefer wealthy donors regardless of the impact it has on quality of life. The only real hope is to give Democrats complete control of the government for the next 16 years to solve the mess Republicans have created

sahilkapur Most voters wanted it, even Republican voters. It was bipartisan to voters and the Republicans in office care more about owning the libs than getting anything done. This country is dying.

sahilkapur Face it - there is no such thing as bipartisanship with the party that believes the election was stolen and supports insurrection against democracy.

sahilkapur Republicans hate Americans. Republicans are totally on board with supporting the likes of Putin and any oligarch that will stuff them with money and graft.

sahilkapur The Republicans will never allow the Democrats to look good passing policy that's helpful

sahilkapur Republicans have NO interest in helping regular Americans. Time to EndTheFilibuster and get in with Biden Admin’s agenda of serving the people.

sahilkapur A majority of Americans approve. It is Bipartisan!

sahilkapur He cannot make Republicans like the American people. But the bill has bipartisan support with the American people. So take that.

sahilkapur Oh well. Too bad for the GQP


sahilkapur It is a bipartisan bill of Americans of all political stripes who need it and want it.

sahilkapur It’s bi-partisan by the American people.

sahilkapur Hey NBC!!!! Bipartisan meaning 73% of republican and democratic citizens, you know, AMERICANS supported this bill!! Bipartisanship isn't just reserved for the rethugs on the Hill! They're useless!!

sahilkapur I didn't vote for him to play nice with the homegrown Nazis. I voted for him to get shit done. If he can do it without a single vote from the other side, then git'r done!

sahilkapur Terrible headline. FFS NBC

sahilkapur They don’t represent their constituents. The bill is bipartisan among Americans.

sahilkapur He just showed everyone that republicans don't give a shit about anyone but peach pol pot. Republicans didn't want to do anything and that's what they did. So, we did it and we don't need republicans for shit and should not be talking to them about anything.

sahilkapur It was bipartisan against this bill, take out the bs and just provide aid to Americans

sahilkapur The real story is why are republicans elected officials going against 60% of their voters?

sahilkapur This bill has very little to do with us

sahilkapur NBC- what the actual fuck? Biden is going for bi-partisan but the GOP is not. Why do you drop the ball for cheap shots so damn much? Yikes to you- you kids are a reason why we’re got into danger land with Trumpism. Fuck.

sahilkapur There is not such thing as 'bipartisan' anymore.

sahilkapur Yet 60-68% of the American people support it. Have to be more than a few Republicans among those supporters.

sahilkapur Biased reporting. Key members of the new GQP are in Florida pretending the former occupant is Kim Jong-Un and are pledging their loyalty to the man who cited violence & called on White Aryans to battle. It’s not Biden’s fault if the former GOP are a cult pandering trump lies.

sahilkapur Maybe it's because the 850 billion in bullsht nondirectly related to covid19 pork giveaways...

sahilkapur That's predictable. Has been that way since 2009. That's why when r's call for bipartisanship, they jam their things in to the bill, then don't vote for it. Just do it the Dems way, because R's vote never in good faith.

sahilkapur So much for unity and working together......the Republicans have made clear they will never do that. Time to remove the filibuster and get things done.

sahilkapur We won, they lost. We do what we want....isn’t that what they said four years ago? Welp, this is our time. To hell with reaching across the aisle to the deplorables.

sahilkapur It’s bipartisan with the public and that’s what matters. Maybe you should stop protecting the republicans refusing to help their constituents. That’s the real takeaway.

sahilkapur More than 75% of Americans including 60% of republicans support the bill..so it’s an American bill even if the insurectionist party voted against

sahilkapur The Republican Party is useless when it comes to anything beneficial to the average American. Smart people should realize it’s time to scrap that party and start a new one dedicated to bringing positive change to the country.

sahilkapur The Democrats should modify the filibuster rule requiring it to be limited to 10 days per instance , with a vote to continue it every 5 days , -1 less vote to end the filibuster for ever 5 day period. So at the end of 50 days, 50 votes would be needed to end the filibuster.

sahilkapur It is the Republican’s fault...their recalcitrant contrarian posture no matter how many they hurt...or freaking kill

sahilkapur The American people support the bill from both sides.... that's how bipartisan works. The elected GQP is on an island doing nothing.... because they have no plans just hate.

sahilkapur It has bipartisan support across the country. Governors and voters from both sides of the aisle.

sahilkapur What A Selling It Was,Deterrence By Military Planning And Activation With Bombs And A Show With Precision,Power And A Needing For Strength And Exceptance.Bomb A Country And Turn Around Sending Loads Of Money To It.Bribery Has No Place In Government.

sahilkapur Maybe because it has very little to do with covid or relief for Americans. Americans only know what the propagandists are telling them. They have no idea federal employees get $1400 a month if their kids aren't in school or big tech's subway or the bridge to Canada to name a few.

sahilkapur How many things the Republicans pushed without a democratic vote... 🤔🤔

sahilkapur Stop voting for Banana Republicans

sahilkapur Republicans in Congress are the party of Obstruction. 75% of Americans support the legislation. Republicans refuse to vote in the interests of their constituents Same with minimum wage, 67% of Americans are for it. 100% of Republicans in Congress against.

sahilkapur 76% of AMERICANS support the covid relief bill making it bipartisan. Time to redefine bipartisanship in the media since Congressional GOP cannot even commit to democracy & their only purpose is to obstruct. Focus on those not willing to help Americans in their time of need.


sahilkapur It is bipartisan. Dems and Rep voters approve. Their reps Are voting against their wishes.

sahilkapur Maybe not in the congressional sense, but it certainly has public bipartisan support.

sahilkapur To be fair the entire MAGA caucus wasn’t even there so 🤷🏻‍♀️

sahilkapur Maybe bash the Rebublicans who cynically vote against the interest of their own constituents and against 70+% public support just to prove they will not ever work in a bipartisan manner and also caused this whole mess by totally failing at pandemic management. Just an idea.

sahilkapur So your point is that he encourages unity but Republicans cans, the pro-birth party, said no because billionaires will get taxed to pay for it. Please frame the tweet as “DESPITE calls for unity, republicans won’t.”

sahilkapur Both Democrats and Republicans need relief during a pandemic and will benefit from relief that the AmericanRescuePlan will provide. GOP Congress representatives need to advocate for their constituents! GOP SenateGOP SenSchumer USSenate JoeManchinWV

sahilkapur Republicans agree with direct checks, vaccine distribution, unemployment benefits,, service/small business relief. They don't support all the other BS in the package that has nothing to do with Corona.

sahilkapur No one gives a waz that the Republicans were left behind. They decided not to give half a crap aboutbthe American people. When it came to giving the oligarchs and corporation a 3 trillion dollar tax gift they got all wet in the knickers. $1,400 for the everyday man not so much.

sahilkapur The only people who don’t want this relief Bill are elected GOP members. They have formed a small club together, and I suspect many voters will remember this next year.

sahilkapur 7 in 10 Americans approve—making the package bipartisan.

sahilkapur Again.... While everyone is Sleeping

sahilkapur This may have a silver lining. Biden is living in 'Bipartisan Dinosaur' land. Call SenSchumer 202- 224-6542; SpeakerPelosi 202- 225-4965. Write the 2021 Voting Rights Act to fit into the RECONCILIATION Process. Or, we'll lose Congress in 2022. NYMag➔

sahilkapur 'Selling' is not what he is doing. He was hoping for bipartisan support before going it alone.

sahilkapur Bipartisan means that VOTERS and CITIZENS support it. Same with unity. Frame it by highlighting the millions in both parties who want/need it

sahilkapur 70% Americans in favor vs do nothing out if touch GOP Congress. Yes Americans are bipartisan.

sahilkapur So much pork in this thing. Less than 20% for covid relief.

sahilkapur And that’s not under Biden’s control. He can’t control if GOP lawmakers reneg on their deals.

sahilkapur Who cares, F the GOP at this point. They aren’t going to agree to anything so move past them.

sahilkapur 60% of GOP voters support the bill. that makes it very bi-partisan

sahilkapur Or hear us out. “Bipartisanship” could mean people outside of DC approve of it. You know...the people the bill would benefit? And it is bipartisan when you look at who supports the bill outside of politicians. How about you say that in your headline?

sahilkapur Oh, well! The republican voters want the benefits of this package. If not, they can send back any proceeds.

sahilkapur Out of touch , or needs to align his headline messaging with reality.

sahilkapur The only thing bipartisan was the vote against it.

sahilkapur It is bipartisan because it is what the *people* want. Republicans only represent themselves, not their constituents.

sahilkapur Why does the GOP hate Americans? That would be a more accurate way to describe the vote.

sahilkapur Republicans want it and know it's in their constituents best interest but they are cowards, afraid of their own and colleagues.

sahilkapur Lmaooooooooooooo

sahilkapur Fuck it, this is the only way to get stuff done. If the GOP isn’t willing to play ball then force your way through. Bipartisanship isn’t gonna work it’s the truth unfortunately

sahilkapur The only hard reality is that the Republicans don’t care about Americans and haven’t for decades. SenateGOP GOPChairwoman GOPLeader HouseDemocrats SenSchumer SenateDems

sahilkapur It is bipartisan in that it is overwhelmingly supported by the American ppl. The problem is the GOP in Washington do not represent the will of their constituents

sahilkapur Not JoeBiden POTUS fault. Republicans are just stuck with the orange cult mindset.

Oldlady12345 sahilkapur This is unusually popular legislation. I really don't understand why people keep voting for Republicans. I don't think they're planning on winning any more elections the conventional way.

sahilkapur Why do we pretend the Republicans are reasonable people who will cooperate? They are a power hungry group of mostly white men who have lost control of their party. Their use of racism, perverted religiosity and anti-government rhetoric has built a party of anger and ignorance.

sahilkapur Why should anyone be surprised? They're going to drag their feet at every opportunity. They're not interested in governing- they're interested in regaining power, and to do that, they have to make the Democrat's look bad. End the filibuster.

sahilkapur So much for unity

sahilkapur Because there wasn't any corporations benefits or tax cuts for the rich. This was for the real American people, the middle class.

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