White House: No plans for a President Pelosi if Trump, Pence are incapacitated by coronavirus

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There is no plan in place to facilitate Nancy Pelosi’s ascension to the presidency should Donald Trump and Mike Pence become incapacitated by the coronavirus, says WH press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany revealed Thursday there is no procedure in place to facilitate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ascension to the presidency should President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence become incapacitated by the coronavirus.

The disease penetrated the president’s inner circle last week after one of Trump’s personal valets and Katie Miller, Pence’s press secretary and the wife of White House adviser Stephen Miller, both tested for Covid-19. But McEnany said the administration has not taken action to prepare for the possibility that Pelosi might need to step in as commander in chief.reporters. “We’re keeping the president healthy. We’re keeping the vice president healthy. And you know they’re healthy at this moment, and they’ll continue to be.”

As speaker of the House, Pelosi is second in the presidential line of succession after Pence. Should she fall ill or be unable to perform the duties required by the office, the role of acting president would be passed on to the president pro tempore of the Senate, Sen. Chuck Grassley Fourth in the line is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, followed by a slew of other Cabinet officials.


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Um, continuity of government is something the government always has plans in place for. If it were that easy to get rid of it, it would have happened long ago.

And hopefully both of them are put on ventilators and they suffer terribly!

It’s called the constitution. Speaker of the House is 3rd in line

The WH probably wouldn’t plan for that. They don’t want it to happen.

Just make sure there is enough ice cream in the White House freezer and she will be fine.

That's what they think.

There is a plan to promote you to janitor of the whitehouse?

There’s always been a plan, it’s called succession. Whether this bimbo knows it or not. lol

Maybe PressSec didn’t know that SpeakerPelosi was third in line of succession. We all know that realDonaldTrump isn’t aware of that.

She might want to educate herself regarding the chain of command.


Pres. Succession Act makes that automatic, but big issue is if a VP alone is incapacitated. Const has no provision for that. VP Cheney gave Pres. Bush a resignation letter contingent on a disability; VP Pence / all future VPs should do the same until Constitution is fixed.

Yeah on your wish list?

We don't need a new plan .... the founders already made one. .. .. Shows to go ya McEnany hasn't got a clue.

Yes there is. A moving van wraps there stuff up and takes wherever they want. Constitutional succession takes care of the rest.

Bull S.

Another idiot who isn't familiar with the Constitution.

I think it is stated in one of our historic documents about succession. She’s third up.

We can all dream. That would be so much better than what we have now. Pelosi is so much better at bringing people together. She has the skill on solving problems that we face as a nation.

bleached blond bimbo ?

It doesn’t matter if there is no plan. It’s in the Constitution, if she would read it.

They all seem to forget about that thing called the Constitution.

Smoke some more!

Well, except for the Constitution that is.

This appears to be a game to them.

Is there a plan in place to replace Pelosi is she becomes incapacitated from the virus or the dreaded rising eyebrow virus?

suzannekeith71 No plan from Trump, Blondie, but there is a Constitution that lays it out.

Ahh the idiocy of the left to think this country would EVER let Pelousi be in charge.

Why would there be? There is no plan to facilitate my ascension to the presidency either. Because there is almost no chance of it happening

There doesn't need to be a plan you muppets. It's outlined in the Constitution. She wouldn't 'ascend', she would be sworn in. Got you're all so transparent!

'Ascension' - appropriate since she already has a halo.

If only there was this document that thoroughly explains how our government is organized and administrated and it would be readily available to everyone, perhaps through printed or digital means.

One thing she should realize is she will not have a job.

.....but she does have a tiara ready, just in case

I thought it’s called the Constitution.

A good report would include the name of the idiot reporter who asked the stupid question. You're overdue for layoffs, aren't you?

Why should there be a plan? Looks like Nancy is not healthy and may go first.

If this were ever to happen the cult would shit a brick big enough to fill the Grand Canyon.

Dude, that's Kayleigh McEnany worst nightmare. Not to mention every MAGA sycophant in the country. Don't go there. These people will spin themselves into a tizzy. Pelosi as President? To MAGA voters that's equivalent to the Antichrist coming to power.


Daddy would try to get Ivanka in there and call her first woman president. You know im right 🤔

Is there a plan if Pence and Trump become incapacitated by coronavirus and then Pelosi is trampled by bison?

This is what it sounds like when Politico creams its jeans over a fantasy.

She seems like she rehearses her lines

The constitution covers it, but no, in the most unlikely event ever, she would not ASCEND to anything.

The word is “accession.” 🙄

Oh no this is treason

Jeez, that situation is an American joke? Even a lowly Brit like me can't believe it could be true. The Thunderbird, Ageing Barbie Doll , Pelosi, becoming The President.? Aww, do make me laugh.

This is an absolutely ridiculous story and was written solely as a partisan gotcha.

Not for them to decide. It's in the Constitution. They should read it sometime.

Does there need to be a plan? If those two both get sick/die, then it's Nancy, by the Constitution. If they did have a plan at all, it would be how to circumvent her ascension.

ha ha!

Sounds like the communists are resorting to infecting the White House now after two failed coup attempts

Read the transcript

Someone put a rubber banana in that mouth it's like they dont even know constitution exists

It’s called the Constitution.

There sure is, in fact, such a plan. It's called the Presidential Succession Act. Stop spreading propaganda unchallenged.

Is COVID 19 the world’s bet bet?

The constitution is the plan. Why is this a headline

The comments makes no sense. She’s just trying to be relevant in my opinion.

Not by the conservative sector, but the rest of the nation has great hope it happens!

And just like that, they jinxed themselves.

The Speaker is a nutball IMHO & not worthy of being a spokesperson for S.F.'s China town much less what used to be the working Class's Democratic Party.

So you say but the way you’re acting that maybe you should have a shot at it

The outcome of Pelosi being a president is gonna be worse than the COVID19 itself.

The plan is called the Constitution. Even Trump can't ignore that.

Oh the irony ! Let us pray......

I guess she didn't get the memo. On succession.

Yes , when Trump & Pence die while in Office Pelosi becomes President !

Its call the constitution.

Please get busy on developing a plan. We want Nancy to be able to assume control with little difficulty.

This isn’t optional.

Talk about a huge what if and a huge partisan fight. Guaranteed that one side ignores the fact that one or both being in a hospital but still able to continue doing their job doesn't mean someone else gets to step in.... When medical comes up historically it involves complete

Don’t need a plan, the Constitution swears her in !

Did these people Not complete eighth grade? 8 grade.

And you know because... stick to trump news your not on Nancy Pelosi's team your on the loser team

Republicans will declare that part of the Constitution *unconstitutional*

Sure there is. The Constitution.

Does anyone in the White House understand how this works?

Should put it in place as both those corrupt fools have used up any good will the lord could offer them n as you probably know karma wants it’s pound of flesh, being a phony Christian will carry no weight!

That would be a blessing for our nation. Medical Doctors would be respected & their knowledge and desire to save people from dying. Thank you realDonaldTrump for your lack of concern for your citizens, pray they vote you out of office.

She will never step foot near the Oval Office.

Good thing our founding fathers laid one out for us.

No need for the WH to plan anything. The Constitution dictates.

No problem Kay. Nancy has one.

politico: the number one source for lefty fanfic

It's called the Constitution

Has she ever read the Constitution? Plus, she won't have a job anyway.

The plan is to nuke the entire capital area before we would ever let that happen.

That picture was unnecessary and obnoxious. You've become a political mouthpiece.

One can only wish

Who gives a shit if she does? They all play for the same team

That’s ok. SpeakerPelosi could fly blind and still do a better job than the two of them combined.

Sure there is. Its in that document none of them have read- the Constitution. And its inherent in the 20th Amendment

Umm the Constitution?

Thank goodness

Isn’t the Constitution enough?

A fate worst than death.

yes there is.

Don’t worry cupcake Nancy’s got it

Of course there’s no plan, it’s in the Constitution, period.

The new WH blow up blowjob doll is talking shit again I see.

They don’t have a plan for anything. They’ve been winging it for 3 years.

Imagine the White House is USA and the President is you, a citizen, of course most important. All citizens get tested every day! Good? No?

Except for that darned Constitution, right?

Well in realDonaldTrump defense he’s never got a plan and he’s always behind. So it’s typical of his failure as a “president” and “businessman.

If Girlfriend knew anything, other then to lie, she would know there has always been a plan & said plan has her out of the loop. Dumb is as dumb does

classic dumb blond....

The White House has the dumbest Americans working there

LOL!! No, nancy will never get that job

Does the Trump administration have anyone that has actually read the constitution.?

Has there ever been a plan, for any president and VP to be replaced?

You do know that we are going to hold you to your words...RIGHT? There never have been ANY plans for ANYTHING from Trump or Pence anyway. So you might want to watch carefully what you say.

Crossing fingers 😷😁

If only god took them both.

This story might prove the exception to the rule: if McEnany is talking, she's lying...

cmarinucci The Constitution isn’t a “plan”. It’s the law.

But then again, there is no plan for anything in this White House now is there?

Yes there is. It's called the 'Constitution.'

This administration should read the constitution PressSec


They don't need a plan for that because that plan has already been sorted.

They dont need a plan...it is in the Constitution!

It’s not up to her or the Trump administration. Duh.

That's ok, PressSec, pelosi can just walk right in and take over. She doesn't need any permission or plan. Not only that, she'll do a damn good job of getting us out of this hole. Trump is just prolonging our agony and killing the economy by refusing to take action

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