White House: 'No agreement reached' between Trump and Kim

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President Trump holds press conference after second summit talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un end with no deal.

White House reports that "no agreement was reached" between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at Vietnam summit.


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Smart negotiating.


KatyTurNBC Aren't all of you realDonaldTrump supporters tired of so much winning yet? DumpTrump ImpeachTrump

Master Negotiator

Disgraceful. Total failure by this press

President dump tells more lies on television. Stop broadcasting his own propaganda

I guess this means TRUMP won't be getting the Nobel peace prize. He doesn't deserve it now or ever.


He's claw his way out of this with some bullshit to try to make himself look like a hero...the art of the deal is lost on that old man.

No deal with tRump either hes a crook

Useless fake presidency

Was there a special realDonaldTrump super commemorative coin for this fiasco?

The Art of the Loser

The orange groper lost the ratings battle yesterday to Cohen! Yippee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump is so in over his head 🤯🤯🤯

Amateur hour!!

Maybe he can host that show “Deal, No Deal”.

Great job President 👏👏👏

Art of the no deal

President Shitbiscuit is anto America, plain and simple.

Winning doesn’t seem to be in the cards for the TrumpCrimeFamily. He’s gonna wish he stayed in Vietnam. CohenCongressionalHearing Fraud DonTheCon BigTroubleInVietnam Individual1

The whole thing was to get the Big Diaper realDonaldTrump out of here while CohenTestimony was on TV.

And does everybody know that this guy was doing missile test about every 24 days. Do you all know how many days and has been since he has tested? Funny how you don't share figures like that... Trump has done more for peace with North Korea than anyone

Another TrumpFail

I am totally shocked by these developments! End their sanctions and impose our health care system on them!After a rew months the N.Koreans will beg for an agreement!!😄😄😄

Hahahahahahahahah The Art Of The Deal Not

Good, proves hes a baffoon.

Damn. Was it the bone spurs again?

He holds every dictator at their word but not our US intelligence? trumpisunamerican

Well, that went well, didn't it. What was the title of his book.....oh yes, 'The Art of The Deal.'

The great 'No Deal' maker.

'Get rid of your nukes and let us inspect every inch of your country.' 'No.' 'Where's my Nobel Peace Prize?'

Trump’s non-deal.

Coulda shoulda woulda

So trump went to the at nahm in got his a** kicked by an Asian Communist. Where were the bone spurs this time?

Sounds like 'new daddy issues!'

What a shit show our country has become.

And took full credit for the big NOTHING that happened.

What a deal maker. Hahahahaha

Well at least he has gotten further than any other president.

And the left celebrates this as a victory.

dRump-the deal maker in chief

Trump is humiliated again, the US is embarrassed again.

Donnie couldn't close the deal.

Thee supposed it 👺'ART OF THE DEAL MAKER'👺...another wasted 'TAXPAYER TRIP'🤨 Individual1RussianAsset👺

Total waste of time

Another trump’s failure- ouch !

'Art of the Deal!' What a terrifying joke and add another notch to the failure belt. NoDeal TrumpKimSummit TrumpFail

No deal! Big shock NorthKoreaSummit

Over two years and the Art of the Deal seems to almost never work

The Art of The Deal...

No surprise!

Who knows what really happened. Can't trust a word trump or Pompeo say.

Wait, wait....you guys and cnn were just hyperventilating that Trump was going to give away too much? You make me sick


OK, hmm.. Well, better no deal than a bad deal.

Good evening folks, I’m a pluck up, good night!

The agreement between the P5+1+EU and Iran on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the culmination of 20 months of 'arduous' negotiations. He met Kim 2 times and no deal 🙅‍♂️ wow maybe 3rd time is a charm

I wish I could find a GIF for the how we feel about you.

FakeSummit ETTD

Nothing more to get back channel information ℹ️ from Vlad

There was never going to be a deal. He got his photo op though.


No deal so he can arrange for a 3rd summit where he can get MORE coverage . That is it , he got outstaged by Cohn and he doesnot like it

IMO Thats the best case scenario right now. He is not complex enough to negotiate something so grave.

This man couldn’t make a McDonalds Meal Deal

And here we have it folks: DonnyDotard’s Farts and Fury in FakeBoneSpur Nam IvankaTrump LaraLeaTrump DonaldJTrumpJr: worst judgment in the WORLD.

Figures he couldn’t cut a deal with scissors ✂️

All the best people.

realDonaldTrump why the F wld u announce a signing ceremony & press conference when nothing happened?

At least Trump doesn't lead from his behind as did the globalist Obama. The puppet being brief by his Trilateralist handler Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski. Leading the way to surrender sovereignty for a communist North American Union.

The winners were the Dems and their propaganda arm with Cohen side show. N.K needs to feel that Trump has support at home. They were glued to the TV to get a feel of that and probably changed their minds by end of day. I've been reluctant but we truly have an enemy within so sad.

Sooo, Trump met with the North Korean Dictator for nothing, guess he can kiss that imaginary 'Peace Prize' he was trying to get, goodbye, lmao

Too bad!!! No Nobel Peace prize!!! He was really looking forward to that!!! I guess Japan has to withdraw his nomination

No way this guy has an IQ higher than 3 or 4. That’s Dotard Donny folks.

The President did a wise decision , no deal better than a bad deal, not taken 2020 election over country, is a breath of fresh air, we have a leader in office like that. Looked ten times better than Cohen and Democrat foolish game. Clinton worse candidate, Cohen worst witness.

I’m sure Individual 1 got a nice card and a used condom from Kim❤️

What no signing as promised

realDonaldTrump sounded exactly the same when giving Kim a pass on Warmbier's death as he did when he gave MBS a pass for Khashoggi.

At least NK knows that it has fabulous beaches now....

Awwwww.... no Nobel prize! 😢😢🙄🙄

Well, we've heard his spin on it. We'll probably get the truth from Kim Jong Un.

When is he going to make an effort to understand English spoken with any sort of accent. His screwed up facial expressions, waving his hands up like 'Why can't these people speak English?', and asking 'Where are you from?' - it's beyond rude.

Vlad the Dad will probably have to disown his illegitimate son donald. If he is no longer needed, well...

Someone PLEASE ADDRESS the word diarrhea!

POTUS sounded like he was negotiating for waterfront properties in North Korea. I guess he can successfully con 30% of American yet he cannot con the North Korean dictator.

The great deal maker

POTUS just said (paraphrasing) 'Otto Warmbeir's death & Korean peninsula stability: a small price for me to be liked by Kim Jong Un.' Coward. Con. Constitutional deconstructionist. GOP like Cohen said he's PHUCKING you while you DEFEND him. EnemyoftheState EnemyoftheFreeWorld

So, no deal. Great. After going half way round the world and kissing his ass and making a big fuss, he couldn’t close. I thought there was going to be a bunch of Trump properties going into NK?

Hey Japan, you must feel foolish about your premature Nobel nomination.

This is the most dangerous guy to ever be in the white house. We should have done some things sooner

He wants to be like them.

Trump the super negotiator. The stupidity to think NK will give up its leverage to a common reality tv personality. He thinks your not real bright.


I guess we got screwed

I love how he blamed the Cohen hearing. I guess he forgot that it was his threats on Twitter that caused the hearings to be delayed.

“The Art of the Deal”, GOP what are you doing?

So we’re all surprised trump couldn’t reach an agreement? Not. We never thought this was more than Kim’s big photo op and Kim taking control of the dialogue. Hahaha. Not funny!

What an international embarrasment.

Of course not. This president is a fool who has been punk’d by Kim yet again. Oh well, and now back to our regular programming...no collusion and border security featuring the most prolific liar to ever set foot in DC! ‘yawn’

I am in total shock!

The art of the deal

What a lot of garbage Trump talks...and still no reporter calls him out on all his lies !!! Unbelievable.


Dirigible Don by roweafr

Negotiator-in-Chief Strikes Again! Master negotiator, NOPE. Played by Kim Jong-Un – hell, YES

This is so embarrassing, tRump is forcing Pompeo to help him answer reporters questions.

Donald gets played by Kim.

Kim:('Bach home I could have this fool eaten by pigeons')

That's why previous presidents have not entertained the dictator come on trump I know you threatened Cohan if he produced your grades now we know your the only dummy left please America get a respectable president back

Cuz trump is no deal maker

George W. Is just laughing and laughing watching trump on TV and sayin '' that boy sure is stupid'

realDonaldTrump 'I Love China! China All The Time!'

Because he was up all night watching Cohen?

He’s doing his campaign speech. I’m going to bed.

TrumpCrimeFamily calls CohenCongressionalHearing hearing a “Fake hearing” and says should have happened during the summit. WTF? He does not look good. Brought his friend hannity w him to Hanoi. Guess it didn’t help.

I’m grateful as I have no confidence in his ability or willingness to make a deal that is in the interest of The United States

Pompeo is sweating this one out . Trump looks like he's been hit with a dozen eggs.

Trump is showing the world how obviously mentally incapable he is to do this job. He can't even handle a 2 part question. he just rambles on and calls the next reporter

No deal for Trump..... but Kim did at least sing 'Could I Have This Dance' to him.


realDonaldTrump while you clearly screwed the pooch today in Vietnam we all learned about your cover up. Can you spell RICO?

Is he still our President? Ugh.

So the GOP is launching a smear campaign against Michael Cohen. Calling him out for being a felon. But his crimes were directly related to the head of the GOP. What is that? Hypocrisy? Irony? I know you are but what am I? I know its something bad.

And he still chooses to lie


Trump said Cohen’s whole testimony was a lie. But couldn’t say what part of the testimony he lied about.

Trump trying to walk off the kick in the balls suffered thinking he was going to make some sort of historic deal with NK now he gets to go home in time for a Mueller report to drop after his fixer just implicated him in crimes

Hahaha!!! A massive disappointment from a guy that thought he should have gotten a Noble after first love in

realDonaldTrump chokes in Vietnam. Must have been the bone spurs or his standard line of lies. Meanwhile while you were letting down our country we at home we had a great day learning about your upcoming charges in the Southern District of New York! Can you spell RICO!?

We got THIS GUY REPRESENTING US..blows my mind

Hey Donald ... TV adds 15 pounds

What a joke, so Trump going to let them keep some nukes....! What a fool...!

i really wish he would let them FINISH the question....so rude

And this is how realDonaldTrump failed yet again 😎


North Korea hasn't talked to the Western world in decades and the left still criticizes Trump. Shame. This is historic. Shame on your bias views. The press should never pick sides. You are what is wrong with the world. Idiotic headlines that fuel pompous idiots.

I Don’t Trust His Voice. He Sounds Nervous On The XM. Something He Set Up With Kim, Doesn’t Look Gud! Seriously! Don’t Trudt Him, Period!

And here we go...about the hearing...

summary of the Negotiator in Chief: 1st meeting, no deal; 2nd meeting, no deal. Lawrence maddow

It's ok seanhannity is there to stroke him and sing Soft Kitty anotherTrumpFailure

Can’t watch hannity. The press conference is over

It Sounds like the Great Deal Maker could not close the Deal with His Lover Kim Jong Un! Sad!

Thank God all of America is up after midnight to enjoy . . . 💤😴💤

Am I wrong to think that the president should be at home, tending to our country, when we have a “national emergency” Why travel abroad for a fake summit to puff up his Nobel campaign if he feels we have a national emergency

Hannity is trying to spin a positive on the summit failure

Sean Hannity Wow. Holding Trump's hand in Hanoi! Hannity... the unofficial cabinet member.

Oh for fuck's sake, Sean Hannity is there.

I think I will wait to get the sum up version on the news. I don't believe anything you say anymore Trump. maddow

Sean Hannity is such a plant 🤣

Ugh he’s doing the Mussolini chin...

SeN Hannity is there at the pressor

The press conference starts off rambling and doesn’t exactly instill confidence about the state of world affairs.... seems like realDonaldTrump has been up all night watching something

Did Kim finally just conclude (like everyone else), that Rex was right and dealing with this lying moron was a waste of time?

BREAKING: President Trump says 'sometimes you have to walk' in describing not reaching a deal to sign with the North Koreans at the second Trump-Kim summit; describes Kim Jong Un as 'quite a guy and quite a character.'

Jet lag + ADDERALL + no mental discipline = rambling. Let's get deets as to WHO shut down talks. trump too distracted fr Cohen? This event was a boondoggle to begin with.

Is he going to resign in Vietnam? Would be a fitting end to his heelspurs presidency

Skip it. We're not interested in this group of idiots.

I guess he can’t declare a national emergency to get out of this epic fail. Kim Jong Un strikes again.

howiemandel for president 2020.

No amount of spin can save this guys reputation after being played by chairman Kim. A very bad no good day for Donald

I get it now! He wants a unified Korea. China won’t. Kim probably doesn’t.

About as far removed from reality as you can be

So much for the deal maker.

DumbassDonny ...

What the fk is he saying ?

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